*Assisted conception ladies due Jan/Feb/March 2017*

Hi ladies, we're all feeling better except baby's tummy must have been cramping because she cried periodically last night. We took her into our bed so we could feed her more regularly & comfort her immediately.

I have the Sonoline B from ebay. Was ~ $30 new.

The sharp pains my OB calls the picket fence pains. When baby snuggles in there are nerves they reach all over the uterus that refer elsewhere. It can last the whole pregnancy or subside & recurr.

Praying be careful with Melatonin & pregnancy. I watched a documentary that non-pregnant regular adults take up to 3 times more Melatonin than what's required and it's contraindicated with pregnancy:
Oh wow thanks 2have4kids. Reminds me how careful we have to be with what we put into our bodies during pregnancy. Avoid in women who are pregnant or trying to get pregnant. Melatonin may decrease sex drive, increase the risk of developmental disorders, and reduce ovarian function
@froggy the link is worth checking out.
Thank you 2have, I'm still going to follow what my nurse says is safe. I know that because melatonin isn't regulated by the fda, they legally can't say whether or not it's safe during pregnancy. I of course would never take anything without getting it okayed by my clinic. I also don't take it every night, and only take 2.5 mg.
It's one of those pregnancy things that we have to use our personal good judgement for and I would never judge you on what you decide is right for you. To eat the sushi or not? Most Japanese would laugh knowing American women & British avoid sushi, and sushi is ok if flash frozen first (it's the fresh stuff that can carry parasites).
I eat sushi, as long as it's flash frozen, while pregnant.

The real harm, from what I've read in the World Gealth Organization's website are these two things:
- not enough folic acid in early pregnany = spina bifida. So I take 5mg 5- methyl folate < the active form that your liver doesn't need to process first.

And anemia. Low iron is a direct causation of ADD, ADHD, and learning disabilities. And how many kids do we see now with this? Who uses those big old heavy cast iron pans anymore? iron carries the oxygen on your blood to baby. So when you're hemoglobin is low or in other words you're even slightly anemic throughout pregnancy you're slowly starving your baby's brain of oxygen. So I take Proferrin (a super easily absorbed pill) and liquid iron (Floradix) in my orange juice in the morning 40 min before breakfast. My babies will be sharp! The problem with cheap pill form iron that is in most prenatals is it's very hard to digest and constipated us. Especially if your prenatal contains calcium too (they will just bind together and bung you up). So Proferrin, Floridix, and Spatone are the most easy to absorb. We need 28 mg of iron / day = 28 heaping plates of spinach. Are you eating that much? I'm not!:haha: and spinach is a non-haem iron, again hard to digest ugg. SOOO many woman get anemia in 3rd tri but have nooo idea how bad it is for baby (just check out the third tri pregnancy boards).

I blame the doctors for not screening for this more regularly and not educating about the long term developmental cognitive effects of anemia during pregnancy. My gf is in her third tri right now and anemic but refused to follow doctors orders and take something to help baby. I feel so sorry for him. I told her 3 month of taking a liquid supplement, even water like Spatone can make a lifetime difference in your baby's brain. She doesn't care, she hates supplements.:dohh: refuses to take a prenatal, won't eat veggies, got pregnant while on her honeymoon and drinking heavily. I told her with anemia she's setting herself up for a lifetime of misery if her baby has severe ADHD abd I hope for baby's sake it all comes out ok. She texted me 'thanks for sharing'. :cry:
hi girls - I'd love to join.

although, ironically I think this baby was conceived naturally ?? here is my backstory:

I fell pregnant the first month trying. I found out a few weeks later that it was a cervical ectopic pregnancy - the baby had implanted in my cervix. had a strong heartbeat and was growing appropriately so I was given MTX (a chemo drug) to stop the heartbeat and was prepped for surgery. Because it's life threatening, (high chance of hemorrhaging) they planned to go in through my femoral artery and cut off the blood supply to my uterus , but wanted the heartbeat to be gone before surgery. unfortunately I did hemorrhage before that could happen and I was prepped for a hysterectomy. miraculously they were able to avoid that (I stopped hemorrhaging once they removed the sack). but they had to stitch me up (in my cervix) and told me to take 3 months off bc of the MTX.

since then (over a year) it was unexplained infertility. I did two failed IUIs with trigger and femara. This month was unmedicated due to have a SIS performed (the femara was making me O early) but I requested a natural IUI. My doc humored me but turns out I ended up ovulating the day after the IUI.

although I have a ton of symptoms, I was absolutely (and still am) in shock that I got a bfp this morning. total shock. it's been 15 months and a natural cycle. I'm ecstatic. already got my first round of bloods this morning (high risk so betas every other day) and will be getting the call very soon.

I'm terrified but I know you'll ladies will understand. I look forward to meeting you all!!!

my EDD is 2.23.17

I was talking to my friend who is ttc #2 and I told her 2 months ago about taking folic acid for 3 months before conceiving is what is recommended. She replied with "oh I think that I knew that" and then just last week she says that she has only started taking her prenatal every day for a week. I didn't say anything to her about it again though. Also thyroid issues can cause the baby to have learning disabilities if not balanced which requires your thyroid to be checked periodically. I get mine checked every few months to make sure I'm on the right dose of medicine. And the same friend has a thyroid out of whack as well, but has only just now begun to go get checked, and she is severally out of balance. I hope she can get it under control.

I don't know that sushi is in my comfort zone. I even warm up my deli meats when I make a sandwich lol. I'm pretty freakish about everything since I'm pregnant. I call my clinic about everything. I'm sure I get on my nurses nerves by now, but that's why I pay them so much money, right? That's one reason I don't want to switch to my ob, the personal care I get is so amazing at my REs office.
Welcome beemeck! I have never heard of the embryo implanting in the cervix, how scary! Congrats on your bfp! Keep us updated with your betas.
Hey ladies! Had a great weekend with hubby, went to a park, had a good dinner, did stuff around the house and napped constantly!

The age old sushi debate lol. I personally don't like sushi enough to care, but if I really need it I think I would get the sushi that is more Americanized with cooked fish or shrimp anyways just to be safe.

I am just trying to eat as healthy as possible, I have prescribed vitamins that I take twice daily and am eating lots of fruit and veggies. Although for some reason I hate broccoli now.... I loved it for so long now I can't eat it. Weird for aversion I guess. Still not ms but nausea is kicking in, so trying to eat small meals and drink plenty of water.

Should I be worried I don't have ms? I know I am not far along yet and There are some articles that say yes, some that say no, some that say it doesn't matter. I know everyone's bodies are different, but anyone else feeling .... Pretty good at 6w6d?
Welcome beemeck and GL on your BFP. We'll be here waiting for your blood results.

@2have4kids I agree we have to use our personal judgement. ATM my vitamins routnie includes a prenatal prescribed by doctor, calcium supplement and folic acid.

@Froggy-Sigh isn't it frustrating when you are trying to actually help someone and they blow you off or are just so laid back. A few years back I had a coworker who once finding out she was preggors starting eating captain crunch cereal among other sweets everyday (she was a serious health nut pre BFP). I suggested that maybe she should try to eat a bit healthier because her baby's development is reliant on diet as well as vitamin supplements. Of course she didn't listen to me. Unfortunately, she ended up being diagnosed with diabetes during her pregnancy which led to having to follow instructions from a nutritionist and also having to take insulin. I know I do not have the best eating habits but I am surely trying to be conscious of what I put in my body.
Hi Myshelsong glad to hear you had a good weekend. I am not a big sushi fan either so no biggie for me on that one. I do not have any real symptoms either which actually sent me into a google search rampage over the weekend lol.
beta was 68 which they are really happy with for 11dpo. so please, please keep doubling!!!
I'll go back in 2. ironically, I'm more concerned about a loss than I am about another ectopic. so really hoping for good numbers so I can relax at least a LITTLE bit :haha:
Yes I am hoping your numbers keep climbing and try your best to relax which I know is easier said than done :)
Nice number bee, congrats & welcome!

Praying my friend is just like your diabetes lady, willing everything bad to happen that might. And what's so unfair is it's so easy for her to get pregnant. She hated babies until I had LO and then bam, she saud sge coukd 'warm up to having a kid' and the next thing I knew she was pregnant. I care about the babies if these women. If they refuse so adamently to take care of baby's nutrition when pregnant how receptive to baby's needs will they be aa moms? I'm glad my friend moved far away from me here in Canada to Florida. It would drive me bonkers seeing her little boy suffer under her care.
Myshel, I wouldn't worry about not having ms. I have only had nausea. I have gagged off of smells, sights, and brushing my teeth. On Saturday I threw up for the first time, and it was because dh ripped one in the living room while we were sitting on the couch. We had already had an incident where he did it a few days earlier and I started gagging, so as soon as he realized what he had done he took off running to get the air freshener. It was too late. I was already throwing up. I'm just glad I made it to the trash can
Hi Beemeck, you are very welcome!! Wow what a traumatic experience that must have been, I shuddered just reading it. Hoping with all my heart that this baby is sticking tightly, in exactly the right place. Will add you to the first page. Xx

I could be completely wrong... but maybe because we all struggled for so long we are all super concerned and go to a LOT of trouble to make sure our babies are ok, while other ladies who got pregnant very easily, might be very casual about the whole situation. Of course that doesn't apply to everyone... but I've even seen people carry on drinking & smoking etc while pregnant! And I agree, it really frustrates the heck out of me when people refuse to listen to good, scientifically proven, well-meant advice!

Froggy- the "throwing up thanks to hubs" story had me LOL. I could just picture it!!

Well I also still don't really have any symptoms! Had so much energy this morning that I did a nice workout. No real nausea, just a tad now and then. Boobs are no bigger and not very sore. Cramping has stopped. I'm feeling slightly more hungry & tired than usual but then again I'm always hungry & tired! :). My sister never had any symptoms with her first. If I wasn't ttc then I probably wouldn't have noticed these as symptoms at all. The only thing I guess that's a bit different than how I usually feel, is having posterior pelvic pain for a week now.
Myshelsong - I don't have any MS. I might have had a food aversion once. I won't worry too much about it, I'm sure it is coming. lol
Congrats beemeck! Hope the number doubles!!!

Fern - There is no doubt in my mind that we are all a little bit more cautious and terrified and concerned about pour symptoms, health, whatever because we have had to go through such lengths to get pregnant to begin with. This is 100% true for me.

Froggy omg that is so funny!!! Thank goodness I don't have nauseous smell syndrome. My toots have been the worst lately
Hi ladies,
It's been a really nice enjoyable weekend for me. Had a lot of family time and we had a no phone policy.

I'm definitely feeling more symptoms. I can't stand the smells of certain foods.
Today I was quite naseous and took Zofran.
Counting down till Wednesday mornings beta and us.

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