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Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Happy New Years ladies!!!:drunk:
Happy Bday Mrs F, hope you are spoiled!
Happy belated Ahbon!

Meggs- you sound like me in the beginning, I really had no symptoms and still dont have many ha ha- DH was like what woman in their right mind wishes for MS? :rofl: Mind you I had the pregnancy flush face about 2 days ago, was hilarious...
my tummy is still smaller than it was at 10 weeks, hoping that I get a bigger bump soon...I know its because my placenta has taken over and I dont have as much hormone, but I really want that baby bump soon

Happy new year ladies x x

Happy birthday mrs f and abhon.

Went to our local for new year, was a bit boring!!!

Had a lovely day today, been to mothercare, babiesrus and mamas and papas, hot measured for a maternity bra and was shocked that I've gone from a 34B to a 34D!!!!! Shocker!!!!

Bought a couple of maternity tops and a couple of new tops in a bigger size, pleasantly surprised that they fit now, I was expecting them to be huge, just waiting for trousers to be delivered! My jeans today were so uncomfy, I'm feeling very porky, all this eating!!! Think it's all fat rather than any baby yet!

Hope your all doing ok x
Happy Birthday Mrs. F

I am having major ms problems. Yuck. My nipps feel like they are burning....oh the joys lol
Happy Birthday MrsF and Ahbon - hope you both enjoyed lovely days!

And a happy new year to everyone else! Had a weird new year's eve drinking glasses of tonic with slices of lemon and ice hoping that no one would notice there was no alcohol in there!! We have decided to wait for the 7 week scan to tell our families but at least I have a date for that now - 24th January!! so 24 days and counting down, so so nervous, I dont think I'll relax until I see the baby on the screen in real life.

Am loving reading about all of your symptoms - can't wait to start noticing things myself! Although I could so live without this bloating - there was a woman out last night who was 6 months pregnant and her belly was smaller than mine! I have tried protein, extra fluids but its just not going anywhere! I guess it could be my ovaries still as I had a lot of follies pre trigger for the iui so am hoping it will ease off soon.
Happy Birthday MrsF and Ahbon - hope you both enjoyed lovely days!

And a happy new year to everyone else! Had a weird new year's eve drinking glasses of tonic with slices of lemon and ice hoping that no one would notice there was no alcohol in there!! We have decided to wait for the 7 week scan to tell our families but at least I have a date for that now - 24th January!! so 24 days and counting down, so so nervous, I dont think I'll relax until I see the baby on the screen in real life.

Am loving reading about all of your symptoms - can't wait to start noticing things myself! Although I could so live without this bloating - there was a woman out last night who was 6 months pregnant and her belly was smaller than mine! I have tried protein, extra fluids but its just not going anywhere! I guess it could be my ovaries still as I had a lot of follies pre trigger for the iui so am hoping it will ease off soon.

it will ease off hon, after 12 weeks or so...mind did, now waiting for a bump to come back
I still have nearly no symptoms most days. Some days, I literally feel completely normal, except for sore boobs. But, I know that's from my progesterone supplements. I go back and forth on whether or not I think things are okay. I saw 2 itty bitty little flecks of pink tonight, but it was following (TMI) bearing down for a bowel movement. It was even less than before... not even enough to call a dot... just 2 little flecks. :shrug: I didn't even freak out for a minute. I just saw it, wiped to make sure that there was no more, and moved on when there wasn't. I don't know if it means that I'm calming down or if its because I know that I can't stop things from going wrong, so I might as well just wait and see. I'm not feeling particularly positive, but I'm not really worried either. So, I don't know what to expect next week. I just want to get it over with.
Happy belated birthdays Ahbon and MrsF!

Happy belated New Years to everyone too!
Ladies, could I ask your opinions on sex. After egg transfer I was told no sex, at my scan I asked and was told no sex, when I saw
My midwife she says no sex until I have completed my pessaries. I have been following this rigidly but this morning I've slipped up, we didn't have sex but a fumble which was very pleasurable, whilst I held back I possibly allowed myself to go a little far in the big 'o' stakes, does this matter???? What is the issue with sex, does anyone know? As far as I am aware it's only us ivf'ers that are told to abstain. Is there a problem with playing around?
I'm curious too, as is my real life IVF buddy! She texted me about it yesterday! We were told "no sex after embryo transfer"... And, we didn't. Then, I looked up online how long the sex ban was on, and almost every website said 2 weeks. I asked a few other IVF girls on here, and they said about the same. So, we went ahead. It happened about 4 times in a week (we both missed it an awful lot... LOL), and then I got my new calendar in the mail. When I looked at the restrictions on the bottom, it still said "no intercourse"... So, we've stopped and not done it since the day after Christmas. I never had any bleeding or even spotting afterward. And, I can't possibly think of what could happen to hurt anything. But, I'm following the rules now that I know I'm not allowed. I'm also very curious as to why. I'm pretty sure most people have sex when they're pregnant!
hmmm....that is definitely a specific IVF thing, wonder why?
we had sex pretty soon after I found out I was pregs.
I am sure no harm is done in fooling around or if you already had- maybe they just want you to be extra extra extra cautious
OOOh we have a new home!!!

Oh Belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Abhon and MrsF....Hope you both got spoiled rotten!

HAPPY 2011 girlies.....wow...what a life changing year it will be for all of us!

Mrs G... I know there are lots of missed messages re: sex, we were told ok after 1st scan at 7 weeks, although OH is worried about something happening and read in a Zita West book we should wait till 12w, so he has put us on a sex ban till then!!!!! only 1 week and 1 day to go haha. I really don't think its a problem, most women have sex normally throughout pregnancy and are usually only asked to avoid it if there is a threat of miscarriage.... so I say go for it...enjoy!

I am def coming through the first tri, nausea settled almost completely, eating choc and cake again and feeling like I have so much more energy...it wiped me out before! Although am getting a bit teenager spotty!!

Oh I wondered where this thread had gone, who moved us and why?????

I'm not really that into sex at the min anyway, OH just caught me off guard this morning, was a better distraction than getting up!!!!! I will def try and abstain from the big O till I get the all clear, I'm not taking any chances with this baby!!!!!!

My online order for maternity trousers came today!!!! I'm so excited - why did I not buy them before I got pregnant, they are much more comfy!!!!!!

I'm def going to buy some more stuff in the online sales!!!! I got £24.99 trousers for £12.00!!!!!

I have got really really lazy in the last couple off weeks, just want to sit on the sofa, I've got a huge pile of ironing to do and I can't be arsed!!!!
I think the no sex thing is for different reasons at different times. During the ivf cycle they say no because everything is so controlled and so if a wayward sperm got in and caused problems that wouldn't be good. After transfer they like pelvic rest for implantation. While you're doing the progesterone pills I guess the idea is to keep as much of the progesterone in you as possible. For me they say that since I've had bleeding I shouldn't do anything that could cause bleeding. I did see my ob today and she told me to keep holding off for now.

MrsF - could you put me down as for an Aug 11 due date? Thanks!
Hey all..... my clinic just said to not have sex for 10 days....and that was pretty much up when I got my BFP. I've only done it once though...a little to nervous and not in the mood with all the MS I have had. Anyway...there's my two cents :)
lol! Found you at last!

The IVF sex ban seems really odd, I would have thought once the baby was safely implanted and the mucous plug was in place that sex wouldnt present too much of a threat? But then, I know none of us would do anything with even a 0.1% risk to the baby! I didnt get any advice after that for IUI so we have dtd a few times but I find it really sore because the progesterone makes me really dry. Does anyone know if its safe to use lubricants? (sorry TMI!)

I am finally 5 weeks today which feels like a bit of a milestone. I had my biggest day of doubt yesterday, I was soooo crampy all day and was just feeling blah. But I did a test this morning and the line is still really dark so guessing that it is all OK and trying to forget about it today. Talking of tests, when did you guys stop testing? Or when will it become pointless to test? I think at the moment I am looking for an early warning of a chem if the line gets fainter but I guess at some point there will just be too much hcg around to make a difference maybe?

MrsG - I have been sooo tempted to buy maternity trousers in the sale! I usually wear quite tight fitting trousers and skinny jeans and cant get them anywhere near me at the moment! I am on a ban from buying anything til 12 weeks though but I am banking on the maternity department at the local ASDA - bargains ahoy!

Dilly - glad to hear that things are settling down for you! I cant wait for them to start! :p

Megg - just a couple of days til your scan now! Cant wait to see the results!
Well, I was sad about the sex ban right up until I saw pink discharge today... now you couldn't pay me to put anything other than the suppository up there! Too scared! LOL It didn't look or feel sinister, but I'm not taking any chances! No thank you!
heya ladies - i panicked cos i couldn't find you!!! I wonder if we got moved cos we've got 3 second tri's in here? or if it's because it's an ongoing thread?

had a fab birthday thanks ladies, thankyou for your messages x x x

sex? my god, i cant think of anything worse! has been a record abstinence of about 4 months this end :blush: i just cant bear the thought of it! doesnt help that i have pants symptoms still. my legs are constantly on itchy and on fire and i keep getting pressure headaches on a daily basis. Hoping to see the midwfie soon but because we've just changed medical practices, i've gotta see the booking in lady first, then the doc, and then i can see the midwife! i wouldnt mind, but each appointment is about a week apart!!!!

but, on the plus side, my appetite is coming back more and more! am hoping to increase fruit and veg now MS has gone cos i'm fed up of feeling poorly all the time!

Also, i think i may have felt beany fluttering the other day :happydance: cant be sure, but i know it wasnt wind! :happydance:

i'm about to hit the hay so i promise i will update front page with due dates and new members either tomorrow or friday - sorry for being a slack bum....

much love ladies x x x
Wow mrs f, a flutter!! That's really cool!

Marsmaiden, I tested twice on the otd, then only once since (a couple of days later). I didn't dare test after that just in case I got a negative, waited for my scan which was nerve racking, kept thinking I'd dreamt it all and they'd be nothing in there! Now I'm a bit more relaxed about things, my belly appears to be growing and I'm hungry all the rime, plus I've been feeling really nauseous, so if there ain't a baby going on in there, there's something seriously wrong with me!

I booked my first hospital antenatal appointment today, I feel quite proud to be an ivf lady, when I called she said, 'oh, your an ivf lady, you'll know exactly how far gone you are!'. Well my scan is 21st January (a long way away) but I'm in no rush, I'll be 12 weeks, 4 days by then, I'll have stopped my pessaries and hopefully get a nice clear shot of baby. Only negative is that we'll also have NT test so a little apprehensive, especially after watching Emerdale!

Mrs f, does your ticker suggest that you can find out the sex now or have I completely misinterpreted it??? I didn't think you could see till 20 weeks, who wants to know and who wants a surprise? I always thought I'd want s surprise but now I'm actually pregnant I want to know, I think it'll help me bond!
Congrats on 5 weeks MarsMaiden.... I remember being really nervous about the cramps I was getting, they went on till about 7/8weeks for me, so please try not to worry... (so easy to say i know!!)

Haha have to say have not been remotely interested in sex and been early nights and nausea till a week ago... although had a bit of a raunchy dream last night where I was having an affair with a man quite a lot older than me?????!!!!!! VERY STRANGE!!

Ooohh Megg....hope everything is ok..... is your scan tomorrow....??

Mrs G I have got some clothes coming on Sat..... Rachelle (from LTTTC section) lives 10 mins from me and has ordered in some maternity clothes for me from Next in the sale....cant wait to try them all on!!!! Had to wear stretchy leggings for work today, difficulty doing the top button up on normal trousers and sitting down at the same time!

Also ladies....getting a bit constipated....anyone else had this problem??? Any solutions... started on the Prune Juice today FX for a result tomorrow!

MrsF HOW EXCITING you had your first flutterings...thats wonderful...

Hello to all you other girlies.... Hope everyone is well xxxx

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