Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Things are v personal so might not do anything for you. But I find keepin legs cool works. So get them wet then put a desk fan on. Also elevate witha feather duvet which actually keeps em cool too

10 mins exercise before bed like exercise bike or walking helps me too

No supplements ever helped me apart from ropinerole which you can't take while preg

Have a look at or wemove (forgot the suffix) section on rls. There's a forum there. I asked about dealing with it while preg a while ago, will find the link when I get home. Replies were pretty much just try all the old wives tales until you find something which works

Codeine worked for me while I was coming off my ropinerole but I'd worry about taking it regularly while preg. Paracetamol might dull things enough. Just have to try everything and anything and mainly keep calm.

Its awful tho and I Rly do sympathise. The number of nights I sat up crying and kicking my legs about I couldn't even tell you how many. Hundreds.
thanks. Yeah the leg cooling thing makes sense, that seems to be what I am instinctively trying to do. And when it gets too vile I am getting up and strolling around. I tend to find it passes and I just need to distract myself til it's gone so lots of games on my phone. Was playing backgammon til 0130 this morning and it had more or less passed by then. But it bloody kicks in JUSt as I am nodding off to sleep, waking me right up again!!! x
Morning ladies!

Zeezee - CONGRATULATIONS!!! So glad that even though the birth sounded eventful that Georgia was delivered safely into the world *hugs* Hope you're both having a lovely time getting to know each other.

MrsF - Awww, how cute that we both have little Harrys on board! Was it you that was going to call a girl Lily Grace too? We def both have similar tastes! You must be counting down the days now, you're so close! I have had what I assume are BHs where my tummy just goes really hard and I lose my breath for a second or two, very strange feeling!

DM - that sounded like a right old palava at the hospital and so sorry taht it seems like they might be messing with your birth plans, hopefully your apppointment with the consult will shed some more light *hugs*

ahbon - lack of sleep sounds like a real bummer, sooo not looking forward to that! I had a bad night last night but only because I had bad dreams - I would be doing a random job in the house and then suddenly remember that I was meant to be looking after babies and have to go hunting them down as I had no idea where I'd left them!! Subconscious anxiety methinks!! :p

cranberry - rls sounds really rough. I had some very mild symptoms a few years ago and cant imagine it being any worse or for any length of time.

Getting paranoid again as I feel my little boy so much more than my girl at the moment, I don't have another scan til 28 weeks which seems a bit late to me if there do turn out to be any growth problems? My boy is breech though - would that account for me feeling him more? On the plus side, hubby has been able to feel him from the outside for a while now, especially this morning when he was either doing backflips or having hiccups!! <3

Weather down here is a bit grim at the moment, hope it picks up for your holiday DM!
If theyre lying differently then I guess its normal for them to feel different. Were the weights ok/equal last scan? If youre rly worried then I'd push for a scan, just go and make a fuss and theyll probably scan you to shut you up!
MM - sorry you are having awful dreams - gotta say I went thru that too for a while - very wierd ones too! As the bubs move around so much, even now, it's hard to say which is which when they do kick etc. Hubby saw a movement last night that made him laugh out loud....... someone obviously moved and you could see either the bum or back or something just move left to right across the bit between my tummy button and my bra strap! was so alien looking haha

I actually slept thru from 1-7am this am - think I was so knackered nothing could have woken me! Hoping I can sleep a bit longer than I had even if I have to get up!

Hope everyone is good - got a client arriving....... laters xxx

Well just had my booking in appt, found out that Im not getting a scan at 12w like everyone else... so just have to hope that everythings ok and tell everyone. not happy about that tbh. they make me have an early scan for some bullshit reason then dont give me a normal one...

Also found out that theyre having to see all the ppl they missed from last few mondays on my appt day, so theres 3 times as many ppl so its gonna be ages. Monday is the most stupid day to have a regular clinic which is time dependant. sigh.

Got all my free bounty stuff tho and my yellow notes which im sure to lose. The hospital MW come to my local GPs some times apparently. Quite overwhelmed by all the information tbh, but I assume that if I miss something Ill find out at some point

Because you can have your dating scan between 8 and 14 and they're making me have it at 8. Fricking news to me tbh, twats for not telling me. Only thing which might save me is that I'll only be 7+6 so they might have to redo it. I can have a private scan at 12w but that's another us and more risk... Pissed off tbh
There's no risk to the scans hun. But surely they have to do a nuchal scan? Personally I would book a private medical scan for peace of mind x
I didn't think there was, but the mw said there was risk to scanning too much and Ive already had one at 5w. Theres a few things if you google it but
Dunno if theyre just scare stories.

We don't get nt scans here. Can have a private Oscar scan if worried about downs but otherwise it's blood test and amnio. We get dating scan at 8-14'then anomaly scan at 20 wks and I think a 3rd at some point later
hey ladies, I am back finally just now from my business trip...what a gruelling week!! agghh, enough with the business travel already, I mean come on people I'm 32 weeks and huge, I am short of breath just walking from my car.

I cant possibly catch up on everything

but congrats Zee Zee, yeah our first momma!! :happydance::happydance::happydance: I cant wait to see the pics of Georgia, what middle name did you go with?

DM- whats the update? everything okay? are you back from the hospital? happy 32 weeks to us!!

Cranberry- hey hon, have you had a scan yet to see the HB? I know you had one earlier and there was no HB yet because it was early but its crucial to get that early scan to make sure everything is progressing right and as DM said it makes no sense for them not to give you a nuchal scan at 12 weeks. This tests for things like down syndrome ect.. and to make sure everything is okay. Especially if you had help (Clomid or IVF) or are over 30 years old, that test is a must and is time sensitive. really hope the clinic books it for you. I am sure all will be well :hugs:

MrsF- how was your vacation??

anyway, talk to everyone soon
They just don't do any nt scans on the nhs in my area is the thing. They do blood tests. Can't sleep I'm so upset about it.
ahhh dont stress Cran, sorry didnt mean to worry you- its just standard protocol here and most places.
when is your next scan? if you get an early one they can actually tell a lot on the first one too
Monday I'll be 7+6 which is my dating scan then I'll have anomaly scan at 20w. Not worried about downs rly, more the fact that I won't get the usual reassurance at 12 w that things are latched on properly and will have to wait an extra 8w to know

Wasn't you upsetting me too :) it's them
yeah but your scan on Monday is the big one, if all looks good then with the HB all should is moving along well. Thats what my clinic told me... 12 weeks is really for the dating scan or Nuchal scan
I thought that after 12w it was a lot more secure tho if you know what I mean. Latched on with placenta and blood supply etc so lot less chance of mc. Or is it just when ppl know the nt is clear that they usually announce it?
hmm yeah you have a point, after 12 weeks is when people usually announce. Gosh I dont know, I had both scans and really found both of them invaluable. Not everyone gets a 12 week scan (if there are no risks) so you might be okay
signing off now
I think people only announce at 12 weeks cos that's when their scan is. I was told at my 7 week scan that the generally accepted wisdom is that once there is a hb then its very rare to lose. most mc's don't get to the hb stage. I have to say though, my favourite bit of the 12 week scan was the total freak out that the pulsating jelly bean they showed me s month before was suddenly a wriggling stretching proper baby. Is bloody mind blowing!!!
I agree I cant believe how quickly it looks like a little baby and they are actually doing stuff at 12 weeks!!
Cran, looking forward to your scan next week, I am sure all will be well :thumbup:
Husband spoke to hospital MW and seems that community MW was talking out of her ass. Im getting an 8w and a 12w NT/Oscar scan - most women in my PCT just get a blood test so Im getting a free scan, no idea why, Im only 32. So all fine and she was just clueless. There were a few things I thought she said a bit unneccessarily tbh, but shes not my MW and I doubt Ill see her again so all fine.

Pft. Least I can enjoy my scan on Monday now tho and not go armed with arguaments, had already calmed quite a bit by this afternoon tbh but this is good news.

Thanks for talking last night :)

I think Ill wait til 12w scan then to announce it, my best friend is 14w preg and just back from honeymoon (first month trying grr) so she'll announce it soon and I dont want to steal her thunder.

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