Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

well hello my lovelies!!! Feels like its been ages! haven't been able to catch up yet - i'll fill you in on my story in a mo - but maxxi - are you ok cherub? Just spotted you're in hospital with contractions - big love to you and the babies sweetheart x x x

Well, the holiday was good - was very difficult though being so heavily pregnant and not being able to do anything - alot of the tour operators wouldn't allow me on any excursions due to insurance reasons, so we ended up on a few boat trips instead. 2 weeks was a bit too long as i wasn't doing much. Hawaii is so expensive so we ate in much of the time. Weather was bloody amazing though! felt good to finally get some sun on my face and bump! the flights outbound was pretty good, but the journey home was a nightmare.

anyway, we got back Monday afternoon, and I had a scan Weds morning to check on placenta position, but i didn't get that far! I've been struggling with my breathing and swelling since the planes home, and the midwife was not happy with my symptoms so i was taken straight to A&E for potential blood clots. Have spent a few days in hospital being checked out and luckily there's nowt there. diagnosis = large baby pushing up on my diaphragm preventing my lungs from expanding properly. Feel totally rubbish. 8 weeks left, 7 if i have to have a c-section - and v much counting....

am gonna begin the mammoth task of catching up - but in the meantime, i hope you are all well, welcome to the newbies, and much love x x x

Glad you had a nice holiday but boo to feeling crappy. At least everythings well in there.

oh my goodness mommies, please take care of yourself.
Maxxi- prayers to you that the babies stay there and cook for longer :hugs: glad they were able to stop the contractions, oh my gosh sweets you must have been so scared. Please keep us posted if you can, I imagine they will keep you in the hospital for awhile.

MrsF- welcome back, omg only 8 weeks left for you yeah :happydance:
yes I am having shortness of breath too, and its bubs pushing up on my diaphraghm, I hear we get relief in the last few weeks of pregnancy. Glad you enjoyed your trip but lousy you werent able to do much. We are planning to go to Hawaii as well when our LO is 8 months old (right before I go back to work).

okay ladies, have any of you decided on names or have ideas? lets hear them
Good bank holiday Monday morning to you all!

Hope our suffering mummies are doing ok today, mrs f welcome back, hope your ok and at home taking it easy!

Maxi - are you home yet? Bloody scary stuff this pregnancy stuff isn't it!

I'm going on holiday today and feeling great, oh is still poorly, I'm really hoping the separate beds and no touching has worked although came to my mums Saturday so we've had 2 days of sleeping and sitting together......eeek, hopefully he's over the worst of it, got a stupid cough though but didn't keep me awake so that's good.

Mums been spoiling baby, went to asda yesterday and she bought the cutist of outfits ah.

We've got so much stuff now, we're so ready for our little girl when she makes her appearance!

Weather isn't looking bad for my boat, hopefully I can get on and off ok, more worried about my bladder! Every 5 mins I need a wee and you have to pump to flush, I'm usually bored by end of week, think I'll be bored by end of day this time!
Morning girls. Just realised I'be not update you, BAD Lindsay! Been in hospital since Saturday morning. My waters ate leaking and scan showed that my fluid levels are low. Have to stay in and have another scan when Ultrasound is open again after bank holiday. Have had steroid injections to boost her tiny lungs in case she does come early. Have had some tightening, some lower back pain and period pains but cervix closed as of Saturday and no contractions. Please pray for my little Sophie xxx
OMG Lindsay you poor thing, thinking of you and little Sophie :hugs: I saw something briefly on the other thread but didnt get a chance to catch up on everything so I wasnt sure what was going on.
OMG I cant believe you are leaking fluid, has that slowed down now? Is little Sophie still being a little wiggle worm?
please keep us posted and I hope you too are discharged from the hospital soon.
hugs :hugs:
:hugs: DM to you and Baby Sophie, how are you feeling sweetheart? you're most definitely in our thoughts and prayers hun - and please do update as and when you can x x x x x x x x x

mrs-g - happy holidays cherub! you'll have a top time - i hear you on the bored front - i was ready to come home after 4 days....!!! be careful, and remember one hand for you, one for the boat ;) (that's all the american boat crew kept saying to us on our boat excursions!!!)

anyone else had more than enough now? i honestly didn't think pregnancy would be so hard! so very naive!! am obviously so lucky that the treatment worked and we got our wish after 5 years, but man alive, i'm done being pregnant now!!! starting to get a few palpitations which i assume is just through being short of breath all the time. was hoping to work til wk 38, but something tells me i'll be long gone before then!!! i think it might be a small miracle if i make it til the end of the week!!!

hoping everyone is doing better than me - anyone heard from maxxi? is she still in hosp?

much love ladies x x x
DM thinking of you and your little one xxxxxx

*hugs to all* hubby just back with pie and chips and that takes priority at the moment haha laters xxxx
Mrs f the palpitating could be linked to bh's? I get severe palpitations with mine. Knocks the puff right out of me! Ahbon am jealous. Hospital dinner was gipping.... scan hb the morning. Hopefully I can go home after. X
Thinking of you and Sophie, DM :hugs:

Thinking of you and twins too, Maxxi :hugs:

Hi to all you lovely ladies!!! Hope everyone is doing great.
Hey ladies!

Back at work after the easter and may day break, can't believe that was really 11 days, it went by soooo fast!

MrsF - glad you got to rnjoy most of your holiday, some warm weather and blue seas sounds pretty dreamy to me right now! Sorry to hear you are struggling in the last few weeks, I have to say I have been enjoying this pregnancy sooo much so far but I have been very lucky with no sickness and no really yucky symptoms to speak of. But I have a long way to go yet! (When people ask how I am, I say 'really well' and then find something wooden to touch asap as I'm sure my luck cant hold much longer!)

MrsG - enjoy your break on the boat, hopefully it will all be smooth sailing for you and you will stay free from OHs cold!

Maxxi - OMG hon, you poor thing, how scary for you! So glad that they managed to stop everything and hope that those boys stay nice and snug for a good while yet. Have they given you a cerclage? Are you still on bed rest? *hugs*

DM - another scary moment! Hope that the scan goes well this morning hon and that you can get home soon *hugs*

Britt - You asked about names? I think we have settled on Emily Grace and Harry James but will probably toy with names right up to the last minute! Other favourites are... Constance (Connie), Jennifer, Chloe, Hannah, Agatha, Martha, Katherine and Arthur, Alfie, Jacob, Noah, Zachary, Joshua or Joseph...

Hope everyone else is doing well!
Hi all - I hope everyone is well. Just a quick post to let you lovelies know that my daughter Georgia was born last Wednesday - I was induced because of medical probs and she had to be vacumed out after a 39 hour labor. Still recovering and will post more later.

zeezee - :) :) :) many congratulations hun!!!! you sound like you had a tough time hun - how you feeling? x x x

DM - how's things gal? hope you've had a "good day" (as well as you can in hosp!!!) any more news? RE BH - i'm not sure if i've had them yet??? I've had bit of tightening, but i get it after i've eaten. I had one surge of pain just before i went into hosp, but put it down to trapped wind! the palps aren't with any pain or tightening. curious.... x x

mars - i love your name choices!! V similar to our list. This one's a Harry!

abhon - you git.......i really fancy really salty and vinegary chips now - and there's no chippy for miles round here......:nope: ;) x x

hi isi - how's it all going hun? x x
x x x x
could still be BH's. You'll have been having them by now, just probably not realised. Mine tend to vary between intense bump pressure and just a total loss of breath like I have been winded.

Anway am home - here's my long winded update pasted from my journal!

Greetings from my home address!!!

Got home and passed out on the bloody sofa. Soooo knackered. Was woken up by a beaming little Dragon when M picked him up from nursery. He's so pleased to have his mummy home.

Sooo... at 1250 the MW came in and said "right, they can fit you in for a scan but you have to go NOW" - I was gone! Although I did stress that they should save my pudding. They do pudding well there. So DH and I (plus lovely Lapin who was visiting me during her lunch break - big love for that hun) legged it downstairs to Ultrasound and got our scan. OMG I can't believe how different she looks! Her legs are solid and chunky, her face is chubby and properly baby like. All of the measurement scales are RIGHT at the top and her estimated current weight is a whopping 4lb 5oz! What a little chunker! Only a couple of hours ago I was pondering buying early baby clothes, now I am wondering if we'll get ANY use out of the newborn bits!

Anyway she had loads of water around her which was brilliant. They confirmed again that she is head down (my throbbing cervix could have told them that) and also they have canx the scan I was due to have at 34 weeks to check the placenta had moved as it is completely out of the way of the cervix now. Happy days. Three birds, one stone.

So back to the ward to be discharged. They have booked me a clinic appointment for Thursday so they can do my obs and just check she is ok and happy in there still. And i have 3 more doses of antibiotics to take. Then I'm done.

Oh, except for the consultant appointment that they insisted on booking me on the 19th May. Apparently while I was having my scan, lovely forward thinking MW got the consultant to have a squiz at my notes to confirm I can be discharged if the scan was ok, which they did. But they want to see me to discuss my birth options. APPARENTLY, the type of incision I had when I had my csec with Harry means I can't have a VBAC and will have to have a caesarian.

FFS!!!!! If I ask a different consultant to look at my old notes will they tell me something completely different too? I had 4.5 years to get used to the fact that I would have to have a caesarian. Fine, I was gutted but I dealt with it and got over it. I was nonchalant about it but you ALL know how overjoyed I was to be told that they'd got it wrong and I could try for a VBAC. I have been soooo looking forward to going into labour and doing it all again (i know, weirdo....) and now it's being taken from me again. Now don't get me wrong, I just want Sophie out safely and full term. I've never wanted anything but that. But for them to get my fucking hopes up like that is just cruel and now I only have a few weeks to adjust to something that took me several years to get over before. I am extremely pissed off.

On a happier note, we are going on hols on Friday. I am soooo looking forward to it now. And DH has been doing laundry while I was away so he has brownie points. (would have gotten more had I not found a mouldy cup of tea on my bedside table.....)
DM glad you are home and looking forward to your holiday - sorry you've been thru so much but she sounds a good weight eh! haha

Hope everyone is ok :)

Am right peeved - this is my 2nd night of being awake from 1-4.30am and all the midwife said today was that it's normal and sleep when I can.... all fidgety and itchy (not in a bad way though)...

right back to bed soon, hope all are ok x
Ahbon I'm the same. Wretched restless legs syndrome... cannot lay still for more than a few seconds. Not ideal when you are trying to sleep....
Oh I had rls before was preg. Let me know if you want any tips. Its miserable. Touch wood had none/little since aug.

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