Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Oh me too. Ppl should be secretly put on the pill for 6m by drs when they show any sign of starting to ttc. Even it out :p
Hello Ladies from the Norfolk Broads!!!! Can't believe I only have two days of my holiday left and am back at work on Wednesday - this week has gone soooooo quick!!!

We've not had any probs so far (touch wood) managed to moor up, get on and off ok so pregnancy hasn't really affected holiday at all, only tired and indigestion after eating!!!!

ZeeZee congratulations honey, 39 hours geezzzz!!!! Well done you!

DM glad your out now, take it easy.

Any news from MM, not sure if I missed it in my quick catch up.

Re Baby Movements - I think I have one lazy little girl! Also, how do you tell what position they are in, I don't know if my kicks are kicks or punches, I can't see any little feet or bums, she just does what she wants when she want!!! absolutely no routine for me to follow or try and monitor! Oh well, I guess as longs as I'm feeling her she's ok.

Gotta get ready now to set sail!!!!!!! Catch ya laters!
Mrs G - glad you having fun there - I started my first IVF injections whilst on the broads this time last year :)

Hiya all xxx

All ok here - had parent education classes at hospital today - not sure if we learnt anything but it was interesting to see others in the same predicament.

Ok off to go scratch - I'm so itchy at the moment (nothing more than normal though) and put feet up - from being sat for neigh on 5hrs they are now double sized :(
hello ladies :flower:

cranberry - pleased you got the scan situ sorted hun x x x

DM - how you feelingnow hun? x x x

Mrs-G - pleased your hol has gone / is going well :) x x

Abhon - happy scratchin, lol, i hope it's you belly that's itchy and nowhere else ;) x x

Britt - how you doing hun?

isi - how's it going? x x

i was wondering about MM too - much love if you're reading hun x x

AFM - :cry: having the shittiest week imaginable :cry: my cat went missing at the beginning of the week and she's still not turned up :( missing her so much. We've dropped 200 leaflets, walked for miles and no joy. I thought i saw her today and when i got close, it wasn't her :( and i'm having a friendship issue too. :cry: is it too much to ask to just want a simple life? I think depression is coming back and it's rubbish. am dreading going off on maternity leave as i think i'll feel more lonely and isolated. Am trying to find the strength to draw up a plan of things to do whilst i'm off but it's really hard - anyone got any tips?

sorry for the negative post today ladies x x x
Hi mrsf

I don't know what your situation is but I've had a few bouts of depression in my time and would say don't be scared to go to the docs. They don't always just prescribe meds but it can help just to talk to someone medical about it all. You've had a bad week so maybe you're reacting normally tho - I'd be devastated if one of mine went missing for a week-sadness is sometimes just that

Exercise usually helps me if I feel myself dipping a bit, once I'm actually down tho I've no motivation to move, maybe try a swim or a walk every few days if you can

:hugs: cranberry, thankyou x x i said to my DH last night that it could be a combo of everything and normally when i do suffer, i pick up my exercise, but i just cant cos of bump. i think talking to the midwife is prob a good idea, it was picked up in jan that i was suffering antenatal depression. :( trying to stay positive and focus on bub's arrival next month x x
F I'd go to the doc. I had a similar period a while back and they prescribed me some fluoxetine. I ended up feeling better so I think the anxiety was circumstantial rather than chemical iykwim, but the prescription is still there. I won't be a hero and will take it if i need it, although I would rather not. Better to be a calm, relaxed mummy on happy pills than a fraught mess!

I have decided to change hospitals. Too many fuck ups from mine, not just this time round but during Harry's birth. The worst of which this time being a registrar telling me I can have a vbac and actively encouraging me to have one. Turns out they were right first time, I can't have one, I am at serious risk of rupture which could kill both of us. Good effort.

Am going to speak to my MW on Tuesday to ask for transfer and also if I can be referred to an actual consultant rather than some poxy junior doctor. I want to speak to someone with experience and seniority now. Enough is enough.

Plus I have been admitted twice now, with contractions and with waters leaking. Current hosptial have blamed these events on SPD and a weak bladder. Given that I didn't come in on the last boat I think I can tell the bloody difference between contractions/grinding pelvis and when liquid is gushing I like to think I can tell when it is coming out of my vagina! FFS....
That sounds like a good idea. Even if you don't get any better treatment it's
Going to be hard to trust the current place if you've got bad experiences with them. I'm all for making a fuss until you get your way. ITs your right to go wherever you want after all
Morning ladies! Hope you're all as well as can be on a Monday morning - blah!

Thanks for your comments about my movements, little girl seems to have picked up a bit more lately and I am feeling kicks against my back so maybe she has just been facing that way all along!

Cranberry - so sorry that you had such a nightmare with your scans but glad that it is all sorted now. Enjoy your scan today!

Ahbon - I was told at my 20 week scan that they are basically top and tailing next to each other and that makes total sense for the movements I feel on my left side where the boy is where I get constant kicks in my bladder! I think they are still in those positions but then I guess I could be mistaking kicks for punches or vice versa!! And scratching now??? Oh the joys I have to look forward to!!

Britt -welcome back hon! Is that your last business trip now?

MrsG - your holiday sounds lovely, glad that you have been able to enjoy it!

MrsF - so sorry to hear about your cat hon, that is really awful. I really hope he turns up OK. I am worried about being bored during maternity leave so I have set myself crafting projects to do for a few bits in the nursery. Got a great book for some inspiration and there are just simple little things like mobiles and decorating curtains and stuff. Not sure if it is your bag but I'm hoping it will keep me busy and will add a nice personal touch to the nursery.

DM - sounds like your plan to change hospitals is a very good one after the way you have been treated. Hope you havent had any more 'incidents' and that Sophie is still in there! Are you in Cornwall now? Hope you're enjoying yourself if so!

Maxxi - havent heard from you for a while hon but hope you're doing OK and that the twingles are still tucked up where they should be *hugs*

AFM - still doing well and just enjoying being pregnant. Time is really starting to pick up pace now. Bought myself a car seat the other day, after receiving lots of hand me downs so far, I couldn't believe the pleasure of having something shiny and new that was all mine! Hope its not a feeling I want too often though as practicality with two means we really can't afford to buy too much!!
what a lovely update Mars, sounds like the twinnies are all snug in there behaving themselves :hugs: congrats on the brand new car seats :thumbup:
I too am still really enjoying being pregnant altough I had all night insomnia last night so that was not fun :wacko:

MrsF- I plan on joining lots of mom and baby groups, thats what my gf's did that really enjoyed their time off

yes I hope this IS the last business trip, it completely wiped me out tbh.

DM- glad you are switching hospitals as well

hope to hear from everyone, thread is a bit quiet
Hello everyone, I'm back off of my holiday!!!! Glad for a flushing loo and comfy sofas!

Got a pile of washing to get through now though but got every Monday and Tuesday off now, woo hoo! Mrs f I'm a bit worried about being off too, especially as oh works long hours, can just feel myself winging at him every night! I'm gonna start yoga on a Monday evening and prob swim on a Tuesday, there is a local mums group which says mums and bumps welcome so I might look that up.

Oh says he wants to go on a diet and I've been getting serious indigestion lately so think we might start eating healthily, not sure what I'm supposed to do with the 8 Easter eggs I've got! Gotta go and get washing in, the sky has just gone black!!!!!
oooh yes I got very needy when DH went back to work after I had H. Phoning him up to 12 times a day whinging and crying! Once H was a bit more settled and my PND was diagnosed and treated it was great! And the fellas appreciate their time with baby.

MM so glad your brood are doing well xxx
Hi again. They just discharged me from the hospital. What an awful experience. I was still showing contractions on the monitor but the docs felt that those were Braxton Hicks and not the dangerous ones that i was having on admission. I would empty my bladder and get fluids either through an iv or by drinking and the contractions would go away. They scanned me again and my cervix went from 1.2 to 1.6 so they were happy with that. I'm scheduled to return to the hospital on the 26th for a follow up. Till then I'm to continue full bed rest. It's scary because I never felt the contractions and I'm never 100% sure if the abdominal tightening I'm feeling is a contraction or not. And of course I'm nervous because I'm only 27 weeks this Thursday. It sounds like all of you are doing ok but since I left my computer charger in the hospital I'm trying to catch up off of my iPhone which is hard. I should be getting my replacement charger shortly.
oh my goodness Maxxi, how awful. Glad you and the twinnies are okay :hugs:
how long were you in there for?
yes totally rest lots please

Glad you're home now maxxi. Hope you can stay on Bedrest and not
Get too fidgety :)

Britt - boo to insomnia! Was that due to being uncomfortable or just an active mind? Hope that you don't have to travel any more for work, I know I would be worried being away from DH and the hospital when I get as far along as you! Mum and baby groups is a great idea for mat leave - I think I spend so much time looking up baby stuff on the internet that I forget there are real people to meet out there!

maxxi - you poor poor thing, that sounds awful. So glad that they got the contractions under control and that you are at least able to come home even if you are tied to the house and bed. Take care and hopefully you'll go on for a good while yet *hugs*

Hey DM and Cranberry!

Another day at work but counting down the days! I'll be finishing at 32 weeks as I have to use all my annual leave before maternity starts which means only 10 weeks left at work :O Makes the babies coming feel really real and really not that far away!!
Maxi so glad you're ok, make sure you listen to docs with the bed rest and look after yourself!!!!

Well first real day of not being at work but OH is, enjoying it so far but not getting much done ooooppppss.

Been to midwife first thing, all ok, baby is measuring at 29 weeks so slightly ahead. Had a bit of protein, white cells and sugar in my urine sample, not sure what this means but she says she will monitor it, had some blood took, Baby's heartbeat was fine and she could feel her back to my left hand side, she couldn't tell at this stage whether head up or down but says she will keep changing, next appointment 31st May although midwife wants to come and see us at home on Sunday to discuss feeding and any other issues I have.

I've sorted my car and breakdown insurance out this morning and also booked in to see the dentist, gotta go and complete forms this afternoon. I haven't done my washing or ironing though and now in laws are coming to see us tonight so I have to get cleaned up too...... it's a lazy life being pregnant!!!! I haven't even washed up this mornings pots and it's just gone 12! Oh Oh!

So anyway, I'm signing off now and gonna get my arse in gear, take care all x
mrsG - for being heavily pregnant, you sound like you're doing helluva lot to me!! Make sure you remember to rest a little as well!

my bump seems to feel really hard nearly all the time these days! Not sure if its BH or just where it's growing! Keep finding I get a numb bum too when I've been sitting at the desk for a while - guess it's all the extra weight pressing down on it!! ::)

Hope everyone is well? *hugs*

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