Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Hi Cranberry, Welcome and congratulations!!!!! December/January baby hey, What a fab time you'll have. I found it difficult moving to first tri too, it seemed so scary out of our little click and tbh it was like people didn't quite get what we'd been through and I feel as if I've had it easy getting my BFP after my first round of ICSI.

ZeeZee, make sure you update us soon, I guess by now you'll be the first of this little group to go through eeeek, can't quite bring my self to say that L or B word!!! Hope it's not too tough on you and that you and your baby are doing well.

I managed to talk OH into shopping today and we have spent a bomb, got loads of stuff that wasn't on my list! But most importantly we've bought her her first Winnie the Pooh which is great. Disney shop had half price sale on Pooh characters so I got a huge Pooh bear which should have been £38 and a smaller Roo which should have been £18, bargain. They are beautiful and can't wait till there sat at the end of her cot.

Well, OH is full of Man Flu and strict instructions not to give it me, but I'm not convinced. Last time we went on the boat he was poorly a week before but managed to give it to me whilst we were away. Kinda feel that it's happening again.

Hi everyone else, been a little on quiet side this BH weekend, hope you're all just chilling out x
Welcome Cranberrry! :flower: I see you on the other thread too, nice to have you over here, I love this thread. Honestly, some advice I was given and I love, is maybe that perfect baby we were meant to have was suppose to come at the time they were ready so we would have that exact baby. I dont know I really like that thought, gives me warm and fuzzies.
I wouldnt focus on how much "time you have lost" or be resentful that others conceive right away and more focus on the happiness that you are now pregnant. Infertility is actually very common, according to our FS clinic 1 in 5 couples will have difficulty conceiving so we are not alone. I'm glad we all got here just took us longer is all.

MrsG, glad you are doing well!! And yes hon please please please stay away from your DH, you do not want his cold!! the only time I got sick so far in this pregnancy was from my DH and I was so pissed at him

Kitten is squiggling around like crazy, feels so awesome :hugs:

cant wait to hear from our Zee Zee!!
Well. Done a bit of a sleeping experiment. Two nights ago kicked dh of, slept great. Last night let him back in, slept like crap. :( he's so noisy! Even if he's not snoring he whistles constantly. Gonna get some nose strips as I can't go another 8m like this. I'm just such a light sleeper now any little thing wakes me up
welcome cranberry :)

Ladies hope you all had a great w/e :) Am shattered after a couple of nights of acid sickness feelings (not quite emptied me stomach though - sorry for TMI). Had a great couple of days with my parents, dog walking (as much as I can now) and playing with puppies. They are so cute but I had probs keep bending down to pick them up as I'd get acidy each time.

Waiting in for delivery of my next drip medication before I can do anything - ok I'm being lazy again but am k-nackered! The twins are very active - my cousin said yesterday (not seen me since 16wks) that they still expected me to look bigger - I reckon my big boobs are hiding my belly to some degree as when I lifted my top she said oh yeah that is a big rounded bumpb coming on eh! haha

right off to wash up then hopefully my delivery will arrive so I can go lie in a bath with a book... xxx
OMG cranberry I can totally empathise. DH's snoring is normally bad but the last 2 or 3 weeks (hayfever maybe?) he has been appalling! He has bruises now from all of the beatings he gets :rofl:

britt that's pretty much the philosophy I live by. Helps me deal with the MC and what not. Cos if none of that had happened, then there would be no Sophie. What a horrible thought!
Wow, zee!! Can't wait to hear your update. This is the first baby for this thread, right? Very exciting -- bets on who's next?

Welcome, cranberry, and congratulations!

Everything's well with me, just busy here at the end of the semester... loads of grading & loose ends...
Hope you ladies are doing great!
I think it's me and Britt next. EEEK! Although MrsF is right behind so could be any of us three.
Hello ladies!!
yes Cranberry, DH sleeps downstairs now...:blush: sorry but me and the kitten need our beauty sleep, i feel bad maybe one day I'll let him upstairs if he behaves :haha:

Yes DM, I think MrsF is just a few days ahead of us, so it will literally be any of us 3, I hope my kitten stays in there until full term for sure. Were you early with Harry at all or late?

Ahbon- give us an updated bump pic when you can :thumbup: glad the twinnies are doing well. My LO is so active too, she was on the move last night, I just had to laugh
DM- love that remote video on FB, too cute!!
Harry came out at 38 weeks on the dot. Perfect. I'd like her to do the same please!!
Feels better that Im not the only one sleeping solo. Im gonna try earplugs tonight and see how that goes. Didnt manage to get out to buy the nose strips yet.

Exciting that theres gonna be a few babies soon!

Well I kicked him out. Woke up at 2.30 to pee and can't sleep again. So I've let him back in Grr

Anyone got any tips for sleeping on your side? I'm normally a front sleeper but my boobs are killing me ATM. Both shoulders hurt from side sleeping and I keep getting dead arms. Have a body pillow and a memory foam head pillow but no help :(
Cranberry, I wasn't too bad in first tri but I've had my moments since, oh is still poorly so I've been sleeping in the spare bed but still wake up 3 times for a wee and struggle to get back to sleep.

Only 2 more sleeps to my holiday
sounds like a lot of us are sleeping in seperate rooms. I feel so bad for DH but he says he has a worse sleep with me because he is paranoid about waking me up so he doesnt sleep....hopefully we get this sorted out

Happy 31 weeks DM!!
Evening, sorry for quick post this am but I was disorganised and running late. Just one more day at work then I'm off on my holiday, bliss, although I'm still a little worried about the actual logistics of boating whilst almost 6 months pregnant.

I've had a really stressful day, got so much on before I go, I have a really busy day at work tomorrow, got to wash, dry, iron and pack, got to get the house in order aarrggghhhh how will I get it all done :-@

I was really worried last couple of days about baby being quiet but she seems to have picked up a bit so that's good.

Have we heard from zee zee yet?
Oh my god I'm officially a part timer!!!!! 11 days off then just 3 days a week. OMG

Hope everyone else has had a good royal wedding day!
Wicked! What will you do with all your lovely time off? I'm part time but self employed so I've worked as little as possible for about a year now. Is lurvely
Hi everyone. Wanted to give an update. I've been in the hospital. My cervix continued to shorten and so they wanted to give me steroids in case the babies were born. Then I started to contract every 2-3 mins so I ended up on a magnesium sulfate drip and was very sick the whole time. It worked though and now I'm transferred to another unit and off the drip. Hopefully things will stay quiet. Sounds like you're all doing well so that's good. I'll check in from time to time.
maxxiandniko oh sorry you've gone thru it recently but at least the babies are safe and are still happily growing daily inside mummy *hugs*

hope all are ok - sat and watched the wedding yesterday - in tears at times - (big royalist here) was lovely. Still trying to sort things out in the house, hubby has nearly finished the small room - we've thrown out a load of junk .. still seems loads to do though......

have a good day ladies :)

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