Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Aquanatal sounds lush. Might look into that myself later. I do aqua aerobics but just found out that I shouldn't be doing all the jumping oO. I had told one instructor but she just said I'd be fine with everything so didn't bother telling anyone else. Well I know now don't i

Hope everyone's feeling nice and summery

:flower: hello ladies - just had a quick catch up before posting - ladies, i do hope you're all taking care of yourselves - a few posts made my heart skip x x x

the ivf sure does seem a distant memory!!!! I sometimes can't quite believe where we all are now!!! Mrs-g i'm 34 weeks tomorrow! I've got 10 working days left as i brought my leave forward the other day - bubb's has dropped and although it's making breathing a bit easier and i can eat a little bit more, it's making my lower half uncomfy. I've been getting those fluttery feelings too, but for me, i think it's his hands punching out. i'm getting alot of feet at the top of my bump which is worrying as i thought he only had two!!!

DM - hope you had a good hol - where'd you go? x x

well, the cat came home yesterday, finally, after 12 days!!!! :happydance: it was so emotional!!! SHe's very skinny and very stressed, but no signs of being hit, or fighting, i think she just got lost. everything seems so much brighter now i can tell you! x x

got my scan on weds to check placenta, so should know if we;re going c-section of natural....v nervous....

aquanatal does sound good - think i might have a look too

x x x
Yay for cat coming home!!!

We went to Porthleven in cornwall which was GORGEOUS. Really lovely and relaxing.

So my SPD has taken a major turn for the worse. I have been in bed all day, violently sick from painkillers and last night when I got in from choir I had to crawl up the stairs to bed. Can i have a caesarian now please?
for info - I found aquanatal to be the same as aquagym classes but not as much jumping up and down - more cyling and breaststroke arms really - was really good apart from the foot - which is now quite swollen but the limp has gone haha

Hope everyone is ok - I agree ivf seems so long ago but I get really jealous when I know others are going to my clinic (abroad) - strange really!

right gotta go - am early to bed - 27wk scan tomorrow :)
I'd go to aquanatal but i can't see my bikini line therefore I can only assume that I look like I am smuggling Diana Ross in my pants....
DM you're funny, saying what we all think!!!!! I figured no one else would see either? Although I can feel slightly so still giving it a go! What's everyones thought on labour? I want to be as presentable as possible but my bump is already in the way and I've still got 11 weeks of growth left.

Think I upset my midwife this morning, we did my birth plan and she asked if I was happy to have students at my birth. Now I know they've got to learn but this is probably the only time I will probably do this and I am excited and scared and I've been through so much to get here I just don't want more people than necessary being present, I'm gonna be stressed enough. My midwife tried for ages to talk me round, I think she should have respected my decision, these people that can just fall pregnant without effort can help with the students, I just feel that this is about me and I don't want to be made to feel anymore uncomfortable than I have to! Sorry rant over!

On a positive note I went to a baby show today and there was a nearly new sale and we picked up a graco Electra contour travel cot which is in perfect condition for £25 and a lottie ladybird rocker/ride on which again was perfect condition for £35, saved us over£120 so I'm very happy, travel cot is currently built in my lounge, don't know why cos we prob won't use it till baby's 6 months old, don't think oh can stomach trying to get it back in the box again!
honestly? i couldnt have cared less. im glad my legs were shaved as i ended up in compression socks but otherwise i had half the staff of the hospital up there with maglites and i couldn't have given a rats arse what my bikini line was doing!
Morning ladies! Thanks all for your thoughts and comments, I do think that one of the babies has just been using me as a bit of a trampoline, I spent friday night with my feet up and a lot of saturday and it seems to have helped and the feelings have mostly eased off. The midwife never did call back!

mrsG - DH and I were chatting the other day about how all the pain and stress of ttc seems like such a distant memory now. None of it all matters anymore but I would be like you for the same reason, I have had quite enough invasion and fiddling and different people having a gander to get pregnant, the less the better when I am giving birth thank you very much! Sorry that work turned out to be tough for you at the weekend, your work to rule policy sounds like a good idea, you or bubs certainly dont need any more stress than necessary!

Ahbon - ouch, your ankle! Take care of that one! And good luck for the scan today, bet you cant wait to see them again!

DM - your bump is looking gorgeous! So glad that Cornwall treated you well but sorry to hear that your SPD has got bad *hugs*

MrsF - aww how lovely that your cat come home, you must have been so worried after such a long time *hugs*

AFM - had a lovely weekend chilling and then was at the boot sales yesterday where I got so many bargains!! I got a giant winnie the pooh and piglet with the tags still on for £7 and a beautiful rocking crib for £15! After last night though my favourite buy was a maternity pillow (brand new in packaging) for £7 - I always thought that I'd be just fine with normal pillows but being able to really lean into this one the full length of my body took all the weight off my shoulders and hips and nothing hurt at all, all night!! Amazeballs! Will be great for the sofa and feeding too once they're born! Oh and I got a baby bjorn sling for £3.50 - I do love a bargain!
Er mars I want boot sales like yours!!!!! Mine are all a bit crap, got some clothes but anything else isn't really worth having, maybe I need to perservere!

Today is my 2nd day off of the week, 1st without dh. I've laid in till now (1030ish) and that feels good. I'm thinking of going to town, got to buy my sister a birthday present and also might get my hair done.

I am really undecided as to what to do with my car seat. I've bought a silvercross venturer S that goes with my buggy but you can not fit it to a base, it does however fit the buggy. I thought that I'd be ok strapping it in to the car, I was a nanny 20 years a go and the one we had then strapped in so I don't really get the issue but EVERYONE I have spoken to says I will need one that clicks onto a base. My dilemma is, do I cancel my car seat I've bought (was £115 but with oh discount we end up paying about £68) and buy one that goes in oh cars (isofix) and on buggy, total cost £200 ish but then I need another base at £70ish for my car which isn't isofix or need to use seat belt anyway! Or do I just scrap the idea of one that fits my buggy as baby can only be in it for 2 hours max and I bought my buggy cos I love the seat unit and buy a cheaper seat with two bases that will cost around £150ish or do I buy 1 infant carrier seat and 1 seat thats suitable from birth to 4 years ish that oh can keep in his car permanently, then do I jeep silvercross or buy a cheaper seat and base for mine? Aaaagggghhh so many bloody decisions to make!

DM, I think you're the only one with previous experience, what do you think?
thats rubbish that you NEED one. we had a base with our last one and it always felt MUCH more secure when we strapped it straight in. We're not bothering this time.
haha i love amazeballs! Awesomesauce is another one I overuse a lot!

MrsG - I had never even considered a car seat with a base, I wanted seats that I could carry easily and could be fitted into anyone's car so that I would always have maximum flexibility. I had no idea about one system being better than the other to be honest! Our boot sales are not always that good but it was great yesterday, I spent so much but saved hundreds and hundreds of pounds I'm sure! Wasnt always sure about picking up second hand stuff but I figure if its clean and you can give it a good wash anyway, its no different to hand me downs from family and with two coming along, I can't afford to be proud!
Glad kitty has come back, scary time. Bet she thought she was having a right laugh for a while then realised she was a bit lost. Home now tho for lots of cuddles :)

Hope youre all well, our carboot sales are rubbish too. Not been to that many rly, going to go to the NCT sale in June/July so hoping to find lotsa swag there

I've gone for a mamas and papas cybex aton (in flora :D) as it's really lightweight - only 3.5kg, so I should be able to lug it round! But as I say, not bothered with a base. I just don't see how they make it any safer.
thanks ladies :) sure is good to have her home x x x

Mrs-g - i am gobsmacked that your midwife didn't respect your decision in the first place!!! As soon as you said no, that should have been it!!! I feel exactly the same - go look at someone else's!!! I've had every tom, dick and harry scrutinse my bits for 5 years thanks!!! Knowing my luck, it'd be student i taught - that happened to me when i went for a bikin wax a few weeks ago - it wasn't until we were half way though that it clicked :blush: so very embarrassing!!!

Speaking of which - my thoughts on that issue - i'm waxing and trimming before defo - more because of if they need to stitch up, and it always makes me feel a bit "cleaner" iykwim.

we're going to a carboot soon, really looking forward to looking for baby-bargains :)

DM - sorry your spd has gotton worse hun, that sounds rubbish - does it get worse with certain things (like damp weather etc)? x x

car seats with base - is that the square thingy that always stays in the car then you attach / detach the seat? we haven't got that - just a maxicosi seat that you strap in yourself.

9 days left and then i can nest til my hearts content :) x x x
re students, i have put only if things are going well and they are fully supervised. my last birth was a total fuck up and this time round hasn't gone much better so I think I would rather not anyway....
Good morning ladies :flower:
MrsG-we have a car seat with 2 adapters for both cars, it must be different over here I really dont think you can buy an infant car seat in Canada without the base :shrug: anywho, they are expensive little buggers considering the baby is in it for 6 months only (300$)

MrsF- so happy kitty came home!! :happydance::happydance: poor monkey, they are so resilient arent they. Lots of cuddles and food now :hugs: glad you have such a great outlook on everything

DM- sorry about the SPD, cant imagine how painful that is

yes TTC'ng was so hard on all of us, it does make me appreciate my baby so much more though I think. I was one of the lucky ones that got a sneaky bfp right before IVF was suppose to start so I feel very blessed.

as for having students in the room, I agree its a no for me- sorry there are like how many deliveries in one day in a hospital, they dont need to be at all of them. It is a private thing in my opinion, I mean yes its natural but you are still spread out with your hoo haa for everyone to see, so no only people that need to be there! I cant believe that midwife was pushing the issue, I wouldnt have been that polite to her.

Cranberry- yeah you are over 8 weeks, I felt really good with that one 12 weeks!!

anyway, should run, enjoy holidays for those who are on them and as for me- well I dont start mat leave until the day after I am due :wacko:
MrsG - I hate to say it but this is not and has not been exciting for me. If everything stays quiet it'll probably get a little more exciting sometime next month but by then you'll all be having your babies! But so will I since I'm hoping to make it to June and at this point can't see me making it to July. But who knows. We haven't bought a thing for the babies yet. You'd never know any were coming. No baby shower either. It's all too scary at the moment. At around 30 weeks we're going to order some stuff off the internet. Instead of a shower we'll have a welcome baby party if all goes well. By the way I like Ellie for a name but it seems to be the least popular on your survey!

MrsF - glad to hear about your cat! Those cats have such good survival instincts. My dogs would be at the first doorstep they came across.

Dragon - sorry about the SPD. I know how painful it is. But your pictures are great. Pregnancy suits you.

Mars - One of my twins is close to my cervix and I saw his handing punching at it one time on the ultrasound. I'm sure they measured your cervix at 20 weeks. They'd be remiss not to. They're probably not concerned because the number is probably good.

Hi to everyone else.
Thanks for your comments everyone!

I am having a shit day and I'm really sorry that my last few posts have been me moaning about everything.

I'm feeling really run down at the minute, I've done nothing all day yet I feel sick, tired, I have the dreaded 'P' work which isn't at all amusing and if that wasn't enough, just as I was getting ready to go out I had a pink discharge on my pad!!!! That scared the shit out of me, so I calleds midwife whose phone was turned off, called Dr's who booked me in for 5 past 4, went to Dr's and sat in waiting room for 40 minutes boiling up and feeling sick, eventually she saw me and I'd forgotten my notes! Then she rang through to the hospital to see if they recommended an internal (guess my lady garden issues are over now!) they said to take a swab which she did and at the same time felt as though she was having a real good ferret around my insides! Anyway she says there was no sign of blood (phew) but I do have a lot of discharge so she thinks I now have thrush. So much for my uncomplicated pregnancy, I really hope things don't get any worse, I am really feeling low at the minute.

OH home from work soon and he is off tomorrow so hopefully that will make me feel a little better! Bye for now, and sorry for my constant moaning!
i had a student in with me at my last appt at the hospital - was my 8w scan and firs OB appt. I had a Dietician appt after all that and they asked if a student could come in. a) they asked with her right there and b) I didnt rly mind tbh.

In the appt, I cant remember what was said before, but at one point she wrinkled her nose and said 'well you are only 8 weeks' as in youll probably MC soon anyway.... wasnt happy about that. I had seen the HB and read that the chances of MC went down to pretty much the same as at 12 when you saw the HB, its jsut that most dont see the HB at 8w as they dont get scanned til 12w (that sentence doesnt make sense I know :p).

I think I'll refuse students in the future as like you I feel that Ive trained enough rly, had enough poking and prodding and she quite upset me, killed my buzz. Bit hard tho if they ask while theyre standing there, might tell em to put it on my notes for the future, doubt theyd check tho rly.

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