Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

isi - sounds like you had a lovely scan! Its so nice getting to see the bubs and as Britt says, the 12 week where they first look like proper babies was my favourite too!

Maxxi- awww hon, I wish there was more I could do than give you a virtual hug, I can't imagine how rubbish it must be to be on bed rest. At least you know now that you've reached a really good stage but lets hope that they stay put a good while longer yet.

DM - 4 weeks - how exciting!! When might you be able to pin down a date?

Britt - I can deffo understand why you're hanging on at work in that case! I hope kitten doesnt thwart your plans! (you'll have to promise her a percentage commission if she does as she's told! :p ) I'm so glad youre sticking with Piper as a name, I really do love it! Emily Grace and Harry James are top of our list at the moment!

Ahbon - fingers crossed the bigger dosage of medication does the trick for you. I really can't handle being sick so am so glad that I've been lucky so far this pregnancy *tough wood*. I am just now getting to that stage where I am starting to feel bigger, things are starting to feel stretched! I do see some pics of twin mums at later stages that make me go o_O and wonder how on earth I'll cope but just taking each day and week as it comes! If I can make it through to 32 weeks relatively comfortably so that I can get through work, I'll be happy I think! Do you know when you plan to finish work yet?
ahbon - meant to say too that yes, my two are deffo throwing some weird shapes in there! More so the boy, assuming he is still over on my left. Quite often everything seems to move over to that side and goes really hard, I imagine him in there doing cat stretches or yoga or something!
phew safely back from aquanatal this week hahahaha am shattered though and typical I have three clients to see this afternoon when all I wanna do is have 40 winks!

Mars - I am self employed (pocket money really) as didn't wanna take a job then need all the time off for IVF etc. I am a diet consultant (after loosing a lot of weight myself on a certain diet) - although if you see me now at my size you'd laugh that I can advice anyone on diet matters!

Oooo DM - hope all is ok and all is good that you have a date!

right off to dry my hair and make myself presentable :) x
:flower: ladies x x x

DM - you really don't have to feel ashamed cherub of getting things moving a bit quicker - you're in pain and know your limits. So pleased to see you got a booking :) congrats x x x

Britt - Head = 34cms, and tummy = also 34 cms and very very bloody long by the looks of it! I had a dream the other night he was born with a full facial beard and already gone through puberty..... x x x

Mrs-g - these last few weeks have flown by - not sure if it's cos i'm busy at work getting ready for leaving, or if you do just have a quick period x x x

MM -did you get tested for anaemea (sp?!!) hope you're tiredness is not bein too much of a prob x x x

Isi - i'd never heard of placenta being weaker with an ivf either!! i'm sure we;d all have been told this sooner if it was the case - clearly mine is working more than fine as he's getting good supplies of everythin!!!! pleased your twinnies are diong well cherub ) x x x

maxxi - :hugs: sorry you're feeling so poop hun, and don't apologise for being miserable, being pregnant is bloody hard work! x x x

Cranberry - i didn't think it sounded right, but tbh, i'm really chuffed i have a definite date, i'm really struggling to function! hope you're well hun x x x

Ahbon - ooo, sounds yuck - hope the doc is managing to fix you, being sick is bad enough x x x

AFM: 5 working days left, and 31 days til herbert arrives :) :)

have a good weekend ladies, speak soon x x x
DM fantastic news, day before I stop work!!!! I'll be thinking of you!

My nursery is starting to take shape, border up, curtains up, lampshade up!!!! ooooo

Off to baby show at NEC tomorrow, got free tickets at and entered BS100, hopefull credit card will be safe, we do NOT need to but anymore stuff!
Back in the hospital for preterm labor round 2. I went in for right flank pain and they found that my cervix shortened to .6 and I was contracting. I went back on the magnesium sulfate. Almost got toxic on the magnesium too. My fFN was positive and they gave me another round of steroid injections in case they come shortly. I'm not dilated thankfully. They stopped the drip as the contractions stopped (and I was practically toxic) and I've been transferredout of labor and delivery. No clue how long I'll be here and not sure when they'll check my cervical length again. They never seem to tell you. It's day by day thing. My goal is to get to 32 weeks. They weighed the babies. Twin A is 2.9 which is the right on target and twin b is a whopping 3.9. I'm thinking he's responsible for some of the problem here. Anyway I'm miserable and wish time would fly.

Hi to everyone and I'm glad to hear that you've all got good news and no drama!
crikey, glad youre ok, Max. And twin b - what a chunker! Is reassuring when you know theyre a good size isn't it? x

Mrs-G - not convinced that we'll make it that far TBH. That takes me to 39+4 and I went into labour naturally with Harry at 38 weeks, plus I keep having random contractions (although nothing regular). Reckon we have another 3 weeks.
maxxiandniko - oh my so sorry you're having round 2 but at least in the right place if it continues and they are good weights (especially old chunkster there!). Cross those legs and stay positive!

Hiya and hugs to all!

Had a good day yesterday - had our tour of the labour ward - hubby mentioned afterwards how I'd become all flushed in there, no sh*te sherlock I nearly passed out in worry at one point when one lady just started to moan....... but then they took us twin ladies to the neonatal which was lovely so felt a bit better! Is it too late to change my mind about giving birth????????????????!?!!!!!!!!!! After that we went for lunch and then on to the Twins and Multiple Birth Association talk - was good to hear from other twin mums that it's doable even if the first few months are hard re feeding and sleeping really but as long as the kids are ok and have clean bums..... that's all that counts! :) Right got a client coming today, don't normally see them on a sunday...... :(

Went to a car boot this am with hubby - been buying a lot of baby stuff off ebay and thought we'd check this out....... yuk was like everyones rubbish! Made up for it by getting a bouncer chair off ebay for a £1 when I got back! Would love to buy brand new but can't afford it with 2 and after all the IVF etc.
Maxxi- so sorry to hear you are back in the hospital :( I really hope things get better for you and sorry you are having such a rough pregnancy :hugs:
Twins sound like they are doing well though, and yes twin B is a little chunker, love it!! :winkwink:

Ahbon and the rest of you twin mommies, do they let you try to deliver naturally or do they automatically do a C-section? I dont know if I could imagine naturally delivering 2 babies, but I know its done
glad things are going well Ahbon

DM- yeah I kind of thought that was late to book you too, I could see you going earlier as well. Question for you, I have an achy, crampy crotch for the last few days, do you? I especially feel it after I have been sitting for awhile....wonder if that means things are getting ready down there

we have a long weekend here right now....ahhh so lovely
Yeah I have that too. Apparently means their head is nice and engaged, although apparently they sort of bob in and out at this stage which is why some days it's worse than others.

Been having period cramps on and off for last 2 days, ranging from the odd slightly sore BH to the feeling you get literally JUST before you come on. Nothing regular so not calling the MW - really don't want to end up admitted again.
Oooooo DM and Britt you're getting close!

Maxi you're having a tough time. I'm sorry hun i'm sure it'll be worth it. X

Baby show was good, saw my nursery furniture in the flesh though and it's not what I thought, I hope it looks ok in my nursery!
Britt - in our hospital in the UK we can choose vaginal ONLY if twin 1 (the lower one) is head down. If they are in any other position then it's c-section no matter what. My consultant has said that we can have an elective if we want one anyway due to my history...... still don't get what history they are on about? my age? my ivf? my immune stuff? my m/c? but hey ho we'll decide later on nearer the date.

The main advice by the Twin and Multiple Birth Association (Tamba) seems to be that twins be delivered between 37-38wks. Most hospitals in the UK seem to say 38wks. Thus why only 10wks max left for me now! EEKS!

Can't believe how near you and DM are already - seems only recently we all joined the thread after getting our positives!
god i knw! cant believe that bfp was october.... still doesnt seem real!
oh no, what's wrong with it?

It says it was beech and its actually pine, not quite what I was expecting. It is also not as good quality as I was expecting (but may be because my eyes were drifting to the more expensive sets). It is also much smaller but I think that's a god send as I was worried how it was all going to fit in!!!! I;m sure it will be ok when its in!:wacko:
Britt - in our hospital in the UK we can choose vaginal ONLY if twin 1 (the lower one) is head down. If they are in any other position then it's c-section no matter what. My consultant has said that we can have an elective if we want one anyway due to my history...... still don't get what history they are on about? my age? my ivf? my immune stuff? my m/c? but hey ho we'll decide later on nearer the date.

The main advice by the Twin and Multiple Birth Association (Tamba) seems to be that twins be delivered between 37-38wks. Most hospitals in the UK seem to say 38wks. Thus why only 10wks max left for me now! EEKS!

Can't believe how near you and DM are already - seems only recently we all joined the thread after getting our positives!

We'll be having babies together ( Well you will, I'll just stick to the one!)
Yeah will look better once it's all up. Mine is beech and white and when it arrived it looked really naff but when we put it up and dressed it all it looked beautiful....
interesting info on the twins Ahbon. I cant imagine going to 38 weeks with twins, oh your poor back. Seriously I was just trying to do some light housework and a couple of errands today and I was walking at a snails pace and my lower back is soooo sore!! seriously its throbbing and aching. DM are you feeling that?

hope your cramps subside :hugs:

hows MrsF, havent seen her for a few days
DM - woohoo for having a date! At least you know that even if Sophie comes earlier that you have a deadline you wont go past. Hope this last few weeks arent too uncomfortable for you.

Ahbon - ah that's good that you have flexibility in your work, presumably you can just choose to stop when you're ready then so can see how you go later on? I'm really nervous about committing to 32 weeks when I hear of so many twin mums flaking out by 30! The tour of the labour ward sounds interesting, not sure if ignorance is bliss on that one though!! Do you have to request it or is it something they offer automatically? Sorry you didnt have more luck at the car boots, seems we are really blessed down here!

MrsF - tiredness hasn't been too bad the last couple of days. I do wonder now that the babies are growing so much if it could be anaemia but have an appointment with the mw tomorrow so hopefully she'll do some bloods to check. In a way, I hope it is as at least I can do something about that! Wow, can't believe you only have such a short time to go!! So exciting!!

MrsG -it must be lovely to be getting your nursery together and I'm sure the furniture will look beautiful once it's in your setting and dressed the way you want it. I spent all weekend starting to get ours ready, the walls are painted and the glosswork is done, just need to finish painting all the furniture!

Maxxi - awww hon, those twinnies really are giving yiou grief aren't they! Wow, twin 2 is a real chunker, presumably they're not in any distress though? Fingers crossed you can make it another 4 weeks *hugs*

Britt - Down here they will do a cs if twin 1 is anything other than head down as ahbon said. I am not sure they will let me do a elective cs though if it is head down, i think they then push you to a natural delivery. I've heard that twin mums measure about 6 weeks ahead on average so we are carrying the equivalent of full term by 34 weeks! It's sure gonna be interesting! Hope you're doing OK, sounds like your body is deffo gearing up for the big day.... :D *hugs*

Hope everyone else is well and had a good weekend! I've got the builders starting today putting in the new floor in what will be our bedroom (we're currently sleeping in the dining room!), so excited that it is all coming together!

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