Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

maxxi - I'm so sorry that you're feeling so nervous and maybe not being able to enjoy your pregnancy as much as you'd like. I really hope that things settle down for you soon and that you can really look forward to the twins arrival in a couple of months time. *huggles*

Britt - you're starting maternity leave when??? blimey, I am impressed! With annual leave, I'll be finishing work at 32 weeks so only 9 weeks left to go for me, not that I'm counting! (and not that I've been much use this last 5 months anyway! :p )

MrsG - sorry you had a bit of a scare hon but glad that it doesnt look like anything to worry about. Trying to get hold of medical care in this country is such a nightmare! It's no wonder we all end on the doorstep of the hopsital!

cranberry - that student sounds like a nightmare and definitely reinforces my decision that I don't want one! With any luck, having twins means that there will be so many others there, the poky rooms wont leave room for a student anyway! And I'm sure in the future that you could say no in front of them, I know it would be hard but I'm certain they wouldnt take it personally.

Spent the evening last night going through the baby clothes I've bought or been given so far just to assess what's left that I need to buy. Was so lovely, I kept just grabbing stuff and generally squeeing a lot while smooshing it in some way, babies stuff is toooo cute!
hellooooooo???? *watches tumbleweed*

Just posting cos it's V day for me - 24 weeks at last!! Whoooo - go twingles!! :p

Hope all you lovely ladies are fine and dandy!
Hi lovely ladies!

YAY for being almost 34 weeks, Britt. That's fantastic. Gosh, how time flies!! And I'm with you on the "no students allowed"!!!!

I agree with the others, DM. Your pictures are beautiful. And so sorry about the SPD :hugs:

Don't worry Maxxi....there's lots of time for shopping, and the welcome home party sounds fab. I'm sure you'll make it to June :hugs:

YAY for starting your leave, Mrs F!!!

Happy V day, Mars Maiden!!!

:hi: ahbon, cranberry, Mrs G and everyone.

I'm having a stitch put in on Friday. My doctor wants to be safer than sorry. Kinda nervous about it :wacko:. My Mom had it with me and my brother, and has been trying to assure me. Pray it all goes well.

Hugs to everyone!
Congrats of V Day Mars, its a good feeling isn't it!

Congrats of 12 weeks Isi, bet your happy your there, Good luck with your stitch, the things we do hey!

I'm feeling a little more positive today, think it must be that Wednesday feeling, last Wednesday I posted how much I'd enjoyed my first day back then it was downhill from there!

Bought a few more bits yesterday and also cleared the crap out of the nursery so now it is all baby stuff - oooppps it's full of bags of stuff, I'm soooooo excited about my nursery furniture coming on Tuesday.
:happydance: happy v day mars, and happy 12 weeks isi :) hello to everyone else!

am so excited!! Had scan today to check on placenta and it's moved far enough away form OS to go for a "natural" delivery. He's still growing off the scale, so they're testing me for diabetes next week. Then they got the diary out and asked me when i want my induction.........:wacko:???? first i'd heard of it!!!! Apparently, the like to induce IVF babies and not let them go over 40 weeks! Has anyone else heard of this? they said it was something to do with the placenta being weaker than a regular pregnancy - but clearly my placenta is a thriving lifeline for bubbs as he's so bleeding big!

so, they're inducing me at 39 weeks = in 33 days!!!! :happydance: just over 4 weeks!!!!! eeek!!!!! tbh, with all the probs i've had, i'm more than happy to get him out and am relieved we now have a definitive finish line. tehe, it also means i can get my bikini wax in and shave my legs!!! i have a feeling that if i test positive for diabetes, they may even bring the induction forward by another week.

i've heard lots of horror stories bout inductions, but i'm quite positive about it - i have no previous experience, so nothing to compare it to, and i will be accessing all pain relief options from the start! am starting my perineum massage this week to help prepare too

YAY!!!! x x x x x
Yay for V day, Mars!!! :happydance:

Isi there's a couple of women in my bump group with stitches - Sherri81, MrsWez and StarryNight. Might be worth speaking to one of them if you're worried at all. Theyre all lovely!

MrsF - omg induction!!!! That's not far away at all.....

got a letter from the hospital today, consultant appointment at 11am on friday. it ominously says on the letter that i may not see a consultant but a member of their team. so am gonna ring up tomorrow and explain to them that i will NOT be happy about seeing a junior and I want to see a CONSULTANT.

Also (and I am ashamed to admit) i am going to be pulling on prev depression and anxiety as leverage for an earlier csec. i CANNOT make it to 39 weeks, i will die. So I am going to suggest that since H was born at 38 weeks and now I have had the dangers of a natural labour/rupturing illustrated to me so vividly i am panicking that i am goin to go into labour early and rupture (not exactly untrue, let me tell you) and will suggest that this is worsening previous depression etc. Hoping that and the spd will help, plus she is a chunker and measuring over.... Am just in sooo much pain all the time, and I hate complaining as she is SUCH a blessing, but ENOUGH now!

Ho hum, 34 weeks tomorrow. So 5 weeks maximum.

I like 21st June as a birthday. Summer Solstice. What do you reckon? I will be 38 + 5.
oh summer solstice sounds lovely :hugs: I am the opposite, I want bubs to stay in until my due date because my mat leave doesnt start until 1 maybe 2 days after now :haha:
DM- arent you getting a c-section? do they still induce for that? or are you able to try naturally?

Happy VDay Mars!! :happydance: time is flying now

Happy 12 weeks Isi:thumbup::happydance: yeah twinnies are soon to be out of first tri and the jitters are over. Nothing wrong with having a stitch, yes better safe than sorry. I am so flippin pleased for you :hugs:

MrsG- glad you are feeling better today :hugs: yes we want some final touches in our nursery as well

MrsF- omg you are only a few days ahead of DM and I....I cant believe how close you are. How many cm's are you measuring? how big is bubs? yeah sounds like your placenta is working just fine to me

Maxxi- keep resting hon. thinking of you, keep those twinnies safe and healthy

hello to anyone else I missed. Kitten is moving like crazy omg little monkey!
Britt, why is your maternity so late? I'm stopping at 36 weeks and am currently
On 3 days a week and I'm so thankful for it, I just have 20 days left at work, I've no idea how your coping you're an absolute star!

Maxi, hope you're ok and behaving yourself!

Mrs f/DM it's getting very close now, I'm getting fed up/excited and you're weeks ahead! 30 weeks tomorrow or should I say 10 weeks to go, I am still thinking she's coming at 37 weeks, not sure why?

Britt, you say kitten is a little wriggler? My one has a couple of wriggly days then nothing, it's 8am here and so far she's given me a couple of kicks to say morning I'm ok, but then fast asleep! She's def a evening girl, last night whilst I was snuggled with my bump to oh back he could feel her moving! I hope she sleeps through like thus when she's born!
maxxi - hope you're doing well hon with no more trips to the hospital and that you have found a way to keep the boredom at bay! *hugs*

isi - congrats on 12 weeks yay!! The stitch must be worrying but I'm sure once its done you'll be relieved and it will be great knowing you're doing something positive for your twinnies. *hugs*

mrsG - you'll have to post some nursery pics when you're done! Mine is an empty shell at the mo, stripped the wallpaper last night! Cannot wait to get started on it!

MrsF - wow, how weird must it feel having an induction date!!

DM - a summer solstice birthday sounds perfect, I love the idea of being able to choose! I am fully expecting my twins to arrive at 37+6 which will be my birthday (Aug 23). I was also born at two minutes to midnight so would be interesting if my twins did the same and ended up with different birthdays!!

Britt - I think it's lovely that kitten is such a wriggler! Have you definitely decided against Piper as a name now?

I can't believe how close you all are now to giving birth!! We'll be having all your birth announcements in the next 5 or 6 weeks, so exciting!!

I've had a couple of days of feeling really dog tired again by the end of the working day, hoping it's just maybe a one off or a touch of anaemia or something that can be sorted as I have wayyyyy too much to do right now to sleep!!!

*hugs everyone*
I was right about Harrys birthday. He was due Oct 3rd and I said all along he'll be born Sept 19th so we'd all have matching birthdays and we do! 14/04, 16/06 and 19/09. Was rather hoping to go into labour on Sun morning so she could be 15/05, Haha! 38 weeks will be 16/06 but M would rather not sacrifice his birthday!
You must be so excited to have a date, Mrs F!!! That's fantastic. I didn't know IVF babies had weaker placentas than normal babies. Hmmm....I guess you learn these things everyday.

Good luck with decorating the nursery, Mrs G! Please put up pictures :flower:

Thanks DM. I'll PM them. I'm a bit nervous for tomorrow and wondering for how long I'll be sore and all that :wacko:. As for the birthdates, I don't blame your DH for not wanting to sacrifice his birthday. I know I wouldn't :haha:. Someone said to me how wonderful it would be if the twins came on our anniversary (22nd Nov). I was thanks :)

Awww that must be the best feeling to feel your baby so active, Britt. I can't wait to get to that stage. must be really strong to stay at work till only 2 days before!!!!!

Hope the twinnies are doing great, Mars Maiden!!!!

Maxxi....hope you're well and all is perfect with your babies.

I'm going for a private scan this morning. I just need to see the babies. I was meant to go earlier than now, but my colleague gave me false information about a meeting (told me its starting at 10am this morning, when its actually starting at 11am :growlmad:), so I rushed straight to work and have to wait another hour for this meeting.....before being able to break away for my scan. I'll post a picture later :flower:
ohh cant wait to to see your scan pics Isi!! :thumbup: do you get one through your clinic as well for Nuchal testing? it should be right around this time.

thanks, I actually start mat leave 2 days AFTER my due date, ha ha...but I can take vacation before hand if needed

Happy 34 weeks DM!! :happydance:
I'm ok as far as I know. I'll be going to see the high risk specialists next week so I'll know more then. I can't lie - I'm miserable. I made it to 28 weeks today so that's something. Sorry to be such a downer.

Isi - don't they put you out for the cerclage? Or do you mean feeling pain after?
Happy 34 weeks Britt! Spoke to mw today and she seems to think I would be fine for a 38 week csec. I could be holding her in 4 weeks!
sorry missed some posts
MrsG- cute about your little nighttime wiggler and DH feeling it. Mine goes crazy at bedtime too, mind you she is going nutso as we speak, she sure is an active little girl.

Mars- actually looks like we have decided on Piper as our baby's name but we will make the final decision when she is born. Her name as it stands is
Piper Sienna Marie
I guess I just had major freakout on the name, just worried it was too out there but I have come around, we really like it best. Most people like it and only a few dont (namely my parents lol :haha:)
do you have names?

DM- seriously in 4 weeks, wowzers thats so soon!!!!! we could have babies weeks apart, because my mom was late with us....gosh I hope I dont go to 41 weeks but would like to make it to 40 if I can

oh and why am I working so late someone job is very much commission based, and I have a ton coming in, if I leave early it goes to the rep covering me who did f#ck all for it, I am basically holding out for commission worth an average years salary- so worth it

Thanks Britt! We had our nuchal scan last week. Everything measured well. But we had such a horrid technician that my DH and I forgot to get pictures :dohh:. And girrrrrrl, you need to sit put for that commission! I'm sure even Piper will cooperate (and that's such a beautiful name).

Sorry you're feeling blue, Maxxi :hugs:. But happy 28 weeks!! That's a major milestone!! I'm sure the babies will cook for longer. Oh, and I'm definitely being put out for the stitch....I can't imagine not (ouch!). I'm just worried about the post-op pain :wacko:

4 weeks sounds super, DM :thumbup:

Had the scan this evening. Babies were great.....still the same pattern....Baby A chilling and waving his/her hands a bit......Baby B jumping everywhere. It was heavenly. Baby A is measuring at 13 weeks, and Baby B at 12 weeks 3 my question is, am I 13 weeks or am I 12 weeks 3 days . What do you ladies think? Baby A's heartbeat was 154/minute....while Baby B was 158 (hyperactive sweetie!). I couldn't wait for the pictures as I had to dash back to work, so will send someone to get them tomorrow, and will share them as soon as I can.
Id check about the IVF needing induction thing tbh, if you want it then fair enough go for it. But I was told Id need induction for another reason, 5 mins with Dr Google shows its nonsense.
ohh I would go with 13 weeks then Isi, what does your doc say?
how awesome you got to see babes again, cant wait to see the pics
I think the 12 week u/s's are the best you get to see the whole baby and they look like little babies now :hugs:
congrats on the good NT scan
hiya ladies - sorry been absent ish

been ill this last week - puking either in the night or day time due to acid - was already on tablets for this but now GP has increased the dose so hopefully I'll keep food down today.

Going to aquanatal again today but not jumping (sliding in off side) in today - going to walk down the steps - haven't done that in years!

Hope you are all well - can't believe how far we've all come so far!

DM and Britt - wow not long at all now! fingers crossed they stay in until you want! x

Mars and Maxx - my twin buds - hope you are both well and those bubs are staying put and growing more - am getting really scared at how big i'm going to get - already got a support belt from the physio to help when walking around a lot (mainly when out shopping or dog walking at my parents). Have you had the wierd stomach shapes yet? My two were in a T shape at monday's scan yet my stomach keeps going up on the right hand side in a tent like shape when someone is there! Very wierd but nice too :)

Isi - congrats on twins - sorry don't think I realised before :) re dates - the hospital seem to make their own up based on sizes etc where as I know exactly when my IVF was done.... as long as my girls are roughly on size or at least the same growth lines as they've been all along is the main thing :)

cranberry - your dates are coming along nicely eh!

Mrs G and Mrs F - hope you both ok :)

hope I've mentioned everyone - if not it's baby brain and blonde day!

sorry for short posting - just so much to do - why do all clients want to come at the same time? xxx

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