Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

I've slept through two Nights running now! Cannot believe it. Every night up til
Now it's been 4-5 times peeing. Loving 12w!

Maybe try some acupressure to bring baby on. I have no idea about what spots but maybe you could google it

Picking up new Doppler now so have an hour to find baby hb before work. Fingers crossed!
ooh cranberry, the doula sounds great and really good that you have someone there to stick up for you. For me, I'd find it a bit weird having anyone other than DH in the room with me but can def see the advantages! Fingers crossed you find the HB nice and quick, just remember to start really low and move really slowly.

Britt and MrsG - sorry for stressful days, hopefully you wont have too many more! Yay Britt for starting leave a bit earlier too, maybe you'll have time to pack your bag then ;)

MrsF - I think you should try reverse psychology - tell bump how much you love them being in there and wish they would stay as long as possible!

Found out I do have to have the gtt due to the twin pregnancy so am booked in on 21 June - fun times! Have to say I am enjoying being pregnant soooo much! It's gonna feel really weird when there aren't babies in my tummy one day.

DIY I am not loving so much! Spent last night undercoating some chest of draws ready to be painted tonight then I just have the pine bed to sand, undercoat and paint and the new bathroom cupboard to prep and paint! If I never see another paintbrush again, it will be too damn soon! Just want to put my feet up and enjoy this last couple of months now!
Gtt sounds thoroughly boring. You actually have to wait around the hr or something don't you. Take a good book. Hope all is well there

DIY ain't my thing either tbh. I can gaff about lining cupboards but painting just sends me into a teenage strop. Me and dh have division of labor and that's his part I'm afraid :)
Not always, cb. For mine I had to drink my measured lucozade at 7am then my mw turned up 2 hours later to take the blood. Much easier!
I have to fast from 10pm the night before for the gtt and then go to the clinic for 8.30, have the drink and then wait two hours. I am trying to be positive in that at least I get a couple of hours off work! Will take a book so really dont think it will be that bad - I am remarkably good at doing nothing! :p Just hope they have comfy chairs!

I am a bit of a control freak unfortunately and my dh seems unable to paint in straight lines so I always end up doing the cutting in or the fiddly jobs. If I let him paint furniture, it would end up with runs all over it!! you know what they say, if you want a job doing right....
mm - good luck for your gtt hun, they'll sit you with other ladies in for the same thing so you/ll have someone to talk to x x and loving the reverse psychology idea!!! x

mrs-g - i am excited, but i'm worried too - i'm struggling to walk and get quite breathless talking so i'm worried i'm so unfit that i'll struggle to look after him!! but then again i reckon it'll be easier once my body is my own again.

how is everyone today?

had a friend round for lunch and she helped me go shopping which was a godsend - but am now back in bed absolutely knackered!!! tooth still hurts though which is a pain, do i not want toothache whilst going through labour!!! can you have fillings whilst pregnant? (i mean with the local anaesthetic??) gonna give dentist a bell i think

x x x
MM we have a strict policy on DIY in our house. DH works overtime and we pay a professional to do it. Honest to god it's just better that way.

Thought I would bore you all shitless with some pics of Sophie's nursery...

OK you have to imagine the bed with cot sides on and some toys.....

The changing unit (all neatly stocked with about a million nappies)


Wardrobe all neatly arranged

Needs no explaination....

JUST in so much trouble when DH gets in and realises i've been up a ladder with a hammer

I guess the name is sticking.....
loving the nursery pics dm!!! looks good! and yes, you shouldnt have been up the ladder, but i totally empathise - needs must and all that! x x x
hi ladies, just saying hi, a proper catch up later
DM- beautiful nursery :hugs:
good luck with the GD tests, I had to have it done (they do for any woman in their 30's here) and its very sugary the drink you have to take, made my stomach nauseaus lol

anyway talk with you all soon

oh and happy 37 weeks DM!! we are watermelons today!! :happydance:
Rich *told* me to get up a ladder on the upstairs landing the other day. would have been in a perfect place for me to go over the banister and down an 8ft drop the the bottom steps. The smoke alarm needed batteries and was beeping. In the end I had to do it as I wanted a bloody nap. Stood on a table tho which I reckoned was more stable with it having 4 legs and all.

Found HB this morning and again this evening with Rich, yey. This morning was a bit close to my pulse so the recording isnt that clear. You can hear the horses hooves most of the way through if you imagine it, but theres a point at 1.08 where it goes from my hb to bubs v clearly for a few secs

Have to download it from here as I couldnt work out how to get it off my phone to pay on t'internet directly.

Love the nursery pics, the curtains are lush with the ribbons. Im gonna do bunting too, waiting to see what colour ribbon to use first ^^ we've got yellow walls and white wardrobe so far
happy 37 weeks dm and britt - you're officially full term :) cran - great to hear hb isnt it :) so early as well!!! you'll be on it everyday now - i know i was until the wriggles and flutters kicked in, its ace x x

still got wanky toothache - miserable. got an appt to see dentist next week. have taken my paracetamols and its taken the edge off. but, strangely, my period pains are getting worse... and bubbs is wriggling like a mad 'un - i wonder if he's getting into a more comfy position for his grand entrance.....

......i'm a bugger for symptom spotting...... x x x
oh i forgot to say, i went to the dentist the other week and kinda need a filling but i can manage for now. he said there were risks of the injection in pregnancy but if it rly hurts then might be worth it. I didnt look at what the specific risks were tho. with mine they put some coating on it as a temp fix so there might be something they can do like that.
happy 37 weeks dm and britt - you're officially full term :) cran - great to hear hb isnt it :) so early as well!!! you'll be on it everyday now - i know i was until the wriggles and flutters kicked in, its ace x x

still got wanky toothache - miserable. got an appt to see dentist next week. have taken my paracetamols and its taken the edge off. but, strangely, my period pains are getting worse... and bubbs is wriggling like a mad 'un - i wonder if he's getting into a more comfy position for his grand entrance.....

......i'm a bugger for symptom spotting...... x x x

to think you are going to have your baby regardless in 10 days is awesome!! ha ha I love the symptom spotting :thumbup:
i could be another month if she is overdue :wacko:
hope your tooth feels better
Kitten has been wriggling around lots but also sleeping lots today too
Yay for watermelons!!! Can't believe we're full term! That's the only good thing about being booked in for a csec. I know that She will be here in 18 days time, if not sooner. Happy day.
18 days....I am so jealous DM.....
cant wait to meet Sophie
You guys are very chatty lately, I'm struggling to keep up!!!!

Couldn't sleep again last night, took me till midnight to drop off, then woke at 3, then took another hour or so to drop off, woke again at half five! What a pain! Going out tonight as well, going to an all you can eat Japanese! Must not eat seafood!

Well big move today and I'm very excited, so stupid!

Watermelons hey, I'm not happy about being a little yellow one!

DM nursery looks lovely Hun. Very girly!

Good luck cranberry with your test!

Run out of time now so gotta go x
MrsF - ooh, how grim to have toothache now! I have to say I think you can have treatment but only without anaesthetic so something like the coating cranberry was talking about sounds like a good idea! I have a severe phobia and cant be treated without sedation so I'd be pretty stuffed if I got toothache now! I love all your symptom spotting and the comparison with the tww!! I can imagine it must be really tough the first time when you really dont know what you're looking for!

DM - Unfortunately all our spare cash went on the building work which we couldnt do ourselves so we have just had to tackle the stuff that we can. I normally quite enjoy it but there has just been so much this time all in one go! Your nursery looks absolutely beautiful! Loving the curtains and the bunting too!

Cranberry - yay for you and dh getting to hear the heartbeat!

Britt - I can't see you going overdue so reckon you dont have much longer than DM to wait now!

MrsG - ooh, have a lovely time out tonight and fingers crossed you don't fall asleep in whatever fully cooked dish you end up having! :p

Dh came home from his work trip this morning which was fab. We have the weekend before he heads off again on Sunday night for a week. Typical that he hasnt had any trips for months and now I'm heavily pregnant seems like he's gonna be away every five minutes!!

Ah well at least it's Friday - woooohooooo!!!
tehe, there's a definite buzz about the thread that's for sure!!! Cant believe that some of our babies are in sight!!!

i know - crap timing with the tooth debarcle - i used to have a phobia but have it kinda under control, but there's no way they could do work without an's a bit easier today, but still there - i cant think of any other worse pain to have throughout labour!!! maybe if i ignore it itll go away!!!

no symptoms of labour to speak of so far today...prob a good thing as it does consume me!!!

got my DH's pressie today that i'm going to give him as soon as bubbs is born - its a book called Daddy and Me - had me in tears - so cute!!!! Gonna write a little message in and wrap it up to give to him just after :)

not much planned today apart from the usual - sleep and net surfing!! Ive gotta make my sisters birthday present - a family of sock monkeys - so that should keep me occupied over the next week - you watch bubbs put in an early appearance now i have a project to complete!!!

hope you are all well and have a lovely weekend planned - i'm off to get in the shower - a first for me this week before 3pm! lady of leisure.... :) laters crazy cats x x x

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