Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

Aww at the book. He'll probably blub as well tbh :)

Are you making the monkeys from socks or knitting them?

Ive bought DH a Fathers day mug. Got it printed from photobox with our 12w scan pic on. If he doesnt melt at it hes in trouble! These men play it so cool sometimes then are suprisingly soppy at other times.

Ive had a crappy morning of crap. Work was fine, leaving the carpark I reversed into a PARKED car... It was double parked and shouldnt have been there, but still. Hardly any damage at all - the bumper just needs banging back in, it just came off about 1cm. So I left my mobile number and theyve called but not left a voicemail. I called the number but its some automated call centre so Ill never get through to them.

Then I went to the gym and put all my stuff in a locker, lock didnt work, so I moved it ALL, lock didnt work. Had to try 4 lockers!

Stupid silly things is all. Need to have a cheer up I think, just grumpy about the stupid car bashing. Mine is totally fine as it has a 5mph crash bumper or whatever, so it just bends then goes back as long as youre going slowly. This was a crappy R reg Fiesta so its probably written off with £5 worth of damage

Think Im gonna get a new wardrobe at the weekend. Thinking about getting another Pax - have one in nursery, but want a super big corner one for our bedroom. Atm have my clothes in about 4 places and its rly annoying. Have to convert skinflint husband to the idea tho.....

Have a good afternoon
Alright kids? Boo to generic toothaches around the place. If it helps, bad toothache is worse than labour. i'd rather have a baby :rofl:

Just sitting down for lunch (mozarella pizza - yummah. appetite has gone crackers this week). been nesting most of the day. Got on top of my laundry (got to put all the clean away in a sec) and tidied Harry Dragon's room. Keep going into Sophie's room to touch things! it doesn't seem real though. I can't believe there will actually be a new person in this house in 3 weeks. I mean, my son was born at 38 weeks so she must be about that size, and she's still moving as much as ever (ferret up the top time again) and my bump is massive. But she doesn't seem real yet.
I hate toothache too, its like you cant forget about it whatever you do. its right up there in your head.

Pizza sounds like a fab idea, Im not able to eat much atm, Im starving then can only eat like 5 bites. Blood sugar is fab because of it tho and Ive lost 10lbs since the bfp. Making sure to eat lots of veg etc and milk so as to provide actual nutrients, just the mashed potatoes etc I can afford to cut out anyway.

It does feel v odd that theres actually going to be a baby at the end of all this. Have you been checked etc, any sign of anything happening any time soon?
Good evening, I'm cream cracked! Work shit, long hours and crap boss, (don't think he's actually noticed the bump I'm carrying with what he expects!) been on feet all day! Now in bed so hoping for some actual sleep!!!!!!

Catcha laters x x
lol, mrs-g, loving the concise update hun!!! Hope youve managed to get some good :sleep:

dm - pleased to hear that labour is easier than toothache!!! made my day that :) x x mozerrella pizza....mmmmmmmmmmmmmm

cranberry - making them from socks hun, forgotten how to knit! made one full one yesterday and then 2 semi-done. my mum's round today so when shes gone i'm on it. sorry to hear about your prang - hope your car's ok

well, i've been up since 5am - woke up with the most incredible pain across my bump - really thought my time had come :( sent the adrenalin round my body and woke me up, but nothing since. so, i got up and nested instead!! Dh even got breakfast in bed before work - brownie points for moi..... so housework done, and i'm back in bed with the animals hoping to catch a few zzzzzz's before mother visits (my animals are normally barred from the bedroom, but during a naptime, they come in and keep me company - i'm a sucker for those big eyes)

hope everyone has a nice relaxing weekend x x x
Ooh I might have a go at making some sock monkeys. Knitting takes bloody ages. I'm doing a blanket ATM but I think it's gonna be too small :( tested it with a fake kitchen paper roll baby and even that was too big. Can be a carseat snuggly maybe

Shame the one pain woke you up. Sounds like a productive morning tho:)

Have a good day all. We're putting pax together for our bedroom. I'm on instructions and screw holding duty!
Hey ladies, its been crazy busy with training the new girl, forgot everything I read...
Cran- sorry to hear about your car, but what a sweetie you are for leaving a note, seriously so many people would not. I saw this guy back into my car and he left his white paint on it but of course did not leave a note or anything and it was too hard to see his license #. Frustrates me... :wacko:

MrsF- well things are definitely getting ready though....I know how you feel, wondering when it will happen but technically we are only 37+ weeks, most women with their first pregnancy go over, my guess is you will be waiting for your induction- but that is so close!!

hope everyone is well
shant bother mentioning me having H at 38 weeks again :haha:

productive day today! her cot is now built with all Harrys old toys and mobile arranged in it, looks really cute!
Evening all x

I had a really good nights sleep, only a couple of toilet trips!!!

Work better today but still non stop, just took dh to pub for dinner he had 3 beers and said what's next, I said let's go and as we got out I turned left to the car, he turned right to the next pub, bless him, he seriously thought we were making a night of it!

I feel huge today!

Mrs f/Britt/DM did you get much bigger in the last few weeks? I'm really not sure whether I can physically get any bigger!

Cranberry, you're very organised! Knitting already, I can't/won't knit!

Mrs f, it's sounding promising, did it really hurt?????? Oh dear!
G I've been more or less the same for the last three months then about a week ago I had a bit of a surge. It varies though as when her head is deep I look tiny.
Do I need to buy a pram suit in new born or 0-3 months?????

I've got 2 for 3-6 months as this should be nov - jan but nothing earlier. It's just the one I bought from mamas and papas is half price and I love it, don't know whether to also buy it smaller.
morning ladies :flower: hope you are all well x x x

not sure how much bigger i've got in the past few weeks tbh, but everyone keeps saying how small i am for 8.5 months - alot of people think i''m only about 6 months. i'm noticing the shape change more than anything else as he drops down.

sorry to be a thicky, but what's a pram suit hun??!!

mrs-g the pain was the ost intense i've felt yet BH wise, but it was tolerable...

feeling a bit "blah" today - think i'm getting fed up of groundhog day. it's weird Britt, cos i know you're right, we;ve still got a few weeks to go, but i think because i've got a date for next week, psychologically, i'm near the end - not sure that makes sense!!! DM - im 38 weeks tomorrow and like you, i know a lot of peeps who gave birth then. but i think Britt's right, induction it is.

have a lovely day ladies, will check in later x x x
MrsF- I would love to have LO at 39 weeks, I think that is a perfect time :thumbup: I think the odds are in your favour for induction, but you never know the baby might surprise you and show up early. My doctor will let me go to 41.5 weeks!! agghhh, no!! if you have a bump pic, post it, I will get DH to take pics soon as well. I am the opposite everyone thinks I'm massive :wacko: but according to my doc I am still measuring a cm small.
I get massive stares out in public too, and I'm like okay people you all came to the world this way, nothing to see, its quite normal- i'm not a circus freak lol :rofl:

DM- your FB posts are priceless, you are SOOOOO ready for little Sophie to enter this world...maybe she will come early with this being your second and your history with Dragon

MrsG- sorry I dont know what a pram suit is either...

guess what girls, I have been doing a lot of thinking and I believe i have decided to make Friday this week my last day of work :happydance: I am just so freakin tired and I have more than enough vacation time to do this, I think I just need to let go and move onto this stage now.

Mrsf, I know you are off, DM you are on mat leave now too right?

have a lovely day everyone :hugs:
Oh well done you! Really it's just not worth the money to keep flogging your arse off this late on! i'm off now but technically it's annual leave. My mat leave officially starts on the 21st.

Re pram suits, I'm not bothering til winter. She's got a little quilted jacket which will be more than enough if you layer and have a blanket. Our pram is basically a buggy converter so it has a cosytoe round it so she'll be super snug. Better to have lots of thin removable layers than one big chunky one. I bought a pramsuit a while back (while we were TTC - I just loved it) but am giving it to a friend who is due in November as i don't think I will use it.
ooh, add me on FB

Britt, glad youre taking mat leave at last, cant imagine how knackered you must be,try and have a rest when youre off and wind down the pace of things a bit.

Ive got 3 pram/snowsuits at 0-3 months, but Im due Dec. Will have growth scans between 20 and 40w so Im gonna hold off buying newborn stuff til then, if baby is massive then I wont bother wth NB. (My blood sugars are fine btw, lowest ever this week as Ive eaten super healthy so baby wont be growing to be man-sized yey)

bought a ladybird costume today in mothercare - 3-6m as they didnt have smaller. It was half price in the sale and I was looking online at it for ages, so I bought it. Its got lickle feelers on the head!Ladybird

Proper nesting atm too. Had a massive blitz of the house and got about 1% through. Still loads to do, but have about 15 bin bags to go to the tip next weekend :haha:

Hope youre all having a nice weekend, shocking weather here... and I have to watch the Grandprix ><
Oh that is soooo cute!!! Harry had a little Dragon costume (his nickname has been Dragon since he was a couple of weeks old)
ahh Dragon is so cute and totally lives up to his name, what a cutie- sweet then and super sweet now

Cran- wow you are getting in the nesting thing, thats awesome! i bought one 7lb sleeper and the rest are 0-3 months, I know my friend ended up just buying a few smaller suits when her girl was born as she was on the small side and it was no big deal. I wonder how big my LO never commented but I do know she is strong.

okay knackered, going to sign off
so 5 more days of work :happydance:

pram suits - I have got a couple of newborn ones as they were hand me downs but if I was buying myself would have just gone for 0-3 or possibly even 3 - 6 (can't imagine its the sort of thing that would matter if it was a bit big to start!) Mine should be hitting 3 months in about November and I dont think they'll need anything too warm before then plus the chances of getting out with 2 are likely to be infrequent!!

Yay Britt for finishing work! It sounds like a great idea, I was worried for you going so long!

Will have to check out costume pics later as they wont show at work! My 1 yr old niece had on a little fairy outfit at the weekend and absoultely loved it!! Paraded around like a proper little princess, too cute!

I am feeling huge at the moment! My belly has gone through such a growth spurt since about 23 weeks. Spent yesterday with it just feeling rock solid all day and today is similar, think I just have to get used to the latest stretch but hoping it gets a bit more comfortable again soon!

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