Assisted Conception Thread :) *updated members list pg1*

I'm home but can't chat long as inlaws are coming at 6 and I've gotta cook dinner!

I'm soooo tired from my weekend away, burst into tears earlier so I went to bed for an hour, I needed that sleep.

My money is on MrsF, DM, Britt, Ahbon then me!!! Have I missed anyone?

I've not been told about gtt but midwife is monitoring me I think as baby measures half a week ahead and my wee always has issues, probably because I do not drink nearly enough!!!

I get pains in my side all the time, like a stitch. I have also been getting sharp 'oooooo' pains, not too sure what they are but they make me go 'oooooo', not too sure if these are BH but they only last a second and are usually one off, if that's a practice contraction then I'm gonna be in for a he'll of an eye opener!!!!! I'm expecting labour to be like heavy period how wrong can I be?

Went to a car boot in Whitby on Sunday and was soooo pissed off, my lotti ladybird rocker I paid £35 for was £18 (mine is better condition) plus a brand new lotti ladybird play mat £20, mine was £55........oh dear. But I did buy a Disney changing bag that looks brand new for just £2.50 and I've managed to get through the whole break without buying a single item of baby clothing, how disciplined is that?
bollocks. just spent ages writing a reply and i lost it. bugger.

so, heres the condensed version - hello all!!

dm, i hope they get your pay sorted,

mm - yay for mat leave date! Going doolally at the end of pregnancy is an unwritten side effect i think....

britt - pleased your taking it more easy at work - you can get your bag sorted now ;)

mrs-g - sleep is a must hun, i get teary too if i dont / cant sleep

abhon - sorry to hear about your OC hun, you ok? x x

cranberry - it does feel like you're left to your own devices after 12 weeks, but 20 week scan will soon be here - you finding out gender?

afm - lazy day, cooked a hearty sausage and lentil casserole, had loads of RLT / capsules, now in bed with tummy ache.... cmon bubbs, time to come out now, i need to be able to move, eat, drink and sleep!!! (mind you, no guarantees that'll happen when you do come!!)

so, it seems we shall be delivering in order of dates - me, then dm, then britt...are we all june ladies?? anyone heard from yomo? she was a few days before me. Also, not seen mercyme or mamafiry for a while, or blue or dilly? any ideas? hope they're well x x x
boo to tummy ache, hope they do some good and get bubs moving

Were gonna find out the sex, I reckon weve spent long enough waiting tbh already. A friend just had her 20w scan and they couldnt tell the sex, baby was moving too much. She got preg first cycle tho so I think a lot of the time she doesnt see the joy in things iykwim. She wasnt fussed, Id have been on the blower booking a private 4d scan. I look at my preg tracker all the time and am like oo fingernails, she doesnt have any idea about that stuff. I rly think if she had actually had to work for it it would have been more enjoyed.

Anyway, sorry, went off on one.

Enjoy the RLT curries and bonking all :)
Me and oh were just talking today about sex..... Babies not ours (although we did it once over the weekend but not very enjoyable for me, couldn't find a position that was comfy and gave me the right feelings if ya know what I mean, our usual position which works well just strained my tummy, OH enjoyed though so that's what I was bothered about, not in a major rush to do again though!) anyway back to babies sex, we were saying we have no idea why people would wait, finding out that we're having a girls was amazing and she is no longer an it but our little girl, it's allowed us to bond with her so much. There will be enough surprises the day she arrives!
G I'm with you. It was like I fell in love with her all over again when I found out she was a little girl. The same when we found out with Harry. When they stop being an "it" and become a he or she, then it's a real person.

And re jiggy, we are sticking with spooning. It's comfy, cuddly, doesn't require too much effort and doesn't hurt!
ooh ahbon, sorry about the obstetric cholestasis *hugs* I dont know much about it, can it cause other complications other than the itching? Great that you've ordered your baby jogger, I'm still looking out for a good deal but reckon I've got plenty of time yet (plus I don't want to store it too long!) Thanks for the pineapple comments, reckon I may just cut back a little and spread it out so eat one over a few days rather than all in one!

Cranberry - I know what you mean about scans! I expected lots extra because of the twins but had one at 8, one at 13 and one at 20. My next one is next week at 28 and I can't wait to see them again!! I can deffo understand wanting to find out the baby's sex and I do think that it helps you bond and makes it all feel that much more real. My husband cried when he found out we were having a little girl and he didnt even know he wanted one that much until then!

MrsG - sounds like you at least got a couple of bargains at the car boot! I picked up a mamas and papas caterpillar rocker the other day for £2! I am a bit of an addict but I swear I have saved myself hundreds of pounds, especially preparing for 2!

MrsF - Yay for a lazy day, hope the RLT starts working its magic for you!

*waves at Britt and DM and anyone else I've forgotten!*

big day for me today..... *drumroll*...... I'm in third tri!!! Woohooo! Somedays I still dont trust my luck that we were lucky enough to fall pregnant but the fact that there are gonna be two new little people in our lives in a few months is really starting to hit home now! Heard the HBs at the mw yesterday and little girl started kicking at the doppler, I already feel like they have their own little personalities! Little boy is active and kicking alllllll the time but little girl seems chilled until something annoys her and she decides she's not gonna put up with it!
:happydance: happy 3rd tri MM :) it's crazy to think of the journey endured to get here, and now we're all so close to meeting our much wanted beanies :) it does make you fill up sometimes x x x

lol, not even gonna comment on the jiggy comments - :nope: still cant think of anything worse......

when i was in hosp a couple of weeks ago, the mw said "oh, so you know the sex then" to which dh and i replied yep, since about week 12. She replied "it beats me why people want to find out - why? i bet you were the sort of child who looked for your christmas presents, no patience......." i was gobsmacked!! Dh made a comment about bonding with him and she replied "Piffle!!! How can you bond with something you havent met yet...." i had to keep my mouth shut at this point, but how rude!!! My body, our baby, our decision! End of!!!! i really hope she's not my induction mw....i respect anyone's decision to find out / not find out

tell you what interested me - yesterday i was reading in the breastfeeding thread of a lady who has expressed enough milk for her LO for 6 months - fab stuff! Got me thinking what a good idea to have a bank of milk so you can "stop breastfeeding" but carry on providing. gonna look into that to see how she did it.

hope everyone has a good day planned, mine consists of sleeping, food shopping and watching the apprentice on sky plus :) exciting times ladies....
As much as I love the kicks etc I really wish one of hte girls would stop doing it down on my cervix! My bump seems really hard at night now - not cramping or braxton hicks just seems less wobbly - like when the girls move around too much - feels like they are running out of room - then in the daytime it's back to normal - well wierd!

Am so itchy today :( Hubby wants me to call hospital - I'm holding off as I know it's normal to be itchy and I've obviously got more due to cholestasis

Hubby mentioned which one he thought was each name we've chosen......whoops we'd both decided on the opposite ones HAHA have to see which one looks like which when we met them I suppose :)

MM - congrats on third trimester :)

Hope everyone ok today :) x
Sounds like everyone is doing great! Yay!!!

I'm a honeydew today!
Yey to third tri and babies growing nice and fat!

That MW sounds like a complete cow, Id have it put on my notes that I refuse to be seen by her. How bloody rude to be like that. She obv doesnt respect anyones right to choose anything, big headed medical dickheads.
lol cranberry, it did make me wonder why she was in the job....

mercy - good to see you hun, i was getting worried bout you x x x

ahbon - sorry to hear about the itchies - if it's any help i get the itchies from time to time, but mainly when i just come out the shower - think it's just my skin drying out. Having said that, you can't be too careful, maybe a quick phonecall to put your mind at rest may help - hope it's nothing x x x

well, so far, havent managed to do anything today - not even get out of bed to watch apprentice - mmmm, will save it for friday now. Just building up energy to get in the shower. thought i'd be bored but actually am enjoying lazing around and surfing the net - should i be feeling guilty?? it's nice to spend some time curled up with my cat and dog actually!

getting some lovely period pains again, on and off - i never actually thought i'd be pleased to feel them, but strangely am! Prob cos it's a sign something's happening. RLT is defo doing the job!

i will confess that these last couple of weeks are like the 2ww without a doubt!!! symptom spotting, wondering about the cervix, feeling every twinge and analysing it, checking underwear.... the only positive is that you know you are defo pregnant at this stage!!! oh well, only 12 sleeps left til I-Day....
I reckon this is about the only time in your life that lazing around is acceptable. Do more lazing! Just cook the baby and have a relax
met my doula today who was ace, yey. not much to do now with her until oct/nov so will just bimble along til I know how things are going. reassuring to have found someone who I like, gets me and will stand up for me in the hospital if i go in. Youd think that would be DH's job rly, but he gets a bit tongue tied in these situations.

She does shiatsu which can bring on labour (will use that and anything else I can get my hands on once Im 36/38w or something) and also it can increase the strength of contractions - loving it tbh, yey, home birth, Ill be screaming for an epidural once the day comes I know it :p

I heard alan sugar on the radio today, theres a new apprentice soon, I never watched it but I might this series.
it's been on for a few weeks hun, i missed the first few cos of yoga, so i;ve series linked them purposefully for a day of viewing :)

good news about your doula - it's crossed my mind about getting one as i've heard really good things about their support and advocacy.

well, good news this end, my DH's cousin has just gone through the first ivf cycle and has got a positive today :happydance: possibly twins :happydance: am over the moon for them.

and on a totally different note - i'm having my own personal competition going on as to what's gonna go first:

a) my belly button - it's hanging on in there, but getting shallower and smaller by the day
b) stretch marks - v lucky to not have any yet...
c) Baby - lol

i'm clearly hoping for c!!!
I reckon if youve not got stretch marks by now then youre pretty much out of the woods, you wont grow that much more now will you?

so belly button vs baby, hmm.... belly button!

Didnt realise apprentice had already started, might see if its on iplayer.

I would recommend a doula if you think you might want to have any kind of arguament with the MW/Consultant while youre in labour, then you can tell em what you want pre birth and if its needed, you set the doula on the mw and you get what you want.
Also the c section rate is 50% less with a doula. I guess youre just more relaxed so the oxywhatever can do its job - Rebecca today explained that Oxysomething and adrenaline are like on a see saw, so if youre stressed (ie adrenaline) your oxythingy goes down meaning your contractions are less effective.

I just like the idea of getting shiatsu while im in labour, will get my nails done too maybe!
Right, you lot have list me with the whole doula thing!!!!

Mrs f, great news on your cousin x

As for choice a,b and c I too was thinking the same but figured if belly button not popped yet it won't, if I've got a couple of stretch marks on my boobs but not belly, they're not gonna appear, so I'm just waiting for baby!!!!
Sounds like everyone is doing great! Yay!!!

I'm a honeydew today!

hey ladies, sorry just a quick one from me today, has been a very stressful and not good day...agghh those are bound to happen though once in awhile I guess

yeah Mercyme for being a honeydew! :thumbup:

happy 3rd tri Ahbon!! :thumbup:

MrsF- sounds like you are really enjoying this mat leave stuff, nice!! I may have my last day on the 17th now with vacation and start mat leave July 1st, so yeah!! :)

k, got to run, chat tomorrow
morning ladies :flower:

britt - totally recommend mat leave hun, and i never thought i'd say that, thought i'd be bored witless by now but taking it all in my waddley-stride quite well!!!

mrs-g - i hope my belly button doesnt pop, makes my bum go funny thinking about it!!

cranberry - the rate this one is growing, who knows how much bigger i'm gonna get!!!

well, dh and i had a vindaloo and a jalfrezee last night - nadda! the only thing its given me is bloody toothache!! and a very active baby!! been up since 5.30 with wrigglebum in my tummy!! we'll see how the day progresses!!! x x x
Mrs f, you must be so excited!!!! I'm not too sure I will try all these different options to get baby here, just think she'll come of her own accord when she is ready, I guess I'll probably change my mind given another 4 or 5 weeks! Your count down is like mine for maternity, 11 days left, only thing is mine are working days so I actually have another 3 weeks! Grrrrr I can't wait to have nothing on my mind but baby!

Britt, I had a stressful day yesterday too, only woke up for a wee about 3 times last night but after my 3.30 wee I could not sleep for about an hour with work running through my head, need to get out if that one!!!!! We are moving offices this Friday and our new place isn't even ready yet! It is gonna be a nightmare!

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