Aug / Sept IVF UPDATED ROLE CALL (9.19.12 - AM)

Oh and I will not be announcing my pregnancy on facebook either, tlm. Hearing pregnancy announcements are the worst when you are dealing with IF. I thought it was pretty cool though that after a facebook acquaintance announced the birth of her baby she wrote "Thank God for IVF" .... I thought that was so cool and brave. I wrote her a note telling her so and that just that little act offered so much hope to me and who knows who else!

Wow that really is a lovley thing to do, it is hard logging onto Facebook as every status or picture is pregnancy or baby related

I suppose if it does work I wouldn't care who knew it was ivf but while we're going through it I find telling people that don't understand causes more stress when they ask silly questions or have silly assumptions
Yay Jules!!! Those numbers sound awesome!! How was ER? Did you bloat up after? I have heard some women do...
Hi there tlm

ER was find (I was terrified beforehand but as the nurse said, it's nothing to worry about and very routine. Doesn't feel like that when it's you!). I had mine done under full sedation and not a general so it was propfol, I was still out for the count. No recollection of anything. Whole thing was over in 20 mins (mine was apparently text book so that was good). Seemed like the other three ladies who went in after me while i was waiting in recovery were in for a similar time though too. No pain after and I had thought my bloating was going down although this is back with a vengeance this afternoon which I can only assume is the horrid cyclogest. Feel like a balloon now and very emotional which is unlike me.

Where are you up to in your cycle? X
Ugh, sorry the bloating seems to be worse now. I think that's normal though, right? And I can just imagine the emotional toll it all takes on you! Hang in there!! Hope you are getting some rest! Maybe get a good book or have a friend come visit you to lift your spirits.

I am at cd23 today, and day 3 of Lupron. So far so good! :) I thought I had a cyst so I called the docor and went in this morning to have an u/s. Everything looks perfect so I don't know what I am feeling, the nurse thought maybe has? Lol! The pain is only when I touch my lower abdomen and not bad. I think I am too in tune with my body and what's going on, maybe I read into something that was nothing!

Now just praying that AF starts in the next few days! Fx!

Yay Jules!!! Those numbers sound awesome!! How was ER? Did you bloat up after? I have heard some women do...
Hi there tlm

ER was find (I was terrified beforehand but as the nurse said, it's nothing to worry about and very routine. Doesn't feel like that when it's you!). I had mine done under full sedation and not a general so it was propfol, I was still out for the count. No recollection of anything. Whole thing was over in 20 mins (mine was apparently text book so that was good). Seemed like the other three ladies who went in after me while i was waiting in recovery were in for a similar time though too. No pain after and I had thought my bloating was going down although this is back with a vengeance this afternoon which I can only assume is the horrid cyclogest. Feel like a balloon now and very emotional which is unlike me.

Where are you up to in your cycle? X
Hey ladies how are u all getting on?

AFM I started my injections today back on Wednesday to get scan and bloods done and see ow many follies I have.
Ugh, sorry the bloating seems to be worse now. I think that's normal though, right? And I can just imagine the emotional toll it all takes on you! Hang in there!! Hope you are getting some rest! Maybe get a good book or have a friend come visit you to lift your spirits.

I am at cd23 today, and day 3 of Lupron. So far so good! :) I thought I had a cyst so I called the docor and went in this morning to have an u/s. Everything looks perfect so I don't know what I am feeling, the nurse thought maybe has? Lol! The pain is only when I touch my lower abdomen and not bad. I think I am too in tune with my body and what's going on, maybe I read into something that was nothing!

Now just praying that AF starts in the next few days! Fx!
Hi tlm

It's so easy to become really focussed on your body and what its doing. I was obsessed with OHSS and thought that I had that. LOL. Hope the pain is getting better whatever it was!

Good luck with the rest of treatment, doesn't seem like it at the time but it will zip past.

J x
Jules, it sounds like you got a great number of eggs given your low AMH levels! That's fantastic. May I ask what your AMH level is? I have very low AMH as well (.3 on the US scale) and am very worried that I won't respond to the medication.

Ugh, sorry the bloating seems to be worse now. I think that's normal though, right? And I can just imagine the emotional toll it all takes on you! Hang in there!! Hope you are getting some rest! Maybe get a good book or have a friend come visit you to lift your spirits.

I am at cd23 today, and day 3 of Lupron. So far so good! :) I thought I had a cyst so I called the docor and went in this morning to have an u/s. Everything looks perfect so I don't know what I am feeling, the nurse thought maybe has? Lol! The pain is only when I touch my lower abdomen and not bad. I think I am too in tune with my body and what's going on, maybe I read into something that was nothing!

Now just praying that AF starts in the next few days! Fx!
Hi tlm

It's so easy to become really focussed on your body and what its doing. I was obsessed with OHSS and thought that I had that. LOL. Hope the pain is getting better whatever it was!

Good luck with the rest of treatment, doesn't seem like it at the time but it will zip past.

J x
Good Luck Jules - so you will have a 5day transfer? How many will you put back?

Septbride- What did your doctor say on what they hope your response will be? Sorry I don't know about low amh because I haven't been tested yet.

Diva- gl - hope you get lots of eggies!

tlm--- so excited for you!

wanabea-- since we are cycling together, are you starting to get nervous yet...I am - it is all starting to hit me I am actually doing this!!

afm- Just waiting on AF should be here today or tomorow. After 3 days I will go get my bloodwork done and get this going. Like I said I am all of the sudden getting nervous and scared. I feel like I am going to screw it up or something!!
Jules, it sounds like you got a great number of eggs given your low AMH levels! That's fantastic. May I ask what your AMH level is? I have very low AMH as well (.3 on the US scale) and am very worried that I won't respond to the medication.
Hi there septbride

My AMH is 2.6 on the pmol/L scale (the one that goes up to c48, not the one that goes up to c 6), which puts me at the bottom of the "low fertility category" and nudging towards the top of "very low/undetecable". Looking at the scales (as I think you're on the other scale), it looks like you're broadly about the same level as me. MY FS said that it is not always a given that someone with low AMH will be a bad responder, indeed there are other people going through IVF at the same time as me now who have produced fewer eggs and don't have AMH issues. On day 1 of my cycle my FS did an AFC (which was c 11 of different sizes) and they all responded.

Have you tried gonal F etc before at all for IUIs or anything? I went straight to that for my IUIs as I wasn't responding to clomid and it was a much better result on IUI 2 (we messed up IUI 3 so ignore the follie count in my signature on that one).

J x
Good Luck Jules - so you will have a 5day transfer? How many will you put back?

Septbride- What did your doctor say on what they hope your response will be? Sorry I don't know about low amh because I haven't been tested yet.

Diva- gl - hope you get lots of eggies!

tlm--- so excited for you!

wanabea-- since we are cycling together, are you starting to get nervous yet...I am - it is all starting to hit me I am actually doing this!!

afm- Just waiting on AF should be here today or tomorow. After 3 days I will go get my bloodwork done and get this going. Like I said I am all of the sudden getting nervous and scared. I feel like I am going to screw it up or something!!
Hi LillyLove

Yep tomorrow will be a 5 day transfer. 9 of the 13 embies from yesterday still going well so really hopeful that that continues and they get to blast. If they are of good quality they only put one back, if average quality then they will do two. Terrible as I'm itching for them to put 2 good ones back (!) but my clinic is very focussed on reducing multiples.

Biggest issue for me now is the useless lining so quite anxious to see that it is still holding at 6.9mm tomorrow.

J x
Lilly, my doctor hasn't said much about odds, because she says that we won't know anything, really, until we start on the stims and see how it goes.

Jules, thanks for all the feedback. I do think we're in the same range with AMH; yours might be a bit better than mine. I haven't tried Gonal-F before -- my doctor recommended that we skip IUI altogether and go straight to IVF, so I've only taken Clomid, which certainly didn't work! They will have me on high doses of the Gonal-F and Menopur, so here's hoping. It's very encouraging to see that you responded so well.

Thanks, ladies! xx

Jules, it sounds like you got a great number of eggs given your low AMH levels! That's fantastic. May I ask what your AMH level is? I have very low AMH as well (.3 on the US scale) and am very worried that I won't respond to the medication.
Hi there septbride

My AMH is 2.6 on the pmol/L scale (the one that goes up to c48, not the one that goes up to c 6), which puts me at the bottom of the "low fertility category" and nudging towards the top of "very low/undetecable". Looking at the scales (as I think you're on the other scale), it looks like you're broadly about the same level as me. MY FS said that it is not always a given that someone with low AMH will be a bad responder, indeed there are other people going through IVF at the same time as me now who have produced fewer eggs and don't have AMH issues. On day 1 of my cycle my FS did an AFC (which was c 11 of different sizes) and they all responded.

Have you tried gonal F etc before at all for IUIs or anything? I went straight to that for my IUIs as I wasn't responding to clomid and it was a much better result on IUI 2 (we messed up IUI 3 so ignore the follie count in my signature on that one).

J x
Lilly, my doctor hasn't said much about odds, because she says that we won't know anything, really, until we start on the stims and see how it goes.

Jules, thanks for all the feedback. I do think we're in the same range with AMH; yours might be a bit better than mine. I haven't tried Gonal-F before -- my doctor recommended that we skip IUI altogether and go straight to IVF, so I've only taken Clomid, which certainly didn't work! They will have me on high doses of the Gonal-F and Menopur, so here's hoping. It's very encouraging to see that you responded so well.

Thanks, ladies! xx
Keep me posted as it will be good to see how you get on. Gonal F for me was fantastic and WAY fewer side effects than the clomid, which I struggled with. When you have the first scan they will count the number of follies they can see, which will give an indicator of the number of eggs you can expect (but even that can be out! I had 11 and ended up with 16 eggs). Good luck and lets hope your ovaries go nuts x
Good Luck Jules - so you will have a 5day transfer? How many will you put back?

Septbride- What did your doctor say on what they hope your response will be? Sorry I don't know about low amh because I haven't been tested yet.

Diva- gl - hope you get lots of eggies!

tlm--- so excited for you!

wanabea-- since we are cycling together, are you starting to get nervous yet...I am - it is all starting to hit me I am actually doing this!!

afm- Just waiting on AF should be here today or tomorow. After 3 days I will go get my bloodwork done and get this going. Like I said I am all of the sudden getting nervous and scared. I feel like I am going to screw it up or something!!

I am getting very nervous :wacko: it crazy now it's getting closer I'm starting to think of it a little differently I'm even worrying about timing my injections BC I leave the house at 7.45 am and get home at 7pm but on a thurday I get home 9pm I really don't want to inject at work and I'm wondering is doing it in the morning equal to evening???
Also I have a tiny fridge and people are always in it so in going to have to buy a mini fridge eeeek

Well we can do this together it will be great to compare with someone :hugs:
I am getting very nervous :wacko: it crazy now it's getting closer I'm starting to think of it a little differently I'm even worrying about timing my injections BC I leave the house at 7.45 am and get home at 7pm but on a thurday I get home 9pm I really don't want to inject at work and I'm wondering is doing it in the morning equal to evening???
Also I have a tiny fridge and people are always in it so in going to have to buy a mini fridge eeeek

Well we can do this together it will be great to compare with someone :hugs:
Hi there, not sure what injections you will be on but I had to do gonal F and this had to be done in the evening. The patient info says to keep doing it about the same time each evening although my FS said between 7pm and 9pm. I started using cetrotide from say day 5 and this had to be done at 7am (I was in the hospital at 8.30am each day for blood work). If the hospital is close by to you, you could ask them if they would store Thursday's injection for you and you could shoot over there around 7pm to do it that day (assuming work would let you). Other than that you could do a cooler bag to keep everything in; my drugs needed to stay between 2 and 8 degrees so you'd need to be able to check on that. We have a doctor in my office and they offered to hold the drugs for me. Think buying a little fridge may be the way to go. x
Hey Ladies, I'm on day 3 of Gonal f now introducing cetrotide so this should be fun.

Hope u are all well and doing good.
I am getting very nervous :wacko: it crazy now it's getting closer I'm starting to think of it a little differently I'm even worrying about timing my injections BC I leave the house at 7.45 am and get home at 7pm but on a thurday I get home 9pm I really don't want to inject at work and I'm wondering is doing it in the morning equal to evening???
Also I have a tiny fridge and people are always in it so in going to have to buy a mini fridge eeeek

Well we can do this together it will be great to compare with someone :hugs:
Hi there, not sure what injections you will be on but I had to do gonal F and this had to be done in the evening. The patient info says to keep doing it about the same time each evening although my FS said between 7pm and 9pm. I started using cetrotide from say day 5 and this had to be done at 7am (I was in the hospital at 8.30am each day for blood work). If the hospital is close by to you, you could ask them if they would store Thursday's injection for you and you could shoot over there around 7pm to do it that day (assuming work would let you). Other than that you could do a cooler bag to keep everything in; my drugs needed to stay between 2 and 8 degrees so you'd need to be able to check on that. We have a doctor in my office and they offered to hold the drugs for me. Think buying a little fridge may be the way to go. x

Thank you well I'm not sure what I will be using yet I will find out on the day I start,
I'm not really that close to the hospital it about a 30-40 min drive
I m my own boss so I could possibily finish work a little earlier on the Thursday's and get home for 8.30 or I could just ask about the cooler bag

Thank you that was very helpful in getting my head arround it :hugs:
Thank you well I'm not sure what I will be using yet I will find out on the day I start,
I'm not really that close to the hospital it about a 30-40 min drive
I m my own boss so I could possibily finish work a little earlier on the Thursday's and get home for 8.30 or I could just ask about the cooler bag

Thank you that was very helpful in getting my head arround it :hugs:
No worries. If you would like, send me a pm when you know what drugs you're on. If they're the ones I mentioned before I have a few tips for doing them. J x
Oh thank you so much I start 3 weeks today and have needle teach same day so I will collect the drugs then :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Oh thank you so much I start 3 weeks today and have needle teach same day so I will collect the drugs then :hugs::hugs::hugs:
Needle teach? You're lucky I had a 2 second demo and then all the drugs arrived the following day; very much "learning on the job"! X

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