August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

Hope your supplements work Zestygirl.

Unfortunately, there is no way that the bleeding I'm having is implantation. I would say the spotting at 6/7dpo was implantation. Now I have bright red and more than spotting. Still 2 lines on this morning's test though so just have to wait it out and see. I did have a lot of early bleeding with my first pregnancy so can't say which way this is going to go, I don't have any cramping though so hanging on to that as a bit of hope.

Yesterday was thinking of all these ways to tell DH but when it came down to it I just said "can you come have a look at this". He was excited, told him I'm bleeding so we're going to just hold our breaths for a few days and see what happens then I'll make a dr appointment for Friday and go from there.

I have read that chaste berry is prescribed to prevent miscarriage and support early pregnancy. Just wanted to mention it-Midwives swear by it. Much sticky baby dust to you and hope that this is just a busy little bean making its presence known! :) :dust:
So fertility friend says I ovulated CD 15. We BD at 2:00 am on CD 16, I took my temp at 6:00 am and it was starting to get higher. Is there still a chance I could concieve or was it probably to late? I read somewhere before you can be fertile the day after ovulation, is this true? My CM was still really watery on CD 16. I dont normally get EW CM ive only ever had that once that I noticed. Last cycle when I had my chem I had twinges and was really gassy on far no symptoms this time around.

Your timing seems just fine, Andi! Sperms can arrive to the tube in 25 minutes, and Eggies live 24 hours! There is plenty of overlap for your BD. :) you are totally in, girl!!!! Good luck!

I am just on cd4 so I am ready to start trying in a week :) this is only attempt #2 or 3 so I have lots of PMA that its just a matter of time and patience. The supplements really can't hurt though.... Doing what I can to give nature a boost :) I should be testing again soon, so this thread will hopefully be lucky number 3 for some of us!
Good luck berri I hope this works out well for you :)

As for me still no show for AF I'm now 10 days late...I did take another test Sunday morning which was 8 days late which was another BFN so I'm leaving it a few days if it not here by next week I will try test again. I've holding on to a thread of hope that maybe I could be pregnant and there is just not enough hormones to tell yet...but everything else is telling me that its false hope and I'm not pregnant.
Yay on positive tests. Dave's dad us staying with us so not alot of doing it haha. Today we get the decision about brendon praying it goes in our favor. And i still haven't gotten a thermometer!

So brendon goes back to his mum got the call today. Baby making is on hold.
hi everyone...
I am waiting to O in about 4 days.. so I am hoping to try and fit in some BD within then and Monday! have not seen any EWCM yet.. and usually I have it around Cycle Day 11-12..
ending cycle day 9 at the moment.. I have been taking Evening Primrose Oil and Prenatals religiously everyday... let's hope the EPO makes a difference!!
fingers crossed for all those getting ready for the BDing!
and Berri - not sure if I have congratulated you yet? but congratulations!!
RC89.. hope you get your answer soon! it must be so frustrating.. !! either way, even if its AF or a BFP.. just hope you can move forward eventually!..
callie.. sorry to hear about the delay, but just keep in mind everything will happen at the right time for you and your partner!
Andi - fingers crossed and good luck !! counting down to testing then!?

zesty - what other supplements/vitamins are you taking if you dont mind me asking!
Yay on positive tests. Dave's dad us staying with us so not alot of doing it haha. Today we get the decision about brendon praying it goes in our favor. And i still haven't gotten a thermometer!

So brendon goes back to his mum got the call today. Baby making is on hold.

Sorry you have received this news today Callie :( I certainly do not know hard this must be for you both, but you are in my thoughts, and I am very sorry that you both have to go through such a loss.
Good luck berri I hope this works out well for you :)

As for me still no show for AF I'm now 10 days late...I did take another test Sunday morning which was 8 days late which was another BFN so I'm leaving it a few days if it not here by next week I will try test again. I've holding on to a thread of hope that maybe I could be pregnant and there is just not enough hormones to tell yet...but everything else is telling me that its false hope and I'm not pregnant.

Hey, RC. From the sounds of it, you had a really wonky AF followed by this. Seems as though your cycle is a bit out of whack. I sure hope your body 'resets' soon and you have a good opportunity to conceive. :hugs:
zesty - what other supplements/vitamins are you taking if you dont mind me asking!

Hey, bubblebelly :) we are almost cycle-sisters this month. I am going to Ovulate in 5 days, so you and me can wait together!

As for supplements, I've chosen those that I belive have the greatest track record of helping, while at the same time trying to ensure I'm not taking anything that could hurt. I have focused on herbs that will control estrogen dominence and support progesterone, and those that are good for producing fertile cervical mucus and endometrial lining.
These are not the only issues that exist with fertility - obviously. Other fertility issues include irregular periods, anovulation, scanty lining, heavy lining, mild endometriosis, luteal phase defect etc.) There are recommended herbs to improve all of these conditions! :)

Here is my personal regimen:

I break this into morning and evening:

Prescription prenatal vitamin (I was given a 2 a day PregVit with extra folic acid by my FS. It also contains a number of vitamins and minerals, like B6, known to be important for fertility)

Baby aspirin 1xper day (supports blood flow to the reproductive organs, helps to build a healthy uterine lining, helps with implantation, prescribed by physicians for this reason) all Cycle Days

Guafenisen 200mg (1 teaspoon) CD1-6 600mg (3 teaspoons) CD7-Ovulation only (prescribed frequently by physicians, I've used common dosages here as they seem to work for me)

Licorice root 4 mls tincture per day (emollient for fertile cm, adaptogen, endocrine support, liver function, hormone balancing) CD1-Ovulation only

Chasteberry (aka vitex) 4 mls tincture per day (This one is important!!!! prescribed frequently by physicians. Very long, proven track record in progesterone support via gentle estrogen 'blocking'. Very common cure-all for irregular cycles. Excellent evidence that it can prevent early miscarriage - used often by midwives for this purpose.) All Cycle days. Stop if pregnant.

EPO: 3000 mgs per day for fertile cervical mucus. Also has Vitamin E. CD1 to ovulation only as it can cause uterine contractions. Can supplement with Flax after Ovulation.

I use a very high quality brand of all these herbs, as the herbalist I spoke with insists all herbs are not created equal. The licorice root and chaste berry taste awful, but apparently taking as a tincture is a very good delivery system for these herbs.

On top of these, I try to include fertility friendly foods in my diet. Omega 3 Fatty acids (eggs, fish etc.), Water to keep hydrated for CM production, Berries, nuts (L-Arginine heavy foods especially!!! L-Arginine is an amino acid - precursor of Nitric Oxide that is GREAT for promoting fertile cervical mucus production, stimulating ovaries, and very important for blood flow which aids the formation of the endometrial lining) and seafood. I also ensure I get my garlic (expectorant, good for CM), flaxseed, and green tea on a daily basis as well as limiting my caffeine (vey hard for me!) I have not started to take L-Arginine supplements but I have considered if I don't conceive. For now, I'm tyring to include it in healthy doses in my diet.

I figure I might as well do everything I can to get pregnant. I really don't want to be having to do this in a year.....

Other supplments that can be considered fertility aids for other issues:
Grapeseed Extract - contains proflavanol to reduce inflammation. Reduce toxins.
Dong Quai - VERY popular "cure all" to tone uterus, balance hormones, increase circulation to the uterus
Tribulus Fruit- Normalize ovulation. Increase in serum FSH and estradiol in women.

Herbs to encourage menstruation: Parsley, Yarrow, Black Cohosh (strong), Pennyroyal (strong), White Peony, Mugwort.

Most popular herbal teas for fertility:
Red Clover - hormone balancing, estrogen support
red raspberry to tone the uterus
Stinging Nettle - I have this one growing wild in my yard but I refuse to try to brew it into a tea!Too scared to try....I did, however sting myself with it by accident. Maybe that will

I am supporting my CM by using Pre-Seed.
Yay on positive tests. Dave's dad us staying with us so not alot of doing it haha. Today we get the decision about brendon praying it goes in our favor. And i still haven't gotten a thermometer!

So brendon goes back to his mum got the call today. Baby making is on hold.

Sorry to hear this Callie :nope: I hope you and OH are ok :hugs:
Yay on positive tests. Dave's dad us staying with us so not alot of doing it haha. Today we get the decision about brendon praying it goes in our favor. And i still haven't gotten a thermometer!

So brendon goes back to his mum got the call today. Baby making is on hold.

sorry to hear :hugs:
Callie, so sorry. I can't even imagine how tough that must be for you family :hugs:

Zestygirl, that is quite a regime you're following there. Fingers crossed it's everything and more that you need for your BFP.

Good luck to those busy with the BD and OPKs over the next few days.

As for me? Still bleeding, no change. Still bright red and flow staying about the same. As of yesterday still getting BFP (but haven't tested today). Drs appointment Monday (earliest I could get in) so we'll see how we go from there.
Good luck, berri! Hope it all turns out well. Let us know how it goes. :dust:
So my temp took a huge drop this morning at 6dpo. Implantation dip maybe??? No symptoms yet.
So my temp took a huge drop this morning at 6dpo. Implantation dip maybe??? No symptoms yet.

Could be! :) It's a great sign, anyway. If not an implantation drop, could be the second rise of you estradiol (which would show things are happening the way they are supposed to.)

Will keep my Fingers crossed for you!
I'm getting so frustrated waiting for my next AF I feel as though something has gone seriously wrong with my body! I was so regular for 6 cycles and now its all up in the air. I'm now 12 days late and there is no sign of it coming. Means I'm now on cd37 when I was used to having 25 day cycles.

Have any of you had this before??
I'm getting so frustrated waiting for my next AF I feel as though something has gone seriously wrong with my body! I was so regular for 6 cycles and now its all up in the air. I'm now 12 days late and there is no sign of it coming. Means I'm now on cd37 when I was used to having 25 day cycles.

Have any of you had this before??

My last cycle was 44 days after my chemical and it wss regular cycles since going off the pill. Didnt you have a loss to not long ago RC? Maybe your body just is a little out of wack from that.
So my temp took a huge drop this morning at 6dpo. Implantation dip maybe??? No symptoms yet.

Could be! :) It's a great sign, anyway. If not an implantation drop, could be the second rise of you estradiol (which would show things are happening the way they are supposed to.)

Will keep my Fingers crossed for you!

So either way its a good thing :)
I'm getting so frustrated waiting for my next AF I feel as though something has gone seriously wrong with my body! I was so regular for 6 cycles and now its all up in the air. I'm now 12 days late and there is no sign of it coming. Means I'm now on cd37 when I was used to having 25 day cycles.

Have any of you had this before??

My last cycle was 44 days after my chemical and it wss regular cycles since going off the pill. Didnt you have a loss to not long ago RC? Maybe your body just is a little out of wack from that.

I'm starting to think what I had last month might of been a chemical as well. I got 2 faint positives before my period started and it lasted a lot longer then usual lasting 14 days going between spotting and normal bleeding constantly. It's since that my period hasn't started. I thought maybe there was a chance it was a chemical but now I'm more convinced it is after doing some googling. Which could possibly explain why I'm so late. I guess I will not know for sure though.
I'm getting so frustrated waiting for my next AF I feel as though something has gone seriously wrong with my body! I was so regular for 6 cycles and now its all up in the air. I'm now 12 days late and there is no sign of it coming. Means I'm now on cd37 when I was used to having 25 day cycles.

Have any of you had this before??

My last cycle was 44 days after my chemical and it wss regular cycles since going off the pill. Didnt you have a loss to not long ago RC? Maybe your body just is a little out of wack from that.

I'm starting to think what I had last month might of been a chemical as well. I got 2 faint positives before my period started and it lasted a lot longer then usual lasting 14 days going between spotting and normal bleeding constantly. It's since that my period hasn't started. I thought maybe there was a chance it was a chemical but now I'm more convinced it is after doing some googling. Which could possibly explain why I'm so late. I guess I will not know for sure though.

:hugs: I know how it feels to not have a clue what your body is doing. It does sound very similar to my experience. I had two faint positives on FRERs, then after that all BFNs including a negative blood test. My period was late by 2 weeks and when I did get it was heavier then my normal AF. I started temping and it looks like my body is back on track. Maybe make an apt to make sure everything is okay? When I went it was nice to get some answers and to hear it from a professional that everything my body going through was normal with a failed pregnancy.

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