August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

Zesty girl- I know how heartbreaking it is when you really think this is it and then its a negative. But it could just be too early for a positive. Don't get your hopes up! I would wait to see if AF comes then test again.

I finally had my doctors apt today to get a pap and talk about my last cycle. She believes it was a failed pregnancy. Even though I figured that was the case, its comforting to hear it from a medical professional. When I had my negative blood test I didn't get any answers or even a possibility of what was going on, so it feels good to hear it from the gyno and know it wasn't all in my head. Anyway should be ovulating this week so hopefully it happens right away!

Hi, Andi; Obviously it was a failed pregnancy! I know it's nice to hear it out loud, but it still it certainly doesn't seem to be any question of it.

You are totally entitled to have all of your feelings associated with an EPL, as this is a very disappointing turn.

As for me - I totally agree. Gonna put my sights on the horizon and move forward. I have an appointment with my FD today. So far, we've only had 1 good try, possibly two, so I'm not keen on taking any meds but I do want to listen to what she has to say. Your chart looks really good, Andi!! Keep up the great work! :dust:

Still no testing for me yet (5dpo assuming O on cd21) and no symptoms as such either although I'm way too tired to worry about it at the moment. DS is cutting 4 eye teeth and 2 molars so needless to say not much sleep for me last night (had 3 hours before 3:20am and been up ever since, now at work for a 10 hour day of non stop busy). I'm exhausted . If only it was early pregnancy exhaustion, then I could be happy about it :winkwink:

Berri; Take it easy! You're never gonna get knocked up unless you lay down for a while! ;) I know how tiring it is to have a job and little ones. Truly, the two just don't go hand in hand. Hang in there as best you can, and ALWAYS grab those 20 minute naps when you're able. Sometimes, they're all the rest you'll get!

Girl's I need u to calm my nerves and give me a reality check please because I know without one that later disappointment will feel even worse.
Today is my test day and I didn't have a hpt so I took a cbf ovulation stick and it was positive. ....its probably not an indication that im bfp, right?

Little_1 - BFP! Congratulations!!!! This is the very best news I could hear today :) Best of Luck that it's a sticky bean! You must be ecstatic :)

Congrats to the ladies that are expecting a baby in feb! Very exited for u all! Xx I still have my fingers crossed to the hopefuls and testers! Unfortunately I'm out this month with AF arriving yesterday :( (a 29 day cycle after a 34 day last month) I've got no idea what my body is doing but definitely I'm going to try temping this month. Good luck again ladies! :)

AstonsMumma, sorry you are out :( It looks like I am going to be maintaining this thread for at least another month anyways! I sure hope the ladies-in-waiting will join me in our very big boat for another go in July :)
Feeling very discouraged. No AF yet, but today is 11dpo and still getting a :bfn:. I've had a lot of cramping since 7dpo but no AF. How long did it take you ladies to get a +. Should I be giving up hope yet?
Feeling very discouraged. No AF yet, but today is 11dpo and still getting a :bfn:. I've had a lot of cramping since 7dpo but no AF. How long did it take you ladies to get a +. Should I be giving up hope yet?

Take heart. At least you didn't have a BLOOD TEST come back negative at 12DPO after telling your DH you felt PG like I :dohh:

I would say you have plenty of time to be optimistic, and that you have NO REASON to feel like you should lose hope just yet.

Blastocysts can take up to 12 days after fertilization to start implanting, and the blastocyst transfer itself can take up to 3 days! after that, a blood test will usually show positive after 3 days. Some women produce hcg even slower than the norm and have perfectly healthy babies.

Anyway, you've heard this before but I will say it again to remind you that you have lots of hope: Some women have to wait up to a week after their AF is due to get a positive pregnancy test. Don't count yourself out, because you have no control over how fast/how long etc it would take you to get a positive if you caught a bean.

I am cautiously optimistic myself. And I am at worse odds than you!
I'm still waiting for AF was due Sunday so 3 days I test or do I wait longer after my period did last for like 15 days last month? I'm away from home till Thursday so it'll properly be after then that I test if it doesn't show. Do you think there is a chance I could be pregnant, I've not really been symptom stopping as my period lasted for so long last cycle I kinda didn't even try to get pregnant really, and we've actually only BD'ed maybe 2 times a week.
Don't wanna get my hopes up but I've not been late ever before but then I had never had a period last 15 days before so maybe that messed up my cycle loads!
Hey, ladies! I'm still always checking this thread and crossing fingers for you guys! I can't wait to see more BFPs! Hope you all are doing well and lots and lots of baby dust!
Think I may be out just had a little blood when wiping at the toilet, this happened last month then AF appeared the next day :cry:, I would be 13 DPO tomorrow will keep you posted
Congrats Little_1... what a wonderful result for you :)

Jwoot I wouldn't necessarily rule out getting a bfp in a few days. 11dpo is early for a BFN from what I understand.

RC86, so long as AF hasn't shown there is a chance you could be pregnant. If I were you and away from home I would keep busy and then test when I got home.

Shortie, sorry if you're out but hoping you're not :flower:

Zestygirl I'd love nothing more than to rest! We're going to my mum and dad's for the weekend so I should get a sleep in on Sunday :happydance: Good to see your positive resolve has returned (hopefully rewarded soon). The itch to test is starting already at just 6dpo....

Congrats again to all the BFPs, commiserations to those moving on to next month and plenty of patience to those of still in the excruciating tww.

Edited to add: Just had teeny tiniest bit of spotting when I wiped - 6dpo could be a good sign but not getting hopes up. Never noticed whether I had implantation bleed first time around as we weren't ttc so it was long before my days of checking the loo paper for clues!!!
Hi everyone!!!
has there been any BFPs yet for any of you??

well i am well and truly out again, I kinda knew it since we didnt really BD properly and I couldnt even figure out when I Ovulated since there was hardly any CM last cycle and like a completely fool I took the OPKs in the morning ( which would have given me inaccurate readings..)

well cycle day 2 for me ( AF showed up last night )

will continue reading to see how you guys go...
best of luck!!
Don't wanna get my hopes up but I've not been late ever before but then I had never had a period last 15 days before so maybe that messed up my cycle loads!

RC. I have my fingers and toes crossed for you that this is a really good sign! I would wait until the maximum cycle length in your range has passed before testing. ;) GL!

Hey, ladies! I'm still always checking this thread and crossing fingers for you guys! I can't wait to see more BFPs! Hope you all are doing well and lots and lots of baby dust!

:hugs: HeyLove! How are you feeling?? You must be excited now that the news has sunk in and you are well and truly PG! :crib: Have you told many people yet or are you going to wait?

Think I may be out just had a little blood when wiping at the toilet, this happened last month then AF appeared the next day :cry:, I would be 13 DPO tomorrow will keep you posted

Shortie; I am in your boat again! My dreaded 14DPO temp crash has all but confirmed that I've missed my chance and the :witch: is coming :( Lets try again next month! :happydance:

Edited to add: Just had teeny tiniest bit of spotting when I wiped - 6dpo could be a good sign but not getting hopes up. Never noticed whether I had implantation bleed first time around as we weren't ttc so it was long before my days of checking the loo paper for clues!!!

Berri: This is an exciting sign!!! I sure hope it is going to herald your :bfp:!

Hi everyone!!!
has there been any BFPs yet for any of you??

Hi Bubblebelly! We have had two BFPS so far! ::thumbup: FYI: If you check post #1 I always update all the info there. I don't add BFN's though, cuz who wants to look at those????

As for me:

My temperature crashed today. I am anticipating AF tomorrow.

I went to the fertility doctor and she offered a pretty heavy regimen. She offered me Puregon (a fsh), Progesterone Support AND a semen transfer. (to bypass any hostile CM and get the :spermy: to where they need to be without having to actually make the long journey.)

I spoke to DH about it and since my biology is all 'normal', we are going to hold off on the Puregon for at least another month (I haven't decided yet on the progesterone, maybe it couldn't hurt) Because we don't want to risk multiples or some of the more serious side effects it can have. Rather, we want to opt for the Semen transfer and I want to try some supplement/med that my MIL wants to give me. She is a mid-wife and is chomping at the bit to help us conceive her grandchild....weird yes, but she is the expert so - whatever works....!!! If she wants to deliver, I'm going to have to draw the line tho.

Well, it is a new chance and I'm due for a new profile picture.

Hope to see lots more BFPS.
Hey, ladies! I'm still always checking this thread and crossing fingers for you guys! I can't wait to see more BFPs! Hope you all are doing well and lots and lots of baby dust!

Hope your pregnancy is going well :)
I miss my light light periods, my body isn't happy with not being on the pill, I am breaking out, awful periods and my mood swings are Brutal.

Dave and I are planning a wedding for 2 years from now, I DO NOT want to be pregnant for the wedding. I also don't want to be on the pill because I don't want to have to wait the time for it to get out my system again. Do we just be extremely careful before the wedding? It's not for a long time but I just want to get some options.
You could always start ttc again just a month before the wedding then you would still fit you dress and everything or start again on the homey moon :winkwink:. My periods seem to to th opposite and get lighter when I come off the pill :wacko:

I had more blood when wiping just now but then put in a tampon and the applicator came out with no blood on it at all :wacko: so will see what like in a while xxxx
I miss my light light periods, my body isn't happy with not being on the pill, I am breaking out, awful periods and my mood swings are Brutal.

Dave and I are planning a wedding for 2 years from now, I DO NOT want to be pregnant for the wedding. I also don't want to be on the pill because I don't want to have to wait the time for it to get out my system again. Do we just be extremely careful before the wedding? It's not for a long time but I just want to get some options.

How many months since you went off the pill? I know you have said before but I can't remember. It took my body like 3-4 months to get back to somewhat normal. But I still have terrible skin after going off the pill and its been 8 months. I'm starting to think my skin will never go back to the nice clear skin I had. My periods got better though when I went off, they are lighter and I barely get any cramps now. When I was on the pill I had super heavy periods, lots of blood clots, and crippling cramps. So I'm enjoying not having to go through that anymore.

Hopefully you will have your baby before you even have to worry about the wedding coming up. But if not you could just be careful the months before, use a different kind of birth control that isn't hormonal.
There are very effective natural contraception methods. You certainly don't have to rely on the pill for that. If you do find its helpful with your symptoms, you should take it.
:hugs: HeyLove! How are you feeling?? You must be excited now that the news has sunk in and you are well and truly PG! :crib: Have you told many people yet or are you going to wait?

Hey! :hugs: I'm feeling pretty ill all day, every day. The morning sickness has really sunk in and I'm having a hard time getting much work done. I am very excited - I think it'll really feel 'real' after tomorrow .. I have my 8 week scan! First opportunity to see the baby and hear a heartbeat. I'm very excited! I've told all family and some close friends and everyone is elated for me! I think my fiance's mom is the happiest about it! Depending on how the appointment goes tomorrow, I may tell everyone about it afterward! We'll see!!
Hey! :hugs: I'm feeling pretty ill all day, every day. The morning sickness has really sunk in and I'm having a hard time getting much work done. I am very excited - I think it'll really feel 'real' after tomorrow .. I have my 8 week scan! First opportunity to see the baby and hear a heartbeat. I'm very excited! I've told all family and some close friends and everyone is elated for me! I think my fiance's mom is the happiest about it! Depending on how the appointment goes tomorrow, I may tell everyone about it afterward! We'll see!!

Wonderful News! Good Luck with your scan :) First babies are truly very special and soooo much fun. I'm sure you will cherish every minute of your pregnancy. At the end of this very fun time, you will be rewarded with a lovely baby! I'm guessing a BOY because you turned up PG so quickly!!! Guess we'll have to wait & see ;)

I have not seen :witch: yet but I anticipate her arrival soon as she is overdue. I made a shopping trip to the suppplement store and grabbed myself some evening primrose, licorice root and chasteberry. Trying to give my hormones some natural support and also encourage a healthy fertile CM. I learned that Evening Primrose has a very lenghty and well documented track record for the production of fertile quality CM, licorice root is an Adaptogen that effects the endocrine system for balanced hormones, liver health, and has emollient properties to thin CM, and chasteberry (vitex) prevents estrogen dominence and helps progesterone get a leg up and do it's job.

I invested in the most fancy, expensive varieties of each that I could find - and 6 weeks worth cost under $50.00. Not a bad investment. I am also going to eat my yogurt, swall my guefenisen and use Pre-seed again.

If we don't manage it this cycle, I will ask DH if he's okay to do AR next cycle with and IUI and the Puregon.
Hiya. haven't posted here in a while. I got my :BFP: this morning :happydance:
Hiya. haven't posted here in a while. I got my :BFP: this morning :happydance:

Whoop congrats :thumbup:

Good luck to everyone else who are pregnant and all who are still waiting

AF full blown for me today but am ok with it as only been off the pill two months and I feel that family stresses haven't been helping so am currently on cd1
Took a clear blue digital test today. 15days po. :bfn: I don't have AF on my own and am supposed to call my dr on day 35 (tomorrow) if I have a negative test and no AF so I guess that's what I'll do. Pretty sure I'm out this month. :cry:

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