August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

Still checking in girls.... A little afraid to leave here actually :blush: as I'm not convinced about my BFP, numbers were 229, 402 and 693 (with the first around 4+3) so dr says if bleeding is m/c numbers should have started to go down. Have scan this arvo... NERVOUS WRECK!!

Anyway, Callie, I didn't really have any symptoms either (other than feeling a tad uncoordinated) and I still don't (occasional nausea but I think that is more nerves).

Andi, to err on the safe side perhaps you should bd (won't hurt)? I loathe irregular cycles!!!

RC, hope you're having a better month

Zestygirl... good luck in the TWW

:dust: to everyone :hugs:

Berri! I know exactly what you're going through and if is NOT fun. I will tell you that about five weeks preg with my ectopic, my hcg was 18 and then 60. Your numbers look average for five-six weeks to me... I have even read stuff about women who "just don't produce much hcg" who go through normal pregnancies. Certainly, you have a lot to be positive about! Are you still bleeding? Sounds like the docs are gonna keep testing you til you hit 1500. At that stage, a pregnancy should be detectable by US. So within a week, you'll likely have an answer anyway.... Hang out and keep us posted! Lots of :dust:
Ok so Af is 3-4 days late. No signs of AF. I took a test a few days ago and it was BFN. I just checked my cm and its like egg whites...i shouldnt be ovulating tho? Also i cant reach my cervix its really high. I dunno whats going on. I have no symptoms of being pregnant and I got that BFN. Maybe my cycle is still messed up from my CP last cycle?

It sure wouldn't be odd for a messed up cycle after cp. you look like you pos od on cd15... If that's true, perhaps a short luteal phase (messed up hormones from cp maybe) is actually what is showing on your chart. Also, what you are describing (high cervix, ewcm) are strong indicators of either another surge, or, impending AF. You could do an opk...

I'm sure it must be very frustrating, but, good for you for taking on the challenge of temping. Adding opks next cycle should be very helpful-unless you are already preggers, that is-which hopefully you are! :)

Still no AF. Took another test this morning still BFN. My cervix is lower the next time I checked I dunno why I couldnt feel it the last time. Also had more egg white CM and I could stretch it far. We BD last night so if I am for some reason ovulating right now then we have a chance. Lol this cycle is messed up no clue if Af is supposed to show up or if i should be BDinga bunch lol
Still no AF. Took another test this morning still BFN. My cervix is lower the next time I checked I dunno why I couldnt feel it the last time. Also had more egg white CM and I could stretch it far. We BD last night so if I am for some reason ovulating right now then we have a chance. Lol this cycle is messed up no clue if Af is supposed to show up or if i should be BDinga bunch lol

Sounds like a very smart BD just in case it's another surge. If it's AF, it sounds like you'll be coming on soon. :)
I am 7 DPO now.
This is the part where I start to get impatient. The supplements I took Pre-O seemed to dry up my CM around Ovulation, so, I don't know what I'm going to do about that next month if I am not PG this time. We used lots of Pre-seed, but still, I'm not real confident.

Also- my Pre-O temp was quite a bit higher, and I'm thinking that was the supps too.

After O - I reduced to just taking my pre-natals and baby aspirin.

As for 'signs' - well, I did have a temp spike this morning which is a nice feeling since I've been temping on the lower side since Ovulation. I also had some fertile looking CM and high/soft CX yesterday, and I was thinking it was my typical secondary estrogen surge....but doesn't seem to be with my temp going UP as it would in that I am crossing my fingers and toes that it is a good sign for me.

I have to say I haven't had too many signs yet. But the other thing I noticed yesterday was a sporadic thobby kind of small pain on my lower left abdomen...could have been uterine pain, (sure felt like it), but I suppose it could've been something else too.

Less than a week to wait, now - so time to try to resist the urge to waste all my HPTs!!!
I am 7 DPO now.
This is the part where I start to get impatient. The supplements I took Pre-O seemed to dry up my CM around Ovulation, so, I don't know what I'm going to do about that next month if I am not PG this time. We used lots of Pre-seed, but still, I'm not real confident.

Also- my Pre-O temp was quite a bit higher, and I'm thinking that was the supps too.

After O - I reduced to just taking my pre-natals and baby aspirin.

As for 'signs' - well, I did have a temp spike this morning which is a nice feeling since I've been temping on the lower side since Ovulation. I also had some fertile looking CM and high/soft CX yesterday, and I was thinking it was my typical secondary estrogen surge....but doesn't seem to be with my temp going UP as it would in that I am crossing my fingers and toes that it is a good sign for me.

I have to say I haven't had too many signs yet. But the other thing I noticed yesterday was a sporadic thobby kind of small pain on my lower left abdomen...could have been uterine pain, (sure felt like it), but I suppose it could've been something else too.

Less than a week to wait, now - so time to try to resist the urge to waste all my HPTs!!!

omg I could be writing the same post!!
I took evening primrose oil for the first time last cycle after reading on BnB that it could increase fertile CM.
however it didnt really increase it.. rather it decreased it for me..
and normally I get good amounts of it 2-3 days prior to O..
I am 7 or 8 dpo today too and had cramping ALL DAY yesterday very similar to that of mild AF aches in my lower belly.. it sort of annoyed me because I kept feeling as though I was about to get my period.. but obviously its way too early for that ! only cycle day 23 !! I know for sure it wasnt anything to do with a bowel movement (sorry TMI) because I'd been to the loo twice already yesterday lol...

have you started testing yet? I havent.. but am SO tempted to... !

this TWW is going forever... ZZZzzzzZZ
I did a test today. Was bfn but I just needed to get it out of my system...was freaked out because when I looked at it, a perfect bar of dye was hovering right over the test line... I was shocked! It totally looked positive for almost a minute! But then the dye flushed through the strip and turned out to be bfn. Heart attack...!
ff is saying i o'd and so is ovufriend so i'm guessing i did. now im in the dpo- who knows which day as each chart says a different date.... but one says my timing was good and another bad, so, i really don't know. temp dropped to coverline today, just waiting.
Scan yesterday was as good as can be expected. Sac measuring 5+2 and he "is pretty sure" he can see the yolk; cervix closed and no reason for bleeding. Dr called to follow-up today, said basically the same thing. It's there, it's too early to tell. Apparently hospital (where I had scan) recommended more series bloodwork and scan in 2 weeks. I asked dr if she thought more bloodwork was necessary, she agreed I don't have to do it unless bleeding starts up again (apparently the infrequent/minimal spotting I have ATM is ok) so 2 more weeks on the edge it is!!

Fingers crossed for all you girls. Thanks for still reading my posts :) I'll be checking in to see who's next (a big BFP boom would be great :D )

FYI the only thing I did different this month was take Milk Thistle 3 x a day (I have dodgy liver function tests atm too) til O and was religious about my prenatals and Vit D all month.
Hi everyone, just checking in to catch up on bfps!

Congratulations to those who've had one!

Berri, I had spotting from around 4 weeks to 8 weeks, had a scan at 7 + 2 and everything was fine, baby was measuring fine and could see the heart beat! Spotting stopped around 8 weeks and all been fine since!
Chart mommyofone?

if you click my ttc #2 ticker love it'll take you right to it :)

Scan yesterday was as good as can be expected. Sac measuring 5+2 and he "is pretty sure" he can see the yolk; cervix closed and no reason for bleeding. Dr called to follow-up today, said basically the same thing. It's there, it's too early to tell. Apparently hospital (where I had scan) recommended more series bloodwork and scan in 2 weeks. I asked dr if she thought more bloodwork was necessary, she agreed I don't have to do it unless bleeding starts up again (apparently the infrequent/minimal spotting I have ATM is ok) so 2 more weeks on the edge it is!!

Fingers crossed for all you girls. Thanks for still reading my posts :) I'll be checking in to see who's next (a big BFP boom would be great :D )

FYI the only thing I did different this month was take Milk Thistle 3 x a day (I have dodgy liver function tests atm too) til O and was religious about my prenatals and Vit D all month.

so glad everything is ok !!!! you're going to be fine :)

AFM- temp shot up really high today, but i had a shitty night sleep. i mean awful. just rolling and tossing and turning, up i swear the whole night but i know i slept, just don't feel like i did. hate those nights. I get that general insomnia this time of year though. :(

also did my ferning scope today and i SWEAR i saw some transitional ferning, so i did it again as it was a bit far off the side. Couldn't see anything the next time.
if you click my ttc #2 ticker love it'll take you right to it :)

I'm not expert, but I'd say CD 15 or 16....I often find it's near impossible to determine which actual day I O'd...sometimes my Luteal phase helps narrow it down within a day though because I dont' *think* I have any longer than a 15 day LP.

I have to be careful too....if I started proclaiming "ovulation" too early, DH gets really annoyed if it drags into 3,4,5 days that I don't see my temp rise....totally wrecks the mood! lol!
if you click my ttc #2 ticker love it'll take you right to it :)

I'm not expert, but I'd say CD 15 or 16....I often find it's near impossible to determine which actual day I O'd...sometimes my Luteal phase helps narrow it down within a day though because I dont' *think* I have any longer than a 15 day LP.

I have to be careful too....if I started proclaiming "ovulation" too early, DH gets really annoyed if it drags into 3,4,5 days that I don't see my temp rise....totally wrecks the mood! lol!

i just don't usually until 18- 21. although it does change by the month. so i'm really not sure! i guess it's possible, but then ovufriend says 18, but i agree, it really does look like i already did. so i'm assuming i'm out.

we were waiting for that positive ferning to really bd and well, that didn't work did it! lol! maybe i'll just dtd every day from 16-22 next cycle. i don't see him objecting to that.
at 8 or 9 dpo now.. still havent tested...
not feeling too confident though... feeling a little depressed!
just found out a girlfriend of mine is 7 weeks and yep you guessed it! it was an "accident" and she's about 3 years younger than me!

Im too afraid to test too early.. dont want to see a BFN right now...

no new symptoms.. just mild cramps.. AF due in about 4-5 days...
this end of the TWW is just not nice..
sorry about the vent, never mind me !
at 8 or 9 dpo now.. still havent tested...
not feeling too confident though... feeling a little depressed!
just found out a girlfriend of mine is 7 weeks and yep you guessed it! it was an "accident" and she's about 3 years younger than me!

Im too afraid to test too early.. dont want to see a BFN right now...

no new symptoms.. just mild cramps.. AF due in about 4-5 days...
this end of the TWW is just not nice..
sorry about the vent, never mind me !

I feel your pain. Its hard being happy for your friends when u are so jealous of their pregnancy. There is the girl on my facebook she has a boy and a girl and now she is having her third child. The part that makes me mad is she has had these kids taken away before because her boyfriend was selling drugs out of their home and he went to jail. He is now out and they have the two kids back with another on the way. I would be an awesome mom, would never put my kids in a situation like that... but I cant even seem to get one kid.
at 8 or 9 dpo now.. still havent tested...
not feeling too confident though... feeling a little depressed!
just found out a girlfriend of mine is 7 weeks and yep you guessed it! it was an "accident" and she's about 3 years younger than me!

Im too afraid to test too early.. dont want to see a BFN right now...

no new symptoms.. just mild cramps.. AF due in about 4-5 days...
this end of the TWW is just not nice..
sorry about the vent, never mind me !

Walk YOUR path is all I can say. There are going to continue to be babies all around us. I find it hard to be around them sometimes, but, there is only one baby you really need to be concerned with - and that is your own. It's so difficult of course, but this is all we can do. You will, with almost virtual certainty, end up pregnant. There is only a tiny chance that it will NEVER happen. Our time will come. :)

I am also 9DPO and I have been testing since 7DPO! lol....they have not a hint of a line, but, but my anxiety about it to rest. My chart is looking good, so, it's just a few more days for me & you bubble belly :) we'll know soon.
I have no idea when i should be testing since i have no idea when AF is supposed to show since i should of got it a week ago....FF says i should be getting it on the 14th....grr i want my cycles back to normal. I dont want to waste money on tests anymore.
at 8 or 9 dpo now.. still havent tested...
not feeling too confident though... feeling a little depressed!
just found out a girlfriend of mine is 7 weeks and yep you guessed it! it was an "accident" and she's about 3 years younger than me!

Im too afraid to test too early.. dont want to see a BFN right now...

no new symptoms.. just mild cramps.. AF due in about 4-5 days...
this end of the TWW is just not nice..
sorry about the vent, never mind me !

i'm so sorry hun i hate that. it's terrible :(

I have no idea when i should be testing since i have no idea when AF is supposed to show since i should of got it a week ago....FF says i should be getting it on the 14th....grr i want my cycles back to normal. I dont want to waste money on tests anymore.

Ugh i hear you on being back to normal. what is normal anyway, because i'm sure i've NEVER been!

Walk YOUR path is all I can say. There are going to continue to be babies all around us. I find it hard to be around them sometimes, but, there is only one baby you really need to be concerned with - and that is your own. It's so difficult of course, but this is all we can do. You will, with almost virtual certainty, end up pregnant. There is only a tiny chance that it will NEVER happen. Our time will come. :)

I am also 9DPO and I have been testing since 7DPO! lol....they have not a hint of a line, but, but my anxiety about it to rest. My chart is looking good, so, it's just a few more days for me & you bubble belly :) we'll know soon.

That's a good way to look at it hun!!!

AFM- i'm having SERIOUS cramping today! it's really awful. i am incredibly hungry, peeing constantly, the last two nights i actually had to pee in the middle of the night which is not normal for me at all, and i went and cleaned the whole first floor crazy.

either i'm just about to O with the pains i'm having, cause it feels like AF is about to show, or i'm getting good signs for pg, because af can't possibly be here til the 16th at the soonest as that would just be 28 days, and i usually go 30+

in case i am o'ing, think we should dtd this evening as i'm going out of town tomorrow and won't be back for two days
what I love about being on BnB is getting all the lovely support from all of you!
woke up to such lovely messages! Thanks Andi, Zestygirl and mommyofone!!
im usually quite self-contained when it comes to these things.. and im a big believer of "it will happen at the right time" and know that there is a reason to everything happening when it does..
but it was just the icing on the cake for me when I spoke to my friend yesterday as she is the 3rd girl that I know that I've found out is pregnant in the span of 2 weeks! recently another GF of mine told me she was 4 months along and only decided to tell me now since prior to this her and her husband were thinking of separating..!
at first you think oh wow how nice! but then you get reminded of the many cycles that have gone by.. and I think that's what just got me down..

glad to hear your chart is looking good so far Zesty! keep us updated!

Andi - I know you'd be an awesome mum! and I guess what we can do, is learn from other people's ways of parenting and/or experiences.. it's just a good reminder to ourselves how to be the utmost honest and giving to our own children when we know that so many children dont have a choice which household style they grow up in..

as for testing... maybe just test once every 2-3 days? rather than everyday? that way you can atleast test if you think you may be pregnant but have a few days in between to see if AF shows up... ??

mommyofone - I had cramps too a few days ago, but alot of people tell me it could be progesterone related.. I reckon try and BD just in case ;)
update for me..

last night after work getting changed at home, I noticed.. err one of my "girls" were bigger than the other.. pretty noticably too! I waited till DH got home from the gym to show him LOL.. and he noticed it straight away too!
quite strange and have not really seen them do that before.. but this morning they seem a little bit more symmetrical, although NOT completely... not sure how and why it's like that!!! i feel a bit like an alien!..

it prompted me to take a test this morning.. i am around 9-10 dpo...




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