August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

oh andi i hate when they make us wait for results. human medicine can really really suck!!!!

and no, no positive yet. all negative, all the signs/symptoms of o i was having stopped suddenly, and no more ferning, negative opks and nothing. ANd my temps are going up a bit. so now i don't know if i'm o'ing right now or not i only have creamy cm too so all signs say no except for temps?
oh andi i hate when they make us wait for results. human medicine can really really suck!!!!

and no, no positive yet. all negative, all the signs/symptoms of o i was having stopped suddenly, and no more ferning, negative opks and nothing. ANd my temps are going up a bit. so now i don't know if i'm o'ing right now or not i only have creamy cm too so all signs say no except for temps?

By the looks of your chart I would say you OV on CD15 so I would say u have already.

Now ladies I may just be paranoid and I know reading symptoms online is like the worst thing you can do but Ive been reading about PCOS lately and I have to say I have a lot of these symptoms since going off the pill. Im starting to freak out a bit that this may be the case for me. I have ance, facial hair growth, weird skin patches (I had one on my neck for like 6 months and had to get steroid cream to get rid of it, now another has appeared), infertility (going on 10 months TTC), miscarriages are common (I just had a chemical in May) and now Im having really long cycles. These things have all happened since going off the pill. Im going to mention my concerns when I see someone about this but I just thought maybe its me being paranoid and wondered if others have experienced these things.

Also another question. You know how you spend time with other women your cycles can sync? Well I work with a lot of women in their menopauseal years...could this be messing up my cycles?
Hi ladies. Lots of temping and testing and waiting. Good luck to you all.

I'm 9wks today. Yay :)

Andi, don't know about the being around menopausal women bit but I do know about pcos. When I came off the pill (prob 2008). My cycles were really long and I started gaining weight and some growing a little facial hair. It took 2yrs for me to be diagnosed (prob cause I wasn't ttc) then after a lot of testing was told in late 2010 I would need medical intervention to conceive. Well, here I am pg with no.2 and no help. So even if that is your diagnosis it's not all doom and gloom.

:dust: :dust:
oh andi i hate when they make us wait for results. human medicine can really really suck!!!!

and no, no positive yet. all negative, all the signs/symptoms of o i was having stopped suddenly, and no more ferning, negative opks and nothing. ANd my temps are going up a bit. so now i don't know if i'm o'ing right now or not i only have creamy cm too so all signs say no except for temps?

By the looks of your chart I would say you OV on CD15 so I would say u have already.

Now ladies I may just be paranoid and I know reading symptoms online is like the worst thing you can do but Ive been reading about PCOS lately and I have to say I have a lot of these symptoms since going off the pill. Im starting to freak out a bit that this may be the case for me. I have ance, facial hair growth, weird skin patches (I had one on my neck for like 6 months and had to get steroid cream to get rid of it, now another has appeared), infertility (going on 10 months TTC), miscarriages are common (I just had a chemical in May) and now Im having really long cycles. These things have all happened since going off the pill. Im going to mention my concerns when I see someone about this but I just thought maybe its me being paranoid and wondered if others have experienced these things.

Also another question. You know how you spend time with other women your cycles can sync? Well I work with a lot of women in their menopauseal years...could this be messing up my cycles?

yeah the chart does look like it doesn't it? well we dtd the last two days just in case, hope it helped, but those opks were negative. :shrug: guess we just wait and see. i will continue the opks for a few days probably until cd21.

as for the syncing and the menopause women... i'm honestly not sure. I would be concerned too though, i've known plenty of people who have babies that had pcos but it isn't the most wonderful thing to find out. esp. after 10 months of ttc. :(

afm: i just got partial ferning again on my microscope after days of nothing, which could mean it just picked up my estrogen the first time, and then i'm really getting ready to o which would put me most likely... cd 21. i'm hoping it's that, because i don't want to wait til cd28! this is the second ferning i've seen so crossing my fingers that my opks pick something up.

ff is saying i just o'd on cd 15. which is a bit early and again opks and ferning didn't confirm so, not sure. We dtd the last two nights, and everything says we did a good time with timing. So now i'm just waiting to see if it really was O and if i'm in the tww or not? lol so much waiting.
Mommyx: I agree with Andi. Sure looks like you I'd cd 15 with that temperature. I don't know much about the deeming method but you could do an opk if you get suspicious results as opk checks for LHASA, not estrogen...

Andi: I think PCOS is definitely with investigating. It's not hard to treat, as its all based on hormones - they can give you meds to regulate you. Also: women with PCOS respond very well to certain kinds of fertility treatments due to their producing many eggs! If it is PCOS, don't get scared or anything :) It's totally manageable. There are a TON of other issues much worse that that when it comes to fertility!

Berri and KLa: how are the beans??? I sure hope you will post US pics when the time comes :) so excited for you, and so glad you check in!! Keeps my hopes up!

RC how are you doing? Any updates?

AFM: I am 8dpo so I'm entering implantation time... The progesterone killed a lot of my symptoms - like, I have NEVER had such sore bbs in my life-the puregon made them GROW like a lot which hurt like indescribable!! the progesterone has made them leas sore, but I hope the growth is! I am not too keen to symptom spot because of the fact that I'm in a medicated cycle. Thinking that will cause a lot of symptoms. I am eager though to see some sign of implantation like cramps or spotting. So far though, nada...
Mommyx: I agree with Andi. Sure looks like you I'd cd 15 with that temperature. I don't know much about the deeming method but you could do an opk if you get suspicious results as opk checks for LHASA, not estrogen...

Andi: I think PCOS is definitely with investigating. It's not hard to treat, as its all based on hormones - they can give you meds to regulate you. Also: women with PCOS respond very well to certain kinds of fertility treatments due to their producing many eggs! If it is PCOS, don't get scared or anything :) It's totally manageable. There are a TON of other issues much worse that that when it comes to fertility!

Berri and KLa: how are the beans??? I sure hope you will post US pics when the time comes :) so excited for you, and so glad you check in!! Keeps my hopes up!

RC how are you doing? Any updates?

AFM: I am 8dpo so I'm entering implantation time... The progesterone killed a lot of my symptoms - like, I have NEVER had such sore bbs in my life-the puregon made them GROW like a lot which hurt like indescribable!! the progesterone has made them leas sore, but I hope the growth is! I am not too keen to symptom spot because of the fact that I'm in a medicated cycle. Thinking that will cause a lot of symptoms. I am eager though to see some sign of implantation like cramps or spotting. So far though, nada...

oh i know it picks up lh hun i said my ferning scope was positive and that picks up estrogen surges. My opks were negative and so was my ferning the day it says i actually o'd. I have had no signs whatsoever of O and usually it is pretty blaring with the cramps and everything that i get when i am O'ing. So i'm just not sure i trust it. My opks i've been doing since like wednesday and they've been negative every single day. so really not thinking that i actually O'd. And my temps have been known to go up and down, so not thinking i o'd yet! may still be too early. esp since last cycle was a 30 day, this one should be a 40 day. moving o up to cd 20 something.

I also never had any implantation signs !
Hi ladies! I've been following and have my FXd for you all!!!
I am doing well- a little over 5 weeks now- going to the new OB today for bloodwork. I have been feeling pretty good (knock on wood!)- just tired, sore boobs and constipation (sorry if thats TMI!!!)- im glad im not feeling sick but feeling fairly normal
makes it hard for me to believe I really am pregnant! Hearing from the dr today will hopefully help it set in more! I'll let you know how everything goes today!
Thanks for your concern, Zesty!!! I'll be watching for your results and have my fingers and toes crossed for you!
I brought this lube the other day called conceive plus. It's quite expensive but I've heard good things from 3 different women at work. I don't usually use it but its ment to keep the sperm alive longer and help them swim better. All 3 women had been TTC for months before trying it them first time using it fell pregnant. Could be coincidence but I figured worth a try.
Currently I'm day 8 of my cycle and will start my opk tomorrow testing every day. When I get my positive I will try BD'ing with the conceive plus. Hopefully the miracle will happen for me this time! 9th cycle TTC.
Rc: we have been using pre seed for some time. Wonder if its similar?
I got a bfn today on a FRER :( 11dpo. Pretty upset but I guess there's nothing I can do.... One way or the other. Just wait and see from this point.
I brought this lube the other day called conceive plus. It's quite expensive but I've heard good things from 3 different women at work. I don't usually use it but its ment to keep the sperm alive longer and help them swim better. All 3 women had been TTC for months before trying it them first time using it fell pregnant. Could be coincidence but I figured worth a try.
Currently I'm day 8 of my cycle and will start my opk tomorrow testing every day. When I get my positive I will try BD'ing with the conceive plus. Hopefully the miracle will happen for me this time! 9th cycle TTC.

never used that, we used preseed. didn't do anything for us. I hope that the conceive plus works, i've heard good things about it!!! and fx'd for the 9th cycle!

Rc: we have been using pre seed for some time. Wonder if its similar?
I got a bfn today on a FRER :( 11dpo. Pretty upset but I guess there's nothing I can do.... One way or the other. Just wait and see from this point.

Your chart still looks good, hang in there, could still be early, when is af due?

6 dpo here, i feel like crap, caught dd's cold, i'm exhausted, trying to get the house clean for sat for her party, and i just want to sleep all the time.

dh and i are going to start looking at baby names, because we like to have them before baby don't really know why just like to be prepared i guess.

cp is low, closed and medium texture, and creamy cm. Temp up a little this am but not much. my temps are not as they usually are after o so i'm just kind of waiting til the end of the cycle and bd'ing as often as we can stand it lol.
Rc: we have been using pre seed for some time. Wonder if its similar?
I got a bfn today on a FRER :( 11dpo. Pretty upset but I guess there's nothing I can do.... One way or the other. Just wait and see from this point.

I think maybe it is similar to pre seed. Fingers crossed for you getting your might of tested too early!
hey everyone!!
got my cast off on Wednesday.. and thank God didnt need to do another one as the Xrays showed the fracture to healing quite well.. just my thumb is still pretty blue and swollen and the lower knuckle still hurts if I stretch my thumb or try and pick up something.. 2-4 weeks healing time doctor said..
anyway just so glad to be out of that damned bandage!! I was verging on becoming a manic depressive..

I am 12 DPO today and all tests so far big BFNs........ I feel for you Zesty.. =(
AF due in about 1-2 days....
I told myself not to have high hopes this time.. but it still hurts...
had a plan to conceive before I turned 25 (that didnt happen..)
then hoped before 26...... and the nearer my bday comes the more upset Im getting.
sorry to be such a pain girls!!.......

on another more positive note... I made red velvet cake a few days ago and the cake itself turned out so nice and moist! divided it up and gave it out to my sisters and aunties/uncles families.. cant wait to bake another one!

fingers crossed and baby dust to you all
bubble I totally know how you feel. I've wanted a baby since I was 24 and had been with my boyfriend for 5 years, but as I started saying how much I wanted a baby I found out he didn't want the same things so we ended up breaking up. I found my boyfriend that I am with now who did want the same things but we wanted to get to know each other long enough and make sure we were right for each other before deciding anything about babies. I left it for him to tell me when to come off my pill and start trying only 4 months into being 26 and now I am 2 weeks off being 27 and I wanted to be pregnant by now. Always wanted to be a young mum. Nothing ever goes as planned :(

I've just started my opk's again yesterday and looking forward to trying this conceive plus. I've looked on amazon for the reviews and thought I would show you all the great praise it gets.
hey everyone!!
got my cast off on Wednesday.. and thank God didnt need to do another one as the Xrays showed the fracture to healing quite well.. just my thumb is still pretty blue and swollen and the lower knuckle still hurts if I stretch my thumb or try and pick up something.. 2-4 weeks healing time doctor said..
anyway just so glad to be out of that damned bandage!! I was verging on becoming a manic depressive..

I am 12 DPO today and all tests so far big BFNs........ I feel for you Zesty.. =(
AF due in about 1-2 days....
I told myself not to have high hopes this time.. but it still hurts...
had a plan to conceive before I turned 25 (that didnt happen..)
then hoped before 26...... and the nearer my bday comes the more upset Im getting.
sorry to be such a pain girls!!.......

on another more positive note... I made red velvet cake a few days ago and the cake itself turned out so nice and moist! divided it up and gave it out to my sisters and aunties/uncles families.. cant wait to bake another one!

fingers crossed and baby dust to you all

don't be sorry hun, it's really crushing when this doesn't go as we plan. you know we spend so much time making sure we don't get pregnant until the right time, and then we can't. how does that even work out. I"ve been off birth control since a year before trying for dd. i still had to work at it. and now dd is 2, and i still will have to work at it. how does it all work? not fair. i thought we were supposed to be more fertile after the first. Ha. not for me.

bubble I totally know how you feel. I've wanted a baby since I was 24 and had been with my boyfriend for 5 years, but as I started saying how much I wanted a baby I found out he didn't want the same things so we ended up breaking up. I found my boyfriend that I am with now who did want the same things but we wanted to get to know each other long enough and make sure we were right for each other before deciding anything about babies. I left it for him to tell me when to come off my pill and start trying only 4 months into being 26 and now I am 2 weeks off being 27 and I wanted to be pregnant by now. Always wanted to be a young mum. Nothing ever goes as planned :(

I've just started my opk's again yesterday and looking forward to trying this conceive plus. I've looked on amazon for the reviews and thought I would show you all the great praise it gets.

You're right hun, nothing ever goes as planned. but maybe it'll be better than you imagined now right? Everything happens for a reason. good luck with your opks!!!

Zesty- your chart looks great!!!!!!

afm- af style cramps this am, but just waiting to get to testing day.
Hey RC.... hope the OPK's are going well!!..
and let us know how the experience with the conceive plus goes!
mommy - have you tested???

ive been testing every single day and nothing but stark white results...

I am already 1 and a half days late for AF...
meant to have cramps and full blown AF by now.. but nothing..

annoyed that I am in limbo now!
the last time I was late with AF i had a chemical...
do not want to go through with that again...
Hey RC.... hope the OPK's are going well!!..
and let us know how the experience with the conceive plus goes!
mommy - have you tested???

ive been testing every single day and nothing but stark white results...

I am already 1 and a half days late for AF...
meant to have cramps and full blown AF by now.. but nothing..

annoyed that I am in limbo now!
the last time I was late with AF i had a chemical...
do not want to go through with that again...

Hey bubble, nope i haven't tested yet, i'm having some good signs but afraid at the same time. had a serious heatwave today, which is not normal before af. normally i'm cold the days leading up. I even took my temp which was 99.1 And i'm a complete only in the 97s. The days leading up to my bfp with dd, i was driving home from work, af was due friday, i think it was the same day i got my negative, (10dpo) and i was SO hot. it was november and i was blasting the air con in the car. i remember thinking it was weird and i must be getting sick. Nothing else happened, it passed later that day and didn't come back. So 10dpo is too early for me yet, i know i'd get a neg even if i WAS pg. so the plan is to test tues or wed (if i can hold out to wed) at 12 and 13 dpo, when i got my pos with dd. It's also the same lot! so i know they're good.

i'm so sorry about the limbo, i HATE that. are you sure about O date? maybeyou were a few days later?
WOW MOMMY! you're signs sound good so far!
what is your temp like now? well its tuesday now haha.. let us know if you end up testing!

RC/Zesty - how are you girls doing??? zesty are you still testing???
RC any positive OPK's yet?? are you doing anything for your BDAY =)

I am still testing and still getting negatives.. =(
I bought a digital - CBD (omg so expensive here!! AUD$20 !! for ONE)
and it came up Not Pregnant..
not sure why I thought I'd get a different result using it but thought I would try my luck lol..

today would have been CD3....

ummm I didnt use OPK's this month only because my last BFN from last month really upset me.. and I just didnt want to stress myself out this time..thought I'd just see how it all goes and BD whenever DH was up for it.. and we managed one time
Im assuming I ovulated around CD14-CD15.. my cycles have been pretty spot on being 26-27 days and the only time I was late like this was with my chemical pregnancy I had back in March.. but right after that happened luckily my cycles went back to normal..

anyway so im around 16dpo now.. and CD30...

feeling flustered because my hopes are starting to go up again and I really dont want to be disappointed again =(

i hate how we get completely consumed with TTC thoughts and obsess about everything...!! first its waiting to O.. then its waiting for two weeks...
now its waiting for AF!!!! (or a BFP)

*rips hair out*
WOW MOMMY! you're signs sound good so far!
what is your temp like now? well its tuesday now haha.. let us know if you end up testing!

RC/Zesty - how are you girls doing??? zesty are you still testing???
RC any positive OPK's yet?? are you doing anything for your BDAY =)

I am still testing and still getting negatives.. =(
I bought a digital - CBD (omg so expensive here!! AUD$20 !! for ONE)
and it came up Not Pregnant..
not sure why I thought I'd get a different result using it but thought I would try my luck lol..

today would have been CD3....

ummm I didnt use OPK's this month only because my last BFN from last month really upset me.. and I just didnt want to stress myself out this time..thought I'd just see how it all goes and BD whenever DH was up for it.. and we managed one time
Im assuming I ovulated around CD14-CD15.. my cycles have been pretty spot on being 26-27 days and the only time I was late like this was with my chemical pregnancy I had back in March.. but right after that happened luckily my cycles went back to normal..

anyway so im around 16dpo now.. and CD30...

feeling flustered because my hopes are starting to go up again and I really dont want to be disappointed again =(

i hate how we get completely consumed with TTC thoughts and obsess about everything...!! first its waiting to O.. then its waiting for two weeks...
now its waiting for AF!!!! (or a BFP)

*rips hair out*

thanks hun i will be testing in the am. i'm super nervous and scared. and pretty sure it'll be a bfn. i'm starting to bloat pretty bad but still no cramping, no coldness since i usually have that the days leading up, i really don't know. if i think too much about it i could really get my hopes up waaaaaaaaay too high. trying not to do that to myself.

I'm so sorry you're having such a rough time waiting right now. i also know that some ladies have said the cddigi is NOT as sensitive as some of their other ones, like they got bfps on everything else before their digi.

and yeah everything is waiting, for the rest of time. even if you get pregnant. then it's waiting to each milestone, trimester, u/s, birth, etc. always waiting. and worrying. don't forget that. sometimes i wonder why so many of us willingly put ourselves through it! must be insane.
btw bubbles here it's only just monday night! lol, so i will be testing in the am and will update as soon as it's done.
try not to be too too nervous! but i'll be doing a little prayer for you either way!.
fingers crossed and lots of babydust..
the one thing I am holding on to right now.. is that even though i am getting BFNs..
its better than having AF ...!!
but the limbo wait is still torturous!!

so dont lose hope until we both start bleeding I guess lol!!

i know im such an idiot! spending $$ on the digi.. and I couldnt even leave it alone..
i peed on it as soon as I took it home lol !!
i should have just waited till I saw something on the cheapies first..
Im getting horrible evaps lately on those stupid things which is pissing me off heaps..
I keep squinting at them thinking they could be something - but it really isnt..

I usually start to cramp when AF is about to arrive too.. and my lower belly will bloat up heaps.. but Im getting no cramps.. and not much bloating.. but have been to the loo twice today already.. oops..

I guess us women will do anything for things we love! and that even means for our unborn children!! arent we just the most selfless species ;) hahaha....
I have a GF who accidentally fell pregnant and she is 6 months along now..
but she's been really down about it because she wanted to work on her marriage first and settle with their mortgage etc..
but I just think.. marriage issues will always be there, whether its one issue or another!.. and the mortgage wont disappear overnight either..
and she doesnt seem that excited about it..... I COMPLETELY understand that some people are going to be a little adverse to being pregnant if its not planned..
but she knows ive been wanting to be a mother since i got married 4 years ago..
and she knows how hard it is in general for some people to get pregnant..
i dont know.. i guess.. i just feel more excited for her than she is for herself?
i keep asking if she's keeping a scrapbook and writing and posting thoughts/memories of her pregnancy.. or if she's documenting her bump progress! or if she's packed her hospital bag yet! or gone to any birthing classes!.. and she only says she's too busy and cant be stuffed doing anything! too tired after coming home from work etc etc..
maybe im being too inconsiderate.. but I just feel like I wouldnt want to regret not wholeheartedly enjoying the pregnancy for the first time!!..

rant over lol sorry..

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