August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

Andi...I think we should be able to enjoy outselves sometimes and take a step back from all this pressure we put ourselves under to eat well and cut out all these things such as drink. As mentioned already people drink when they don't know they are pregnant for months. Hope you have a fab time!

As for me I had a positive ovulation test on Tuesday and me and my boyfriend have been BD'ing every night this week! I'm keeping my fingers so tightly crossed this month 8th cycle TTC now. All my old friends seem to be finding out they are pregnant or have just had babies. It seems that every week there is a new pregnancy announcement on Facebook that makes me want to try and my best friend is about to start trying for her 2nd baby and she fell pregnant by accident last time :(

Sending more baby dust to you all :)
Andi- all this talk about drinking, hubby went out and got me wine last night to enjoy, he said 'since it'll be the last time for a long time i can drink' so he's positive at least!! Hope you are enjoying your time, or actually rather, hope you got your BFP before you went!!!!

@RC86- hun i'm so sorry you're on month 8. have you talked about seeing a specialist? i hated seeing people my first time falling pregnant without trying, my friends were getting knocked up by accident, or on the first try!!! how disgusting. i was so depressed. took us 5 cycles (one of those was a 70 day one good lord) and trying to take it easier this time around, but already starting cycle 2. Hping it doesn't take as long, the age gap is already farther than i originally would have wanted.

Do you chart? i know the month i used opks really made the difference for us and i really hope that's all you needed and you get your bfp this time. i have everything crossed for you love :dust:
Thx for the good wishes!
Berri-how are you coming along??

I went yesterday for Ultrasound. I had an AFC (antral follicle count) of 18 (12 left, 6 right) which is really, really good apparently. My FSH and estrogen came back "a little high" which is NOT so good, but looking at my AFC the doc thinks I will respond very well to the Puregon (pure FSH to stim ovaries). He started me at a low dose for my age to be safe-150 iu tho 225 is often prescribed.

I have to go back Wednesday morning for an US to check my ovarian response. I think they want to see 3 or more eggs hatch for the iui.

My DH has injected me in the stomach two days and done an excellent job. I felt nothing!

As for the Puregon, I have had a bit of a headache but nothing major, so fingers crossed that I will tolerate it well and respond well (but not too much!)

OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome) would be a cause to cancel the cycle so I don't want that!

Once I begin to surge (likely next Saturday-Monday) We will go for the iui. Simple procedure where they will wash the sperm to remove weak sperm, semen and toxins and then inject them with a catheter right next to the opening of the Fallopian tube to give them a major head start, and bypass any hostile cm altogether.

Goes without saying that I am hugely excited and extremely hopeful that we will get lucky on our first try.

Twins is a risk and I am totally fine with the idea.

Andi: how are you? Did you decide to indulge?

I will update as I go through this process. There is over 85% success with 6 iui.....
Hope this works for you zesty fingers X'd for you!

Mommy- I thought at the age of only 26 nearly 27 I would find it so easy and thought this would be the perfect age and I would fall pregnant like right away. This is my first real cycle using the ovulation kit I tried it last cycle but my av lasted like 14 days followed by a 44dc which was pretty messed but but might of been due to a chemical as I got a slightly positive test before loads of negatives and then this random cycle. Hopefully this one is back to normal as I was used to only having 25 day cycles.
I hope cycle 2 is the one for you :) best of luck!
Hope this works for you zesty fingers X'd for you!

Mommy- I thought at the age of only 26 nearly 27 I would find it so easy and thought this would be the perfect age and I would fall pregnant like right away. This is my first real cycle using the ovulation kit I tried it last cycle but my av lasted like 14 days followed by a 44dc which was pretty messed but but might of been due to a chemical as I got a slightly positive test before loads of negatives and then this random cycle. Hopefully this one is back to normal as I was used to only having 25 day cycles.
I hope cycle 2 is the one for you :) best of luck!

I know what you mean!!! we decided at 25 it was time. i was so upset that it wasn't so easy as i thought it would be!! i was shocked. thought it was a good age.

now, i'm having those feelings again because i heard you can be more fertile after your first... and i am scared i'm going to be going months and months again! :(
Thx for the good wishes!
Berri-how are you coming along??

I went yesterday for Ultrasound. I had an AFC (antral follicle count) of 18 (12 left, 6 right) which is really, really good apparently. My FSH and estrogen came back "a little high" which is NOT so good, but looking at my AFC the doc thinks I will respond very well to the Puregon (pure FSH to stim ovaries). He started me at a low dose for my age to be safe-150 iu tho 225 is often prescribed.

I have to go back Wednesday morning for an US to check my ovarian response. I think they want to see 3 or more eggs hatch for the iui.

My DH has injected me in the stomach two days and done an excellent job. I felt nothing!

As for the Puregon, I have had a bit of a headache but nothing major, so fingers crossed that I will tolerate it well and respond well (but not too much!)

OHSS (ovarian hyper stimulation syndrome) would be a cause to cancel the cycle so I don't want that!

Once I begin to surge (likely next Saturday-Monday) We will go for the iui. Simple procedure where they will wash the sperm to remove weak sperm, semen and toxins and then inject them with a catheter right next to the opening of the Fallopian tube to give them a major head start, and bypass any hostile cm altogether.

Goes without saying that I am hugely excited and extremely hopeful that we will get lucky on our first try.

Twins is a risk and I am totally fine with the idea.

Andi: how are you? Did you decide to indulge?

I will update as I go through this process. There is over 85% success with 6 iui.....

Hope it works for you on your first try as well! FX cross for you!

I did have a good weekend. Enjoyed myself and it was nice to get my mind off of TTC for a little bit. But, AF still hasn't shown. I'm on CD46, longest cycle yet. I'm unsure what to do at this point. Should I make another apt. or wait it out a bit longer? Still getting BFN too. I don't know. At this point I just feel like giving up.:shrug:
Andi, as a Canadian woman you are entitled to an investigative cycle covered under ohip. Cycle monitoring, saline sono, ultrasound , HSG, bloodwork... If I were you (and I have been you) I would get on the waiting list (3 months where I am) for a good fertility clinic. If you conceive by then, you can always cancel :) oh- and they will check out your hubby, too! Of course, you need to do what you feel is best and what you think is rational.

I am suggesting this because: if there is no problem, great. Nothing ventured and your mind can be at rest. But if there is, you have time and youth on your side right now to solve it.

If you were my daughter, this is exactly the advice I would give you.
Hey everyone...
i went away from the BnB for awhile.. this week's AF was the worst I've ever had emotionally..
thought I'd wait till AF was over to come back and catch up with everyone..
Zesty - good luck for this weekend then.. cant wait to hear how it all goes..
Andi - sorry to hear AF is still not showing.. I agree with zesty and think you should definitely look into this further and see what options you have available to you to resolve your current cycle issues...
its always scary to go ahead and get yourself checked out, but its better sooner than later...

I went in for an ultrasound yesterday for my swollen breast..
after checking my left breast out on the screen she radiologist said to me that she isnt worried after looking at my images, but that she wanted to check with the doctor there to see if he thinks I need a mammogram (?????????????????????????????)

I was obviously a little startled because clearly she's seen/found something there...

she came back and told me that I was okay to go home and to discuss my results with my doctor who referred me..


I know it could be nothing.. but the fact that there's something there is doing my head in.. and the fact that I have to look at a lopsided boob every morning when getting dressed reminds me of it !!

fingers crossed it really is nothing..
pray for me girls!
Hi, bubble. Sorry to her you've been frightened like this. When I was your age, I had a dime sized lump in my breast investigated. I remember the ultrasonography said "we'll I don't know what it is, but it shouldn't be there" and scared the hell out of me. Turned out to be totally benign and I still have it. I don't think you have anything to worry about judging by the comments made. Never waste worry...wait til you have a real reason ;)

Good luck checking it out.

Andi-any updates?
So....I went to my CD7 Ultrasound and BW today, my doctor said of the original 18 follicles, 4 are mature. yikes....

She doesn't want anymore to mature so she's giving me what she hopes is just enough to sustain and ovulate the 4 that are there.

We are scheduled for IUI on Sunday....I am SOOO excited. When I called my DH to give him the news he just kept repeating "FOUR?? FOUR???" like he was already terrified....DH has excellent numbers as far as sperm so, I am extremely optimistic - but actually am quite worried - if everything goes perfectly, we could end up with multiples????

I should not jinx myself by thinking this way, but I have never done this before.....remembering the labour that a singleton pregnancy was for me at 20 and 25 is enough to make me nervous about twins at 40....

Well - here we go. Both feet. ( (( >splash< )) ) Sunday is the day.
So....I went to my CD7 Ultrasound and BW today, my doctor said of the original 18 follicles, 4 are mature. yikes....

She doesn't want anymore to mature so she's giving me what she hopes is just enough to sustain and ovulate the 4 that are there.

We are scheduled for IUI on Sunday....I am SOOO excited. When I called my DH to give him the news he just kept repeating "FOUR?? FOUR???" like he was already terrified....DH has excellent numbers as far as sperm so, I am extremely optimistic - but actually am quite worried - if everything goes perfectly, we could end up with multiples????

I should not jinx myself by thinking this way, but I have never done this before.....remembering the labour that a singleton pregnancy was for me at 20 and 25 is enough to make me nervous about twins at 40....

Well - here we go. Both feet. ( (( >splash< )) ) Sunday is the day.

this makes me mad- because, my friend who was going for iui went on wed to have her u/s done, and they said she had them at 16, i think one 18, and some lower ones. she was due to have iui on friday, they told her they couldn't do it because they were too large and didn't want a chance for multiples. so they told her no to this cycle!!! SO she spent thousands on the drugs and was so excited (we also were pregnant originally the same time, she with twins, and she lost them BOTH and hasn't been able to get pg since and has been up and down since then, that was nov 2010) and now after this, she has completely given up and is going to adopt instead since they can't afford to just keep doing the meds and the iui. i'm so upset for her, that your dr is letting you do it and hers told her basically no way. :( not mad at you, just, totally defeated FOR her. she's giving up her dream. :(
So....I went to my CD7 Ultrasound and BW today, my doctor said of the original 18 follicles, 4 are mature. yikes....

She doesn't want anymore to mature so she's giving me what she hopes is just enough to sustain and ovulate the 4 that are there.

We are scheduled for IUI on Sunday....I am SOOO excited. When I called my DH to give him the news he just kept repeating "FOUR?? FOUR???" like he was already terrified....DH has excellent numbers as far as sperm so, I am extremely optimistic - but actually am quite worried - if everything goes perfectly, we could end up with multiples????

I should not jinx myself by thinking this way, but I have never done this before.....remembering the labour that a singleton pregnancy was for me at 20 and 25 is enough to make me nervous about twins at 40....

Well - here we go. Both feet. ( (( >splash< )) ) Sunday is the day.

this makes me mad- because, my friend who was going for iui went on wed to have her u/s done, and they said she had them at 16, i think one 18, and some lower ones. she was due to have iui on friday, they told her they couldn't do it because they were too large and didn't want a chance for multiples. so they told her no to this cycle!!! SO she spent thousands on the drugs and was so excited (we also were pregnant originally the same time, she with twins, and she lost them BOTH and hasn't been able to get pg since and has been up and down since then, that was nov 2010) and now after this, she has completely given up and is going to adopt instead since they can't afford to just keep doing the meds and the iui. i'm so upset for her, that your dr is letting you do it and hers told her basically no way. :( not mad at you, just, totally defeated FOR her. she's giving up her dream. :(

16/18 was her AFC?? or her mature #?

As I understand it - 16/18 AFC is excellent and they won't cancel a cycle. BUT. If too many eggs mature (my dr likes to cut off at 4, but other doctors are okay with 5 or even 6) they can cancel the cycle due to the high risk of multiples.

She is trying to give me just enough meds to grow what I have, and will monitor me every day so I can be triggered before a 5th one gets going.

Maybe there is something that happened with your girlfriend? That created a high risk? Regardless of the reason, it is heartbreaking that she was not able to proceed.

I was complaining to my dr. of my worry about the multiples and she just shook her said and said: "There are many women sitting in the waiting room who would trade you for your problem in a heartbeat."

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but, I am really nervous. I feel so damn - HEALTHY - I just have this sinking feeling that all 4 will in fact implant, and they will want to do selective reduction....Gosh. That thought really terrifies me. I really don't want to do that.

I know it would break my DH's heart if we were put in that position. He already gave me the stink eye when I mentioned it...and told me he'd be furious if I consented to something like that without consulting him.

His mum's a midwife, so he grew up with some pretty strong ideas about childbearing.

God, I'm babbling. I'm just beside myself with nerves. Can barely function....
Hi ladies,
Zesty- FXd big time for you!!! As mentioned before, I tend to follow these boards but I am not always the most vocal...Just nice to know I'm not alone in this lovely endeavor. You have SUCH an incredible attitude and are always cheering people on, despite your own ups and downs and you TOTALLY deserve something wonderful very soon. I am sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes your way!

As for me, DH and I had really wanted to go for a NTNP attitude towards TTC- which hadn't worked so well as we had to move in with my parents after our house sold very quickly and the new house isn't ready yet..Big Damped on DTD. I caved and bought an OPK for July- figuring we could plan a camping trip or something. Well, I had thought I was ovulating around CD 16-17, this month I got a positive on CD12. We managed to BD days 10, 12, and 14... This past Saturday night I had a dream that I tested and it was a BFN so I was pretty much trying to convince myself to count out this month. Well, Monday night I had another dream...This time about a BFP. Even though it was only CD 9-10, when I woke up yesterday morning I had to test. And it came back with what I thought was a faint line...
Well not being the most patient person I ran out for a digital....Came up pregnant with only an 1 1/2 hold! I am still in shock!!! Is it normal that I still wanted to test again this morning, just to make sure that I am not crazy? This will be #1 and it feels SO unreal...
Hi ladies,
Zesty- FXd big time for you!!! As mentioned before, I tend to follow these boards but I am not always the most vocal...Just nice to know I'm not alone in this lovely endeavor. You have SUCH an incredible attitude and are always cheering people on, despite your own ups and downs and you TOTALLY deserve something wonderful very soon. I am sending lots of positive thoughts and wishes your way!

As for me, DH and I had really wanted to go for a NTNP attitude towards TTC- which hadn't worked so well as we had to move in with my parents after our house sold very quickly and the new house isn't ready yet..Big Damped on DTD. I caved and bought an OPK for July- figuring we could plan a camping trip or something. Well, I had thought I was ovulating around CD 16-17, this month I got a positive on CD12. We managed to BD days 10, 12, and 14... This past Saturday night I had a dream that I tested and it was a BFN so I was pretty much trying to convince myself to count out this month. Well, Monday night I had another dream...This time about a BFP. Even though it was only CD 9-10, when I woke up yesterday morning I had to test. And it came back with what I thought was a faint line...
Well not being the most patient person I ran out for a digital....Came up pregnant with only an 1 1/2 hold! I am still in shock!!! Is it normal that I still wanted to test again this morning, just to make sure that I am not crazy? This will be #1 and it feels SO unreal...

WOW KLA!!! Congratulations are definitely in order!!!!

FATX'D for you :D This is wonderful news for you!!!

Heaps of Sticky dust for you and your Taurus baby! :dust:

I sure hope I follow you in a couple weeks, hoping for twins if I'm being totally honest....haha...DH keeps frowning at me when I admit to it....

He's so full of it though. He's such a kid person, already he's adopted two boys and is an elementary school teacher. Best Dad I know. I can just see his reaction now!!!

How has your DH reacted? Have you told him?

This is awesome, Juicy News for a hum-drum Wednesday morning :D
I hope you follow, too! Would be great to have a due date buddy!
To tell DH I just left the test on the shower ledge for him to find when he got home from work... I was coming up with a basket of laundry and he came barreling out of the bathroom with tears in his eyes. He is a mechanic and a firefighter so he is around a lot of nasty stuff- I had been told years ago I may have a hard time conceiving because of irregular cycles so we were anticipating problems with one or both of us. He was shocked and obviously thrilled. Hes Already telling me "no lifting anything and no unnecessary stairs!" which made me laugh, because I am clumsy! He was looking up baby names when we were watching TV and is already talking about nursery colors. We told my mom (because there is no way I could keep this news from her... Especially while living with her!!) but are going to wait until my bday (aug 26) to tell my dad and his parents. My dad is going to go nuts- he's been begging for a grandchild since the day we got married!
Thank you so much for your enthusiasm and well wishes!!! I have a dr appt tomorrow to confirm and will keep you posted :)
Congrats KLA, fantastic news :D

Zesty sounds very very positive for you. Will cross everything for you on Sunday.

I have my viability scan today. Sooooo nervous and I have to wait til 4 (8.5hrs to go). Lucky ds and I will be out from 9-2 so no time to dwell on it.

Bubble, so sorry for what you're going through. Some ultrasound people make things stressful. Ds had us for hip issues at 6mths and tech who had been tacking away all of a sudden says he needs to check something with dr, when he came back in I got same story as you, 'follow up with your doctor". I was certain something was wrong, it wasn't. I asked gp why they would check with dr she said most times it's because they want to make sure dr has pictures he/she needs to do report. Thinking of you :hugs:
16/18 was her AFC?? or her mature #?

As I understand it - 16/18 AFC is excellent and they won't cancel a cycle. BUT. If too many eggs mature (my dr likes to cut off at 4, but other doctors are okay with 5 or even 6) they can cancel the cycle due to the high risk of multiples.

She is trying to give me just enough meds to grow what I have, and will monitor me every day so I can be triggered before a 5th one gets going.

Maybe there is something that happened with your girlfriend? That created a high risk? Regardless of the reason, it is heartbreaking that she was not able to proceed.

I was complaining to my dr. of my worry about the multiples and she just shook her said and said: "There are many women sitting in the waiting room who would trade you for your problem in a heartbeat."

I don't want to get ahead of myself, but, I am really nervous. I feel so damn - HEALTHY - I just have this sinking feeling that all 4 will in fact implant, and they will want to do selective reduction....Gosh. That thought really terrifies me. I really don't want to do that.

I know it would break my DH's heart if we were put in that position. He already gave me the stink eye when I mentioned it...and told me he'd be furious if I consented to something like that without consulting him.

His mum's a midwife, so he grew up with some pretty strong ideas about childbearing.

God, I'm babbling. I'm just beside myself with nerves. Can barely function....

No they weren't done yet. they said she had tooooo many maturing folicles and they didn't want to risk her having multiples. there were 4 definitely mature and i think possibly 2 more following. but they didn't give her an option. said, we're canceling, do it again next cycle. but the thing is, she doesn' thave the $ to do it again next cycle. so they just said no we're done. :( she's been through so very much already, and she's not answering any of my texts/messages, i'm concerned about her.

Congrats kla!!!! that's awesome!!!! i know i tested a couple times for like a week or two- like twice a week to make sure because i didn't trust it!!!
No they weren't done yet. they said she had tooooo many maturing folicles and they didn't want to risk her having multiples. there were 4 definitely mature and i think possibly 2 more following. but they didn't give her an option. said, we're canceling, do it again next cycle. but the thing is, she doesn' thave the $ to do it again next cycle. so they just said no we're done. :( she's been through so very much already, and she's not answering any of my texts/messages, i'm concerned about her.

Now I see. And - I do understand her plight, believe it or not.

I was accidentally overdosed on my FSH JUST YESTERDAY, and I am NOT telling the clinic because a) it was their fault for telling my to take double without clarifying that it was for 2 days and b) I went for my scan and bw and everything is still perfect.

Mind you I am skipping a dose today because of this mix-up so who knows for tomorrow, but, I don't want them deciding to cancel my cycle due to THEIR mistake. Hell no. If anything, they'll delay me if I'm a bit ahead and induce me if I'm right on time. I might even lag off a bit due to skipping today's intended dose.

Your friends story drives home another confirmation for me to keep my mouth shut so long as I have no symptoms and my blood and US are perfect (which currently they are.) OF course I'm RUNNING to the ER at the first sign of OHSS. Scary stuff...terrible that they don't even send home written instructions for dosing at my clinic, and there is no emergency after hours to call for help.

Stupid jerks.

If I were her, I would just BD anyway, but then again, I would be okay with SR (Selective reduction) if too many implanted - because at least it would still leave me preggers....

Very tough though.

I almost cried this morning when the doc said something and I realized i'd taken a double dose. But, I kept quiet about what had happened. I also cannot afford another cycle for a long time.

Most important: The dr. said my follicles were progressing beautifully and that my growth was perfect. That's all I need to hear to shut my mouth about the overdose incident.

It's so easy for everyone to decide to cancel YOUR cycel because THEY don't want to take the risk - without letting the mother consider if it's a risk she herself is willing to consent too. Really, who's business is it if she conceived 4 embryos? They have surgery to correct too many implantations if she were to choose that road...and if she decided to stay pregnant with 4 - I'm pretty sure she wouldn't be the first mother of quadruplets on this planet.
Very sad story. Hope your friend is ok.
not sure, still can't get in touch with her. i hope she bd'd anyway, but i mean she's just really down. she's also a depressive so is off her meds (since 2010 trying for a baby) so she's like, REALLY down. she won't do anything drastic that's not like her but i just worry about her. :( i don't live anywhere near her, but i wish i did, because i'd just go to her house and check on her.

she has thyroid issues apparently and a sugar issue (i think she said) so i know it's really hard for her, and i know she probably won't get pregnant because of that unless she has the help. She's apparently going to be adopting from Ethopia but when i she told me that she was super happy and then later that night was sad again. :(

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