August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

This thread has been quite recently?!
You are absolutely right, RC.

I have been remiss, myself in updating here - and what a cycle it's been so far!

I am 3DPO and I was sick as a dog last night. It probably was a touch of mild OHSS - and I hope it does not come back! Very bad bloating and tummy problems.

I am testing August 10th - of course, I am beside myself with excitement with it being our first IUI!

How is everyone else doing??

I have a pretty bad case of ovulation pain that hasn't quit....likely from hatching 4 eggs though I swear one didn't make it. Feels like a cyst, possibly the smallest follicle got stuck because my right side (where there was only 1 follicle - the smallest) has been hurting since Ov date.
hows it going everyone???

any good news?? i'm about to o.

zesty any word???
Hey, Mommy - Judging by your chart - yeah! Sure looks like you're about to pop! :)

I am just on the edge of my seat. Have 11 days to wait before I can do a beta!!!!

My Bbs are epically sore. Must be from the Puregon injections. I haven't taken anything, but I'm close to caving!

Also - after my iui that damn BV I got the first time I had a catheter reared it's ugly head. I was really worried it would hurt out chances so I popped 2 flagyl I had left over from the first time I caught it (again, right after a cervical catheter which is weird) and it took care of it.

Unfortunately, I think between the antibiotic and the Puregon, I got violently ill last night! At work and really dragging my butt as I am totally sleep deprived..!

How are you doing?? Any special plans to get your BFP this month?
Hope your feeling better soon zesty!

I'm 11 days past ov waiting to test either Thursday or Friday. I'm not sure when my AF would actually be due as my cycles are all over the place but I know when I ovulated because I was testing with a opk. I got some cramping while I was at work the other day, was quite sharp and I thought maybe it was start of AF but it only lasted maybe 30 minutes and I've not felt anything since. No other symptoms though.
This sounds promising RC! I'm so are 11dpo and I am only THREE :(
Hey, Mommy - Judging by your chart - yeah! Sure looks like you're about to pop! :)

I am just on the edge of my seat. Have 11 days to wait before I can do a beta!!!!

My Bbs are epically sore. Must be from the Puregon injections. I haven't taken anything, but I'm close to caving!

Also - after my iui that damn BV I got the first time I had a catheter reared it's ugly head. I was really worried it would hurt out chances so I popped 2 flagyl I had left over from the first time I caught it (again, right after a cervical catheter which is weird) and it took care of it.

Unfortunately, I think between the antibiotic and the Puregon, I got violently ill last night! At work and really dragging my butt as I am totally sleep deprived..!

How are you doing?? Any special plans to get your BFP this month?

Well doing the ferning and the bd every single night, and then opks are on their way (hoping they make it on time) also doing soft cups as they really helped last time too. I'm nervous. i really hope this is it. I"m being positive and thinking it is. hope i don't let myself down. that would be a bummer.

hope you feel better soon hun, that really sucks.

Hope your feeling better soon zesty!

I'm 11 days past ov waiting to test either Thursday or Friday. I'm not sure when my AF would actually be due as my cycles are all over the place but I know when I ovulated because I was testing with a opk. I got some cramping while I was at work the other day, was quite sharp and I thought maybe it was start of AF but it only lasted maybe 30 minutes and I've not felt anything since. No other symptoms though.

oh i hope this is it for you!!!! can't wait til you test!!!!
hey everyone.
everyone too busy BDing is that why the thread's quiet? =P

I didnt even use OPKs this time... just BD'd once on the night of CD12.. (friday night)
assuming I O'd CD14-15...
considering this cycle a NTNP...
its stressful and tiring month after month putting in so much effort...
just wanted to relax a little this time and not be so hopeful only to have them dashed horribly!!

on another breast scans came back clear.. although im told to keep an eye on it and go for another scan every month or so..
the size difference is still there, so im hoping whatever is causing it goes away soon and fast!!
(want to thank all of you for being so kind and reassuring about that! xoxo)
Oh..and i fell over on sunday and fractured/broke my thumb.. so im in a cast at the moment and hardly can move my right hand/arm... feeling grateful about having two hands and feet and legs and arms now.. its depressing!! poor DH is having to help bathe me and get me dressed in the mornings lol!

so am around 3 dpo.. and ofcourse not having too much of a high hope this time...
good luck everyone!!
RC86 - have you tested yet ??? cant wait to hear some news!
zesty - hope you're feeling better !! im sleep deprived too with this darn cast on my arm!
Andi - has AF shown yet? hope everything is ok??? wonder if you're still testing..
KLA - just read back on the thread! OMG congratulations! nice to see girls still getting BFPs on this thread, it really helps lift spirits hehehe.. how far along now??
Callie - any updates?
mommyofone - fingers crossed you've covered all bases.. hope the wait wont be too long for you! let us know when you start testing..
Berri - how have you been?? where abouts in your cycle are you now?
Gutted again AF started today :cry: I don't know where we are going wrong anymore now :shrug: we BD'ed 5 nights in a row just before and on the day I got my positive on the opk!

It's only been 12 days since I ov is that a normal time? Or too short? My cycle lasted 28 days this time which is better then the 44 last time I guess!

Trying to stay positive about it but now I've been trying 8 months and here in the uk a dr won't do tests until you've been trying for 12-18 months. Why is it not working :cry:
oh RC... I feel for you...*hug*
I feel exactly the same way hun..
the only thing we can do is tell ourselves that the timing just
isn't quite right for us..
you have to keep in mind that although we do everything to conceive
sometimes our bodies just don't comply..
could have been a bad egg, or bad sperm and if fertilization did occur it could have
resulted with a baby with complications..
our body could be rejecting pregnancies for so many
just hang in there..
I've tried not focussing at all this cycle and I've found
I'm less tense and actually getting use to the reality that TTC can
be tough!
I know it doesn't soothe the disappointment much..
but just want you to know that you will get there eventually..
maybe try your luck with the doctors anyway?
just tell them you've tried roughly for nearly a year and see what they say?
Andi - has AF shown yet?

Nope....CD55. Ive been testing once a week to be sure but all BFN. I tried to make an apt with my doctor...called the clinic and got an answering machine message saying the clinic is closed because they are all on holidays until August even if I waited until then it would be another 3-5 weeks until I get to see the doctor...Im so frusturated and I have no idea what to do. I can make an apt with the nurse practitioner but I dont know if I should even waste my time cause last time when I was having my chemical she said to me "your probably just stressed" and "the tests could of been faulty" and sent me home. Then later when i went for my pap i was told it was a failed pregnancy. Grr maybe i am stressed I dunno...all I know is this sucks.
RC86 - have you tested yet ??? cant wait to hear some news!
zesty - hope you're feeling better !! im sleep deprived too with this darn cast on my arm!
Andi - has AF shown yet? hope everything is ok??? wonder if you're still testing..
KLA - just read back on the thread! OMG congratulations! nice to see girls still getting BFPs on this thread, it really helps lift spirits hehehe.. how far along now??
Callie - any updates?
mommyofone - fingers crossed you've covered all bases.. hope the wait wont be too long for you! let us know when you start testing..
Berri - how have you been?? where abouts in your cycle are you now?

Bubble, Thank you!!! :yipee: We were shocked and thrilled obviously! I am just starting week 5 now- so it's still SUPER new. I had the pregnancy confirmed at my gyno(just a urine test) and I am in the process of switching to a new OB. I keep expecting AF to show and let out a big sigh of relief every time she doesn't. Still doesn't feel real. My fingers and toes are crossed for you and I am SO GLAD to see everything came back clear with your breasts. I had a scare when I was 19- found 2 lumps in the right. When I went to the dr she said "Yeah, that's definitely not normal" WOW how comforting. Then they sent me for an ultrasound and mammogram...Where they told me that because of my age they would just do the ultrasound since it's probably a cyst. Imagine my shock and fear when they took me in for an ultrasound. THEN referred me to a very renowned cancer treatment center in a nearby city...Thank god they discovered that I have fibroadenomas- or basically- benign tumors that won't turn cancerous. My right is bigger than my left and I have a very noticeable lump in it, as well. Just something I've learned to live with!

Andi- Is there another doctor you could go see??? A 3 week vacation sounds like a long time to be closed with no other doctor to see emergency or serious patients! FXd something works out!

RC- I think we can all relate to how you are feeling...That's why we are all here! There was a month that I was especially disappointed because I'd thought I had all the right symptoms and AF was 4 days late but I kept getting BFNs. We had Chinese food for dinner and my fortune cookie said "Time is nature's way of making sure everything doesn't happen at once." Sure enough, AF showed the next day...Sometimes we just have step back, breathe- and let things happen how they will. I know with me, I wanted to control this TTC process way too much- and this month when I finally just said "Whatever happens, happens" is when it worked out in my favor. It will happen for you soon!!!
hey everyone.
everyone too busy BDing is that why the thread's quiet? =P

I didnt even use OPKs this time... just BD'd once on the night of CD12.. (friday night)
assuming I O'd CD14-15...
considering this cycle a NTNP...
its stressful and tiring month after month putting in so much effort...
just wanted to relax a little this time and not be so hopeful only to have them dashed horribly!!

on another breast scans came back clear.. although im told to keep an eye on it and go for another scan every month or so..
the size difference is still there, so im hoping whatever is causing it goes away soon and fast!!
(want to thank all of you for being so kind and reassuring about that! xoxo)
Oh..and i fell over on sunday and fractured/broke my thumb.. so im in a cast at the moment and hardly can move my right hand/arm... feeling grateful about having two hands and feet and legs and arms now.. its depressing!! poor DH is having to help bathe me and get me dressed in the mornings lol!

so am around 3 dpo.. and ofcourse not having too much of a high hope this time...
good luck everyone!!

I'm glad to hear your breast screen came back okay...very sorry to hear you followed it up by snapping your thumb!!! I hope you heal up quickly. This sounds both painful and inconvenient! I agree with you about not getting the hopes up. Unfortunately, we have the added stress this month that we spent A LOT of money on the IUI procedure. I am concerned DH will be deterred from spending money again if it fails...It makes it more difficult to relax, though I am trying to.

Gutted again AF started today :cry: I don't know where we are going wrong anymore now :shrug: we BD'ed 5 nights in a row just before and on the day I got my positive on the opk!

It's only been 12 days since I ov is that a normal time? Or too short? My cycle lasted 28 days this time which is better then the 44 last time I guess!

Trying to stay positive about it but now I've been trying 8 months and here in the uk a dr won't do tests until you've been trying for 12-18 months. Why is it not working :cry:

Sorry to hear this, RC :( this just sucks. F*** Mother Nature. She is mean sometimes. If you are right that you got AF only 12 days after ovulating, this could have something to do with it. LPD (Luteal Phase Defect) is something you may want to mention to your doctor if this happens again. The good news is that a too-short luteal phase is usually just a matter of low progesterone, and is often very easy to fix! I know that it is impossible not to worry sometimes or feel down after getting AF. It's just hard. We are here for you, though, and I can't wait to see your BFP when it happens for you guys!!!! :)

Andi - has AF shown yet?

Nope....CD55. Ive been testing once a week to be sure but all BFN. I tried to make an apt with my doctor...called the clinic and got an answering machine message saying the clinic is closed because they are all on holidays until August even if I waited until then it would be another 3-5 weeks until I get to see the doctor...Im so frusturated and I have no idea what to do. I can make an apt with the nurse practitioner but I dont know if I should even waste my time cause last time when I was having my chemical she said to me "your probably just stressed" and "the tests could of been faulty" and sent me home. Then later when i went for my pap i was told it was a failed pregnancy. Grr maybe i am stressed I dunno...all I know is this sucks.

WOW!! Where the heck do you live again? This is a very long time to wait. Are you able to go to a walk in clinic?? Can you get a new physician?? 55 days is frustratingly long! :( I'm sorry to hear this. I think you are probably correct that your body is in the midst of trying to reset itself after the CP. It seems to be a very common complaint online with women in your situation....hopefully, your body gets itself well healed and ready and you are gonna get your AF soon so you can finally get your bfp.

Kla: It sounds like everything is perfect and that you are moving along just great!! :) It is really so great to have a BFP in our thread to inspire us to our own. I sure hope you will post your US images here and keep us up to date with how things are moving!

AFM: Ug. I have been having really low post O temps. It has me concerned that either a) I didn't' actually ovulate, or b) My progesterone sucks.

I have had to retake temps a couple of times because they were so crappy. If I were to put only my first temps in my FF chart, it shows I haven't even ovulated. Based on continuous negative OPK's, I am almost positive that I did.
Just to be sure - I am going to start doing every-other-day OPK's so that if I see another surge, I will know I didn't actually ovulate and I can get busy.

Really frustrating. It seems like every month my post-O temps just get lower and lower. Before when we were NTNP and I was keeping track, my temps were always nice and high. Of course it's only since we've been really trying that they're in the toilet....:growlmad:

On the bright side: If I DO catch another surge (which would mean I did not actually ovulate yet) I have a trigger shot in my fridge. I also have 4 eggs. :winkwink: This means that if I did NOT actually ovulate yet (however unlikely) - I will have the benefit of maturing the 4 eggs longer, and then actually ovulating all 4 once I trigger. At the time of my ovulation 4 days ago, 2 of the 4 eggs were only 'borderline mature.' Just trying to see the silver
hey everyone.
everyone too busy BDing is that why the thread's quiet? =P

I didnt even use OPKs this time... just BD'd once on the night of CD12.. (friday night)
assuming I O'd CD14-15...
considering this cycle a NTNP...
its stressful and tiring month after month putting in so much effort...
just wanted to relax a little this time and not be so hopeful only to have them dashed horribly!!

on another breast scans came back clear.. although im told to keep an eye on it and go for another scan every month or so..
the size difference is still there, so im hoping whatever is causing it goes away soon and fast!!
(want to thank all of you for being so kind and reassuring about that! xoxo)
Oh..and i fell over on sunday and fractured/broke my thumb.. so im in a cast at the moment and hardly can move my right hand/arm... feeling grateful about having two hands and feet and legs and arms now.. its depressing!! poor DH is having to help bathe me and get me dressed in the mornings lol!

so am around 3 dpo.. and ofcourse not having too much of a high hope this time...
good luck everyone!!

so glad your scans came back clear!!!! that's a scary thing!!!

RC86 - have you tested yet ??? cant wait to hear some news!
mommyofone - fingers crossed you've covered all bases.. hope the wait wont be too long for you! let us know when you start testing..

hopefully (depending on o day) i'll be testing 13dpo (maybe 12 if i can't wait as that's when i got my first pos with dd) i only have 5 tests left so have to be sparing lol if this isn't th emonth. they're tests left over from when i had dd so that's pretty awesome lol if i can get a pos on the same lot. they're also only good til nov. so i'm guessing if i o on cd16 like i'm expecting, i would be testing the 15th at 13dpo. but i'll know better when i O! lp is usually 13 days.

Gutted again AF started today :cry: I don't know where we are going wrong anymore now :shrug: we BD'ed 5 nights in a row just before and on the day I got my positive on the opk!

It's only been 12 days since I ov is that a normal time? Or too short? My cycle lasted 28 days this time which is better then the 44 last time I guess!

Trying to stay positive about it but now I've been trying 8 months and here in the uk a dr won't do tests until you've been trying for 12-18 months. Why is it not working :cry:

oh hun i'm so sorry!!!!! that's terrible, my lp is usually 13 so it's totally fine, i think 12 is normal. glad your cycle is shorter but i'm so sorry you're having a rough go. around O time, i suggest seriously trying soft cups. after bd'ing on O day, for three days until you confirm O, do the soft cup, put it right in and it can stay in over night. keeps all the men where they're supposed to be and in the morning you can take it out and will not be dripping/leaking etc. i used one last night, i also used them when we got dd, i forgot how great they really are. i hate that leaking feeling so these were awesome, as everything actually goes into the cervix. i would give them a try next month.

Andi - has AF shown yet?

Nope....CD55. Ive been testing once a week to be sure but all BFN. I tried to make an apt with my doctor...called the clinic and got an answering machine message saying the clinic is closed because they are all on holidays until August even if I waited until then it would be another 3-5 weeks until I get to see the doctor...Im so frusturated and I have no idea what to do. I can make an apt with the nurse practitioner but I dont know if I should even waste my time cause last time when I was having my chemical she said to me "your probably just stressed" and "the tests could of been faulty" and sent me home. Then later when i went for my pap i was told it was a failed pregnancy. Grr maybe i am stressed I dunno...all I know is this sucks.

cd 55!? i'm so sorry andi!!! maybe you should lok into a new dr?
afm still no o, temps still low didn't miss it or hit it yet lol started soft cups again last night, used them with dd, still have good cp and partial ferning. just waiting. trying to be patient.
Screw it. After writing that, I am going at lunch time to my Fertility Clinic for Progesterone and a blood test.

I am really concerned that I didn't ovulate....or that my progesterone is terrible :(
afm still no o, temps still low didn't miss it or hit it yet lol started soft cups again last night, used them with dd, still have good cp and partial ferning. just waiting. trying to be patient.

Hey, Mommy. I've heard those cups work great!! Thought about using them myself..!

It looks like you haven't popped yet, judging by your chart...but certainly, it does appear that your ovaries are percolating ! lol....

Hang in there.

AFM: I got my progesterone. Also - my numbers are within limits, but were a little low. (I was RIGHT!! this charting IS useful!!) I could see by my borderline bbt that my progesterone was low, and the reason is that the Puregon makes Estrogen soar, and estrogen is needing for each follicle (I had 4) - Estrogen in high amounts, as it turns out, suppresses progesterone. I am impressed I managed to keep producing it naturally in normal limits (though just barely.) But it was a good call on my part to start supplementing as implantation would be approaching if I am preggers...and LOTS of progesterone is needed for that.

Any updates ladies?
ok so now what? that your prog is low what's the next step??

I got another neg opk tonight. blast. however, my cycles can run anywhere from like 30-40 something. More normal would be cd 18 to actually O. but i've gone as far as cd22. hope we don't have to wait that long.
ok so now what? that your prog is low what's the next step??

I got another neg opk tonight. blast. however, my cycles can run anywhere from like 30-40 something. More normal would be cd 18 to actually O. but i've gone as far as cd22. hope we don't have to wait that long.

Have u got a positive opk yet?

Zesty-any updates?

As for me unfortunately getting a new doctor where i live is near impossible. Since we are short on doctors and even when a new one comes they normally take in paients who dont have a family doctor. The joys of free health care in a small town!... I do like my doctor, he has been my doctor since the day he delivered me. He is just near retirement now and has many paitents so he is very hard to get in to see. When he retires I will be assigned a new doctor, hopefully one I like. I can see a nurse practitioner but the one that is available right now is not who I want to see. She is the one who told me i was just stressed when I was having a chemical. And also made me wait 3 days for my blood test results....I just know if I went to her I would wonder if she missed something so its a waste of time. A few others recommened I see another nurse practitioner. Of course she is also on holidays next week. So im going to call next week and book an appt for when she is back. Ive already waited this lo g whats another week gonna hurt....

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