August Testers, let's keep going!! 14BFPs so FAR!

been stalking this thread as I just got my :bfp: so Im in for August !!

I was reading about the comments of AMH from zestygirl:blush:
No offence but , I wouldn't trust this test 100% blind , there is many women that have concieved with very low amh and years after their results.

I believe the combination of FSH AMH and LH are more relevant that that test alone.. new findings also suggest that low vitamin D can affect the result ..
Its not rare for it to go up ..
I know in USA and UK FS take this test very seriously , where I am in Germany now , no FS has made me feel that its over with such low AMH.

My amh last year was 0.5 (low) and conceived after 4 months .
this year.0.2 (very low almost undetectable) conceived after 5 months of trying
I just got 38 ..

I know is important to get the tests but for example,in my case i got so depressed after my bad results , cried so much , stressed about getting PG, affected my relationship with DH and at the end it happened rather quick for a 38 year old with terrible AMH ..

so please dont lose hope if your amh is low
I am PG with AMH 0.2
been stalking this thread as I just got my :bfp: so Im in for August !!

I was reading about the comments of AMH from zestygirl:blush:
No offence but , I wouldn't trust this test 100% blind , there is many women that have concieved with very low amh and years after their results.

I believe the combination of FSH AMH and LH are more relevant that that test alone.. new findings also suggest that low vitamin D can affect the result ..
Its not rare for it to go up ..
I know in USA and UK FS take this test very seriously , where I am in Germany now , no FS has made me feel that its over with such low AMH.

My amh last year was 0.5 (low) and conceived after 4 months .
this year.0.2 (very low almost undetectable) conceived after 5 months of trying
I just got 38 ..

I know is important to get the tests but for example,in my case i got so depressed after my bad results , cried so much , stressed about getting PG, affected my relationship with DH and at the end it happened rather quick for a 38 year old with terrible AMH ..

so please dont lose hope if your amh is low
I am PG with AMH 0.2

That is a sweet and promising story for ladies with this issue. Thank you for posting this!!! I haven't had any testing done yet, but I will remember this for the future. Always love hearing stories of ladies beating the odds and conceiving! Congrats on your BFP! Hoping for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you!
Hope you ladies have been doing ok .. still checking this thread. Never really left as I have such high hopes for you ladies and I just know there's got to be some BFPs around the corner! Hope you all have a good weekend!
Hi everyone
how was your weekend??

I had a pretty good time
went out with DH for brunch on saturday, followed by some shopping at IKEA
the nursery layouts looked so0o0 cute.. wanted to keep dawdling in there..
and yesterday just hung out at home all day and did absolutely nothing and loved it.
(I did do one load of washing... but that was it haha)

around 6-7 dpo at the moment.. getting that itch to test.. want to wait a bit though!

I really hope someone has good news this month!!!
6-7 dpo!!! lucky you hun!! i wish! i'm only 1 dpo (And not even confirmed yet on ff)

glad you had a nice weekend.

we finally came down off the surge last night and temp went up, so hoping with all the bd we did we caught the egg. if not, i'll be crushed.
Congrats Alita on your bfp!

Glad to hear you had a good weekend bubblebelly! I spent my weekend at our family cabin. Trying to spend as much time out here as possible before summer is over. We had a big family gathering out there to celebrate my husbands grandpas 82nd birthday. It was a great time! With labour day weekend we still get one more day off work tomorrow which is always good!

Had my ultrasound on friday. Now im just waiting to hear the results. The ultrasound tech told me the doctor will call me sometime this week. All she could tell me is that the main thing they were checking for is PCOS. AF still hasnt shown....CD 87. its been 3 cycles ive missed now...i hate wasting all this time WTT. Good luck to you girls. Hope you get your BFPs in September!
Andi I'm sorry your still waiting! Hopefully you get your answers soon!

I went shopping today and decided to buy some pregnacare conception multi vits as I've been taking folic acid but these contain other vitamins such as B12 and D which is ment to help conception. Way I see it right now everything is worth a try. They weren't cheap. Took first one this afternoon so will see what happens teamed up with the conceive plus that I brought last cycle.

People keep saying the most annoying things to me...the biggest being "it'll happen when you stop trying" it's like tell me how will it happen when I stop trying? How do I stop trying? Stop having sex and then I will get pregnant?! I don't get it and the other saying annoying me is "it'll happen when the time is right" like teenagers falling pregnant after 1 night stands is the "right time" it is the right time...if the time wasn't right I wouldn't be trying! I should of just decided to get pregnant at the wrong time with the wrong person and it would properly happen then. Sorry for the rant I'm just sick of other people who don't quite understand!

Anyway girlies I hope your all doing alright. Fingers crossed for the girls in the 2WW :) hoping you get your BFP's!! Look forward to hearing the exciting news!!
Andi I'm sorry your still waiting! Hopefully you get your answers soon!

I went shopping today and decided to buy some pregnacare conception multi vits as I've been taking folic acid but these contain other vitamins such as B12 and D which is ment to help conception. Way I see it right now everything is worth a try. They weren't cheap. Took first one this afternoon so will see what happens teamed up with the conceive plus that I brought last cycle.

People keep saying the most annoying things to me...the biggest being "it'll happen when you stop trying" it's like tell me how will it happen when I stop trying? How do I stop trying? Stop having sex and then I will get pregnant?! I don't get it and the other saying annoying me is "it'll happen when the time is right" like teenagers falling pregnant after 1 night stands is the "right time" it is the right time...if the time wasn't right I wouldn't be trying! I should of just decided to get pregnant at the wrong time with the wrong person and it would properly happen then. Sorry for the rant I'm just sick of other people who don't quite understand!

Anyway girlies I hope your all doing alright. Fingers crossed for the girls in the 2WW :) hoping you get your BFP's!! Look forward to hearing the exciting news!!

i know, once you start, you can't just... .stop. i can't anyway. i'd stop talking to people about it!!! my gosh, i couldn't take all the comments.
Good luck everyone on your TWW. Good news that we finally have a bfp!!! Congrats Alita!!!! :)
HeyLove: How is the bump coming?
Bubblebelly: You must be getting close to testing. Have you done one yet?
Mommy of one: Any symptoms yet? You are due to test in a few days, I gather?
RC: Good luck with the new supplements. How is it coming?

AFM: I started bleeding quite a lot at 11dpo. Makes no sense at all. Temp crashed, too. Must be a progesterone problem. Very strange. I thought Luteal phase was constant....I know when I O'd because I have been testing.

Not only this, but my breast tenderness has persisted right through the bleeding these past few days.

Throw my hands up in the air.

Guess I'll start over.
Sorry to hear that zesty. I thought that luteal phase was always the same every month as well. Fingers crossed for you for next month!

Least we've one BFP on the's been awhile. It's always nice to have to positive news to boost hope again. Hopefully there will be many more to come this month fingers X'ed.

I've been taking my supliments and start testing with my opk on Saturday because I think I will ov around next Tuesday (its amazing how well you get to know your body while TTC) the problem is next week I'm on late duties with work every day Monday-Friday and my boyfriend does normal office hours, means I will be coming home from work at about 3am he will be asleep, he'll get up at 7am and I will be asleep then I will be off to work before he is home from work. So as the saying goes we really will be ships that pass in the night :( I can't see us getting much if any BD'ing in.

Sometimes live is a bitch. Anyway hope you are all still well and everything is good with you all. Hope to hear some better news from you soon zesty :)
Sorry to hear that zesty.That is strange. Good luck this time around!

RC sucks when life gets in the way. Maybe wake him up for a quick round of BDing in the night?

Little rant.....i hate facebook! Everytime i go on there lately someone else is pregnant, or complaining of their pregnancy symptoms! grrr so annoying!
Good luck everyone on your TWW. Good news HeyLove: How is the bump coming?

Bump is growing!
Can barely believe it. He's already 10 oz. Good luck to you, Zesty. I hate to read that you're still struggling. You'll get there!
Hi girls..
I actually missed all of you the last few days!!
I wish we were all within living distance from one another and catch up for coffee every weekend..

zesty.. Im really sorry that you started bleeding, however, are you sure its not implantation bleeding? I remember I replied on a thread when I first joined and a woman was asking what everyone thinks of her situation.. she bled like a full on period followed with constant vomitting and took a HPT after her "period" was over and it was BFP..

If I were you once the spotting/bleeding and everything stops.. test again! just to be sure...
I really wish and hope you get your BFP so so so soon!!!

RC - how are you doing?? going to O soon!! that came around pretty fast!
is there time to buy the preseed? please give it a try!! If you think you O tuesday.. maybe get your BDing in sunday night... this cycle.. Im pretty sure I O'd either the monday night or the Tuesday morning latest.. and we only BD'd once on sunday night.
you'd still be in the game even if you BD prior to O... there is always always a chance!!
Im glad you're taking more supplements, good initiative on your part! good luck
and stay hopeful and keep going!

Andi - how are you doing?? I swear its always like that... everytime I switch the Telly on.. there is a baby huggies ad.. or prenatal supplement ad.. or baby painkillers ad..
everything baby baby baby...... and then me and DH look awkwardly at each other lol..
and he'll heave out a big sigh..... and i'll say.. well I told you we need to BD more!
DH has drive issues for a good few years now.. so you can imagine how stressful TTC is for us.. I've had so many girlfriends tell me they are pregnant this year.. its crazy!
we can all relate how happy we do feel for them.. and then crash and burn on the inside..
have they given your ultrasound results hun? I'll be doing prayers for you that everything works out fine.. and that they can start you on some form of treatment to help move things along... have you had any symptoms or anything since your period has been absent? any cramping ?? we are all here for you! and if you ever want to rant or vent feel free to do so! im all ears and eyes lol.. *big hug*

mommy - you'd be around 2-3 dpo right?? hope this TWW goes super fast for you.. its been dragging for me... good luck and I hope THIS.IS.IT !!!
all of us need to be bump buddies!! seriously.. im surprised our cycles havent matched up and syncing! we're like family now lol!!!

i love you girls!!
holy crap heylove!!! you look so adorable!!!! Thanks for sharing!!
so girls...

want to lend me some eyes??
I've had awful evaps in the past.. and I swear, I've even had a nasty pink evap too.. and it wasnt a faint BFP.. it was a horrible evap that made me very hopeful...

Today as of the 5/9/13 I am roughly 9 or 10 dpo..

I have had NO SYMPTOMS what so ever...
TMI alert.. I had really bad diarrhea on Friday night (3-4 dpo) but I wrote that off to the thai food I had at lunch..
but apart from that nothing else besides my occassional gastric/indigestion issues..

I took some internet cheapies yesterday that claim they test for sensitivity levels of 10miu but they came up negative...

but then I decided to test last night with the tests that came with the preseed..
and I got some lines last night and this morning after my shower.. but honestly kept looking at them thinking theyre evaps.. and im not even sure what sensitivity these ones are.. could possibly even be 20miu!

so I came into work just now.. and held my urine for another hour or so..
did another one of those preseed HPTs..

I've attached the pics... from last night and this morning


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Bubble: those are NOT Evaps. Those are most certainly, without a shred of doubt bfps :D!!!!! Congratulations lady! You are pregs!!!!!!!

Hey love, you look amazing!! Can't believe you have swollen up so fast, seems like yesterday you got your bfp!

Now you have. Bump buddy- because bubbles is preggie :) I am thrilled for you!

AFM: implantation bleeding was my first hope but my temps also took a dive, did a test and is bfn. Maybe I'll do another tomorrow, when I'm actually supposed to be due.
Good luck everyone on your TWW. Good news that we finally have a bfp!!! Congrats Alita!!!! :)
HeyLove: How is the bump coming?
Bubblebelly: You must be getting close to testing. Have you done one yet?
Mommy of one: Any symptoms yet? You are due to test in a few days, I gather?
RC: Good luck with the new supplements. How is it coming?

AFM: I started bleeding quite a lot at 11dpo. Makes no sense at all. Temp crashed, too. Must be a progesterone problem. Very strange. I thought Luteal phase was constant....I know when I O'd because I have been testing.

Not only this, but my breast tenderness has persisted right through the bleeding these past few days.

Throw my hands up in the air.

Guess I'll start over.

i've been victim of a changing lp sadly. it can be 13-14 days. it's usually consistent... but sometimes, it does it's own thing. i'm sorry hun.

Sorry to hear that zesty. I thought that luteal phase was always the same every month as well. Fingers crossed for you for next month!

Least we've one BFP on the's been awhile. It's always nice to have to positive news to boost hope again. Hopefully there will be many more to come this month fingers X'ed.

I've been taking my supliments and start testing with my opk on Saturday because I think I will ov around next Tuesday (its amazing how well you get to know your body while TTC) the problem is next week I'm on late duties with work every day Monday-Friday and my boyfriend does normal office hours, means I will be coming home from work at about 3am he will be asleep, he'll get up at 7am and I will be asleep then I will be off to work before he is home from work. So as the saying goes we really will be ships that pass in the night :( I can't see us getting much if any BD'ing in.

Sometimes live is a bitch. Anyway hope you are all still well and everything is good with you all. Hope to hear some better news from you soon zesty :)

at least you know your body!!! after ttc this time, i still don't know what the hell it's doing half the time!!!!

Sorry to hear that zesty.That is strange. Good luck this time around!

RC sucks when life gets in the way. Maybe wake him up for a quick round of BDing in the night?

Little rant.....i hate facebook! Everytime i go on there lately someone else is pregnant, or complaining of their pregnancy symptoms! grrr so annoying!

so sorry hun :(

mommy - you'd be around 2-3 dpo right?? hope this TWW goes super fast for you.. its been dragging for me... good luck and I hope THIS.IS.IT !!!
all of us need to be bump buddies!! seriously.. im surprised our cycles havent matched up and syncing! we're like family now lol!!!

i love you girls!!

4dpo here. and feel so out it's ridiculous. I do hope that we all get our bfps this cycle.

so girls...

want to lend me some eyes??
I've had awful evaps in the past.. and I swear, I've even had a nasty pink evap too.. and it wasnt a faint BFP.. it was a horrible evap that made me very hopeful...

Today as of the 5/9/13 I am roughly 9 or 10 dpo..

I have had NO SYMPTOMS what so ever...
TMI alert.. I had really bad diarrhea on Friday night (3-4 dpo) but I wrote that off to the thai food I had at lunch..
but apart from that nothing else besides my occassional gastric/indigestion issues..

I took some internet cheapies yesterday that claim they test for sensitivity levels of 10miu but they came up negative...

but then I decided to test last night with the tests that came with the preseed..
and I got some lines last night and this morning after my shower.. but honestly kept looking at them thinking theyre evaps.. and im not even sure what sensitivity these ones are.. could possibly even be 20miu!

so I came into work just now.. and held my urine for another hour or so..
did another one of those preseed HPTs..

I've attached the pics... from last night and this morning

ummm so, that is definitely a positive!!!!! holy cow!!!!! congrats bubble!!! i bet it'll be darker tomorrow!!!!!!!!
bubblebelly .. those are SO BFPs! Congrats!! And thanks, Zesty! I can't believe how fast it's gone either!

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