Baby Dancin' Newlyweds! [WOW!!! 12 bfp!]

First of all congrats to all of you with your :bfp:! I'm so happy for you guys!:hugs:

A little update...
I started using FF (LOVE IT!) and have been using BBT mostly. My CM isn't entirely accurate...and well, I don't think I'm ovulating this month, so I think I'm out!:shrug:
I've had symptoms for about 6 days and I'm 10 dpo if FF's guess is right, but I'm trying to not get my hopes up that I did at all. I could be AF, a cyst making its appearance, or a BFP. Hoping for the last :winkwink:

If someone could take a look at my chart that would be awesome! It's going up gradually but not real big spikes. I'm confused to say the least. I've had TONS of symptoms, starting out with nausea...then dizziness...then cramps...and then yesterday I had every symptom under the sun! I'm exhausted!:sleep:

I have rough periods. It might just be that. I dunno! I might not be ovulating. My doctor thinks I have PCOS possibly...

Maybe I need a new thermometer? I'm going to start OPK's next cycle if we don't get a BFP this one!

I have PCOS... well no doc ever did the 'official' string of tests for diagnosis, but three different (2 primary care docs and 1 obgyn) all said with the results of my insulin tests in combination with the irregular cycles I have always had that it is most likely PCOS. I have read up a lot on it and have realized my symptoms are a lot milder than a lot of PCOS women.

All that being said... and also the disclaimer that I am not a doctor... your chart looks like some of the PCOS charts I have seen. My doc put me on metformin and I gave been on that awhile. That is typically one of the first forms of treatment, as well as diet and exercise... unless you are what they would call a 'thin' cyster, then you would need to change up what you are eating but not with a goal of losing weight. There is also this new supplement for PCOS available in America when it was only available overseas before. It is called Pregnitude (Inofolic overseas) and is a combo of Myo-Inositol and Folic Acid that comes in a powder pack. You mix it with 8 oz of water and take it twice a day and it has been proven to help regulate ovulation in PCOS women. Usually in 3-6 months. It helps regulate insulin in a similar way as Metformin, but it can be taken with Metformin. It also improves egg quality through increasing Follicular fluid. Some of the women with stronger PCOS symptoms than me have noticed acne clearing up, hair thickening, and the facial hair (above lip) and back hair starting to go away. Others have had their first period in their entire life without the use of Provera. Again, those women have PCOS really bad!

The Pregnitude is made up of natural components our bodies produce anyway, but these things are typically deficient in PCOS women. It is $34.99 per 30 day supply and you can buy on the website or ask a local pharmacy to start carrying it. They would keep it behind the counter but no prescription needed.

My OBGYN recommended the Pregnitude to me, but I know some docs do not like to push natural supplements. You can read up about this stuff on the Internet, it has had huge success in PCOS women and no doctor could dispute that upon reading the studies!

I hope this helps a little Ashybug! As my obgyn said to me... It couldn't hurt!!! If anything it helps to get my eggs in better shape should we have to use clomid in the future! Also, it has been shown to significantly increase the number of quality, healthy eggs in egg retrievals for IVF procedures.
Also Ashybug- I too have rough, heavy periods. It is another sign. :-/ But the Pregnitude can help.

Also, is there a chance you 'misunderstood' your fertile cm later in your cycle? Noticed you BD a couple days before it showed again. I couldn't understand why I has so much after I ovulated then I read that it is really easy to mistaken left over semen for fertile CM, especially in early charting. I know I was definitely doing this and when I removed those days from my chart, FF understood it better. I knew that I ovulated though, so I could be very much wrong in reference to your chart. This may be TMI but they say fertile CM (EWCM) will ball up in water, but semen will dissolve. It is one way women can determine the difference if they are wondering.

That could be helpful to everybody! :)
Awesome link with pictures of ovulation in action!

Attached is a link I found for a page with actual pictures of the egg being released from the follicle! [it may be a bit graphic to some but it's just a close up of an ovary, follicle and egg!] It's pretty amazing!

The lady also talks about and has helpful links to topics like preseed, the SMEP, FF, and a few other things! Wanted to share!

AFM - I changed my avatar to what will hopefully be happening to me in roughly 24-48 hours as I'm just about to ovulate!!: Go spermy goooooo!!! :spermy:
Things have gone a bit quiet round here!
How is everyone? I don't have much to report, currently CD28 and 6DPO, having various probably imaginary symptoms! Bit fed up with all the waiting already, I just feel like my BFP or AF would be due now if I had a normal cycle, but I've still got another week or more of waiting!
Not much going on here. I was so busy with end of school stuff at work that by the time I looked at my app I was out of my fertile window and had only BD on the first day blah! So annoying but onto the next summer holidays are here so more time to have fun! And I'll be way more relaxed which should help!
Not too much here either. I suspect I'm a whopping 1dpo :rofl: Now on to the awesome waiting game :coffee:
Hubby and I were married June 20th 2012 and are trying for our first.

Currently CD14.
Not much to report here either... Ive been using my O strips which have shown a positive today (a lot erlier than i predicted) its only been 10 days since day 1 of my period??? not sure if its these cheap strips or i do actually O in the next 12-24 hours? So confused, either way me n hub will go with it & see what happens. xx
First of all congrats to all of you with your :bfp:! I'm so happy for you guys!:hugs:

A little update...
I started using FF (LOVE IT!) and have been using BBT mostly. My CM isn't entirely accurate...and well, I don't think I'm ovulating this month, so I think I'm out!:shrug:
I've had symptoms for about 6 days and I'm 10 dpo if FF's guess is right, but I'm trying to not get my hopes up that I did at all. I could be AF, a cyst making its appearance, or a BFP. Hoping for the last :winkwink:

If someone could take a look at my chart that would be awesome! It's going up gradually but not real big spikes. I'm confused to say the least. I've had TONS of symptoms, starting out with nausea...then dizziness...then cramps...and then yesterday I had every symptom under the sun! I'm exhausted!:sleep:

I have rough periods. It might just be that. I dunno! I might not be ovulating. My doctor thinks I have PCOS possibly...

Maybe I need a new thermometer? I'm going to start OPK's next cycle if we don't get a BFP this one!

I have PCOS... well no doc ever did the 'official' string of tests for diagnosis, but three different (2 primary care docs and 1 obgyn) all said with the results of my insulin tests in combination with the irregular cycles I have always had that it is most likely PCOS. I have read up a lot on it and have realized my symptoms are a lot milder than a lot of PCOS women.

All that being said... and also the disclaimer that I am not a doctor... your chart looks like some of the PCOS charts I have seen. My doc put me on metformin and I gave been on that awhile. That is typically one of the first forms of treatment, as well as diet and exercise... unless you are what they would call a 'thin' cyster, then you would need to change up what you are eating but not with a goal of losing weight. There is also this new supplement for PCOS available in America when it was only available overseas before. It is called Pregnitude (Inofolic overseas) and is a combo of Myo-Inositol and Folic Acid that comes in a powder pack. You mix it with 8 oz of water and take it twice a day and it has been proven to help regulate ovulation in PCOS women. Usually in 3-6 months. It helps regulate insulin in a similar way as Metformin, but it can be taken with Metformin. It also improves egg quality through increasing Follicular fluid. Some of the women with stronger PCOS symptoms than me have noticed acne clearing up, hair thickening, and the facial hair (above lip) and back hair starting to go away. Others have had their first period in their entire life without the use of Provera. Again, those women have PCOS really bad!

The Pregnitude is made up of natural components our bodies produce anyway, but these things are typically deficient in PCOS women. It is $34.99 per 30 day supply and you can buy on the website or ask a local pharmacy to start carrying it. They would keep it behind the counter but no prescription needed.

My OBGYN recommended the Pregnitude to me, but I know some docs do not like to push natural supplements. You can read up about this stuff on the Internet, it has had huge success in PCOS women and no doctor could dispute that upon reading the studies!

I hope this helps a little Ashybug! As my obgyn said to me... It couldn't hurt!!! If anything it helps to get my eggs in better shape should we have to use clomid in the future! Also, it has been shown to significantly increase the number of quality, healthy eggs in egg retrievals for IVF procedures.

Thank you so much for taking your time to reply:hugs:
For some reason my FF suddenly changed my date of O'ing so that's strange...but my chart is looking more promising! The EWCM could very well just be leftovers, that's what I'm thinking it probably was looking back. I haven't been checking it at the same time every day (mainly because I didn't know I had to until halfway thru my cycle:dohh:). My doctor put me on the no sugar (besides in fruits & veggies), no caffeine, and lots of water diet, although I'm having a terribly hard time with the sugar part!:blush: I will definitely take it more serious this next cycle. I'm only 120 pounds so I'm not over weight at all which makes it so hard. I do occasionally have hypoglycemia so I wonder if these two are related with the blood sugars.

I have an appointment August 17th to see my OB/GYN. She wants to see my charts and probably do testing. I'm terrified! I always thought I had this and I want answers...but at the same time I really don't want to know.:nope:

Again, thank you so much for replying. It's hard to find someone who really knows about PCOS or actually have it on here..who will answer questions.:shrug: I will gladly take any supplements I can! I'm a little worried about all the costs though. We have great insurance but medications can get spendy!

Best of luck to you. :)
Also Ashybug- I too have rough, heavy periods. It is another sign. :-/ But the Pregnitude can help.

Also, is there a chance you 'misunderstood' your fertile cm later in your cycle? Noticed you BD a couple days before it showed again. I couldn't understand why I has so much after I ovulated then I read that it is really easy to mistaken left over semen for fertile CM, especially in early charting. I know I was definitely doing this and when I removed those days from my chart, FF understood it better. I knew that I ovulated though, so I could be very much wrong in reference to your chart. This may be TMI but they say fertile CM (EWCM) will ball up in water, but semen will dissolve. It is one way women can determine the difference if they are wondering.

That could be helpful to everybody! :)
Thanks for the tip! :D
Hey ladies, I am on cycle #2 and I am CD #3... trying to think positive thoughts BUT I have such a long way to go before I even O its almost not tolerable. I want it to happen already. Its only cycle 2 now but I feel like I have been trying for long already and now another month to wait. :( I cant help but feel down about it. I am going to try and take my mind off of it. We have decided to take a short one week vacation down to FL during O. TTC during O last month felt so awkward, that we want to make it spontaneous and fun this time. If it happens yey! and if it does not happen at least we will get a few margaritas and a vacation out of it! :)
Hey ladies, I am on cycle #2 and I am CD #3... trying to think positive thoughts BUT I have such a long way to go before I even O its almost not tolerable. I want it to happen already. Its only cycle 2 now but I feel like I have been trying for long already and now another month to wait. :( I cant help but feel down about it. I am going to try and take my mind off of it. We have decided to take a short one week vacation down to FL during O. TTC during O last month felt so awkward, that we want to make it spontaneous and fun this time. If it happens yey! and if it does not happen at least we will get a few margaritas and a vacation out of it! :)

:hugs: Sorry you're feeling down but I totally understand. It does feel like the wait to O is FOREVER and then going through the tww sucks big time!! :dohh:
I think you have the right idea to take a mini holiday during O so you can relax and enjoy the :sex: instead of it just being a 'task', iykwim!
I'm sending all kinds of baby dust your way! :dust:
Well good news! My chart is looking a lot better and I think I really did O :D Couldn't be happier. I'm thinking I might test tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it will be worth it?
I only have a cheapy dollar tree test so I'm not sure if it would be accurate anyway. Is it worth trying it out?
I thought AF would show today...but nope! No symptoms of her showing either. (I ALWAYS get really bad cramps and a headache a day or two ahead) just so antsy to poas!
Well good news! My chart is looking a lot better and I think I really did O :D Couldn't be happier. I'm thinking I might test tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it will be worth it?
I only have a cheapy dollar tree test so I'm not sure if it would be accurate anyway. Is it worth trying it out?
I thought AF would show today...but nope! No symptoms of her showing either. (I ALWAYS get really bad cramps and a headache a day or two ahead) just so antsy to poas!

Wow, your chart looks awesome!! :test:
Well good news! My chart is looking a lot better and I think I really did O :D Couldn't be happier. I'm thinking I might test tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it will be worth it?
I only have a cheapy dollar tree test so I'm not sure if it would be accurate anyway. Is it worth trying it out?
I thought AF would show today...but nope! No symptoms of her showing either. (I ALWAYS get really bad cramps and a headache a day or two ahead) just so antsy to poas!

Your chart looks fab!! Can't believe you haven't tested yet!! :shock: cheapy is as good as any, and I mean that, since I spend a lot of time in the pregnancy test section and they seem to work just fine!!! May as well anyway since your chart looks so great!

:test: :test: :test:
Well good news! My chart is looking a lot better and I think I really did O :D Couldn't be happier. I'm thinking I might test tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it will be worth it?
I only have a cheapy dollar tree test so I'm not sure if it would be accurate anyway. Is it worth trying it out?
I thought AF would show today...but nope! No symptoms of her showing either. (I ALWAYS get really bad cramps and a headache a day or two ahead) just so antsy to poas!

Your chart looks fab!! Can't believe you haven't tested yet!! :shock: cheapy is as good as any, and I mean that, since I spend a lot of time in the pregnancy test section and they seem to work just fine!!! May as well anyway since your chart looks so great!

:test: :test: :test:

It does!?!:happydance: I thought for a while that I wasn't O'ing AT ALL. guys are awesome. I'll test tomorrow. It's a state holiday (similar to Independence day!) so I think that would be great considering DH is going to be in the parade in uniform (he's in the army)...ahhh there is hope!!!:winkwink:

Now I REALLY want to poas...jeez thanks a lot guys:winkwink:
Well good news! My chart is looking a lot better and I think I really did O :D Couldn't be happier. I'm thinking I might test tomorrow, but I'm not sure if it will be worth it?
I only have a cheapy dollar tree test so I'm not sure if it would be accurate anyway. Is it worth trying it out?
I thought AF would show today...but nope! No symptoms of her showing either. (I ALWAYS get really bad cramps and a headache a day or two ahead) just so antsy to poas!

Wow, your chart looks awesome!! :test:

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