Baby Dancin' Newlyweds! [WOW!!! 12 bfp!]

Sorry if TMI....

Dh and I have been ttc for the last month and we have been intimate for 3+ years but ever since he started to bust his load in side of me... I always wake up to an awful fishy smell down there. has anyone else had this? I googled it and from what I see it could be bacterial vaginosis which would make it a harsh environment for his sperm to meet my egg... This would make it difficult to conceive. I called ob gyn but they dont have any appts until next week :( I was hoping maybe someone has experience with this? I feel like I am out again this month.
That would be awesome lol. If you do just reswll or use for baby #2

I would like to have at least 2 children, so I would probably hang on to it... or I have a friend (hubby's cousin) who has been TTC for the better part of 10 years with no luck. She has PCOS and only has AF when she uses Provera prescribed by her doctor. They have tried everything short of IUI and IVF. She has PCOS like me. We go to the same OBGYN, so I shared with her about taking the Pregnitude for her PCOS... since Dr. Blackmon would have told her that at her annual anyhow. So I am hoping that will help her, and then I can just her use the monitor as well. She could be one of those women that just keeps missing her 'O' date. OPKs can be hard to read and if you have a slow rise temp on BBT, then it can be hard to tell when you really O'd. So, I am hoping I get pregnant REALLY quick with it. Then I will loan it to her until I need it again. :) Of course, if I do get the vaginal sensor... I won't be letting anyone borrow that. I just can't wrap my head around buying that used or sharing it. hahaha
That would be awesome lol. If you do just reswll or use for baby #2

I would like to have at least 2 children, so I would probably hang on to it... or I have a friend (hubby's cousin) who has been TTC for the better part of 10 years with no luck. She has PCOS and only has AF when she uses Provera prescribed by her doctor. They have tried everything short of IUI and IVF. She has PCOS like me. We go to the same OBGYN, so I shared with her about taking the Pregnitude for her PCOS... since Dr. Blackmon would have told her that at her annual anyhow. So I am hoping that will help her, and then I can just her use the monitor as well. She could be one of those women that just keeps missing her 'O' date. OPKs can be hard to read and if you have a slow rise temp on BBT, then it can be hard to tell when you really O'd. So, I am hoping I get pregnant REALLY quick with it. Then I will loan it to her until I need it again. :) Of course, if I do get the vaginal sensor... I won't be letting anyone borrow that. I just can't wrap my head around buying that used or sharing it. hahaha

Lol i bought my vag new. Omg i just realized how that sounds......i bought my vaginal sensor new. Your a good friend, that would be awesome if this worked for her as well. I used OPKs ONE time and hated those damn sticks. I did BBT and didnt like that as well. Im really enjoying the OvaCue so far. Good luck to you and hubbys cousin. TTC iz so hard at times.
Sorry if TMI....

Dh and I have been ttc for the last month and we have been intimate for 3+ years but ever since he started to bust his load in side of me... I always wake up to an awful fishy smell down there. has anyone else had this? I googled it and from what I see it could be bacterial vaginosis which would make it a harsh environment for his sperm to meet my egg... This would make it difficult to conceive. I called ob gyn but they dont have any appts until next week :( I was hoping maybe someone has experience with this? I feel like I am out again this month.

I noticed this last month too, even though we have been together 3 and a half years I've never noticed it until TTC and at the point where we were BD every other day. I also consulted Dr Google which always seems to scare me and never solve any of my issues, and didn't really get much back other than the bacterial vaginosis thing. I don't think that's the problem as I don't notice a smell any other time than when we BD often so I'm convinced it's just the smell of my DH's swimmers when there's a lot of them hanging about. I hope so anyway...
Bubbles82, any news??

Not really :(

I'm even more confused and even more in limbo land! I seriously wish AF would just show now as I'm ready for her and ready to start my next cycle. Nothing showed 14DPO when she was due, on 15DPO my temp started to drop so I thought AF was just going to be a day late which was fine. In the morning I had some spotting which I've never had before but thought it was just the start of AF. It was gone again almost as soon as it started though, not enough for a tampon or anything. I just thought maybe it would start properly today, but nothing, I'm back to just creamy CM which I've had since O.

No idea what's going on, I consulted Dr Google but it came back with allsorts of suggestions including pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection, a strange period, delayed period etc etc, but was mostly full of people saying they'd had the same problem but not many answers. Grr I've waited long enough this cycle I just want it to be over so I can try again, I hate feeling like my body is broken.
Bubbles82, any news??

Not really :(

I'm even more confused and even more in limbo land! I seriously wish AF would just show now as I'm ready for her and ready to start my next cycle. Nothing showed 14DPO when she was due, on 15DPO my temp started to drop so I thought AF was just going to be a day late which was fine. In the morning I had some spotting which I've never had before but thought it was just the start of AF. It was gone again almost as soon as it started though, not enough for a tampon or anything. I just thought maybe it would start properly today, but nothing, I'm back to just creamy CM which I've had since O.

No idea what's going on, I consulted Dr Google but it came back with allsorts of suggestions including pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection, a strange period, delayed period etc etc, but was mostly full of people saying they'd had the same problem but not many answers. Grr I've waited long enough this cycle I just want it to be over so I can try again, I hate feeling like my body is broken.

Have you POAS lately so that you KNOW you're not pregnant? That light show might be attachment bleeding, if you haven't!
Bubbles82, any news??

Not really :(

I'm even more confused and even more in limbo land! I seriously wish AF would just show now as I'm ready for her and ready to start my next cycle. Nothing showed 14DPO when she was due, on 15DPO my temp started to drop so I thought AF was just going to be a day late which was fine. In the morning I had some spotting which I've never had before but thought it was just the start of AF. It was gone again almost as soon as it started though, not enough for a tampon or anything. I just thought maybe it would start properly today, but nothing, I'm back to just creamy CM which I've had since O.

No idea what's going on, I consulted Dr Google but it came back with allsorts of suggestions including pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection, a strange period, delayed period etc etc, but was mostly full of people saying they'd had the same problem but not many answers. Grr I've waited long enough this cycle I just want it to be over so I can try again, I hate feeling like my body is broken.

Have you POAS lately so that you KNOW you're not pregnant? That light show might be attachment bleeding, if you haven't!

Yeah google kept bringing up stories where it turned out they were pregnant, but I really don't think I am, because my temp dropped below the coverline today so I don't think I could be in that case? I used a FRER 5 days ago which I thought might have a very faint line on but I decided it was probably just the indent line I could see.
I just do it orally but they say vaginally is more accurate. I have never had an issue with orally though... But I suppose if you breathe a lot through your mouth while you sleep there could be an issue.

Hmmm I might give it a go next month when I'm back at work and getting up at the same time week days. I seem to have some ewcm today which is early so maybe I'm ovulating early. I had none last month but I drank loads of grapefruit juice which may have broken it down. I usually do every month. I'm making more effort from now on NTNP isn't working I think I'm too relaxed about it I need to really get to know my body to give us a good chance.
Bubbles82, any news??

Not really :(

I'm even more confused and even more in limbo land! I seriously wish AF would just show now as I'm ready for her and ready to start my next cycle. Nothing showed 14DPO when she was due, on 15DPO my temp started to drop so I thought AF was just going to be a day late which was fine. In the morning I had some spotting which I've never had before but thought it was just the start of AF. It was gone again almost as soon as it started though, not enough for a tampon or anything. I just thought maybe it would start properly today, but nothing, I'm back to just creamy CM which I've had since O.

No idea what's going on, I consulted Dr Google but it came back with allsorts of suggestions including pregnancy, ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, infection, a strange period, delayed period etc etc, but was mostly full of people saying they'd had the same problem but not many answers. Grr I've waited long enough this cycle I just want it to be over so I can try again, I hate feeling like my body is broken.

Have you POAS lately so that you KNOW you're not pregnant? That light show might be attachment bleeding, if you haven't!

Yeah google kept bringing up stories where it turned out they were pregnant, but I really don't think I am, because my temp dropped below the coverline today so I don't think I could be in that case? I used a FRER 5 days ago which I thought might have a very faint line on but I decided it was probably just the indent line I could see.

:test: again!!!!!!!!!!! Especially if it's been 5 days!!! :test: :test: :test: PS I've seen women who turned out pregnant have charts with dips like that.
Really? I thought it was more of a temp drop than the dips I've seen that are down one day then back up the next. I really don't think I would get a BFP, DH keeps telling me to test but all my 'symptoms' have gone now, still got strange cramps but I've had them since O so they're not really AF cramps. I'll see what happens in the morning but I feel I'll be wasting my last FRER if I use it now!
Further to my last, AF appears to have arrived and it would appear I was whinging about nothing. Although I'm still disappointed that I desperately wanted my cycle to start getting shorter and more back to my normal pre BCP cylcle, it has ended up being two days longer than the last with some random spotting... could be worse I suppose, shouldn't complain! Never thought I'd be so pleased to see AF again, I think she keeps coming late on purpose so I'm pleased to see her in the end!

Anyway I don't want to see any 'sorry the witch got you' replies, I'm just glad things are still sort of working down there as I was imagining spending weeks waiting around for her in limboland! So it's onto cycle #3 for me with a positive outlook, another month to save up, another month to fix my house up, I now have a better idea of what I'm doing and when to expect my fertile days which just so happen to be around DH's birthday this time, and August is the month my psychic prediction said would be the month I conceive. Even though I didn't take that too seriously at the time, it would be great if it turned out to be true!

So onwards and upwards, thanks to all those who've had to put up with my long cycle of moans and groans, fingers crossed for some more BFPs for us all!
Further to my last, AF appears to have arrived and it would appear I was whinging about nothing. Although I'm still disappointed that I desperately wanted my cycle to start getting shorter and more back to my normal pre BCP cylcle, it has ended up being two days longer than the last with some random spotting... could be worse I suppose, shouldn't complain! Never thought I'd be so pleased to see AF again, I think she keeps coming late on purpose so I'm pleased to see her in the end!

Anyway I don't want to see any 'sorry the witch got you' replies, I'm just glad things are still sort of working down there as I was imagining spending weeks waiting around for her in limboland! So it's onto cycle #3 for me with a positive outlook, another month to save up, another month to fix my house up, I now have a better idea of what I'm doing and when to expect my fertile days which just so happen to be around DH's birthday this time, and August is the month my psychic prediction said would be the month I conceive. Even though I didn't take that too seriously at the time, it would be great if it turned out to be true!

So onwards and upwards, thanks to all those who've had to put up with my long cycle of moans and groans, fingers crossed for some more BFPs for us all!

Glad you've got an answer, I think the worst part is not knowing... You seem to have a really great attitude towards it, good luck with your saving and house-fixing! Xx
The worst part is definitely the not knowing, I find it so frustrating some days. I think I could cope with waiting if I just knew I could get pregnant and that it will happen one day. I just feel like I'm going from one wait to the next without really ever feeling like I know what's happening! Waiting to get a positive OPK again now, which will take at least 3 weeks, then waiting for O, then back into the TWW which is more of a mystery than two weeks for me!

Got to try to stay positive though coz it could be a long journey yet and stressing out will definitely get me nowhere!
Awesome attitude bubbles!!

Good luck for cycle #3! 3rd times a charm, right :winkwink:
Awesome attitude bubbles!!

Good luck for cycle #3! 3rd times a charm, right :winkwink:

I certainly hope so! I wish my body would play less tricks on me, what was my nausea all about?!

How's things with you sunshine? Chart still looking good!
Awesome attitude bubbles!!

Good luck for cycle #3! 3rd times a charm, right :winkwink:

I certainly hope so! I wish my body would play less tricks on me, what was my nausea all about?!

How's things with you sunshine? Chart still looking good!

I bet the nausea was your hormones getting balanced out after the BC. Hormone surges can make you sick.

As for me, my temp went up but I had a bit of spotting today. So the witch will show tomorrow. But I'm ok with that, because it means my cycle is back to 28 days. [it had been so off the last 3 cycles I didn't know what was happening].

On to cycle #4!! HOPEFULLY we'll end up being tww and then bump buddies :winkwink:
Ah yes, that would be amazing! Although you could get your BFP before I'm even in the TWW with my crazy cycles! I'm not expecting O til at least CD22 again so not sure when to start the OPKs this time, I can't afford to go through 40 or more every time and it was driving me mad having to hold me pee and cut down on fluids for so long! I don't want to start too late and miss it though, and it took me 3 a day in the end to catch it last time!
So took a test about 6:30pm because I was 2 days late and thats not One line is a little faint so I am going to test again tomorrow just bc I am a double checker . Told hubby I took test and he said....Are u? yes...he's like let me see....lmao. I will take a pic of one tomorrow and post it.....:bfp:

Hello ladies. I am excited that I used my vaginal sensor with my Ovacue today and it went up into the 200s. I was a little worried my numbers would stay really low but looks like I may get some O reading soon :happydance:

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