Baby Dancin' Newlyweds! [WOW!!! 12 bfp!]

Well my temp dropped this morning. I now feel some cramping which could just be indigestion but it feels different, but not like AF either. I am now starting to get a headache and feel quite nauseated. I just want to go bed when I get home! I was in bed by 9 last night too, I was sleepy and grouchy. Boobs are not as sore today. I don't know... I think I am losing my optimism. Today could be implantation (6dpo) but I don't know. I think I have a case of the blahs. Lol I was hoping my temp would stay up. I think I need ice cream! (another reason I just think this is AF signs!)

How did the POAS go Sunshine or do I have to jump over to your new thread? :rofl:

That sounds exactly like
My symptoms before the bfp!!! Wishing u lots of luck this time around... Sounds promising!
Well Bubbles, if the OPK is still dark I don't think you are out yet! As far as the tears, I don't think our hubbys know how emotionally traumatizing this emotional roller coaster can be. They just don't understand how we are feeling and how we just want to give ourselves the best chances. Heck, my hubby doesn't even understand anything about TTC, he is clueless. It gets frustrating because sometimes i think he just doesn't care if we have a baby or not. Then I get upset because I think if he doesn't care, then this will never happen.

If my temp goes back up tomorrow I believe my optimism will come back. My luteal phase is bare minimum 12 days but I typically get a temp spike about 3 days prior then I nose dive til she shows. (2-3 days) so I know I am not out yet. I just 'feel out.' we will see.
Well Bubbles, if the OPK is still dark I don't think you are out yet! As far as the tears, I don't think our hubbys know how emotionally traumatizing this emotional roller coaster can be. They just don't understand how we are feeling and how we just want to give ourselves the best chances. Heck, my hubby doesn't even understand anything about TTC, he is clueless. It gets frustrating because sometimes i think he just doesn't care if we have a baby or not. Then I get upset because I think if he doesn't care, then this will never happen.

If my temp goes back up tomorrow I believe my optimism will come back. My luteal phase is bare minimum 12 days but I typically get a temp spike about 3 days prior then I nose dive til she shows. (2-3 days) so I know I am not out yet. I just 'feel out.' we will see.

Fingers crossed for both of us for the temp fairy to be kind to us tonight!

I don't think my DH has any idea about TTC, he tries to show an interest and I try explain stuff to him but I think it's all a bit beyond him sometimes. I think he's starting to think I'm just getting a bit too obsessed with it whereas I see it as giving us the best chance. I think he finds the whole charting thing a bit over the top as he doesn't understand it, when I was upset today as my temp was still low he said 'well it doesn't matter does it, it's only a gauge.' Yes it does matter as it clearly shows I haven't ovulated yet!

I've been having O pains today and yesterday so hoping its finally happening, it's frustrating having all the signs but it still not happening, I've not dared tell DH about things like CM and CP yet so he seriously knows it should be here by now but isn't, I think they would really freak him out!

I'm sure your DH does care if you have a baby or not, I sometimes feel like that about mine too, or worry he does want one and it's me letting us down. I think they really just don't understand it the same way as us, I know I didn't know that much about it before we started TTC, I had no idea about charting even existing!
I knew about charting because my sister in law did it to conceive my niece that is now almost 22. I just never really considered doing it until a couple months ago. Didn't matter before.

When I have mentioned to hubby that sometimes I wonder if he really wants a baby, he said he does. I think maybe he feels he has to act like he doesn't care as much because I have explained to him in the past my concerns that I may not be able to get pregnant. Between procedures I has done including a LEEP back in 2005 and cryotherapy and multiple colposcopies... plus not going back to a gyno until this year since all that stuff was 'finished' in 2006. Then add my PCOS to it... and now I am 35. Well, I think he is trying to show me that he lives me regardless of whether or not we have babies. He is trying to be supportive, but it is easy for me to get frustrated and read it as 'he doesn't care.' I still don't think it matters as much to him as me, but I think a lot of us feel that way!
I think you're right about him trying to be supportive and not show that he cares too much, when he probably wants it just as much as you. We need to remember men and women are very different. It's a natural thing for women to want to be a mother, and be very emotional about the whole thing, whereas men don't really get so emotional or show their feelings as much as us, but we don't always get to know what's actually going on in their heads. They're meant to be the strong supportive side of the partnership, so even when they're hurting just as much as us on the inside on the bad days, they're much less likely to let us know that. Obviously when our babies are here they will be loved just as much by mummy and daddy!

Sounds like you have been through a tough time with it chick, makes me feel bad for having my rants when we've only been trying around 4 months. I'm 30 which some may consider still young but I worry a lot I've left things too late, especially when I see friends and family onto their second and third pregnancy still in their 20s.
I think you're right about him trying to be supportive and not show that he cares too much, when he probably wants it just as much as you. We need to remember men and women are very different. It's a natural thing for women to want to be a mother, and be very emotional about the whole thing, whereas men don't really get so emotional or show their feelings as much as us, but we don't always get to know what's actually going on in their heads. They're meant to be the strong supportive side of the partnership, so even when they're hurting just as much as us on the inside on the bad days, they're much less likely to let us know that. Obviously when our babies are here they will be loved just as much by mummy and daddy!

Sounds like you have been through a tough time with it chick, makes me feel bad for having my rants when we've only been trying around 4 months. I'm 30 which some may consider still young but I worry a lot I've left things too late, especially when I see friends and family onto their second and third pregnancy still in their 20s.

With everything I have experienced it seems like a long battle, and it has been a battle but as of right now I cannot really compare it to a TTC battle. Hubby and I have been together for 2 years 3 months and I was never on birth control and we never really used protection. So, not planning not preventing for 2 years, but we have only been REALLY trying since April. I am still in that whole 'try to conceive on your own for the rest of the year' stage. When I did go to the OBGYN in late June I found out everything is still fine after all the problems in 2005-2006. The LEEP procedure concerned her at first, but after my physical exam she said everything felt fine. The LEEP didn't appear to harm my cervix. So that wax a HUGE relief! It gave me more hope than I had before. Now my age and PCOS are what worry me, but I seem to be ovulating which is an amazing start for a woman with PCOS.

So don't feel bad, in terms of really trying, we have been TTC the same amount of time! :) even if you are a spring chicken compared to me. :rofl:
So much for trying to stay grounded... my temp went back up! I will probably be stalking pregnancy charts on Fertility Friend today, totally over obsessing. I am hoping I have lots of work to do today when I get to work to distract me!

Must.... hold... out... from... testing. :haha:

I doubt I will be able to wait until Sunday, especially if my chart stays up again tomorrow! I just must remind myself that before 10 days it really is pointless. Ahhhhh!
Oh Bubbles! I am already chart stalking and your chart looks like you finally O'd! :happydance: YAYEEEEE!
So much for trying to stay grounded... my temp went back up! I will probably be stalking pregnancy charts on Fertility Friend today, totally over obsessing. I am hoping I have lots of work to do today when I get to work to distract me!

Must.... hold... out... from... testing. :haha:

I doubt I will be able to wait until Sunday, especially if my chart stays up again tomorrow! I just must remind myself that before 10 days it really is pointless. Ahhhhh!

:dance: :bunny: :dance: Your chart is looking FAB!!!!! I can't wait for you to test!!! [I've been stalking the pregnancy charts too :blush:]
So much for trying to stay grounded... my temp went back up! I will probably be stalking pregnancy charts on Fertility Friend today, totally over obsessing. I am hoping I have lots of work to do today when I get to work to distract me!

Must.... hold... out... from... testing. :haha:

I doubt I will be able to wait until Sunday, especially if my chart stays up again tomorrow! I just must remind myself that before 10 days it really is pointless. Ahhhhh!

Don't do it Elpha! Chart still looking good, just look at sunshine's gallery for your POAS fix! :)

I'm trying not to get too excited about mine, finally had a temp spike but I'm not sure how reliable it is as I had a terrible nights sleep, I normally temp at 5am but I woke at 3ish so I changed my alarm to 5.30 and took it then. Hopefully it's about right but will see what happens over the next few days.
So much for trying to stay grounded... my temp went back up! I will probably be stalking pregnancy charts on Fertility Friend today, totally over obsessing. I am hoping I have lots of work to do today when I get to work to distract me!

Must.... hold... out... from... testing. :haha:

I doubt I will be able to wait until Sunday, especially if my chart stays up again tomorrow! I just must remind myself that before 10 days it really is pointless. Ahhhhh!

Don't do it Elpha! Chart still looking good, just look at sunshine's gallery for your POAS fix! :)

I'm trying not to get too excited about mine, finally had a temp spike but I'm not sure how reliable it is as I had a terrible nights sleep, I normally temp at 5am but I woke at 3ish so I changed my alarm to 5.30 and took it then. Hopefully it's about right but will see what happens over the next few days.

Fertility Friend auto-adjusts your time! I just learned this the other day, I had never noticed before. So if you tested 'later' they will change it based on the whole formula for how your temp changes throughout the day. It has done it for me a few times, and everything seemed to fit. I understand about not getting too excited yet, but if it is still up tomorrow you best be getting excited! :haha: Or at least relieved to know that you O'd.

Goodness, on the whole 'testing' now thing... I feel like I have the angel and devil on my shoulders. :rofl: Sunshine telling me to do it, and Bubbles telling me not to. I already set a personal best in terms of first stick pee'd on post ovulation. The past two cycles I tested on 6, 8, and 10 DPO. haha Today is 7 DPO. *baby steps*

I already stalked a bunch of pregnancy charts on Fertility Friend as well as just ovulatory charts that did not result in pregnancy. I am not swayed either way yet. People that didn't get pregnant also had dips similar to mine... but so did the pregnant women. I also noticed the pregnant women that had them usually didn't show positive for 2-3 days after the dip. More motivation to hold out until at least Sunday. Also, I have to hang with hubby's family alllll day Saturday, and if I find out that I was lucky this cycle I will have a hard time hiding it. Especially from his cousin who I have gotten close to. She has been trying to conceive with PCOS for over 5 years with no luck. She takes it real hard when people get pregnant. She is happy for them, but cannot really be happy with them. She just is too upset with the whole universe. Still not sure, if I get pregnant, how I am going to tell her.

Okay... I have rambled on enough! This is what excitement does to me! Darn excitement, only more proof I have definitely gotten my hopes up. :dohh:
Ah good news about it auto adjusting for the time, I didn't realise. But it's not so much the time difference I'm worried about as 30 minutes has never mattered before, it's the fact I had a restless night and didn't get the recommended hours before the test.

I've given up my chart stalking on FF, got a bit obsessed with it while trying to fill my time with something other than POAS, and I decided everyone's charts are different, noone's ever look like mine, and there are so many differences between each one even amongst just the BFP charts. Nothing on my chart will convince me I'm in line for a BFP unless it stays up for weeks and I've already had loads of BFPs! Not that I want to rain on your parade, you stalk away if it keeps you busy or positive!

I know what you mean about your DH's cousin, in our group of friends we spend most time with, most have little ones now, a lot are around a year old and one has just had their second baby. We are the only couple apart from one other who haven't had a baby yet, and the other couple have been trying for a few years and had a really tough time including two miscarriages, the latest was the day before our wedding and they had got to 12 weeks, and she ended up in hospital and missed the wedding. We haven't told anyone we're TTC and I dread ever having to tell her we're pregnant as she has taken it so badly with the others. I confided in her last week that we're TTC and not finding it as easy as the other couples seemed to, but I worry a lot if it happens for us soon how I will face her with the news. I think she was relieved to finally have someone she felt she could talk to about things who didn't get pregnant on their first go or by accident.
Ah good news about it auto adjusting for the time, I didn't realise. But it's not so much the time difference I'm worried about as 30 minutes has never mattered before, it's the fact I had a restless night and didn't get the recommended hours before the test.

I've given up my chart stalking on FF, got a bit obsessed with it while trying to fill my time with something other than POAS, and I decided everyone's charts are different, noone's ever look like mine, and there are so many differences between each one even amongst just the BFP charts. Nothing on my chart will convince me I'm in line for a BFP unless it stays up for weeks and I've already had loads of BFPs! Not that I want to rain on your parade, you stalk away if it keeps you busy or positive!

I know what you mean about your DH's cousin, in our group of friends we spend most time with, most have little ones now, a lot are around a year old and one has just had their second baby. We are the only couple apart from one other who haven't had a baby yet, and the other couple have been trying for a few years and had a really tough time including two miscarriages, the latest was the day before our wedding and they had got to 12 weeks, and she ended up in hospital and missed the wedding. We haven't told anyone we're TTC and I dread ever having to tell her we're pregnant as she has taken it so badly with the others. I confided in her last week that we're TTC and not finding it as easy as the other couples seemed to, but I worry a lot if it happens for us soon how I will face her with the news. I think she was relieved to finally have someone she felt she could talk to about things who didn't get pregnant on their first go or by accident.

I have been SUPER bored at work! The only reason I chart stalked was because I was simply that bored. Most of the office is out at a charity golf outing. I actually took a 2 hours lunch break because my niece popped into town for a doctor's appointment. I usually wouldn't be able to just pop out for a 2 hour lunch break on 20 minutes notice. :lol: So, when I am bored... I try to find things to keep me busy, hence chart stalking. It really didn't keep me positive at all. Some women say 'oh my chart looks like all the pregnancy charts' and I think how do you figure? There is no clear-cut pregnancy chart. So basically, it just brought me back down to earth again after temping this morning.

As far as your friend, that is exactly the situation with my hubby's cousin... except she hasn't even had a miscarriage. They have done everything short of IUI and IVF for her, she doesn't even get AF on her own. She has to induce it every so many days with Provera. We have the same OBGYN and she told her the only thing left is to lose weight and hope it reverses. The specialist told her the same. They did decide to start trying to save for IVF. Honestly though, if a few doctors told her that losing weight would more than likely be the only thing to help, I don't see how having IVF BEFORE losing the weight will help. Recently her cousin (not on my hubby's side) announced she was pregnant with baby #2. The second child she has had in 2 years. That was hard enough on her. Then this girl started texting her at work to tell her it was twins! She was so devastated she couldn't even text her back and she ended up leaving work early. :-( Then because she didn't text back, it caused a LOT of drama. The pregnant girl was upset, and her sister even called her out. Ugh, it was a mess! So I definitely dread the moment I will (hopefully) have to tell her, but I would like to think since we have a connection with PCOS that maybe it won't be as hard on her. Of course, it could make it worse. *sigh*
I caved this morning at 8 DPO. Honestly, not because I thought it would be positive, but because I felt I needed to be brought back to reality. I have gotten carried away with two week wait symptoms and was really getting convinced. However, I also knew it could just be a bad case of PMS. When my temp dipped slightly this morning it just reaffirmed my choice to test. I get depressed when I see the first BFN and I have a LOT of yard and housework to do Sunday whether or not Hubby helps! So I didn't want the first BFN then because I would probably be tempted to buy a quart of ice cream and sit on the couch all day just like he will probably want to do! So I got my BFN this morning and am 99% sure I am out this cycle. Time to study up on my OvaCue so I am ready to start using it next week.
Sorry to hear you think you're out, there's still chance but I usually feel out by then so I know how miserable it can make you feel.

My temp is still up but about the same as yesterday, and I had another bad nights sleep and woke 2 hours before test time again. I had a play around with FF and my temp will need to jump up quite a lot tomorrow for it to give me crosshairs, otherwise it will be dotted lines. I'm not feeling very positive this cycle, it's got me down with all the waiting and wondering and worrying. We had timed the BD so well according to when I ovulates after the OPKs last cycle and going on my other signs, but then O was delayed for some reason even though it still happened on the same cycle day as last time in the end by the looks of it, but if it had happened when I expected FF showed a BD timing score as high, and now it's gone down to just ok.
Sorry to hear you think you're out, there's still chance but I usually feel out by then so I know how miserable it can make you feel.

My temp is still up but about the same as yesterday, and I had another bad nights sleep and woke 2 hours before test time again. I had a play around with FF and my temp will need to jump up quite a lot tomorrow for it to give me crosshairs, otherwise it will be dotted lines. I'm not feeling very positive this cycle, it's got me down with all the waiting and wondering and worrying. We had timed the BD so well according to when I ovulates after the OPKs last cycle and going on my other signs, but then O was delayed for some reason even though it still happened on the same cycle day as last time in the end by the looks of it, but if it had happened when I expected FF showed a BD timing score as high, and now it's gone down to just ok.

Well, I think your temps still look good. Your temps were a bit up and down in the past couple weeks, so that is probably why it would give you dotted lines. It doesn't mean you didn't ovulate. I would say if your temp stays around where it is tomorrow, then consider it a done deal. Seriously, Fertility Friend has been confused with me before... but AF always came within the appropriate time frame after 'suspected' O. No reason to assume you didn't O until she doesn't show and you keep getting BFNs.

Also, if it makes you feel any better... I have had PLENTY of nights where I have gotten up to use the bathroom within two hours of my waking time and as long as I went back to bed after and didn't toss & turn a lot, my temps were just fine. Honestly, I have even been up an hour before and as long as I laid back down and 'chilled' my temps were always right on par with where they were supposed to be at that point of my cycle. I still think your temps are supposed to be up! Did you mark in your specifics that you were sleep deprived? It's an option in there and I know when I check it, FF exercises extra caution with my temps. Even flags them with an open circle. Also, if ALL of your fertility signs aren't lining up, it will just give you dashes. So even if you misread your cervical position, cervical mucus, or OPK, it will give you dashes. I had a positive OPK last cycle on the 4th of July but did not ovulate until Saturday. Until I removed that positive OPK result, it only showed dashes when I actually did ovulate and get my temp spike.

Does that all make sense? Basically, don't let the 'dashes' scare you off. Fertility Friend isn't perfect by any means. :)
You also have C marked for Cervical Mucus on a day that it might consider you ovulating. Creamy is contradictory to fertile CM, so that might put 'doubt' in FF's mind... along with recording the negative OPK. (I am proof that you can ovulate a couple days after a positive OPK!)

I actually read on an IUI website that doctors don't inseminate until the morning AFTER the LH surge (positive OPK) because ovulation could happen in 24-36 hours after the surge... but as late as 48 hours. Sooo all of that stuff we read about being infertile after our temps spike may not be entirely accurate. Of course, everybody is different... but if a doctor won't even inseminate until AFTER the LH surge, that has to say something! (in my opinion)
Thanks Elpha! I've taken the C out now as I only put it in to keep an eye on when the EWCM might end but it came back the next day. Also taken out the negative OPK. My temps seem crazy compared to most other charts I've seen, I have a three week wait before O instead of the average 2, and in that extra week they are so erratic!

I don't know why all the info seems to say you ovulate within a day of the positive OPK as mine was definitely a lot later than that this time, I was recording the negatives waiting for another surge thinking that one was already a fail!
Thanks Elpha! I've taken the C out now as I only put it in to keep an eye on when the EWCM might end but it came back the next day. Also taken out the negative OPK. My temps seem crazy compared to most other charts I've seen, I have a three week wait before O instead of the average 2, and in that extra week they are so erratic!

I don't know why all the info seems to say you ovulate within a day of the positive OPK as mine was definitely a lot later than that this time, I was recording the negatives waiting for another surge thinking that one was already a fail!

They are crazy confusing. I also do not ovulate in the first two weeks and it gets frustrating. I feel like I am losing out on chances in the long run because some people have had 2 cycles in the time I get my 1! If that continues to be a problem for you, there are ways to help that. Maybe there is something else going on that the birth control has 'masked.' Of course, I am not trying to worry you more!!! The other possibility could be stress. I know I read that you are going through some issues with your ankle/foot and it healing properly, right? Believe it or not, they say issues of that nature can really put a stress on the body as well.

Sometimes it is as simple as adding a supplement you might be deficient in. Are you taking prenatals or folic acid? Folic acid has even lowered my blood pressure. :) A very good thing... well for me, because I had high blood pressure. lol
Oh!! 3 years ago when i was trying to conceive my daughter i made a group on BnB called "Newlyweds TTC" the group is no longer active as the majority of us all got BFPs and now have babies or toddlers. I just wanted to say that in the 3 years that have passed i'm still very close with a few of the women i met on that thread. We've shared TTC, pregnancy, babies, toddlers, TTC no.2 and now pregnant with no.2.

I hope that you lovely ladies find the great lifelong friendships that i found in my TTC group and that your journeys are as full of the support that mine was/is.

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