Baby Dancin' Newlyweds! [WOW!!! 12 bfp!]

Oh!! 3 years ago when i was trying to conceive my daughter i made a group on BnB called "Newlyweds TTC" the group is no longer active as the majority of us all got BFPs and now have babies or toddlers. I just wanted to say that in the 3 years that have passed i'm still very close with a few of the women i met on that thread. We've shared TTC, pregnancy, babies, toddlers, TTC no.2 and now pregnant with no.2.

I hope that you lovely ladies find the great lifelong friendships that i found in my TTC group and that your journeys are as full of the support that mine was/is.

Ah thank you for this, it gives us all hope! Some days this journey feels impossible and it's hard to imagine looking back in a few years time and possible having more than one baby when the first seems so difficult! It's really nice you guys are still friends too :)
Thanks Elpha! I've taken the C out now as I only put it in to keep an eye on when the EWCM might end but it came back the next day. Also taken out the negative OPK. My temps seem crazy compared to most other charts I've seen, I have a three week wait before O instead of the average 2, and in that extra week they are so erratic!

I don't know why all the info seems to say you ovulate within a day of the positive OPK as mine was definitely a lot later than that this time, I was recording the negatives waiting for another surge thinking that one was already a fail!

They are crazy confusing. I also do not ovulate in the first two weeks and it gets frustrating. I feel like I am losing out on chances in the long run because some people have had 2 cycles in the time I get my 1! If that continues to be a problem for you, there are ways to help that. Maybe there is something else going on that the birth control has 'masked.' Of course, I am not trying to worry you more!!! The other possibility could be stress. I know I read that you are going through some issues with your ankle/foot and it healing properly, right? Believe it or not, they say issues of that nature can really put a stress on the body as well.

Sometimes it is as simple as adding a supplement you might be deficient in. Are you taking prenatals or folic acid? Folic acid has even lowered my blood pressure. :) A very good thing... well for me, because I had high blood pressure. lol

I'm trying not to see it as too much of a problem at the moment, my cycles after BCP might be longer than average but they're still regular seeing as they're always the same length and ovulation always occurs around the same day.

FF is not doing anything to help me stop worrying though, I took out those things you suggested and it gave me solid crosshairs this morning when I entered my temp, but now when I've gone back into my chart it has changed them to dotted lines again!
Bubbles, maybe you are going to experience secondary fertility where your body tried to ovulate but the follicle wasn't ready so it sent a signal to mature a second follicle. Usually it takes 3-5 days for that to happen. It is actually not abnormal, and women who rely on OPKs alone never catch it because they are not looking at temps. Your temps are doing something so this might definitely be it. I imagine after BCP secondary fertility/ovulation would definitely be a possibility as your body is readjusting. Hope that is what it is! :) or you could have ovulated and your temp just dipped today for whatever reason and will go back up tomorrow.
Bubbles, maybe you are going to experience secondary fertility where your body tried to ovulate but the follicle wasn't ready so it sent a signal to mature a second follicle. Usually it takes 3-5 days for that to happen. It is actually not abnormal, and women who rely on OPKs alone never catch it because they are not looking at temps. Your temps are doing something so this might definitely be it. I imagine after BCP secondary fertility/ovulation would definitely be a possibility as your body is readjusting. Hope that is what it is! :) or you could have ovulated and your temp just dipped today for whatever reason and will go back up tomorrow.

It's an idea, but I'm pretty sure I ovulated CD22. The crosshairs are back now I entered a second positive OPK, it was the long gap between the first OPK and O day that was confusing things. I thought it was the low temp but it's still showing solid crosshairs now so the temp must be ok, and a dip 3dpo is normal for me, so hopefully it will be back up tomorrow.

How are things with you?
Well jeez I'm feeling pretty out this cycle! I'm 7 to 8 dpo and I've had pretty bad cramps on and off for the past couple of days with a fluttering/bubbling type of feeling... I don't know. I wouldn't think I would get AF symptoms this soon???
Bubbles, maybe you are going to experience secondary fertility where your body tried to ovulate but the follicle wasn't ready so it sent a signal to mature a second follicle. Usually it takes 3-5 days for that to happen. It is actually not abnormal, and women who rely on OPKs alone never catch it because they are not looking at temps. Your temps are doing something so this might definitely be it. I imagine after BCP secondary fertility/ovulation would definitely be a possibility as your body is readjusting. Hope that is what it is! :) or you could have ovulated and your temp just dipped today for whatever reason and will go back up tomorrow.

It's an idea, but I'm pretty sure I ovulated CD22. The crosshairs are back now I entered a second positive OPK, it was the long gap between the first OPK and O day that was confusing things. I thought it was the low temp but it's still showing solid crosshairs now so the temp must be ok, and a dip 3dpo is normal for me, so hopefully it will be back up tomorrow.

How are things with you?

Eh, things are okay. I was a super mess on Friday. Good gravy! Just a 'thought' would make me break out in tears. :wacko: Honestly, it was quite annoying, but the stupid BFN's just get harder every cycle as I guess we are all learning. I just really had my hopes up and my post-O symptoms were SOOOO different. My boobs have been sore for the past 8 days and that is just weird. I guess I just can't rely on 'different' symptoms. Especially when I am taking meds to try to get my hormones in line.

I am better today, although really, really grumpy/irritated! Probably just another sign of AF. The evil :witch: will probably be here Tuesday, so my game plan is to start with my monitor on Wednesday. I also have the game plan to really get my butt to the gym and eating better on a regular basis. Of course, I think I have that game plan EVERY new cycle and I always fail myself. *sigh* It sure would be nice to have a workout buddy around here, but I really don't know anybody outside of my husband's family around here, and if you saw them, you would know none of them are interested in exercising or watching weight. :dohh: I have to try to push through the tiredness and forgetfulness (forgetting my gym bag when I leave for work) and get this done so I know I have done everything I can.
Well jeez I'm feeling pretty out this cycle! I'm 7 to 8 dpo and I've had pretty bad cramps on and off for the past couple of days with a fluttering/bubbling type of feeling... I don't know. I wouldn't think I would get AF symptoms this soon???

I didn't think I would get them so soon either, I was quite certain I was finally pregnant. My breasts started hurting 2DPO (the evening) and have hurt ever since and I am now 10DPO. My temps were looking the best they ever have... I had a temp dip on 6DPO. I was exhausted all week, I had cramping. Things I have never noticed before. Well, the tender breasts I always get at about 6-7DPO, but not at 2DPO. So it very possibly could be AF symptoms.

Of course... I am a negative nancy this morning. Those could also be pregnancy symptoms, but that is the problem. There is just no way of knowing until you test or AF comes. :shrug: Your temps look good though on your chart. Good luck.
I'm a baby dancing' newlywed too! Lovn - I'd love to be added. Any good luck thread is what I need!! I'll join them all! :)
Welcome Tag! :) I'm still hoping there's some more good luck to go around on this thread!

How is everyone doing?

Your signs sound good Elpha, especially if they're happening at different times in your cycle from normal. I know what you mean though, I try so hard not to read into my symptoms too much and just wait for AF, as anything could be AF or BFP symptoms! I got excited today when I woke up with nausea and cramps, but looking back at last cycle's chart I had the same thing then, so probably still down to coming off BCP, my body doesn't seem to like the hormone surges still!

Still not sure about this cycle for me, had a temp rise today to the highest so far this cycle, and FF gave me the crosshairs back. Hopefully they will stay now as I don't feel any signs that O is coming up again, I'm still pretty sure it happened CD22 which is normal for me. I was really worried about my temp dip at 2-3dpo, but I've now learned about 'fallback rise' which seems to explain this, and I've also found a few BFP charts that look very similar to mine with the same drop. So although I don't think there's a BFP for me this time, it's made me feel a bit better about things being kind of normal!
Yay! Thanks. How are your symptoms today? I'm very crampy. Hope that's a good sign! (although the tingly toe has gone away) :haha:
I'm doing OK today. Started crying this morning randomly :haha:
I have a mild headache, I'm dizzy, uneasy tummy, congested, acne, cramps too.
Almost feels like AF but I only say that because I've got nothing to compare it too. Also, I've got achy hips and my bbs are sore when I take a deep breath :shrug:
My temp went down today [still above coverline though].
I think yesterday's temp was inaccurate.
I'm also super tired.
I hope this is it for all of us.

Bubbles - I think your chart is looking great!
Elpha - feeling that way could be a symptom in itself! I've got my fingers crossed - but hey, if it comes down to it, at least you already have the monitor ready to go! :hugs:
I think the last few days are worst than the first 10 days honestly! It's crazy. I honestly know today I am not imagining the cramps and bizarre twinges going through my body. Thinking back to when I had Sydney 12 years ago...some of the signs are so similar. I have this bizarre pain like tendons are stretching this afternoon. But I was in my 20s then and a lot healthier and not as worried! :shrug:

We will know soon enough, I keep telling myself! :hugs:
Hi ladies, havnt checked in a while. I am cd 17 and still no positive opk ( I use clear blue digital)... usually I am cd16 bang on....any ideas? I was really hoping for a bfp for our 2nd wedding anniversary which is the 4th of Sept so we will see.
Hope everyone is doing well :flower:
Does anyone normally get hot flashes around 9-10 dpo? I've never experienced this before. They started last night. Normal AF symptom?
Hi ladies, havnt checked in a while. I am cd 17 and still no positive opk ( I use clear blue digital)... usually I am cd16 bang on....any ideas? I was really hoping for a bfp for our 2nd wedding anniversary which is the 4th of Sept so we will see.
Hope everyone is doing well :flower:

Hi jellyfish! :hi:
Hmmm.... as for your question, I don't have any answers. But are you using any other method to track O besides the CB digi? Temping or tracking your cp/cm?

Does anyone normally get hot flashes around 9-10 dpo? I've never experienced this before. They started last night. Normal AF symptom?

Hot flashes can be a GOOD sign! Esp. if you don't normally get them! I've been having them since around 8 dpo and they are very new to me! Fingers crossed it's a sign!
Hey jellyfish! Good to see you again! Maybe your O is slightly delayed for some reason, have you been ill at all, travelling, under any stress or on medication? Also it's easy to miss your surge on an OPK sometimes for various reasons such as timing, urine being too dilute etc, have you been using them long?

Ashybug, I've read about hot flashes on two other threads today, one saying it happened before her BFP, and another saying it was her usual AF symptom, so could be a good sign if it's unusual for you! I've only had them once before and mentioned it to my mum, who said it could be early menopause. Thanks mum!!

Sunshine, your signs and chart are looking good this time! That's sweet you cried about Neil Armstrong, I keep getting randomly emotional too, although it tends to sway more towards irritable than tearful at the moment, I've been so mad at DH today for silly things he always does!
Glad you think my chart looks good, I'm almost positive I'm out already though, I can't find anything like it on FF, and no BFP charts with an early dip below coverline like mine.
Hey jellyfish! Good to see you again! Maybe your O is slightly delayed for some reason, have you been ill at all, travelling, under any stress or on medication? Also it's easy to miss your surge on an OPK sometimes for various reasons such as timing, urine being too dilute etc, have you been using them long?

Ashybug, I've read about hot flashes on two other threads today, one saying it happened before her BFP, and another saying it was her usual AF symptom, so could be a good sign if it's unusual for you! I've only had them once before and mentioned it to my mum, who said it could be early menopause. Thanks mum!!

Sunshine, your signs and chart are looking good this time! That's sweet you cried about Neil Armstrong, I keep getting randomly emotional too, although it tends to sway more towards irritable than tearful at the moment, I've been so mad at DH today for silly things he always does!
Glad you think my chart looks good, I'm almost positive I'm out already though, I can't find anything like it on FF, and no BFP charts with an early dip below coverline like mine.

I am REALLY liking your dip Bubbles... now THAT is a dramatic dip! Some of the pregnancy charts I looked at showed dramatic dips like that! I hope after the uncertainty of this cycle that you do get your BFP!

Sunshine, your chart is still looking good too! :) I hope you get your BFP as well.

As for me, I am quite certain I am out. Today is the typical 'day or two before AF' day. Very minimal, but still noticeable spotting which I usually have for 2-3 days before AF. My breasts no longer hurt and it makes sense because my temps have started their nose dive that they also typically do 2 days before AF. My temps were much more elevated this cycle in the days past ovulation, I assume that is the Pregnitude really beginning to work it's magic and increase my Progesterone levels. If the high temps are due to the Progesterone then that probably explains why my breasts have been super sore since 2DPO and why they are not sore today. The higher my temp, the more sore my breasts were. So even though it gave me a ton of false hope, I will take that as a very good sign. Here is to hoping my next cycle is even shorter yet! This cycle ending in a BFN was definitely the hardest on me of all cycles to date but I am ready for it to just be over so I can get to work on the next cycle.

Welcome Tag! Nice to have you.
Hey Elpha! Glad someone likes my dip! It is dramatic! Although I can't find anything like it with all my chart surfing, the BFP charts I've seen with dramatic dips all seem to be around 7dpo when an implantation dip could be expected, but I can't find any with a crazy dip at 2 or 3 DPO like mine, and can only think it shows some kind of imbalance thats not a good sign.

Sorry to hear you think AF is impending, if that's the case I hope her stay is brief and that you have a wonderfully lucky cycle with the monitor!
Hey Elpha! Glad someone likes my dip! It is dramatic! Although I can't find anything like it with all my chart surfing, the BFP charts I've seen with dramatic dips all seem to be around 7dpo when an implantation dip could be expected, but I can't find any with a crazy dip at 2 or 3 DPO like mine, and can only think it shows some kind of imbalance thats not a good sign.

Sorry to hear you think AF is impending, if that's the case I hope her stay is brief and that you have a wonderfully lucky cycle with the monitor!

Well, I replied once and my reply disappeared! :shrug:

Basically I said that people have had implantation that early before, so it isn't heard of... but less likely. Also, there is a chance you ovulated earlier but the signs just didn't point that way. I am definitely not wanting to get any hopes up... I know it is easier for me to just believe I am not! It never works, but I try!

I also still think it could be secondary fertility like I mentioned before. It happens sometimes and it isn't abnormal. That dip could indicate a second ovulation attempt. Maybe the first follicle/egg wasn't mature enough so your body prepared a second. If AF runs a little behind, I would bet that is what happened. It usually happens 3-5 days after the first ovulation attempt.

Look at me, I am so supportive that I am totally obsessing about your dip too!!! :rofl:

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