Jacky and Sarah, I put the yellow stork next to your names but if you decide to find out the gender later I'll change it. I think it would be an amazing surprise to wait to find out until birth but I know I personally wouldn't be able to wait.
JJsmom, our babies might be very close in age. I think I ovulated on the 11th due to the cramping I had on that day. I guess I'll see what they say when I go to the doctor on the 21st. Will be exciting for us to get some official due dates. Also, I'm curious, how is breastfeeding going for you now that you're expecting?
Sarah, no symptoms really for me except for AF like cramping and lower back pain. Also starting to notice some fatigue. Not sure if it's due to DS sleeping bad lately due to teething or if it's due to pregnancy. I have read that most likely you'll be more tired the second time around so who knows.
Jacky, I was very surprised to learn DS was a boy. Every wives tale except the cravings one was telling me he was a girl so I just convinced myself that's what he was. Was shocked to see he was a boy. I'm really interested to see how this pregnancy goes and see if the symptoms are the same if I'm carrying another boy or if it'll be a completely different experience if I'm carrying a girl.
Anyways, Happy New Year ladies! This year we're having babies!