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Baby On Board - Due August/September 2014

Aww i hope DS2's rash gets better. Is there any cream you can put on it? As for DS1 are you going to have him tested for ADD? I had a lot of trouble concentrating as a kid. I never was tested for it, but i'm sure i have it. It's really hard for me to concentrate as i'm reading. It's nice he will be going to grandma's though. Gives you a little bit of a break and hopefully the cramping will subside.
He is ADHD, ODD (Oppositional defiant disorder), behavioral problems, and recently diagnosed bipolar.

Went to the doc today and found out it's not a rash..it's hives!! So the doc gave him benadryl and told me not to chase what gave it to him because I'd drive myself nuts. Well yes, I have been doing that. LOL! Could have been something he ate or touched. MIL put him in an outfit she didn't wash so it may have given him a reaction. The doc office says it takes up to 3 days for some things to show up. I'm going to start a food journal just to see if we can find something that may have caused it. He hadn't had anything new until yesterday which he already had the bumps to begin with. So starting the food journal will maybe help me figure it out.
babydust, so sorry for all the trouble you're having with disability. I hope things get sorted soon for you.

Denyse, I love the collage you made. So cute!!

JJsmom, I'm sorry your DS is acting out so much. It irritates me when people just tell you to relax like it's something so simple. My DH does that to me whenever when I try to tell him about stuff that is stressing me out. Hopefully the doctors will be able to help your DS. Sorry about the hives your DS 2 has. The temperature problem sounds like what we deal with at our townhome. I'm glad that at the new house we all have ceiling fans in our bedrooms and it stays quite cool up there with those on and windows open when we've been there during the day.

loveandterror, welcome to team :pink:!!!

AFM, still working on the house. We were hoping we would be able to move this weekend but there is still too much work to do with the flooring. Hopefully will get most of it finished this weekend and will definitely be able to move next weekend for sure.

Had my gestational diabetes test on Wednesday. I passed that but they said I'm anemic (at least I think that's what she said, I was distracted by DS during the phone call) and so I have to go on meds the rest of my pregnancy (assuming iron pills). I don't know though, haven't picked them up yet. It sucks considering I'm having a hard enough time remembering to take my prenatals.
Hey ladies! It's been a while since I've checked in!!

I've got a fairly decent bump going now :D Even if it is B-shaped :dohh:

And yesterday, we had our 4D scan! It was amazing!! Little madam was facing my spine and wouldn't turn for love nor money. Weighs approximately 2lb.



Smiling lol. Taken from the computer screen on my phone so crap quality!

Her head is measuring 28 weeks! Her femur length measures around 24+2. Shorty!

I made a video :shy:
My OB appt went well. The baby heartbeat it's strong. I'm measuring where I'm supposed to be at. My blood pressure was normal which I am happy about. I took the gd test as well. That drink tastes so nasty! I received my results yesterday and it was normal. June 4th which is my next appt I will have to get the tdap immunization. I don't remember getting with neither of my daughters. The Dr said it's just a precaution so that when the baby is born, he won't develop whooping cough and the other diseases. I caught pink eye Thursday.:nope: Got it from dh or 1 of my daughters. I woke up Thursday morning and my left eyelid was stuck together. :'( couldn't open up my eye. Had to use a warm washcloth to clean my eye. Went to the Dr and got prescribed some eyedrops

How is everybody else doing?
Modified - she is a doll!! So cute.

23 weeks yesterday. Today i had the music on my phone up loud and put it on my belly. The baby was trying to kick it off! It was SOOO cute. Was the first time DH saw outside movement and felt movement. He was in awe. <3


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MomWife, I had the tdap vaccine at my 24 week appointment. My arm was ridiculously sore after and I could't lift it for a couple days without pain. It feels better now but I have a purple bruise from where I was given the shot. I had the same shot during my last pregnancy as well.

modified, the pictures you shared are lovely.

Beautiful bump, babydust!

AFM, we are moving this coming weekend and will be without Internet until 5/28 so will be absent from here unless I decide to pop on with my phone.
You gals look great!

I'm doing good but i'm doing all this visa stuff for my DH to go the US and we've run into complications which will make it more expensive and it will take longer for him to go to the US. :( So my option are...leave early and go home before 35 weeks (because I will be flying on the plane,) without DH and possibly not see him for the next 8 months or longer. OR stay here and wait the visa process out from here and not see my family back home until the baby is a few months old...

Such a hard decision. I so want my DH to be at the birth and to be with the baby and I the first few months. His family could help us out a bit. BUT I also want my own family, especially my mom, to be involved. I wish I didn't have all this stress during my pregnancy...trying to stay positive. Hope everyone else is doing well.
Sorry things have gotten complicated with the visa. In your situation, I would personally be staying with my DH. In my opinion, him being able to be present at the birth and spend time with his child during those first few months is more important than anyone else getting to see or be with said child. Of course, that's just my opinion but I could not imagine DH not being able to experience that stuff.
Brittany, hope the move went smoothly!!

tropics, if it was my decision I'd stay with DH. I know it's difficult wanting your mom involved. I am in the same situation, but my mom lives in Nevada, and I live in Indiana. She's coming out to see DS2 in a few weeks, this will be the first time she's seen him and he's almost a year! She wont be here for the birth of this one either. Hope the decision gets easier for you! :Hugs:

I've had a pretty difficult week. DS1 has been so aggressive towards me and I'm afraid he's going to end up hurting either myself or Vivian because he keeps punching me and trying to kick my stomach real hard. I took him to a behavioral hospital on Wednesday for an evaluation due to this behavior. He was admitted back in February for aggressive behavior but nothing like it has been now. They asked me a few questions and that was it and then said they want to keep him outpatient because they won't admit him for aggressive violent behavior. I told my dad this and he said "what does he have to do, kill someone before they let him in?" Which is what I was thinking too!! We went the next day to his psychiatrist appt and she agreed he needs to go in. So she wrote a letter and made another appt today for evaluation.

They did admit him today! I know his meds needs adjusting but they are safer to do it there than here at home. It is so scary and the way he's been violent towards me and the teachers at school. The lady who did the evaluation today didn't understand why they didn't admit him 2 days ago when we took him in! She really couldn't believe the explanation given to me either. She said that she suggests I write a complaint letter to inform them of out concerned I am about my previous evaluation. They didn't ask half the questions the lady today asked me! She also put family composition as myself, my boyfriend, and DS2. The lady today asked me if that's who makes up the household. I stopped her real fast. I said do you mean my husband? So I guess the lady just "assumed" he was my boyfriend and not my husband (even though we both had our bands on that night and all the time!). So I'm definitely going to write that letter to inform them of how I feel. I just hope he doesn't have to stay in there too long. He understands he needs help and that they can give it to him. He just hates that they like to zombify them sometimes. He came out like that and we went straight to his doc and lowered the meds they had put him on so he was normal rather than drugged out (I won't have my kid like that!).
Brittany and JJ's Mom, thanks for the input. :) I too would rather have DH at the birth and be there for the baby's first few months because I think it's important. I feel bad for my mom because I know she wants to be involved with the pregnancy, etc. But, if we move to the US, she'll have lots of time to spend with her first grandchild. :)
I just think it would be odd to go home first, then a few months down the road have DH come to the US and see the baby for the first time (who could be 5 months or older...hard to say...) and it would also be his first time in the US...so that's a lot of stuff going on lol. To be honest I am a bit worried about my mom not being at the birth. Even though my MIL could be there...I don't really want her to be there because I think it would just be awkward for me. My DH wants to be there but I think he's actually terrified about the idea of being there lol. I hope he doesn't pass out!!

JJ'smom, sorry to hear your having a tough time. :( I'm a teacher and have a student who has similar issues so I can kind of get where you are coming from (although I do only work with the student during the weekdays-far different than living with them at home I'm sure). It's good you're taking it seriously though since safety should be a priority, especially since you're pregnant. Do you think there's something more specific that's been triggering the recent violent outbursts?
Have you thought about having your mom come out for a couple of weeks when baby is due? That way she can possibly be there too? Men seem like they might not be able to make it during the delivery but most do OK. With DS1, I'm glad my mom was there because my ex said everything the wrong way and was demanding I do this and that and I almost went off til my mom started correcting him. LOL! This time, I had just my husband and he was wonderful. I told him to make sure when he took pics to not get pics of my vagina...well yup there it laid out plain as day! LOL! But he said he didn't even realize it because of the light on it, you really can't see it. I just know it was there because of how the pic was taken.

I don't think there is more going on with him right now. I think it was the medicine they put him on the last time he was in there. The abilify is still being tested on children for bipolar. It is actually recommended kids don't take it from what I've read. BUT, with that being said, I've heard lots of kids doing well on it. He was doing OK once we got the dose lowered, but then just started being so aggressive/violent I've never seen before! They called the next day and asked if I would authorize them taking him off it and putting him on a different one. I agreed and googled that medicine. It is actually FDA approved for bipolar and when I saw him yesterday he was on level 1 (the best you can get) and had been since the last evening! I was so proud of him! The last time he was in there he was almost always on a level 3 or safety (the two bottom levels). Hopefully he just needed that med change and will be out in a day or two!
tropicsgirl, try not to feel bad about your mom. There are other ways she can be involved without actually being present at the birth. Like you could share nursery ideas with her, send her photos of outfits you have purchased or want to purchase, etc. That stuff will be exciting for her.

Your DH might also surprise you. I really didn't think my DH would do well when I gave birth to DS but he was fantastic. I couldn't have imagined having anyone but him with me and I really look forward to going through labor and delivery again with him. It really was something special getting to see him hold his son for the first time and just seeing the look of awe in his face. I just couldn't imagine sharing those moments with anyone else.

Also, DH and I were just talking about how quickly our son has grown. Seriously, within about a week he went from mainly crawling to mainly walking. That first year goes by so fast and the babies change so much so quickly.

JJsmom, sorry about your DS. Do you think maybe the pregnancy is effecting his behavior at all? I hope everything gets worked out and he will be back home soon.

AFM, we got moved Saturday and finally got TV and Internet hooked up today. We still have a lot of work to do at the new house and still have a few things to do at the old house but hopefully in a few weeks our to-do list will be much smaller and I'll have more time to be on here. I feel like I do nothing but clean/organize and take care of DS lately. By the end of the day my feet are so sore.
Brittany, so glad everything is going well with the move! It's so hard with doing everything at this point it seems. Try to put your feet up at the end of the day or soak them in an epsom salt bath.

I don't think DS1 is doing this because of the pregnancy. I think it was his medication to begin with and the excitement of summer and going to my mom's that has him all over the place and he's not sure how to deal with those emotions. Haven't heard about a discharge date yet, but hoping it will be soon.

I've been trying to get DS2 clothes ready for a consignment sale this coming weekend. I feel like I am not even close to being ready. They all have to be put into the system by 5pm today and I just don't know if I'll be able to get it done with the boy I babysit. He is driving me crazy! I told his mom he didn't listen at all yesterday! Her response....well he's been up since 3:30am. That's it! That's all she said! We had to run to Target for something and he wouldn't stop running around the store! I was so irritated with him! Even my DH text me that he is sooooooo annoying! He has been getting better but my goodness...I am ready for a break! 6 days a week of this I can't do.

My mom just bought me a plane ticket to come see her!!! I'm so excited! So now I have to figure out how to tell the mom to this boy that I'll be gone for a whole week in 3 weeks. I'm sure she isn't going to like it at all. But I'm so excited! Haven't seen my mom since our wedding last May. She was going to come down but then called because she waited too long to get the tickets and they were too much. She was going to have me drive up there, but I was concerned as it's a 31H drive, so would take at least 3 days. But that long in a car with a baby and being pregnant and then staying a week and coming home would be so hard! She then decided to put it off for 2 weeks and have me come out there instead so everyone can meet Colt and I can meet my niece Sophie for the first time. I can't wait! It's the last week of school too when I leave so I'm working on trying to get ahead of everything right now. YAY!!!
Brittany good luck with the move.

Jjsmom, I hope that your DS1 gets home soon and they get the medications right this time. It must be hard. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job! Will be great to see you mum!

Tropicsgirl, hope you work out what you will do. Me personally would rather have my husband with me and have him bonding with his child as it is hard for that bonding with dads in the beginning (i remember it took my husband 6 months with my dd to be confident as a dad and feel like he had fully bonded). Its harder for them as they haven't carried the baby like we have for 9 months and sometimes don't have that natural connection we do. But then having my mum around is very comforting. Could you do what others have suggested and have you mum fly over to visit and help?

Sorry if I have missed anything, I had a lot to read back on.

Beautiful bumps and scan pics ladies :)

Atm keeping busy with work, illness from dd childcare and being pregnant. My husband has a job interview this week for job 2 hrs away from where we live. He's up to the 3rd round so if he gets it we will be moving 2 hrs away quite close to due date. Exciting but scary as I will be moving away from my support network.
Cleared my 28 weeks tests with no gest diabetes, good iron and vit d levels :) very happy but I am measuring further behind than last month :( baby kicked the doctor while she was measuring so she didn't scan this time but will next time (hb was good). I measured a fair bit behind with dd (who was 7 pound) so I'm not heaps worried myself.
JJsmom, that is really exciting that you will be getting to see your mom soon. I find the hardest part of living in different states is trying to work out the travel arrangements. Of course, it's not more than 3 hours one way for me to go see my family but with a 1 year old and being pregnant that 3 hours still sucks so we don't make the drive very often.

Jacky, glad to hear everything went well at your 28 week appointment. I had to go on iron pills this time around which sucks.

AFM, we are officially done with our townhome. DH and I got the rest of our stuff moved out and the place cleaned up and turned our keys in. So now we just have to wait to see how much we need to pay (I know we will have to pay for the oven to be cleaned, around $15-$20, since DH decided he didn't care enough to do it and for them to paint, around $150 if I remember correctly from the list). I know carpet needs to be replaced because it's old but not sure if we'll have to pay for it or not. I don't think they charge for natural wear and tear but their are a few very small areas where there is a bit of pet damage. We're not expecting our deposit back but it would be nice if we could get some back or at least not have to pay anything out of pocket.

Anyways, now our focus in on our house so that's nice since we do have a lot of stuff that we want to get done before Emily arrives.
Jacky, glad everything went well at your appt! The fundal height can always vary because the baby could be in any position.

Brittany, that's great that everything is done and you have your keys turned in. I'm surprised they charge you to paint! Every place I've ever lived they have to paint before the next tenant moves in and it's never been charged back on me. They may charge you a pet cleaning rather than carpet charge due to the fact that it is pet damage (even if they replace the carpet).

DS1 is still in the hospital and visited him today. My sis had sent me a pin on pinterest about some essential oils that are good for calming. You mix these 3 types together and rub it into their feet at night. I went to my farmers market and actually found a lady there that sold almost the same thing!!! So of course I have to buy it to try it. I'll try anything at this point and those oils certainly aren't cheap! She had put a drop on my wrist so I could smell it. It stayed on there for a very long time today! I even had DS1 try to smell it even though he couldn't where he had been crying his nose was stuffy. He had to get a shot yesterday and today which had a sedative in it because he was being unsafe and throwing/fighting. I put a drop on the inside of his wrist today at visitation to see if it would help him. He was so upset.

I got a call later saying he was attacked by another patient (after I expressed his concern about this patient attacking him). She shoved him, he did shove her back. Then she smacked him. He did NOT retaliate!! I was so proud! Normally he would have. When I talked to him during phone time, he sounded so much like himself and happier. He acted like the attack was no big deal. I don't know if it's coincidence that I put it on his wrist and he actually sounded happy and didn't retaliate when the girl slapped him or if it was the essential oils at work! He will get another drop on his wrist tomorrow during visitation too!

Pregnancy wise I'm doing OK. Have my appt on the 9th for my GD testing. Supposed to see the doc 2 weeks after that but will be out of town so will probably be 3 weeks after. Have to reschedule a few appts I keep forgetting to call and reschedule during that week. Supposed to see my high risk doc for a follow up ultrasound to make sure Vivian is growing well. I'd say so since last time I was measuring 2 weeks ahead and she likes to kick like crazy! Hope everyone else is still doing well!
With the paint, they charge you if it takes more than one coat to cover from what DH was told. I'm not sure how good their paint is but I usually can't get away with only using one coat so I'm just expecting to be charged.

I hope the essential oils help your son.
How is everyone?

I can't believe DS2 will be 1 yr old on Saturday!!!

Failed my 1 hr glucose :( Have to go back in Thursday morning for the 3 hour test. Blah!! They want me to do it this week because I will be traveling and I guess they expect me to fail it too and want to have a plan when I go to my mom's on the 21st. At least with DS2 they sounded hopeful and told me I could fail 2 out of the three. Seems like they are already getting ready to tell me I can't eat sweets anymore and have to be on a strict diet. :( Would do it tomorrow but have an appt with thyroid doc to tell me how my levels are for pregnancy. Hope I dont have to see him again during the pregnancy.
I passed my glucose test :happydance: My little man is right on track & I get a 4d scan at 32 weeks... Just waiting for him to flip over & be head down.

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