Baby under Construction!

Oh my gosh mummy_blues so happy for you hun! Schoodle replied to me on another thread and seen the BFP clear as day oh my god oh my god hehe....

CONGRATS hope we follow you soon and could never hate you

Did you do anything different hun? CBFM is fab!

im still grining like a cheshire cat for you. wantingagirl letsmake a pact to follow her next month so we can all be bump buddies xxxx
Hi Girls!!
Yeah, and I am the Alice in the Wonderland!!!
Would LOVE to be your BUMP BUDDY as well! We can all compare whose Bun (and Butt) is BIGGER then!

Started Red Clover tea this cycle before ovulation for about 2 weeks, then stopped cause its suppose to be estrogenic and good for moving the egg out of its shel plus produce lots of EWCM!
No coffee could have Helped as well, I suppose, but no significant changes in eating habits though.
DH had Mussels and Seafood like every night for 3 nights in Denmark before he came home and I Ovulated, so I suppose the xtra zink gave his :spermy: Superboost!!
This the biggest change I made was to LAY IN BED for 20mins after :sex: and closing my legs really TIGHT!
I just read an article on how women who laid in bed flat for at least 15 mins after IVF treatment had a 70% higher chance of conceiving compared to others who stood up immediately after insemination.

SO Get Sperm Kicking and the Egg fertilized!!! :sex::sex:
haha good foy DH !!! the only fish my DH eats is fish fingers!!!!
Hi girls, back from the doctors!
nothing much new unfortunately, as expected, its really early too tell :nope::nope:
I did a transvaginal ultrasound, still nothing out of the ordinary, but hey, Beany is only 11 days old and usually the doctor will only see a sac/form when beany reaches 21 days old!
So I have to go back on the 11th May for my next ultrasound and hopefully see beany in his nest :happydance::happydance:
Other that that, he took my blood for HCG levels and will contact me tomorrow..

Praying really really hard that beany will HANG ON for the next 9 months!!
ooooh good luck hunny im sure youv gota sticky beanie in there xxx
Thanks hun! I really hope so as well!!

What about you? Why are you feeling sad?
i just want my bfp! and still think af is gonna show but i duno if i ovd so that cud be makin me late. and if i didnt y didnt i??

and my uncle who i was really close to died last yr at 42 and we have just sold his house and its made me a bit upset rly xx
oh and i really dont feel too well, think i am getting a cold! x
i feel so sick. but i think i have a bug or something i dont feel right at all, i hope dh hasnt passed on his cold xx
well i tested this morning and bfn. not even a hint of a sign of a line. my period has never been late befoore. maybe i didnt ov or ovulated later this month or something. I feel dreadful today i feel sick and hot and stuffy and my throat is so sore i can bearly speak. Oh well. Gutted is a pretty huge understatement of how i feel this morning.

Anyways, how are you my lovely pregnant buddy?? how are you feling today?? has it started to sink in yet xoxoxx
Oww Hun, so sorry for your :bfn:(and cold) :hugs: :hugs::hugs::hugs:

You could have probably ovulated way later than expected, so you still stand a chance no matter what until AF comes knocking..I get those occasional long cycles as well before I went on the pill, i usually had 29-30 days, then once a year with like 40 days... I didn't even ovulate or had any periods for like 2 whole years when I was 16-17. Did a blood test and everything just came back fine, just told me to gain weight and I was back on track and ovulating again..
What kind or OPKs were you using apart from the digi ones? Have you tried the internet cheapies than come in bulk?

I am still very very worried about the beany and if he will stick. Chemical pregnancies are awfully common and occur up to like 75% of all pregnancies. Nothing to do but to wait now until this Friday. There is only two endings in my case:
a) HOPE & PRAY Beany Sticks and stays with us; and I don't see the witch;
b) or if the ugly witch does show up on Thursday or Friday, I would probably have to try for next beany on May 12th...

Anything can happy at this stage. When I tested at dpo 9; I told my hubby about the Chemical thing and how so many other girls here actually get it. So he understands and he said as long as I stayed healthy, he is more than happy...And we promised each other not to be over depressed or think too much over it nor question God's Will and always be thankful for each day together.
aw hun iv been praying for you both and your lil beany. i have a good feeling its a sticky one you have in there. I hoep i didnt ov late as we only dtd on that week so i would be out anyway if i did ov late. as i say though i did digi opks and never got a smiley so i then got some ics but missed a couple of days testing so i could have missed my surge i guess. i just want to know now. The thing is i came of my fibro meds and got bad withdrawl about 3 weeks ago i wonder weather this could have stopped me oving?? tho the dr knew i was coming off them coos of ttc and didnt say anything, and you can take them in pregnancy there just not good for beany. so i doubt it would be. Im just worried iv never been so much as a day late before??
thanks hun...
hmm, I don't have much knowledge about your fibro meds, but this page sounds interesting, esp the progesterone part. Maybe talk to your doctor again and ask him if you can like take another kind of meds that will be more gentle to ttc?

But I think Fibro meds can be rather harsh. My MIL went into depression because of the Meds; then she was diagnosed with chronic Hepatitis B and her liver suffered. She stopped all meds and tried the holistic way but she gets the body pains almost all day.
thanks foir that hun hun, i dont take and meds for it at the mo so i guess theoretically that could affect my hormones??? i am at the drs later so will ask then and tell him my period is late.

are you working today??
yup, good idea, tell him you really want your wiggle!!!!
Starting soon, my official work times are 9:30am - 5:30pm, but i usually come earlier to raid the hot chocolate machine and get my parking lot before the others get here!
hehe! he knows i do but i dont know what its like over there but here they wont even see you unless you have been ttc for over a year or even 18 months?? theres no way i can wait that long.

me and dh had a bit of a tiff last night, he said he thinks i am too focused on ttc and its like that is the only thing that matters to me. i tried to explain that it wasnt but that i have always wanted it and needed it just as much as i do now but now we are activley ttc i thought it was ok to talk about it but i must have beem wrong so im not going to mention it anymore. I tried to explain to him that i truly dont think men or him relalise how much it means to me, that is all i have ever wabted, i have never wanted a career or flash cars or anything just a little family. I thought he understood but obviously not. hesaid thats all i talk about, and its really not i talk about it a lot but its not all i taklk about at all, and only cos i want it so much, as i dont work etc its nice to have something to focus on.

Oh, then he started saying about how he still wants us to have a life et and since we married we havnt really done muchbut thats cos of my illness and cos we cant afford it cos imnot working etc. and then he was saying that when we have kids we still want a lifa and they wont be our whole life - im like sorry, what did you just say!!!! of coursre they will be.

I tried to explain how hard it was for me as all my friends have babies and all my friends from school have babies and he said it doesnt matter aboiut others. I kow it desnt but its hard for me whan they all have what i want so much. none of his friends have kids so i dont know if that has something to do with it

sorry, im finished now! do you think i am being unreasonable

You won't anyone else who would DISAGREE your dh more than me!!
My dad tells me all the time since I was 23 "Girl, Money you can make ANYTIME in you life; but with babies, you only have very very limited time until you are 35".
Take my mum for example, she had me when she was 22. Now she's 51 and she is a manager at the local bank although she never worked when she had us. She only started working like after we were in high school.
I graduated and got married at 23; then I didn't think much about babies and I took up a super super stressed up job in London for a few years and dh was in switzerland. So we saw each other only like once or twice a week when I was not in shanghai or singapore.
I can honestly tell you, with all the money and bonuses and benefits in the world; I never felt more miserable in my life than those years when I lived alone in Greenwich.
I felt like a robot! My routine was - Wake up, catch the tube to west end docks, went up to work; came down; catch the tube back to greenwich - same thing all over and over. I didn't even have a personal life anymore! So after like 5 years of that crap; I just left everything and dropped everything away so I could move back with my husband; take up a really tiny job without the flashy benefits so just to start a family.
And I never felt happier in my life!

Just the other day, I emailed some of the people I knew from London. One lady finally managed to make it to the "top" of the career ladder. She is 35 and her husband is 32.
So we started talking about stuff like family and babies cause she had 4 of them. And believe it or NOT, she even dared to advice me to follow her example. that I should start making babies and work at the same time; then when delivery came, just look at my calendar and call the doctor up for a C-section on the weekend where there is least work; get bandaged up and be back at work in 2 weeks with the bandages. Then hire a nanny to take care of the kids while you work 14 hours a day and try to see the children in the morning before going to work.
Sorry, but I think she got the completely twisted up idea about having children and family....

So hun, I think dh will change his mind when he sees his little wiggle and how good and wonderful little wiggles mother is to sacrifice everything for the wiggle.
Don't worry too much, and well, just try not to mention about the ttc to him. Just tell him you wanna have :sex: with him every night because he is such a SeXy SeX BomB and I am sure it will work out fine!! :laugh2: :laugh2:
haha thanks babes i fel a bit better now. men eh!!!

aw bless you hun,xxx and that woman is so wrong. children are a gift and an honour and should be cherished not cast aside so you can work. you have your kids forever, you dont have a career forever xxx
Yay Schnoodle but I get the feeling you will get yurs too and I will be left on my own lol....
So sorry about your uncle hun. Cold symptons can be a sign of pregnancy.
No you are not being unreasonable this is why I dont really talk to my hubby about it, he said all of that and then my son came along and he dotes on him and is his life. I think in the height of emotions people say things they dont mean. Are you both ok now? I think men are so black and white they just truly dont understand what it feels like and its our hormones changing all the time and not theirs.

GL Mummy_blues so happy for you and sure everything will go well
Thats a good way to think of it hun, it will hurt but there is nothing you can do about it and stay strong.

I agree with mummy the less men know or hear about ttc the better and dont mean this is a bad way but they can be so melodramatic (mine included) and they feel pressured. Me and hubby made a pact not to tell him when I ov but on the days we need to I just initiate bedding if he doesnt or just make sure you bed every second day

Oh my gosh 2 weeks, does she also not know that a c-section is a major operation and shock for the baby not to be fitted into a schedule. I would have the op if it was needed but tell you nothing beats doing it yourself and I couldnt handle seeing my children for an hour in the morning, I took a whole year off work and didnt want to go back at all

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