Hi all
Caz, so sorry to hear you are poorly, how good that Neels been great though with both you and Ajay, really hope you start to feel better soon!
SB, forgot to mention, yay for Katie walking! Bless her little feet too though i guess American sizes are different to those over here. Its still cold here but with the odd nice sunny day.
Hann, yay for the great night from Annabelle and the long nap! Glad for you, hope you are feeling better for it!
Georgie, hope you had a lovely birthday, love the image of your neighbours being led away in handcuffs!
So AFM, We have had a nice weekend despite being tired, we ran a few errands sat morning then after Hs afternoon nap we went to the park to feed the ducks , H loves doing this, we also took his Thomas the tank push along to see if it would help with his walking as although he can walk perfectly well when we are out he often just wants to be carried. Anyhow it worked a treat and he was racing around with it it was so cute!
Yesterday we went to friends for lunch which was nice and today I had a chiro session then we went out for lunch and H had a nice long nap whilst i made a mountain of bolognaise sauce to freeze. We then got his new trainset out for the first time which was good.
On the sleep front, well we have good and bad nights. we had a good fri,, think he went right through till around 6am, but then sat night he was up 3 times and just wouldnt settle at all (teeth i think) Last night he woke up at 4am and i went and kissed him and laid him back down and he went straight back off to sleep till 610am which again was good but i couldnt get back to sleep again! So its all a bit hit and miss still but hey ho! My mum is having him tomorrow night bless her, they are going to come over to watch his swimming lesson and take him sometime in the afternoon, we are going to use the time to get the rest of the baby bits down from the loft, the moses basket, carrycot, car seat, play gym, steriliser etc so over the next few weeks i can give them all a good clean and see if anything needs replacing. Am also going to buy a few bits for my hospital bag tomorrow too. Although ive still got a few weeks left, with Alan going back to work more and more hours now, we dont have as much time to sort these things.
The other good thing is we appeared to have finally cracked the bottle! H is now having milk twice a day out of a cup finally! yay!
Oh Simmy, you mentioned how did we get rid of the dummy last week i think? Well in essence we pretty much went cold turkey on it and just his them all from view, H was never totally reliant on it anyway but if he saw one he would automatically put it in his mouth. There have been some times though over last few weeks ive been tempted to give it back but have resisted! lol