Beach Bump Graduates!

I ve got the Cream but so far I ve been lucky and my nipples are fine. Wish his tongue wouls improve though. Gonna have to go back to gp tom for more meds
I found that Eve - I stopped using it over a week ago and my nipples are now just starting to be normal again - I.e not feel really sensitive. It was annoying as I almost felt like I was going backwards as my nipples had got used to BF then got sensitive again and then now I'm getting back on track again. The cream was also annoying as I kept having to put it on and take it off.

Just up for night feed - she slep from 8.30pm - 2.45am - yay!! Hoping I get another 3 hours from her but suspect it will be more like 2 hours before she wants another feed....
Eve, thanks for the advice - ironically Hailey prefers the boob to the bottle and my hubby has to give it to her and i usually have to leave the room...I think I will try the pumping after feeding and see if that helps...she has fed well and slept well today -she has been nursing a bit more this evening, so we will see what the rest of the evening brings :)

Caz, don't apologize for venting - I think you are right, she probably didn't really mean anything by it, but it still was a bit unfair...I would, have and do take my mum up every time she offers to help /watch the kids...

Jenni, my first was FF for many different reasons, but primarily I suffered PPD and I just couldn't take him not latching, screaming at the boob and everyone telling me what to do, giving me advice etc. He has turned out relatively normal :) It took me a while to come to terms with FF as I felt like I was a failure - I didn't know any better as I was a first time mum - but once I realized that everyone was much happier I was able to accept the situation. Just do what is best for you :)

My SIL is BFing except for the last feed at night - my brother feeds my nephew formula, it is the only formula my nephew has in the day, but it works for them....

Great weight game Logan :)

As I read through the latest posts I realized are all great ladies! You are all so supportive, funny, and just really lovely :) might seem soppy, but it's true!
Hi everyone,

just woke to realise Neel wasn't in bed At three am - found him on te sofa with Ajay in his basket. Poor boys, trying to be quiet for me but he has work tomorrow ao sent him off to bed. I wish he would wake me, he is too considerate.

Gw - I totally agree, the group is so supportive, it is wonderful!

Jenni - please don't beat yourself up about BF'ing. I know that so many people have responded but I just wanted to say the same too. I couldn't cope with breast feeding physically or emotionally - it totally beat me and I felt awful doing it then stopping as I knew I could feed him. But my emotions were all over the place and I know I made the right decision for our little family by stopping as I am much happier and I hope and think Ajay is too. I hope u have had a better night. xxx

thanks fir everyones comments re me having My MIL help. She loves having us over and it's easier with two if us. It is just horrid how one little comment can make u feel so horrible but I appreciate your support.

And happy birthday to Tor!!!! Hope you were spoilt today!!! Bug hugs xx
This is going to sound soooo stupid, but it was always kind of my fear anyways. Okay, so I have told you all numerous times how I haven't stopped bleeding/spotting etc since the section. Well, I was worried that if they decided to operate (which they now have), what would happen, and how would I know, if I had started my period yet. Because if I keep bleeding because I have my period, then that's not a bad thing right, and doesn't require an operation.

Well, now my biggest fear might be coming true! Or I could just be bleeding a bit heavier again due to an infection. But I don't know which it is, period bleeding or infection bleeding. So now I don't know if I should go through with the D&C tomorrow or not. I am going to be so embarrassed if she goes in there and tells me it was just my period, and that's why the bleeding picked up again...

Very frustrating. Basically, on Saturday I was told my uterus was boggy and larger than normal and had all that pain. I was just spotting a bit then. Then I had a bit of brown stuff, and now I am having mucousy bleeding again. Since I have never stopped, there is no way to know what this bleeding is from. But yes, I will be so embarrassed if they do the surgery only to find out its just my period restarting.

Anyways, I agree that this thread is very supportive. I just wish everyone could post on here more regularily like before. We seem to have lost a few people now that the babies are here, which is kind of sad.

Has anyone heard about Britt lately. Still very worried for Kinley, and am wondering how the two of them are doing.

And Caz, I still think that woman is just jealous and she's being catty. She's got her claws out right now. Don't let her worry you.

With the breastfeeding... Well, Colby never would go back on after coming out of the NICU. He has always used it as a method of comfort only. Yes, he does take some if he is put to the breast, but not enough to be satisfied. I think he would like it if he was just left on the boob 24/7. So for that reason, I have continued to pump for him. Its frustrating as pumping takes up so much time. I mean, its like twice the feeding, as I am doing a bottle (either FF or EBM), and then I am pumping. I am lucky when Ian takes over and does the bottle feed while I pump. Its even more frustrating when he takes forever to eat, and then he wants to be fed every 2 hours or so. Its like a never ending cycle of feeding and pumping then. I have given up pumping at night, otherwise I would never get any rest. I pump during the day, and my supply has never increased from about 12 ounces a day. If anything, it is starting to dwindle a bit.

The whole situation is getting so tiring, I am thinking about just stopping the EBM altogether. I have a very clingy, needy, 7 yr old to contend with on top of all this. Plus I've been sick. And I don't know... There is a lot of guilt associated with the whole thing. I don't want him on formula only, because he has to be on a Milk Allergy one that smell disgusting. So he can't tolerate formula really, but he can tolerate breast milk, and there is a lot of guilt on my part about wanting to stop the pumping, because then he will be stuck with just crappy formula.

I don't know. But I must go groom for either the uneccessary, or very neccessary, surgery tomorrow.
Thank you so much all have been so helpful and supportive....I still have no clue what I'm going to do but I do appreciate all the positive feedback. I just want to be supermom...but all my plans go to shit! 2 c-sections and now possibly 2 FF babies...not at all what I had planned.... I guess we'll see what today holds....
Big hugs Jenni - hope today is good for you and your two little ones. :hugs:

Sherri - I agree, when we were all pregnant we were on here all the time! I know that I struggle to write, I read people's posts but then don't quite find the time when I'm not holding Ajay to respond. It also means that I forget what people have written and can't respond quickly enough but I really enjoy seeing how everyone is doing and the advice that is given! We are so lucky! :happydance:

AFM - am on my own today and Ajay is sleeping after his 7.30 am feed!!!! I hope we are ok, my Mum is on call in case I need some help (she is about an hour away) but I really want to have a good day together. It's a shame the weather is rubbish though as I had hoped for a walk to get out and about. Maybe we will go to the shops instead and get some food and some fresh air.
Sorry I've been MIA for a few days. I've been reading, but it's tough to type and feed at the same time. Jill's been very squirmy at night when I usually catch up. On the up side, she slept for 6hrs 2 nights in a row and has even taken naps during the day. I think the growth spurt is finally over :)

I'll do my best to catch up, but I know I can't even begin to, so here goes:

Hann, hope Greg is okay after the bike accident. How awful that the driver would rather hit a person than a car. Really says something about our society, doesn't?

Jenni, good luck with your decision regarding BF, FF, or combination. It must be tougher to feed all day and night having two kids. I just have Jill and her last growth spurt was really wearing me down. I felt like I was leaving a permanent butt impression in the glider we have in the living room because all I did was feed for the last two weeks or so. You have to do what's best for you and not worry about what people say.

Honestly, I don't know why people are so opinionated about BF/FF. It's a personal choice and I don't see why anyone should be judgmental. My MIL used to grill me about it while I was pregnant and gave me all sorts of advice and pressured me to BF. I was so tempted not to just to be stubborn, but I didn't want her to influence my decision, so I decided I was being childish and just ignored her. I think initially it all starts out as good intentions, but people take it too far.

Caz, I agree with everyone that that girl was jealous. I would love it if my mom lived closer to come over and cook and keep me company. My MIL would probably come over every day, but I'm not at that comfort level yet to actually make the visit helpful. I feel like I have to straighten up the place, and entertain her once she's here, so I get nothing done. So, I just invite her once or twice a week to cuddle baby and that's it. We are getting along better, so who knows, maybe I'll get to the point where I'll be so comfortable with her that I won't need to straighten before she comes over.

Tor, happy birthday! :) Glad you're doing well!

Sherri, I hope your bleeding stops. I wouldn't know either if it was a period or not. The medical professionals should hopefully be able to figure it out.

GW, I agree, everyone on the thread is so supportive and helpful! :) Hope Eve's advice works for you!

Curlew, glad you let ironing aside. Getting some rest and going out occasionally is more important than house work. Glad Logan is gaining so well!

Wow, my mind at 4am is all over the place. Sorry if I forgot anyone. I need to get back to sleep because I need to get up early(ish) to meet up with my MIL so we can get Jill's portrait taken. I thought it would be something for us to do together that she'd enjoy. It turned out to be more complicated than I thought...last week we tried to go, but they cancelled our appt. because they were short staffed. We rescheduled for this past Monday at 3pm, but my MIL wanted me to reschedule because she was tired and had too much ironing to do (mind you, she was there when I made the appointment). So now it's rescheduled for 11 tomorrow morning. We have to be there early and I need to shower before noon...sigh...It's not a big deal, but for some reason it seems to be. It wasn't supposed to be this complicated to get pictures done. I would have preferred to keep the 3pm and go alone, but she sounded disappointed when I asked if she minded me going without her. I hope the pictures turned out well to make the effort worth while.
It's 5 weeks post C-section for me and the bleeding has just stopped. It had appeared to stop a few weeks back but then came back with a vengeance -- big clots and all -- and has finally, finally gone away. The second round of bleeding lasted a full week so it makes me wonder if it was a period but it started after only a day or two of no bleeding previously. The stoppage also correlates to my taking antibiotics for an infection in my stitches. However, I now have the worst yeast infection I've ever had in my life. The itchiness is driving me mad!!

And Daniel is eating almost 6 ounzes at every feeding. What the heck? He's barely a month old!! But I'm crossing my fingers that he will be sleeping through the night soon. At his single night-time feeding (3:30 to 4AM) last night he didn't even drink half of his bottle. His early morning feed at 6AM went away a few days after he started to refuse the bottle. He sleeps a combined 9 hours at night so it would be lovely to get that in one straight go. The diaper will be killer in the morning though..
Morning, been so quiet on here! Yesterday with Ajay on ny own went well. He was such a good boy and I actually managed to do some washing, clean the bathrooms and make dinner! But was fine.

Quick formula question (I will also post in the FF forum) when should you increase the amount of formula. He downs 120 mls now so I think we should offer more. But we had stopped offering more as he was being a bit sick after feeds. Should I try and offer more and test out if he wants more? He woke every three hours instead of four in the night.
Holy Crap! Feel like i got the sleep of one thousand angels!! Max slept for 3hours, 45min feed and slept another 3hours!! That's the most I've gotten since he was born! Who knew you could feel refreshed after 6hours of broken sleep! Haha!!

Still sticking with the exclusive bf'ing....i think i was having a bit of baby blues and am now trying to snap myself out of it...focusing on the positives rather than the far so good... :flower:
Yay Jenni! That's amazing news - I know what you mean though, before baby yiu would feel tired having 6 hours of broken sleep now it's like a godsend!
I got 6 hours too - so good!
Caz - i would offer more if he's downing it. i find that sometimes J will take 4ozs and others 5ozs but no pattern. Last night before bed he downed 4 so i made another 2oz and he had nearly all that too. My HV said its normal for it to fluctuate and change, after all sometimes your more hungry than others...
Its really hard to know when to increase formula. My HV told me always to make up a bottle one oz more than what they should be having and offer that, she says they know when they are full and will not over feed. N takes between 4 - 6oz depending on time of the day but obviously when she takes more she goes a lot longer between feeds and has now dropped to only 5 feeds in 24 hours instead of 6 but she is a good couple of weeks older than AJ. :)
wow Claire - only 5 feeds a day! I can't even imagine what that must be like! I feel like I'm permanently feeding - although it is normally every 2-3 hours so I'm not really. Not counted how many I am actually doing though, but if I count todays (from 12am) I have fed her 4 times already!! Just about to do another one which will hopefully get me through the morning so I can go to the shops with her and get back by 1ish and feed again. I know Niamh is 3 weeks older so that could be it - or maybe just that you can get them to eat more per sitting when FF than BF. This morning Annabelle was squirted by milk when she accidentally unlatched, pretty funny! I'd not seen that before when it literally spurts out like a fountain, only seen it drip out!
Longer times between feeds is one of the perks of FF, but im still jealous of BF for not having to get up in the night to make up a bottle and not having to clean and sterlise bottles, its the bain of my life at the moment :)
Thats true - there are pro's and cons on both isn't there. It is great that at night I can just lie there and pop her on and doze while she feeds without getting up (unless she needs changing!). And it is free! But then the cons are that they always want to feed and if they aren't feeding they are comfort sucking. Its tough getting out when she is having a clingy day because all she wants to do it lie on me and be near the boob!
Thanks for the advice girls - I have made up two more bottles today but for this evening I will make more and we will see what he takes. He is a little guzzler though so I expect he will take more then be a bit sick - that is what he did last time we increased a little! But we will try.

Hann - I was BF'ing and feeding 11-12 times a day when Ajay was born but now Ajay takes 6 feeds pretty much every day. Although he is hungry now so feeding a little more, maybe 7 times. But as Clare says we have the pain of making bottles up etc, transporting them if we go out and stuff like that.

Had a lovely walk in the village today and off to see the NCT girls for the 'reunion' this afternoon. Hope the weather will stay nice and we can sit outside.

Hope everyone is having a nice day. It's the weekend and we get our lovely OH's with us for a few days! Yay!
Hey everyone,

Jenni can totally understand how difficult it must be trying to cope with nursing so much and having Audrey too. Switch to formula if it would make it easier and you'd be happier - you have to do what's best for you and baby, don't worry what anyone says.

Caz have a lovely day with the NCT girls. Hope the weather stays nice.

Hann I hope Greg is ok after his accident... Good to hear Annabelle slept well last night yay!

I have a reflux question - not sure if Elliot has it... He's sick after pretty much every feed - it's not always projectile but it's happening more and I'd say it's projectile maybe 50% of the time? I don't know much about reflux - are there any other symptoms? If he has reflux what do I do about it?


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