I am exhausted so only a quick note from me for right now. Kinley is a real fighter and does have a strong will to live, I love watching her change every day and her dark hair is being replaced with blond hair and her eyes are staying blue. She is a real mix of Aaron and I. We have all been through a lot including a brief visit to ICU. Kinley had some breathing problems today but pulled through. I dont want to get into it too much but basically while we were in ICU they did a repeat MRI on Kinley, the results were devestating. She has a severe, irrepairable brain injury and would have no quality of life. We were hoping they were wrong and it wasnt that bad and that she would pull through and prove them wrong but unfortunately her injury was too severe. The hospital sure managed to wreck a perfect and healthy baby. I will say though she does have personality and loves cuddles with her mom and dad. We made a decision today to not do an ICU admission should it come to that and we are being moved over to the Childrens hospice. How the F do you go to a hospice with a 2 month old? life is so unfair and I still cant believe this happend. Anyway, enough rambling, please continue to pray for her. We may have her for months, who knows and this house allows us to be a bit more of a normal family for how ever long we have her.