My birth story:
The Arrival of Baby Jonathan
We went into the hospital at 6am to start our induction. After an hour of preparation, they started Pitocin. Contractions were very manageable. At 8am the Dr. came in and broke my water. It felt very strange and I kept gushing. It took 7 hours to go from 2cms to 5cms. At 4cms, I got an epidural. It helped with the pain but didn't help with the pressure at all.
At 7cms, I started to getting very uncomfortable. The epidural stopped working at this point. I got through contractions by deep breathing and groaning. I got stuck at 7-8cms but due to the fact I got sick from the pain, I managed to progress to 9cms within 20 minutes. I was stuck at 9.5cms with a small bit of my cervix still left for about 15 minutes. I was in complete agony at this point. I got sick again and got to 10cms. It was very easy to push at this point as it was an all consuming urge. At 5:15, I started pushing and at 5:39 after 5 contractions, Jonathan Asher was born weighing 6lb 12oz and was 19.5ins. I was in labor for 10 hours and pushed for 24 minutes.
I had a second degree episiotomy that needed a few stitches. The episiotomy was necessary to avoid a tear. Jonathan was quiet at birth. He whimpered and wailed a little but that was it. He was born with a slight heart murmur but has since gone away. 5 days. He is a great baby so far.