Your food sounds yum emmy, cheesy beans yummy!
How many syns are you allowed a day? or is it a weekly alowence?
Some people get nearly no morning sickness, you may well be lucky! I think very few people get debilitating morning sickness, I was assuming everyone was just sick in pregnancy but I think it's lots more likely that you feel a bit sick but it comes and goes.
My food today so far has been:
breakfast=coffe (naughty I know but I don't feel like eating in the morning and I'd rather not waste my points on food I don't want to eat!) (0 points)
Lunch cheese and ham sadwich with green pepper sticks, a low calorie chocolate/bun thing. (7 points)
Snack=orange (0 points)
Dinner=chicken and fennal korma (10 points)
Evening snacks=sliced carrot, cucumber and red pepper with an onion dip. (2 points)
I still have 10 points left, I think I will have some mini twister icecreams and some ham later in the evening