I think I'm 1dpo today officially back in the tww!
I'm right there with ya. If my temp goes up tomorrow or stays high, that would make me 2 DPO today. When are you gonna test? I'm gonna test early, on the 26th since it's my birthday
Dottiee it's so good to see a normal chart for you! Fingers crossed!

I'm trying not to get too excited. I don't want to believe the chart and then have my blood come back that I didn't ovulate. So for it does look promising though.
Yeah I can definitely understand that. But hopefully it will keep looking that way. Are you getting bloods this month? I haven't been on clomid before so I'm not sure how it works.
Yeah, I go for my blood on the 22nd (CD 21). But he said not to call to find out the results unless I don't get AF by the 31st (CD 30), since that would mean I either ovulated and conceived or I didn't ovulate at all.
I think I'm gonna break the rules and call on CD 23 though.. I'm not going to be able to wait that long to find out, and I don't want to waste my money on HPTs if I didn't even ovulate lol