Hello im Kelly
Have been TTC for 6 months now...
Im almost 17 so dont know whether thats the problem :S
Would really appreiecate some advice... I've had a few pregnacy scares and everytime been let down...
Really want a 2010 baby =]

im not sure if you have to be 18+ to join up to the ttc thread ?
dont know if that is true but im sure i have read that on here some where but anyway i think it is your choice if you want to have a baby i have been trying for a baby since i was 15! (i dont care what anyone thinks

i had my own flat and a full time job as a waitress at 15 (i left school early)
i have lived with my boyfriend from the age of 15 and we got married at 18 we have now been ttc for 6 years
i think it is wrong when people judge you because of your age i have had loads of people say "your too young!"
fcuk off is what i say to them

any way good luck getting your positive pregnancy test