So i think our nursing journey is at an end.
I'm sad if i think about it too much, but i know it makes sense. I've been so very tired recently with this sticky bean, and combining this with my weight loss since having our son, i've had to be a bit objective about it. In truth i had never imagined nursing for this long and part of me would have wanted to continue and try the tandem feeding, but i also know that i've not been so happy about it recently and as i already have PND i have to be sensible.
So our last feed was Saturday night, we'd dropped down to two feeds a day anyway and on Saturday morning in the night he ended up in our bed basically confort sucking. After falling asleep i woke up 2 hours later and took him off and he screamed the whole house down. He wasn't wanting the milk, but the comfort. He's able to settle himself to sleep and enjoys cuddles with both me and my OH. He happily drinks cows milk, so i don't feel bad. I feel really proud of managing to make it to nearly 14 months, and to all those who told me to stop and that i shouldn't continue and that i wouldn't make it this far (mainly some people i work with), i can hold my head up high and know that i've done good.
I'm sorting out all my pumping stuff, cleaning it all up and putting it to one side ready for our little sticky button, and i'm looking forward to giving them the best i have. Hopefully i'll be back with you guys this time next year with them.
You're all super mums! Thanks for all your advice, help and general chatter!