Hello Ladies :wave:
I hope you don't mind me joining you.
LO is now SEVEN months.. wow and BF is going so so well. We are also BLW, and he is EATING wonderfully and it is so much fun.
He has just recently dropped his nightfeed.. I feed between 10-11pm and then he feeds again sometime around seven am.
I actually miss it.. though I am enjoying the sleep.
My personal goal was 6 months, but now I have a goal to get to one year.. but in all honesty, we haven't had any problems at all and I think we will just continue until he self-weans.
I am a bit concerned when we go to visit my family in Canada come Christmas time. LO will be 15months.. and I have really enjoyed just doing what feels right and natural for all of us without any judgment from family. They DO know of my intentions about BF though, so hopefully they will keep their mouths shut if they have anything negaitve to say. :growl:
What sort of problems did you come across with BFing a toddler?