Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

10 month BFing milestone here :happydance:

Canada seems very pro BFing compared to the US & UK. :) I'd love to move to Canada- it seems so lovely! My dream place would be Vancouver I reckon....

I feel like crap today... think I might be coming down with something- feel like i;m not functioning properly. Oh well... Mayeb I shoulod start drinking BM to boost my immune system, lol?
Yay William! :D

I wish Kayleigh would eat something lol... little bugger turns away and clamps her mouth shut so tight! I am just going to give up for now and get the iron drops!

have you thought about Baby led weaning? We've been doing it since 5 1/2 months and my los is great at it. She can decided what goes in her mouth and when etc. Makes a lot more sense to me than traditional weaning.
I'm not too sure how to do BLW. I am so scared she will choke, and I do not have CPR lol

Yay William! :D

I wish Kayleigh would eat something lol... little bugger turns away and clamps her mouth shut so tight! I am just going to give up for now and get the iron drops!

have you thought about Baby led weaning? We've been doing it since 5 1/2 months and my los is great at it. She can decided what goes in her mouth and when etc. Makes a lot more sense to me than traditional weaning.

Sophia is baby led weaning as well - I can't praise it enough and i haevn't found anything she won't eat yet - she is a gannet!

What do you give her? Again, I'm so scared of choking.... :(

Its highly unlikey choking actually happens. The gag reflex is soooo far forward at 6months (my lo's is actually in the centre of her tongue) so all er "choking" is actually gagging. She coughs and spits it up then picks it back up again and eats it! Get the BLW book by Gill Rapley if you can. I got one from the library. Explains everything well. I give my lo whatever we eat from pizza to roast dinner to curry to chinese etc etc. For example today she had toast with baked beans for breakie (most of the beans were mushed after her hands getting at them but she ate some), bread with thick soup for lunch - bread was mushed into the soup so she manage to eat it. And tonight we're having curry - so she'll have a pakora, naan bread with sauce, chunks of chicken and poppadoms.
The trick is to put some food on her tray and leave her be. If she grabs and eats it great - if not just let her play with it - and leave her a good 30/40mins to play with it. Shelby took about 2 weeks to start to actually eat something and very little actually gets consumed in the first place but at least they are teaching themselves how to eat. I'm soo enthusiatic about BLW I could write an essay on it!! Really really really do give it a good try and don't worry about choking. We did choking and cpr etc in baby classes so maybe ask your HV for some info on it if you are worried- Its really simply a case of a sharp pat on the back lol.
I wish I had the guts to to it to be honest. We where scared of choking also and I dont know enough about it so never went down that road. Great if you can do it though just to scared here. And I know you will tell me different and I know you know more than me I just have this scared feeling going on and so does my other half. William is fine now though, eats whatever.
I've a video of my lo eating food on her facebook page - if you post on my facebook wall who you are (I totally forget who's who!) then I'll add you to her page so you can see it.
I do beleve it can work, loads do it. I am really just a wimp. I forget who is who added me here! i have my name here in middle as I am same name on a lot of formums and people wont forget me that way but real names confuse me. A few have nicknames in their names so I can tell.
Canada is fantastic (not that I'm biased or anything! :rofl: ) I don't particularly miss Montreal, where I grew up - but I do miss the Toronto area where my parents now live.

Canada is very pro-BF I think. To be truthful, I find it quite pro-BF here in Sunderland too though. :thumbup:
We've done blw, and have been really impressed with it! Have had to sit on my hands in the early days when W gagged, but the approach just made sense to me - learning to eat solids when ready to, why add more stages to something when you don't need too?!
We Blw too and love it! I can't praise it enough. Emma is such a hearty eater. It amazes me what she is capable of eating. I've had several people make rude comments like "oh i didn't realize she has so many teeth to eat food like that already" huh she has no teeth. Lol even now she has no teeth. But she can eat steak just the same as I can. :haha:

I'm horrible with facebook and real names to the people on here too. Mine is simple because my last name actually is cleckner. :D
Canada is ace, we own a house there and will hopefully make a permanent move out there in the next 2 or 3 years :happydance: AnnaB, I used to date someone who lived in Creemore (an hour or so north of Toronto) do you know it?

I've been on holiday (it was rubbish - long story - the cottage we rented through a large UK tourism company was repossessed by bailiffs a couple of days in and we were evicted!!).

We're doing BLW (mostly), as Gill says, choking won't happen although I think it's a very common and valid concern. Esmé had falafel with mango chutney and tzatziki in flatbread for lunch today. She's eaten so many different things and we've yet to find something she doesn't like!
hi all. i've not posted since the first page, just been lurking.
has anyone else had problems with LO's helping themselves?
thomas has started climbing up on the sofa, onto my lap then starts to pull at my top and look down it, otherwise he tries to lift it up. he can sign milk and occasional does it, but most of the time there is no warning and he just tries taking off my clothes. if he signs to me he pretty much gets it straight away, otherwise i make him wait.
he happily drinks cows milk out of a bottle and is bf morning and night, but now im off work were bf more often and back to feeding on demand.
anyone else had this problem, anyone know how i can get him to stop this?
yep William pulls my boob out of roars at them when he is really hungry. and when he is really hungry or upset I love his eyes roll back as if he absolutly loves breastmilk and is addicted!
What it is with my family? They seem to treat my son like he is slow and always point things out that arnt a prob. No one else does that everyone else thinks he is super and smart. My brother sat and yapped at him pointing at the light for ages and william was lookikng and pointing to but he was complining that he wasnt repeating him and wasnt aknoledging him after about 10 mins of pointing and shoutingt LIGHT at him,. wtf? he is 18 months old he can form a sentence he isnt suppose to be ab;le to do yet my family treat him like he is stupid! even my mum she is the worst, saying he isnt fast enough for his age, isnt tall enough, not progressing enough when he was only walking at 14 months and that something was wrong she never heard him speaking. He dosnt talk around her she just tells him off when he points and asks what something is! Darrens sis was the same only she dosnt visit any more,. saying he is to thin and cant be getting enough from breastmilk! yes this is the woman who claim's to have breastfed and yaps her son is obese when she only done it for 2 days and says my milk is no good atfter 6 months and her children got nothing after 6 months just food. She thinks she knows it all as she is a nanny.

why are there people finding fault with my son! i mean I cant see it, Its not like i am in denile he is smarter then most my family are right now! Darrens mum cant understand my mum but thankfully she is total opposite and lets hi play with toys rather than giving off just because he is playing with toys.

I havnt hardly spoken to my family in a while, I got sick of them and just stopped calling as there was always rows and insults from them. They have noticed now after 2 months I do not call only havnt called me. They live 5 mins away in same town and wouldnt even come and see me . And I am glad of this now. I wont even ask them for a favor its so not worth the abuse i get for it.
:hugs: Oh honey, I can't even begin to imagine how difficult it must be to put up with all of that from family. Your William is perfect, utterly perfect. Babies all grow at the rate that is ideal for them, and he's doing just that. He is so bright and inquisitive; they're just being spiteful.

Alyssa sends William a :kiss: by the way! :D
geez - sack your family! I wasn't speaking till about 2 1/2 years haha - and even then it was only grunting. I'd forget your family was there if I were you. They clearly don't want to spend any time with you and William if all they do is insult him!
I dont understand whats there to be spiteful about they should be proud of him he is ahead of his time yet they think he isnt while the rest of us where never like him. Becaus ehe is nice, pleasent and confident around people now they think thers something wrong, he should be throwing tantrums (and believe me he can throw one of them) smashing the place up, keeping us up all night instead of taking himself to bed and just being a good kid . Surely he isn't right then! see my mum does nothing but put all us down even to strangers, never proud word to be said just bitching so she thinks she can do that on my son! is she feck! no one is good enough or smart enough but she isnt smart? I dont know where she gets this from when I have had to explain simple things about life to her she just cant get it. As I would say she is as obtuse as a blocked toilet, shit just dosnt get through.

I cant hack anyone insult my kid when I have done my best with him and he is the best. Sick of people thinking formula is better and has more in it so he is stupid because he dosnt get enough from me! give me some dam credit!
dragonfly - maybe she's just jealous that you've managed to bring up a wonderful well behaved and well fed baby when she struggled and had a tamtrum baby?

Anna - I know! I'm soooo excited! My lo gets a rather posh holiday for her first one hahaa!
Gills-Jealous!!! haha Have fun!!!

Dragonfly- Ugh sounds like some of them need a kick in the face lol... holy! My mum has been at me with Kayleigh too saying she wasn't doing things she should be etc... and I mean she is babbling now, rolling over (back to front), moves objects from one hand to another, puts things in her mouth, chews, plays with her toes, stands up when I hold her hands etc... but she isn't sitting on her own yet and doesn't seem to want to. She would rather stand than sit up, so I have been working with her but she sure isn't slow, she is like her father, laid back and lazy LOL
Willim is a gorgeous, healthy, smart boy and they sound like they are just jealous that you have such a great little guy and gave him the best start possible and are still giving him that super milk!! :D Again, they need a kick in the face LOL

I'm sick of people pushing formula too! If I wanted second best I would use it, but I dont! I am willing and able to breastfeed as long as Kayleigh wants, so why the hell would I down-grade so to speak? It's like trying to sell me a chev when I'm already driving a porsche!
You know what gets me, that concern advert on babies born starving, far as I know most formula is banned there by charities yet they still say they are born starving! wtf? breastfeeding promotion where? I have emailed concern to ask them about this.

My parents havnt visited me in a long time they just cant be arsed and nor could I. They wind me up and my lazy lay about bro pisses me off! my other half got him a job and all and he wouldnt do it prefers to live of my parents because he dosnt want to have to pay for the free roof and food he gets away with for years! My parents are happy paying for a 32 year old to live there who goes clubbing and never sleeps and give me crap when i ask for nappies when I am offering the money just cant get to a shop! I get so much different treatment and have decided to cut them out once and for all.

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