Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

I've been giving them right off the bat at around 6 1/2 months. :haha: Googling now....

...This is the parenting magazine article on it.

And every other site I read said to be careful if food allergies run in your family. And just to keep an eye on them. But Emma has never had any sort of reaction so I think we're good. :D

We don't have any allergies to eggs in the family on my side but not too sure about Mark's... so maybe we will hold off on the eggs until I know for sure.

aww fab mummkjnvsovnbufp398ru8975y489ui - i cant remember your username lol

looks like blw is for you!

hahahahaha! Mum2J&Kx2 for Mom to Jacob, Kaleb and Kayleigh hehe and thanks!

lol I was told by my doctor only yolks until 12 months... something about allergies :shrug: When did you start giving her eggs?


We gave William well done scrambled egg when he was about 7 months old and he had a severe allergic reaction, so no egg for him! He had a skin prick test to confirm it a few weeks later, but was clear that he was allergic. Within less than 3 minutes of having the egg he was rubbing his face, his eyes and lips started to swell and his face when puffy and blotchy and so did his hands. Took around 40 minutes for him to return to normal. He'll be re-tested when he's 2 and there's a 50/50 chance he'll have out-grown it, really hope so!

Well, tomorrow is our 12 month milestone as its Williams birthday! Not one drop of formula :happydance::cloud9::happydance: Yay us!

And tonight we're trying some sleep training with him, his sleep has been getting worse and worse last few weeks, only settling with a feed. I've tried to make them shorter and shorter but its not working and last week I had 3 nights with less than 5 hours sleep as he was up so much :nope::nope: Not good for me or him!

So we're going to do the gradual withdrawl.....will go into him but not pick him up unless he's really distressed (so he can complain but not feel we're deserting him I hope as will stay in the room with him). If we have to pick him up it'll only be until he's calmer. Dreading it but something needs to be done as we both need more :sleep:!!!!

Wish me luck!:wacko::cry::wacko:

Thanks!! Good luck with the sleep training and BIG congragts making it to 12 months! :) I reallydon't think I'm going to try eggs at all until 12 months now.. your poor LO

I never gave william anything with any thing that could cause allergy before 1 year old. We both have food allergies and didnt want him having it. Wheat is my allergy and eggs I think, so he didnt get them till after. He is only getting them now. Hard to find gluten free food for under a year also, all full of gluten and sugar some of them. I think he is ok with eggs as its in some of his food now.

I don't blame you at all! With a history of allergies or food intolerances (sp?) I wouldn't either!

I'm feeling a bit better thanks.

re: eggs- Harry's only ever had well cooked scrambled eggs at around 8 months old & he was fine. I'm holding off on certain things like nuts (we have a few nut allergies in our families) & pineapple (it makes me toungue swell up & my mouth gets covered in ulcers) but I'm cool to try him with everything else :)

Candyfloss- congrats on the 12 month milestone- that's awesome. :thumbup:

Harry cut his first tooth last night :happydance: should I expect to be bitten at least once? lol

Ouch! Let's hope not lol... That part scares me a little lol...

I guess pineapple isn't the best with allergy history.

Hellooo...can I join? Ollie is 7 months (well, in 2 days he will be!) and we still booby feed, no formula...just booby...I'm hoping to go until he self weans... But as long as there's no major dilemmas like my milk drying up...we'll be booby feeding as long as he wants it! I've probs joined in half way through a discussion and killed it...if I have...sorry!!

Hi Hi!!
Okay. So I'm going to have a little rant and I hope you girls don't mind. I was upset from the start that my SIL didn't breastfeed. As a little backstory, she never really ate through her pregnancy and tried her damndest to gain no weight because she didn't want to be fat 'like I got'. She actually said this to my mother so I'm not making this up. I have gained a lot of weight over the last two years. From late 2007, I have slowly put on about 80 pounds. :blush: I had a miscarriage which made me depressed and I gained the start of it. Than I got pregnant with Emma and gained 45 more. I haven't lost any of the pregnancy weight. It's still all right there in my belly area. :( Which isn't really the point of this post but I'm letting it get away from me. Basically SIL is a stupid bitch and I should've known she wouldnt' breastfeed either because she's so freaking selfish that she couldn't even eat throughout pregnancy. THe baby ended up being born at 5 pounds and had a vitamin deficiency. She gained 7 lbs over the whole pregnancy. Fine. I'm supposed to just sit there and be quiet through all of that. So than with the breastfeeding. She was in the hospital and tried to feed maybe 3 times and gave up. She took a sleeping pill to get some sleep and let the nurse take her baby for the night. I live far away but I was around for the first week of the LO's life. SIL did nothing. My brother changed all the diapers. He got up at night. He fed her. He did it all. He'd call me months later and tell me about getting up here and there at night. He is the one that works full shift too. She only works occasionally. But yet it's still my brother waking up for the feeds. I don't know why I keep letting this get away from me but she just posted a picture on facebook of my little niece eating a bottle of formula that is propped up while she's sitting in her carseat. The caption is 'my big girl can hold her own bottle but she needs a little help'. WTF?! You can't hold your own daughter and feed her? Why the complete laziness? Why the lack of affection towards her? I just don't understand it. I'm so furious about it. My parents are currently visiting me for Emma's birthday and I voiced my anger but they just looked at me like I'm crazy. They formula fed as well. Am I wrong in thinking that whether you breastfeed or formula feed, you should still have that closeness and hold your baby to feed them? I don't get it! BFing is the best bonding experience I've ever had in my life. It's amazing. For someone to look down on that pisses me off enough. But for someone to think their daughter is a 'big girl' because she can eat by herself with a propped up bottle just pisses me right off! Sorry this kind of rambled on. I might be out of order here but I can't help how I feel about the situation. I just wish I could say something.
I think anyone that looks down on it has never known how it feels thats why. People say , why bother? just give a bottle its easier and you can have a break. But if they did breatsfeed they would see its sometimes a pleasure to feed your baby and you dont need anyone else to feed formula for you because theres a connection there. Popele also think its hard to do but I think formula feeding is harder, I get time online and can multi task while breastfeeding and I dont mess about with cleaning bottles and sterilizing and arguiing with whos going to make up bottles. Everyone seems to want to help feed baby as they know its turing for mum., nice of them I know but formula seems to be that way out because mum gets to go where ever. I never complained about feeding my baby, he dosnt get in the way of my life he is my life now. So what if i have to stay in a feed him in stead of going out or having a few hours kip which i get enough of any way as he does sleep to. And if anyone really wants him out which no one ever did I have a pump for that. formula is convenience for a lot of people (ok thats not including mums who cant breastfeed before I get leaped on.) . My son wont get it just because some think it would be easier for me because I dont see it as hard, he is only a baby a short time and I have plenty of time when I am finished feeding babies to go out and do whatever.
Cleckner - I actually took off my glasses to clean them after reading your first sentence so I could read your rant

Dragonfly - The thing I don't understand is Formula is not a convenience!? Its a bloody pain in the arse - sterilising bottles, measuring feeds, getting the temp right carrying all that guff with you all the time. I just don't get it! Why would you choose the hard road?
My check list before going out is: bums, wipes, muslin cloths, baby, purse, phone and boobs. Much easier!

I really am starting to get annoyed at people choosing formula so they can go out and leave the baby. I had baby because I wanted her. If you can't give up your body (well boobs) for your baby for a year or so then why the hell have you got a child. Its so selfish not to provide for your baby considering you brought him/her into the world. Really narks me!! (I'm only braving to say this here as hopefully not FF come spy on us! eeck)

Ahh rant over! Now I'm off for my first smear since having bubba - ahhhhhhh!!!
I agree Gills, being the queen of lazy myself the thought of all that bottle washing and standing in my kitchen at all hours making up bottles just makes me sleepy . But convient for mums who want away from baby for whatever reason so that gran or someone can take baby for a night. Many of times I got given off to because I breastfeed and no one could take my baby for the night, which I seen as a bonus anyway. It isnt a rental dvd ffs its a baby!
Cleckner - I actually took off my glasses to clean them after reading your first sentence so I could read your rant

Dragonfly - The thing I don't understand is Formula is not a convenience!? Its a bloody pain in the arse - sterilising bottles, measuring feeds, getting the temp right carrying all that guff with you all the time. I just don't get it! Why would you choose the hard road?
My check list before going out is: bums, wipes, muslin cloths, baby, purse, phone and boobs. Much easier!

I really am starting to get annoyed at people choosing formula so they can go out and leave the baby. I had baby because I wanted her. If you can't give up your body (well boobs) for your baby for a year or so then why the hell have you got a child. Its so selfish not to provide for your baby considering you brought him/her into the world. Really narks me!! (I'm only braving to say this here as hopefully not FF come spy on us! eeck)

Ahh rant over! Now I'm off for my first smear since having bubba - ahhhhhhh!!!

I get this a lot now from friends who breastfed for the first six months but have now switched to formula - "it's so much easier, they have their life back, they don't feel tied down, they never realized how much breastfeeding tied them down until they stopped, etc." It sort of does my head in because they make out I am a bit of an idiot for keeping going now. Don't get me wrong, I don't have any problem with people stopping after six months, they have done good for their babies and it is totally their choice. But it does annoy me that they feel they have to tell me how much easier it is, I don't get it.
Awesome thread :thumbup:

I'm still breastfeeding, we love it so much,I still get a warm fuzzy glow inside me when we get cuddled up close to feed :cloud9:

Had health visitor round yesterday for Ethans review and she was thrilled to pieces I'm still breastfeeding,I thought she was gonna burst!!! :haha:
I have to say though,I have become VERY concious (can't spell that bloody word!!) about feeding in public now he's getting bigger. WHY ARE WE MADE TO FEEL THIS WAY FOR CHOOSING TO CONTINUING BREASTFEEDING!!!??:growlmad:
I plan to carry on till 1 year then introduce cows milk in a beaker for his daytime milk feeds and maybe continue the breastfeeds 1st thing in morning and last thing before bed.
Cleckner- I totally get it! I get mad too and your SIL seems like a lazy, selfish cow! I don't get it... when you know all the benefits and still don't breastfeed just because you are tired, or a little sore or want to go out... it's so selfish! I want my baby to have the best, and I am lucky I can provide an abundance of milk for her.
Awesome thread :thumbup:

I'm still breastfeeding, we love it so much,I still get a warm fuzzy glow inside me when we get cuddled up close to feed :cloud9:

Had health visitor round yesterday for Ethans review and she was thrilled to pieces I'm still breastfeeding,I thought she was gonna burst!!! :haha:
I have to say though,I have become VERY concious (can't spell that bloody word!!) about feeding in public now he's getting bigger. WHY ARE WE MADE TO FEEL THIS WAY FOR CHOOSING TO CONTINUING BREASTFEEDING!!!??:growlmad:
I plan to carry on till 1 year then introduce cows milk in a beaker for his daytime milk feeds and maybe continue the breastfeeds 1st thing in morning and last thing before bed.

I think my HV is gonner shout at me too! The other HVs are all pro BF, but I don't like my HV anyway...she's a bit of a knob ahah!

I've had a few glares in public too...LO is only 7 months too...I've had no-one say anything to me yet...but I'll just tell them to shut up lol, I seem to have lost the ability to be civil lately for some reason!

I'm thinking of doing this when he's around 15 months if he's still on the booby too! But we shall see! x

My HV hasn't been in touch with us since Alyssa was 9 months old (at her last check). She is VERY pro-BF and is La Leche League affiliated, so she will be positively bouncing for joy when she finds out that we're still going strong at just about the 18 month mark!

I'm starting to worry that Alyssa will self-wean when I fall pregnant. I really don't want her to stop, so reading about William happily nursing through your pregnancy Dragonfly is so encouraging and wonderful :hugs: We're actively TTC now so it's on my mind a lot these days.
Everyone said my milk would go? still here though. nipples but sensitive ouch.

I have to show off pics of william today! got him a new coat and top.

and i dont know why people think breastmilk isnt enough for a baby its done this weel so far!
William is such a handsome boy! I can't get over how gorgeous his skin and eyes are!! Well done Dragonfly!
William is such a stunner! :thumbup:

Today is Emma's birthday!! We spent it at the zoo and I'm just now home to rest. I'm trying to play catchup on here. :haha: Her birthday was great but would've been better if her daddy could've been here. :( But he's gone until September now. :roll:
aww happy brithday emma! Its shelbys Half birthday tomorrow! I gonna make a cake! haha :haha: Got the HV coming today for her 6 month check so I supose i'd better go tidy away the knives and solvents before she arrives! :haha:
Hubby's been ill with stress last night so I drove him to work this morning (he won't stay at home and i wasn't away to let him drive feeling ill) all because we've got to go to Devon (we're in Aberdeen - 1250 mile round trip) for my Nanas funeral next week and he's got masive amounts of work needing done by then. Its not the kinda work you can put off till he gets back either as he's an oil and gas planner - unless you lot don't mind not having oil and gas for a few years..?? nope? didn't think so :haha:

Ahh well - wish me luck with the HV! Im getting ready for the rant about me a) starting weaning at 5 months and b) doing BLW lol oh goodie!
boobie milk makes babies skin nice :)

happy birthday Emma! first birthday so exciting!

Alyssa, william says Hey ya! lol

baby lying on nerve today, cant walk right!
I really am starting to get annoyed at people choosing formula so they can go out and leave the baby.

this really annoys me as well. OH's step brother allowed OH mother to babysit so they could both go out when LO was only a couple of weeks old. then i get told through the family gossip-line how OH mother got to babysit and how i was selfish for not allowing it with her own grandson.
she has only been round to visit on 3 occasions since he was born and lives local. he only sees his grandmother because we make the effort to go over regularly. although she did mellow about bf after a while i'd dread to hear her opinions if she knew were still going.
Only just noticed this group

*settles in* (if that's ok?! :-D )

Happy Birthday Baby Emma! :hugs:

And DragonFly - William is gorgeous!!! He is going to break some hearts! Lol.

Girls, any tips to how to get LO to feed in public? She's been refusing to do it for ages but i'm going out in a bit for the day and will need to give her a feed but i know she's not going to :-/
Welcome bloodbinds! I've no advice I'm afraid - I've not had issues with her not feeding in public - far too much of a piggy!

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