Thats what annoys them they see he isnt getting the same as whaty I got and nothing was good enough for me and never will be, my mum makes that clear, her first then maybe her kids if I am lucky. My siblings get different treatment. I was chucked out at 17 with the first bloke that came along, my mum was even house hunting for me to get me out,. He abiusedd me and all. my mym was not happy to see me home in bits years later, said it was my fault. Then when she seen ndarren who was an old friend anyway come along she had me out with him! made me pay rent while living there and my bro who worked didnt have to pay a penny and got fed for free. So I dont know why she hates me so much from when I was a child, I felt like I ruined things for her. I think she wanted another boy or something but we never bonded. She will never see she was ever wrong, ever. She is perfect we are all wrong thats how its always been. That in its self is so sad. She isnt a happy person, I am now where I live and she hates it because they had a council house when we where kids but I wanted better, only the best for my kids thats what I think. She dosnt agree with my moto at all I should be in a squaller somewhere worse than her. She gets treated well by my dad, he gets barked around all day while she spends his money so i dont know why she dictates to me just because i buy one pack of vests for my new baby because i grew up in second hand boys clothes. My other half dosnt exist to her she wanted her surname on my sons birth cert? no my other halfs name goes there he its the dad., she started up about that one said his name shouldnt be there , he even over heard her say it more than once and she near died when she found out he heard! williams name was a prob, after my Other half's dad who is deceased, she wanted weird names I didnt like, loads of rows! she dosnt talk to me atr all over this baby, grunted and threw my scan pic at me. Dosnt care. Had to ban her several times from my house for insultingt my parenting and comparing whats she did and what I do wrong. Insulting my shape when I am pregnant and putting me down. Coming up with things like what i will do when my son dies where will i burry him if he isnt christened! wtf does she mean WHEN he dies? really only comes up with probs that dont exist. I dont live like that i live when it happens i dont dwell on what may be unless i want sometihng then I go and get it. And I do get what I want and i dont mean in a selfish way I mean I dont mearly talk about it I do it and find ways of making my life the way I want it and not what she thinks it should be.
you would need to bleed to death and she still wouldnt take pity on you. I seen that when i fell and broke my nose and smashed up my face. wouldnt take me to hospital as it interfered with her shopping and she took me with her shopping with a towel on my face cursing me the whole way, i have scaring on my face and a permanent croaked nose which i am embarrassed about and look really ugly. She even had me miss scans when i asked dad for a lift there because i should have asked her as she had dad for the day shopping, she knew all about it just walted until i was sat there waiting then when i called she was be nasty down phone. lost my relationship with dad over her we barely speak. I used to tell him all and he was my friend . she hated this. She made sure that one wasnt happening. I stole him off her she says and alwats get him on my side like wheres the war?
sorry I know i need therpy but when my hormones are up I can rant about her all day! seems to not help ranting either or staying it to her as she just dosnt get it. I need a fuckitall pill!
one thing i learned is how not to bring your kids up! I am proud of my kid! he is the best and I made that. I will continue to give him the best and watch him flourish and she knows it she just wont admit that in case she looks wrong and she cant be wrong.