Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

How on earth anyone can say William is anything but perfect is beyond me, he is utterly GORGEOUS! baby model?! Your family are insane Dragonfly!

Bloodbinds - feeding in public, does she get too distracted to feed? fins somewhere quiet, face her away from anything exciting to look at, other than that no tips I'm afraid :hugs:
she is insane. She also dosnt visit any more as I cannot tolerate her bull. She gets shot down each time she picks on him and she dosnt like it. My bro hardly comes either, they seem to not be able to keep their mouths shut and only negatives comments come out. Theres no call for it my dad cant see why she cant shut up either or say anything nice but I dont talk to him either , we have resorted to facebook and email and even at that theres no convo going. My mum can point out fault in anything, you show her work you done your proud of like some of my pics she is picking on something like a leaf in the background and how it looks bad when thats how its meant to look! she has picked on all of williams pics the ones on my flickr, pity about this and that. nothing wrong with the pics they are life pics not model studio pics! i dont do pics sitting with fake cloud backgrounds! my bro and her dont really come and see us anymore he is more with DArrens family who love him,. And he loves them!

last time mum was here he was poinmting and asking what something was on the fire place from the other end of tenh room, all my mum could do was scold him and tell him off "NO WILLIAM" with teh finger out, he looked at her weirdly didnt know wtf he had done. He was only asking what that was and she said she was reminding him he wasnt allowed it. He was making no attempt to get it just making convo ffs! he isnt allowed to go to my parents ever, not without one of us and so far in 18 months he was there once when he was 3 days old for a few mins with me on my way home from hospital and even at trhat my sister was going mental with jealously smashing her room up because my mum was paying attention to William. So I wont be having him down there i cant have him around my violent sis and mum who seems to have no sence and thinks she is hitler.
Dragonfly, your family sound a bit mad. Anyway I think you are doing a great job with William and oh my goodness what a heartbreaker he is! He is just gorgeous!

Bloodbinds - :hi:
No advice re feeding in public cos I have the same issue. Thomas will not feed in public at all anymore, he just gets so distracted and the only times he has bitten me badly has been when I've been trying to get him to take a feed in public. The only thing I can do is to try to find a baby changing cubicle and feed him there or else wait till we get home. It kind of wrecks my head as I have no issues feeding in public but Thomas is just having none of it. I normally just feed him before we go out and then bring along a snack to keep him going. If I was going to be out for a full day and I knew there would be nowhere quiet to feed him then I might try bringing EBM.
It is sad though, I mourn the fact I dont have a family that I have, not loving, no hugs rule. I can tell you I hugged my dad once a few years ago on fathers day and it was awkward! and never hugged my mum, never told her anything private or actually talked to her about things when I was growing up. No time at all she had for me. Always calling me stupid or saying shut up etc. I seen my parents once give each other a peek on the cheek on my mums birthday and both where really embarassed as I had seen it. You where not allowed to cry either, that made my mum angry and you would be called stupid,. So it was a lonly child hood in my room. Dare anyone see emotion that wasnt anger coming from anyone but my mum!.
And now because I want my life different, I dont want to lock my son in a room to cry it out like they suggest (because apparently done me no harm, really? i went to a shrink for that and have no self esteem because of them, never mind the rest),. my mum couldnt breastfeed she just didnt want to, was horrible to her. Suppose cows milk for me was better than her nicotine filled milk. So un motherly! she really does win uncaring mother of the century. They see nothing they did as wrong, they where perfect parents so why should i do what they did? Thats what they think. They think i know nothing and i am stupid as I always was and that my son will carry on my stupidity! he cant possibly be being fed rightw as the row all the time, trying to give him choc at 4 months old as part of his diet, necessary they added . more fights, asking why he isnt getting this and that when to be honest I think its mental what they suggest and that excuse about done me no harm and them is ridiculous when you see the weight of them all including me and all the health probs I have. some people are blind and pretend to know what good health is but they just dont know. Least I know what makes me fat.
It is sad though, I mourn the fact I dont have a family that I have, not loving, no hugs rule. I can tell you I hugged my dad once a few years ago on fathers day and it was awkward! and never hugged my mum, never told her anything private or actually talked to her about things when I was growing up. No time at all she had for me. Always calling me stupid or saying shut up etc. I seen my parents once give each other a peek on the cheek on my mums birthday and both where really embarassed as I had seen it. You where not allowed to cry either, that made my mum angry and you would be called stupid,. So it was a lonly child hood in my room. Dare anyone see emotion that wasnt anger coming from anyone but my mum!.
And now because I want my life different, I dont want to lock my son in a room to cry it out like they suggest (because apparently done me no harm, really? i went to a shrink for that and have no self esteem because of them, never mind the rest),. my mum couldnt breastfeed she just didnt want to, was horrible to her. Suppose cows milk for me was better than her nicotine filled milk. So un motherly! she really does win uncaring mother of the century. They see nothing they did as wrong, they where perfect parents so why should i do what they did? Thats what they think. They think i know nothing and i am stupid as I always was and that my son will carry on my stupidity! he cant possibly be being fed rightw as the row all the time, trying to give him choc at 4 months old as part of his diet, necessary they added . more fights, asking why he isnt getting this and that when to be honest I think its mental what they suggest and that excuse about done me no harm and them is ridiculous when you see the weight of them all including me and all the health probs I have. some people are blind and pretend to know what good health is but they just dont know. Least I know what makes me fat.

:hugs: That is so sad hun. I think you are amazing that you are doing things different for William and also for the new baby when he/she arrives and are giving them a different life to what you had. So many people just blindly do things the same way they were brought up, never stop to think if it's the best thing for their children. You have done so well to overcome your upbringing and to be able to think for yourself, your son is a credit to you from what I know about him. Sometimes it is better to keep a distance from family if they can't be supportive of you - you have your own family now anyway so just do your best to ignore them.
Thats what annoys them they see he isnt getting the same as whaty I got and nothing was good enough for me and never will be, my mum makes that clear, her first then maybe her kids if I am lucky. My siblings get different treatment. I was chucked out at 17 with the first bloke that came along, my mum was even house hunting for me to get me out,. He abiusedd me and all. my mym was not happy to see me home in bits years later, said it was my fault. Then when she seen ndarren who was an old friend anyway come along she had me out with him! made me pay rent while living there and my bro who worked didnt have to pay a penny and got fed for free. So I dont know why she hates me so much from when I was a child, I felt like I ruined things for her. I think she wanted another boy or something but we never bonded. She will never see she was ever wrong, ever. She is perfect we are all wrong thats how its always been. That in its self is so sad. She isnt a happy person, I am now where I live and she hates it because they had a council house when we where kids but I wanted better, only the best for my kids thats what I think. She dosnt agree with my moto at all I should be in a squaller somewhere worse than her. She gets treated well by my dad, he gets barked around all day while she spends his money so i dont know why she dictates to me just because i buy one pack of vests for my new baby because i grew up in second hand boys clothes. My other half dosnt exist to her she wanted her surname on my sons birth cert? no my other halfs name goes there he its the dad., she started up about that one said his name shouldnt be there , he even over heard her say it more than once and she near died when she found out he heard! williams name was a prob, after my Other half's dad who is deceased, she wanted weird names I didnt like, loads of rows! she dosnt talk to me atr all over this baby, grunted and threw my scan pic at me. Dosnt care. Had to ban her several times from my house for insultingt my parenting and comparing whats she did and what I do wrong. Insulting my shape when I am pregnant and putting me down. Coming up with things like what i will do when my son dies where will i burry him if he isnt christened! wtf does she mean WHEN he dies? really only comes up with probs that dont exist. I dont live like that i live when it happens i dont dwell on what may be unless i want sometihng then I go and get it. And I do get what I want and i dont mean in a selfish way I mean I dont mearly talk about it I do it and find ways of making my life the way I want it and not what she thinks it should be.

you would need to bleed to death and she still wouldnt take pity on you. I seen that when i fell and broke my nose and smashed up my face. wouldnt take me to hospital as it interfered with her shopping and she took me with her shopping with a towel on my face cursing me the whole way, i have scaring on my face and a permanent croaked nose which i am embarrassed about and look really ugly. She even had me miss scans when i asked dad for a lift there because i should have asked her as she had dad for the day shopping, she knew all about it just walted until i was sat there waiting then when i called she was be nasty down phone. lost my relationship with dad over her we barely speak. I used to tell him all and he was my friend . she hated this. She made sure that one wasnt happening. I stole him off her she says and alwats get him on my side like wheres the war?

sorry I know i need therpy but when my hormones are up I can rant about her all day! seems to not help ranting either or staying it to her as she just dosnt get it. I need a fuckitall pill!

one thing i learned is how not to bring your kids up! I am proud of my kid! he is the best and I made that. I will continue to give him the best and watch him flourish and she knows it she just wont admit that in case she looks wrong and she cant be wrong.
Thats what annoys them they see he isnt getting the same as whaty I got and nothing was good enough for me and never will be, my mum makes that clear, her first then maybe her kids if I am lucky. My siblings get different treatment. I was chucked out at 17 with the first bloke that came along, my mum was even house hunting for me to get me out,. He abiusedd me and all. my mym was not happy to see me home in bits years later, said it was my fault. Then when she seen ndarren who was an old friend anyway come along she had me out with him! made me pay rent while living there and my bro who worked didnt have to pay a penny and got fed for free. So I dont know why she hates me so much from when I was a child, I felt like I ruined things for her. I think she wanted another boy or something but we never bonded. She will never see she was ever wrong, ever. She is perfect we are all wrong thats how its always been. That in its self is so sad. She isnt a happy person, I am now where I live and she hates it because they had a council house when we where kids but I wanted better, only the best for my kids thats what I think. She dosnt agree with my moto at all I should be in a squaller somewhere worse than her. She gets treated well by my dad, he gets barked around all day while she spends his money so i dont know why she dictates to me just because i buy one pack of vests for my new baby because i grew up in second hand boys clothes. My other half dosnt exist to her she wanted her surname on my sons birth cert? no my other halfs name goes there he its the dad., she started up about that one said his name shouldnt be there , he even over heard her say it more than once and she near died when she found out he heard! williams name was a prob, after my Other half's dad who is deceased, she wanted weird names I didnt like, loads of rows! she dosnt talk to me atr all over this baby, grunted and threw my scan pic at me. Dosnt care. Had to ban her several times from my house for insultingt my parenting and comparing whats she did and what I do wrong. Insulting my shape when I am pregnant and putting me down. Coming up with things like what i will do when my son dies where will i burry him if he isnt christened! wtf does she mean WHEN he dies? really only comes up with probs that dont exist. I dont live like that i live when it happens i dont dwell on what may be unless i want sometihng then I go and get it. And I do get what I want and i dont mean in a selfish way I mean I dont mearly talk about it I do it and find ways of making my life the way I want it and not what she thinks it should be.

you would need to bleed to death and she still wouldnt take pity on you. I seen that when i fell and broke my nose and smashed up my face. wouldnt take me to hospital as it interfered with her shopping and she took me with her shopping with a towel on my face cursing me the whole way, i have scaring on my face and a permanent croaked nose which i am embarrassed about and look really ugly. She even had me miss scans when i asked dad for a lift there because i should have asked her as she had dad for the day shopping, she knew all about it just walted until i was sat there waiting then when i called she was be nasty down phone. lost my relationship with dad over her we barely speak. I used to tell him all and he was my friend . she hated this. She made sure that one wasnt happening. I stole him off her she says and alwats get him on my side like wheres the war?

sorry I know i need therpy but when my hormones are up I can rant about her all day! seems to not help ranting either or staying it to her as she just dosnt get it. I need a fuckitall pill!

one thing i learned is how not to bring your kids up! I am proud of my kid! he is the best and I made that. I will continue to give him the best and watch him flourish and she knows it she just wont admit that in case she looks wrong and she cant be wrong.

And breath......:hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
I know I am sorry I have been angry at her since my son was born for the way she has acted to me since I got preg, instead of ignoring me she turned her attentions on me in a bad way. I think all the hormones make it worse, if i was how I usually am without hormones I wouldnt be angry I would just not care. She is the only person that can make me like this i actually am laid back and dont care what anyone thinks of what I do I do whats best. I think its deep seeded anger thats boiled for years I dont know how to deal with.

*stretches out on shrinks comfy recliner*
hmm yes, i can see what you're saying, hmmm, yuh huh..hmmm ahhhhh....(sketches doodles on my big pad)
Just spotted this group! :D

I am not BF at the moment, but will be again soon :cloud9:

I BF Caine until he was 10 months, when he wanted to stop.

Hope you are girls are all well xx
Cleckner-1yr is awesome! Happy Birthday again Emma :)
Well the sleep training went tits up (pardon the pun, lol!) but he's sleeping loads better now anyway! Had noticed that when I stay at my parents house and he sleeps with me - room is so small and the futon is right next to his cot and so he settles there until I come to bed then when he realised how close I am he wants to come in with me! - he hardly moves when sleeping, when he's in his cot he's incredibly restless and literally does laps when settling down to sleep!

So I gave him a very think pillow to snuggle into and.....he's gone from waking every 3 hours to sleeping for 4 hours the first night, then an hour more each night since and last night did a 7 hour stretch! Longest ever for him! So so so happy, but don't want to relax about it too soon either!

Also think that maybe he had a bit of a growth spurt, don't know how often they have them now, but he used to be able to walk under OHs desk and we came home from the weekend away and he's about 2cms too big to do it now! So maybe the feeding loads at night was related to that?!

Anyhoo, I feel good now I'm getting more sleep again! Yay William and yay pillow!

Bit off topic now, but does your OH ever put LO to bed? It's always been me doing bedtime as he has a bf after a bath and book, but would like OH to be able to do it too sometime.....does anyone do bf, bath then story? Not really changed his bedtime routine since he was about 3 months old!
What a stunning picture of Kayleigh!!!!! I love it :cloud9:

Oh thank you sooooo much :) I love it too!! :cloud9: I noticed how we all have such gorgeous children in this group!! :happydance:

Well the sleep training went tits up (pardon the pun, lol!) but he's sleeping loads better now anyway! Had noticed that when I stay at my parents house and he sleeps with me - room is so small and the futon is right next to his cot and so he settles there until I come to bed then when he realised how close I am he wants to come in with me! - he hardly moves when sleeping, when he's in his cot he's incredibly restless and literally does laps when settling down to sleep!

So I gave him a very think pillow to snuggle into and.....he's gone from waking every 3 hours to sleeping for 4 hours the first night, then an hour more each night since and last night did a 7 hour stretch! Longest ever for him! So so so happy, but don't want to relax about it too soon either!

Also think that maybe he had a bit of a growth spurt, don't know how often they have them now, but he used to be able to walk under OHs desk and we came home from the weekend away and he's about 2cms too big to do it now! So maybe the feeding loads at night was related to that?!

Anyhoo, I feel good now I'm getting more sleep again! Yay William and yay pillow!

Bit off topic now, but does your OH ever put LO to bed? It's always been me doing bedtime as he has a bf after a bath and book, but would like OH to be able to do it too sometime.....does anyone do bf, bath then story? Not really changed his bedtime routine since he was about 3 months old!

My OH puts Kayleigh to bed sometimes when she isnt passed out from boobie. She loves daddy to walk around with her, and even has such a look of *Oh yeah daddy, you do your job keeping me happy dammit* hahaha its so cute!

I find Kayleigh is sleeping better in her playpen next to our bed, since her crib is on the other side of the room and Im trying to avoid bringing her into bed with me on a regular basis, as we dont have a lot of room lol. I give her her soother and blanket and she loves it :)
AnnaBanana, I love your avatar too!!! Its such a cute picture!!!
candyfloss- we regularly bf to sleep. occasionally he'll go down on his own, someone needs to be laying down in the room with him with the door shut, he'll have a run around then lay down on top of me. sometimes he'll fall asleep on daddy's shoulder watching computer games.
at around 12 months he would not go down in his cot, no matter which room it was in. we put a mattress down on the floor in his room and he has slept on that ever since. he'll even climb the stairs, shut the stair gate behind him and run to lay on it if we tell him to go to bed. we leave our bedroom door and his open so when he wakes up he comes running it. this was the start of him sleeping through. he now wakes at 5 every morning for bf then back to sleep until around 7.30-8

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