William has 4 bad front teeth on the top, it upsets me as they where coming down at 8 months ok but stopped, we heard him grinding them at the time he was teethng and found out after thats probably why they went down to stumps and are bad. it guts me , the rest of his teeth are perfect whites so its not something else. But i wouldnt want anyone thinking i feed him crap,. my mum never looked after all her kids teeth and we have nearly no teeth left, my bro has false teeth at 32 and my younger sis has less teeth than william. I have the most although a lot of probs. And yes I do clean them just from when I was a teen though, So I make sure william has his teeth cleaned since he had his first one. Dentist says baby teeth not to worry but I do he has no 4 stumps for top teeth course I am worried and peed off.
hv stupid by the way says my milk no good apart from rotting his teeth to.