Shiv- its funny you should mention a growth spurt... Kira went thru one for sure last week. She increased her solid intake by double and kept up her normal level of breast feeds too. I have a scale at home that I like to sit her on, and she's been holding her weight steady since 9 months at 20.5 pounds and after her growth spurt she now weighs 21.5 pounds! So a whole pound in a week after many months with no gaining.
Cleckner- It's nice to hear that Emma feeds so frequently too. Kira does the same and at night will sometimes be on the boob for hours at a time it seems. I don't mind at all... I know one day she will no longer be a baby and I will miss this stage, so I'm enjoying every minute of it now. Kira took a little while to get use to her teeth and I haven't been bitten in a couple of months, not even at night if she falls asleep on the boob.
DolceBella- LOL about Bella laughing at your boobies when she wants to eat. When Kira starts tugging at my shirt and rubbing her face all over me, I will ask "do you want a booby?" and she laughs as her way of saying "yes mom, I thought you'd never ask!".