Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

Absolutely! Alyssa is proof that follow-on milk isn't necessary, even if expressing isn't an option xx
I went back to work when W was 9 months old too (only 2 days) and when I wasn't here he just didn't ask for it! Was eating and drinking well by then (sips of full fat cows milk and drinks of water - prefer to offer him milk rather than powered stuff, just my opinion and only for 2 days a week!), the first couple of weeks he had huge feeds when I came home from work but they suddenly disappeared and now he doesn't feed til bedtime whether I'm here or not. Before I went to work he was having a mid day feed and think it encouraged him to drop it, but he didn't take long to adjust.

I've been lucky and managed to express (when he was feeding often, could get 5oz in less than 5 minutes!) but couldn't keep up with a fresh supply. My milk goes off when frozen and defrosted for some reason.
That is an interesting blog! Especially the old chestnut about not producing enough. "Myths such as that some women do not produce enough milk to be able to breastfeed. In reality, breastfeeding is a skill that takes practice. Given accurate information and support, virtually all women can breastfeed."

The amount of women I used to get in the hospital, asking for bottles of formula (this was before we stopped stocking it on the wards) because their babies 'weren't getting anything' through breastfeeding was shocking. And no matter how much I sat down and explained all about the mechanics of it all, the colostrum, the brown fat, it just wasn't enough to pursuade them to continue BFing. I think more efforts need to be made antenatally, personally.
no one helped me either, I wasnt even told what was happening I was hoping for the best when feeding. No one however tried it in the ward I was in, the entire wards actually I asked. And ones I do say I breastfeed to like to tell me milk dries up and they didnt get any. No faith at all in the breast and alot has been done over the years to break down that confidence. Imagine a formula company nurse standing there saying this is better than your milk as look at that you cant get any out of your breast (baby can though) so a mum will worry and take that bottle ! Then there is them weight charts they are obsessed with them! so many freaking that a 1b was only put on and switching to formula to get the weight up. Kinda dosnt combat obesity that. Long term it helps obesity like us in here who want to continue one. I am sick of my OH sis saying she breastfeed and her son is really fat! well she done it for a few days it does need to be done longer for all the benefits.

dont know how many times the woman in the formula trolley was in my room asking me was I sure i didnt want some just in case or to try him on! I wont feed him artificiality when I can feed him the way nature intended and as for teddies and blankies, why when I an give him the real thing do people insist on saying give him a teddy or dummy ! but then he will get to attached to me apparently.
If only we had a local Wet Nurse in the area :winkwink:

Funny you should say that - I was looking to donate my milk to a milk bank but the closest one to me if newcastle - about 280 miles away!! I've got a huge supply and can pump loads so was wanting to donate some to the local hospital but they won't take it! If only you lived closer - I would have popped round with ebm every week for you!!
MEH! Then you've got articles like this, which hardly help the cause :dohh:
If only we had a local Wet Nurse in the area :winkwink:

Funny you should say that - I was looking to donate my milk to a milk bank but the closest one to me if newcastle - about 280 miles away!! I've got a huge supply and can pump loads so was wanting to donate some to the local hospital but they won't take it! If only you lived closer - I would have popped round with ebm every week for you!!

Ahhh, we'd have made good use of your huge supply! Damn you for living all the way up in the land of Bonny! :haha:
MEH! Then you've got articles like this, which hardly help the cause :dohh:

What a load of tosh! So he's pretty much saying that breastfed babies don't get cows milk how come there are loads of issues of babies being sick because of cows milk protein when breastfed - my lo was like this! I had to cut out dairy from my diet as it made her sick - but nooo they don't get any cows milk protein when breastfed. Pah.
If only we had a local Wet Nurse in the area :winkwink:

Funny you should say that - I was looking to donate my milk to a milk bank but the closest one to me if newcastle - about 280 miles away!! I've got a huge supply and can pump loads so was wanting to donate some to the local hospital but they won't take it! If only you lived closer - I would have popped round with ebm every week for you!!

Ahhh, we'd have made good use of your huge supply! Damn you for living all the way up in the land of Bonny! :haha:

If only there was a way to transport it frozen! lol
I wish I could express well. Would love to donate, and I only live in Sunderland, so just down the road from Newcastle and a place to donate it.

I detest how the media portrays breastfeeding. The recent article in Mother & Baby magazine a case in point. Grr!
The only time I seen breastfeeding in the media was when it was being badly spoken about or some woman feeding teenagers which went to far. There seems to be an image of freaky breastfeeding out there. And also helpful info is called insulting now.
Hello Ladies!! My daughter is a 18 month old self confessed 'booboo' addict. I plan to let her wean herself, why the heck not. My booby is still very good for her.

Did you know? Some countries consider breastfeeding normal until 6 years or older. I would love to live in a country where is socially acceptable past 6 months.. Pssh!
your daughter is 5 days older than my son waitingforyou. Still going strong here to even when [pregnant and I was told I would have to stop or dry up. Is it true you dry up? was told that should have happened at 14 weeks but I am 24 weeks nearly. My son is a boobaholic.
Hey. I noticed your son is the same age, little cutie. Boobaholic here too, she is still on me probably just as much as a 5 month old baby. Craziness, but I lurveee it all the same.

As for your question, this is true in some women. Although the figures are very low! Almost all women carry on producing milk throughout pregnancy. You may soon find your milk turn back to colostrum and William might self wean at this point. Although your milk could change to colostrum as late as a few weeks/days before birth. Have you considered the though of tandem feeding? William may well carry on breastfeeding if you are happy with it whilst the baby is here. Some toddlers like the return to colostrum, some don't. Milk drying up is a relatively rare problem amongst pregnant women.

Great Group!! :D :D :D

My LO is near 7 months and still a total booby baby! I have tried her on some baby food and a lil rice cereal but she doesn't want it. So we decided to wait a while before trying to introduce any solids again. She doesn't take a bottle at all either, which is hard sometimes because I can't leave her more than 2 hours at a time ( Only done it once for 2 hours and missed her like mad!! ) she will take some milk out of a sippy, and I mean just some lol... she loves booby! If I can't find a few kids to look after after school I will have to return to work which sucks :( but I am doing everything I can to stay home as I don't want to force any weaning on her at all.
:wave: i didnt know this exsisted til now :D

We're BFing for 18 months now :happydance: Planning on following the self weaning route!
Hey. I noticed your son is the same age, little cutie. Boobaholic here too, she is still on me probably just as much as a 5 month old baby. Craziness, but I lurveee it all the same.

As for your question, this is true in some women. Although the figures are very low! Almost all women carry on producing milk throughout pregnancy. You may soon find your milk turn back to colostrum and William might self wean at this point. Although your milk could change to colostrum as late as a few weeks/days before birth. Have you considered the though of tandem feeding? William may well carry on breastfeeding if you are happy with it whilst the baby is here. Some toddlers like the return to colostrum, some don't. Milk drying up is a relatively rare problem amongst pregnant women.


cool thanks for that advice! I was dreading a dry up but the way my son feeds I doubt that will happen. I want to tantum feed though even though I will be wreaked and feel like a cat for sure :haha:nipples are a bit sensitive sometimes and the aurolas have turned brown thats the only difference I have noticed. I need a good breastfeeding sling for number two so I am not chained to a sofa again. I had one with william only its gone walkies in the house move.
Good on you. I admire anyone who can tandem nurse, out of curiosity I'd love to give it a go. I bet its hard work, I'd definitely do it though.

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