all, just found this group. We've been BFing for almost 10 months now. It's nice to see lots of people in here BFing past the one year mark.
Dragonfly, reading your posts about all the negative comments you've received due to 'still' BFing William breaks my heart. He is stunning by the way.

I too have had comments about how by BFing & BLW I am deliberately underfeeding & starving my child & will turn him into an underweight eating disorder freak unless I switch to FF... Even my own sister (who BF both her kids, which makes it even more hurtful) says my son is a scrawny little runt who I dont feed enough! But oh well. I know I'm doing the best for my child & I'm lucky to have a great BFing group & a great playgroup where I now live who are incredibly reassuring & encouraging & all encompassing for women who BF & there is a great harmony between those who FF & BF, thank god!!