Breastfeeding Support - 6 months and beyond!

That must be hard,what do you do once lo starts school?Will she have to keep switching too?
Sorry I've took over the thread a bit. :blush: I don't have a hubby here to rant to so BnB get's to hear it instead. :haha:

As for calling it 'nursing' to feed. I have really never called it that. I always just say breastfeed.

I have nothing against formula. Really I don't. I'm the only one in my family that has breastfed so I'm pretty much the oddball. But does anyone else get irritated seeing a mom feeding a baby formula and they are just letting the bottle be propped up and aren't paying any attention to the baby in their arms? I've seen this in public with moms just propping the bottle and than sitting there texting on their phones. :dohh: It just bothers me for some reason.
Bloody hell, Clecker, they sound like an absolute nightmare! You're definitely best off out of that coven of witches! Are your parenting choices really that unusual where you are?

I know what you mean, Kerry, my BIL's mum said to her husband the other day while I was round there "Elski's feeding Esmé herself, you know" as if it was some kind of alien phenomenon. I think she was embarrassed to say the word breast or something :shrug:

Yeah. I think it really is unusual. Or maybe I'm just living in the wrong places. :haha: I thought California would be free-spirited and accepting of anything but I've gotten more dirty looks while feeding Emma here than I did back in Virginia when I lived there. :shrug:
That must be hard,what do you do once lo starts school?Will she have to keep switching too?

Yeah Emma would have to change schools with every move. :( We are thinking about him getting out before Emma is school age. Because it couldn't be easy. I grew up in one place my entire life so moving around and trying to meet new people doesn't come easily to me either. But I can't even imagine having to find all new friends while still in school.
i'm quite lucky i think. my antenatal girls are totally different to my parenting, im a totak "attachment" parenting style and they are all ff/cio/cc parenting but we all get along - happy to hear about each others parenting and get along great
i'm quite lucky i think. my antenatal girls are totally different to my parenting, im a totak "attachment" parenting style and they are all ff/cio/cc parenting but we all get along - happy to hear about each others parenting and get along great

I think that's the way it should be. :thumbup: I believe I just had the misfortune to meet the one bad group. I'm hoping I won't have this issue again. :wacko:

I think this is why it has been bothering me so much, because it makes no sense. :nope: The sad thing is, I actually started questioning myself on how I parent Emma now. Wondering if I'm right to co-sleep and to answer all her cries, etc. Although the entire time, all I've done is what comes natural to me. I didn't read about attachment parenting until after I was already doing it. I just did what felt right. As everyone should I think! :flower:
You are doing what you find instinctive so of course its right! You stick to your guns and hopefully yo'll meet some new people who are more open to different ideas!
These girls strike me as the kind of girls who were in the "popular" crowd at school and still use the same bullying methods to make themselves feel good. Bullying and bravado is all because of insecurity. They are probably worried they are doing the wrong thing with their parenting and therefore taking it out on you.
Elski- yeah I think people are scared to say the b word lol its quite funny when we first went to his uncles house he was getting hungry and the uncle said to my daughter 'will you get his bottle and I'l feed him,to which she replied 'mammy feeds him with her booby' lol you should have seen his face!

Cleckner-sorry to keep on we have went off topic but but yeah it is quite hard to keep changing schools,I changed 6 times in my 11 school years and it was scary trying to make new friends.
Also,I hate seeing babies propped up in prams with bottles shoved in,I think if you havent got time to stop and feed your baby maybe you shouldnt have had one.At the playgroup I go to they seem to be desperate for their babies to hold their own bottles as soon as they can so that they can sit and gossip while the baby feeds itself propped in a baby walker or bouncy chair.

As I say,I am the oddball when it comes to parenting around here,but if they do slag me off it must be behind my back cos Iv never heard them :shrug:
Okay. This was in response to my apology for if I offended her. I will say right off the bat, I never once called this woman stupid or anything even along those lines. I'm not a nasty person like that, especially not towards someone I've only known a few weeks.

Her-I wasn't offended until you basically called me stupid. That's rude. I have far more education than you. You say you don't like when ppl tell you how to raise your child? Well I'm gonna tell you that the way you are with Emma is going to make her a very spoiled little girl and very bratty as she gets older. You have to let your child be alone and cry that's what's natural. That's why she gets into everything everywhere and you don't discipline her. You judge us on how we raise our children, you act so superior and you are always very confrontational. I'm not going to be fakey nice I'm the kind of person who tells it how it is and there it is. I feel like you don't think about your childrens future. Emma is going to be such a mommys girl she's going to have seperation anxiety and its going to be hard for her in school and stuff, if you have a son and don't circumsize him he will be outcast. That's just how high school is, people are cruel. But do your whole natural thing and whatever you want to do. They're not my kids.

And this was my response:
Me-I'm not even going to justify this with a good response. My child gets into everything because she's just that. A kid. She's curious about everything. Your kid gets into stuff too, just not as fast. I don't discipline her? I tell her no and back her away from the situation. What do you want me to do, beat her? You think I called you stupid but I never said a single thing about you being stupid. But I see you took the mature route and called me uneducated. Well, I'm educated enough to get rid of horrible people when I come across them. So I'm sorry you don't agree with me, but I'd rather sit with my 'spoiled, horrible' child than waste any more time on this.

And although it is only the one woman that sent this email, the other 2 seem to agree with her. I emailed them and asked what their opinions were and they just gave a neutral response. The very next day I saw them post pictures on Facebook of a playdate they were having that very moment and obviously I wasn't included. It was at the mean girl's house. So I deleted and blocked them all.

what a cheeky bitch! no one would dare say that to me in such a brazen tone. If I seen that face to face i would tear strips off her, hand her her head back. I know I have had rows with people but they do restrain themselves as they know their place. Some say I must be happy with my life and take a strop and just dont come back again. My aunt dosnt come near me as her persiuion on formula feeding and a christening didnt work and sadly I think thats why the family sent her to me to have words.
i'm quite lucky i think. my antenatal girls are totally different to my parenting, im a totak "attachment" parenting style and they are all ff/cio/cc parenting but we all get along - happy to hear about each others parenting and get along great

I think that's the way it should be. :thumbup: I believe I just had the misfortune to meet the one bad group. I'm hoping I won't have this issue again. :wacko:

I think this is why it has been bothering me so much, because it makes no sense. :nope: The sad thing is, I actually started questioning myself on how I parent Emma now. Wondering if I'm right to co-sleep and to answer all her cries, etc. Although the entire time, all I've done is what comes natural to me. I didn't read about attachment parenting until after I was already doing it. I just did what felt right. As everyone should I think! :flower:

was the same as me, i knew northing till I was it doing it. I love waking up and seeing William in between us we both cuddle him. But when someone else puts themselves in my place and they dont like their space invaded for whatever reason by a baby they tend to think we should think that to and that babies need space. I dont really care what they think I always do what I think which is why i have very little friends .

so sick of poeple looking and breast feeders and immediately saying its condescending! I have seen that pop up here a few times to, very angry people about.
Hi :hi:

We've only just made it past 6 months so I'm not really as far on as everyone else...but hoping to get to at least a year and then we'll just potter on after that if she's happy :D

Also big :hugs: to everyone struggling with negative reactions, I've had my fair share of silly comments from friends, but I consider myself blessed to come from a big family of 'extended' BFers who just me carrying on as normal :D I'd share them with you all if I could :haha:
oh Clerkner, huge :hugs: to you & Emma :(
As you know from all the crap with my sister a few weeks ago about the way I choose to parent Harry & since we stopped talking, I have zero friends in my area too & the women in my baby group are soooo sliquey at times. (generally they're lovely, but some are really outspoken). We had such a day yesterday with regards to BLW- this one lady told me I was irresponsible for doing BLW, that he would choke & die (!) & that he'll never learn to use cutlery (umm, of course he will when he's ready to!) & how she thinks it's disgusting seeing these grubby little children feeding themselves like animals that way & how when Harry goesn to nursery they aren't gonna faff around with BLW just for one special child & that he'll be fed the same as everyone else. I was so furious!!! I gave her my 2 cents, but the rest of the group went silent & I could tell they were hating me, lol. Oh well, screw them.
On a BFing note though, 80% of the women there BF, which is awesome & are very supportive of that, but do think I'm a bit weird for wanting to let harry self wean rather than me decide when enough is enough. They all seem to have fixed terms for how long they'll do it for, some related to work, which is understandable though...

anyways.... on a positive note, I remember one of you ladies started a thread about the funny positions your toddler's get into while having some booby time. Harry's just started trying to feed sitting up & if he's stood by the sofa & I learn forwrdas, he keeps trying to hook my boob out for a cheeky feed! So cute :) Although I'd be mortified if he did it in public like that & my knocker feel out for all to see! :rofl:
:wave: WYWH

I took LO to the clinic to get her weighed today and it was packed. There was a HV there who was conducting surveys for women who BF'd as she's trying to pilot a scheme where there's a lot more support in this area and also with a view to spreading the word about BLW. She said ideally, they're looking at over the next 2 years, getting awareness on the up with a view to people exclusively BFing to 6m, then starting BLW but continuing BFing to 2 years. She was dismayed when I answered her questions and it basically showed that noone had offered me help or advice around BFing in hospital or in the community when I started out so almost gave up. She was also dismayed that out of all the people who'd been through the clinic so far (it had been open for half an hour and 17 people had passed through it) only 2 people including myself, had/were BFing and able to fill out her survey.

I'm pleased that she's starting this initiative in this area, I really really hope it changes things!
Just woke up and wanted to say good morning girls!! :wave: I hate being on such a time difference as you girls. I'm pretty sure we are 8 hours different. :wacko: But hopefully everyone has an amazing day!
Well I've had a rubbish day - lo's toothies are nipping me now - anyone got any tips on dealing with this? She's got two at the bottom, ones about 1/3 through and the others just coming out.
Morning/evening all!

We've had a lovely day, my parents came down and we spent the day enjoying the sunshine at a National Trust place (Buckland Abbey).

With the teething thing, we had the hardest time with W's top 2 out of all of them so far! He would feed for comfort and graze his teeth, ouch! It does get better though, I would only let her feed when hungry for a couple days til they're through properly if you can? Good luck!
I wish I could help with the teeth situation but Emma still has 0. :dohh: I can see the bottom two coming through finally. I just noticed them this week. I can feel them under the surface, but nothing yet! It's just a waiting game I suppose. She does bite down at times and I just take her off, say no and set her on the floor. Of course she cries and than it's the same cycle over and over because once I reattach her, she bites again. :wacko:
well, we had a nice day too :) I had my asthma clinic & allergy clinic appointments & they changed ALL my meds, which I wasn't expecting, lol, but hey, it's for the best to keep me alive & well :dohh: The meds they wanted to give me I can't take while BFing, so the nurse goes, 'well you've got a tough decision to make- you either have to suffer & put up with certain things, or call it quits with breastfeeding & take the meds.' So I said I wasn't gonna quit Bfing yet, so she said, 'well it's nice to see some young women so committed with feeding, but remember you've got to look after yourself too!' So yeah, I'm taking everything I';m allowed to take that's safe, and I've got a review in 4 weeks & she told me that as soon as I stop feeding him, then she wants me to try this injection drug that basically knocks out your immune system for a few months so you dont react to anything... sounds a bit scary!

Anyone got any good plans for the weekend?
hi ladies. i've just noticed your group and just wanted to say hi. I have a daughter who is nearly three and i bf her until she was 13 months old (thats when she decided she wasn't interested anymore). i also have a 6 and a half month old son who i am currently bf and intend doing so until he is ready to stop.

having read back on a few of your posts i know what its like having people passing judgement and telling you to stop. they should just concentrate on their own lives!

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