Buddy wanted!

Hi ladies!!

Sorry for the prolonged absence. After last month, all the baby talk was starting to drive me a bit mad. It was nice to have a little break but I have still been checking up every so often just for this one thread :)

I thought I'd drop in to give you a quick update:

Called DR's office last week and found out that my blood test came back negative which means that ALL of those crazy symptoms were from Mirena's removal. Obviously, I was disappointed by that was a month ago so now I am back in the game!

Because of how late my period was, I calculated a 35 day cycle (day one being the first day without mirena NOT the first day of my last period). According to what I've read online, a long first cycle after mirena is completely normal and nothing to be alarmed about. AF lasted Wednesday the 29th of May until Tuesday the 4th of June however the last two days were lighter. That is a regular AF for me (or rather, what a regular cycle used to be like for me PRIOR to Mirena).

I used to be as regular as clock-work so now that I finally got a period (and all the symptoms stopped etc.), I'm assuming that my body is on it's way back to normal. If it IS back to normal and I have a 28 day cycle then I O'd on the 12th however if my cycles are now a ridiculous 35 days, I O'd somewhere around the 19th. Because I believe my cycles are a bit more regular now, we BD'ed on the 4th, the 6th, the 7th, the 8th, the 10th, the 11th, the 12th, the 20th and the 22nd.

If I have a 28 day cycle, AF should begin tomorrow. If I have a 35 day cycle, AF should begin on Friday July 6th... and obviously it could begin anywhere between the two.

As for figuring out my cycle, it obviously would've been easier if I had temped or used OPK's however after the craziness of last month, I really needed this break. It has been good for me to not be obsessing.

I have not had much by way of symptoms although I haven't really been paying attention. The only thing to really note is that my boobs have grown to a CRAZY size (my bras don't even fit) in the last week or so! I got a stretch mark on the top of one of them because they grew so fast. They have been hurting a bit, not much (especially bad if I take my bra off like for sleeping). Other than that, everything has been normal and of course, the boobs growing could have easily been more withdrawal symptoms from mirena.

Of course, I am hoping that this is our month however if my body needs to wait another few months, I would not be upset as maybe that is what's best for the someday baby.

I'm really sorry that AF showed when you were hoping it was your month Froggie :-( and Lilly, FX'ed that your OH's little swimmers lasted right up until you had the O pain/bleeding. MAYBE it was implantation bleeding ;-)
Zumba- Glad to hear you're more relaxed. Hopefully you've O'd!!! When will you do a test or will you wait AF out?

Was pretty sad to see AF again but hopefully i'll find out next week whether it's been sucessful....

I had mine out in January and my body is only just getting back to normal!

Froggie - I didn't know that re AF starting! Mine ALWAYS starts in the late afternoon and I have always counted that as CD1! So that means that I probably O'd on day 13/14 rather than 14/15! Not that it makes a difference I guess!

I don't know why i obsess over when i actually O'd as in reality i guess it doesn't matter - i think i obsess because I want to know how close I am to testing! Though I'm already seriously nervous about testing - will wait until 3rd when DH is back....... OR I'll test way sooner than that because i'm impatient lol!

We're going to do SMEP if this month isn't sucessful. It's not a good idea for us to try and cram BD'ing in just because we feel like we should every night for a week and then we both end up nearly broken!
I am going to wait until friday July 5th to test as that is the latest AF could possibly show. I'm not that worried, don't think I'm PG simce my body is still regulating.

Sorry to hear about AF but O'ing earlier than you thought it a great thing since your OH was gone when you thought you'd O'd, right?

Oh and what's SMEP?
Zumba - Sorry to hear that the last month or so has been nothing more than your body getting back to normal. Silly BC throwing things out of whack the minute we're off of it. I completely understand the need for a break from all things baby from time to time, but I'm glad to know that you are taking things in stride. If nothing else, TTC is not for the faint of heart!

SMEP is the "Sperm Meets Egg Plan" (https://spermmeetseggplan.com/smep-step-by-step/). It's basically a DTD plan to give you the greatest chance for getting pregnant when the odds are already stacked against us each month. Today is CD8 for me, so it'll be day 1 of following SMEP. Keeping my fingers crossed that 1) we stick with it and 2) that it works the first time around!

Lilly, I'm super excited and waiting on pins and needles here during your TWW. Can't wait for the 3rd to see what your test shows!

I'm 6dpo today and yesterday I had to have a smear test :wacko:

I had it done about 8.30am and then at about 6.30pm last night for about 30 seconds I had a really deep cramp but I don't know whether that was from the smear or a potential little eggy shoving it's way into my lining! What do you think? I had no bleeding at all.

Zumba - sorry I probably mis typed that. AF hasn't shown for this cycle yet. Still another week to go! It's so hard to stop myself testing ALREADY as I'm at home alone all the time and no one to give me crazy looks lol!

VT - Thanks for the link, we're going away on the 4th for two weeks and I'll be making sure we follow this to the letter if AF shows. If she doesn't, I'm taking a break from BD'ing lol!!
How's everyone doing?

I'm 9dpo today...........
So close to your testing date, Lilly! I know you have got to be looking forward to that and to your hubby coming home! I've still got my fingers crossed for you. Really hoping this is your month! Have you had any signs/symptoms or other things occur since the cramp a few days ago?

I'm on CD12 today. Negative OPKs since CD10, but I figure tomorrow I might get a postitive even though my calendar is saying ovulation should be on CD15. I say this because I've had 4 solid days of EWCM and typically only get 4 days of it. The mucinex I've been taking has lead to a LOT of CM though, so I'm guessing I might of started seeing the EWCM earlier than normal as a result. Plus, my temps are still low. Been sticking with SMEP so far and hoping it helps the lil sperms catch an egg!
did you get your +OPK today?? I hope so!

Well i was desperately trying not to SS but that all went out the window. Up until today I have been getting back ache and shooting pains in my boobs (but they're not sore) and waves of nausea and a few pressure pains but they're in my left and right ovaries not in the middle! But unfortunately all these things could be AF coming. I think she's due Saturday :cry:

I've got everything crossed for you! I think SMEP will make this your month! we're going to do it next month!
I really hate that pre-AF symptoms are so similar to early pregnancy symptoms. I'm still holding out hope for you, Lilly! Tomorrow's testing day, right? You'll have to let us know how it goes. Wishing you lots of :dust:!!

No positive OPK today for me... but I swear I'm getting some signs that O may be coming (cramping and bloating), so I almost feel like I may have missed the surge. Since I use digital OPKs, I've swapped to testing with FMU this time around. It alleviates the need keeping my water intake at bay and holding for a minimum of 4 hours, neither of which I'm a fan of doing. But after last month I feel like I'm never going to get a positive. At least my temps were still low this morning (actually they dipped) so at least I haven't missed O. On one hand I'm tempted to BD again today, even though it's an off day for SMEP, but on the other hand I'm worried that I'm burning DH out with all of the sex!
Well I was going to test tomorrow but AF isn't due until Sunday so I think I might hold out (if I can!).

I think you've definitely missed the surge if you're using FMU. We opted for no OPKs this month purely because 1. they were stressing me and 2 I was dehydrated lol!
Hi ladies-- lilly I'm so excited for you to test!! Those signs all sound like good news to me... are those normal PMS symptoms for you?

I am on day 35 of this cycle, AF is 6 days late. I am hopeful however I have a sinking feeling that I'm not PG. I have been having light light light cramps on and off for a few days now. I will get one and think its my period but then it foes away.

I COULD name a bunch of other symptoma but I've been being good and NOT SS. I am testing on Friday if there still is no sign of AF... that would be 9 days late which I think is safe enough that of I am lucky enough to be PG, it would show when I POAS. We'll see!!
Well I was going to test tomorrow but AF isn't due until Sunday so I think I might hold out (if I can!).

I think you've definitely missed the surge if you're using FMU. We opted for no OPKs this month purely because 1. they were stressing me and 2 I was dehydrated lol!

I did read a lot before this round of OPK testing, stating that using FMU isn't an issue with digital OPKs. I actually re-read the instructions, which state that you can test at any time of day and that most users find it convenient to test with FMU. Technically the digitals only show a smiley when hormone levels are higher than previous days, but who knows. It's completely possible that my surge is short. Previously I've always tested mid-afternoon. Either way, I talked with DH a bit ago and we're going to BD today b/c I'm certain I should be O'ing tomorrow. Now watch the OPK show up positive tomorrow morning, haha!

Hi ladies-- lilly I'm so excited for you to test!! Those signs all sound like good news to me... are those normal PMS symptoms for you?

I am on day 35 of this cycle, AF is 6 days late. I am hopeful however I have a sinking feeling that I'm not PG. I have been having light light light cramps on and off for a few days now. I will get one and think its my period but then it foes away.

I COULD name a bunch of other symptoma but I've been being good and NOT SS. I am testing on Friday if there still is no sign of AF... that would be 9 days late which I think is safe enough that of I am lucky enough to be PG, it would show when I POAS. We'll see!!

Keeping my fingers crossed for you as well, Zumba! I've been reading where a lot of women feel less than stellar (especially getting cold symptoms) during early pregnancy. I'd definitely say 9 days late is a safe time to POAS without getting a negative if you're PG. :dust: to you too!
Zumba - well each month I think they're new symptoms but then AF comes along a few days later!

I'm struggling not to test in the morning...... arrrggghhhhhh!

So you're cycle is usually 29 days? I'm so hoping this is your month!

Froggie - be careful with wearing DH out - that's what I did!! How long are your cycles usually?
I broke down and tested last night when I got home from the gym. Figured it'd be my most dehydrated point of the day since there's no AC where I work out, so I tend to sweat out a lot of the water I drink throughout the day and during the workout, so the urine should have been fairly concentrated despite my insane water intake earlier in the day. Guess I interpreted my body signals appropriately b/c I got a positive OPK when I tested. So thankfully our decision to BD wasn't an extra day just for the heck of it, based on SMEP.

I completely understand the not wanting to wear DH out. I don't think we've tried to BD for consecutive days in a row in a quite a while (typically stick with EoD) and since I got my positive yesterday, that puts us at 4 consecutive days. I know we are both looking forward to me leaving Thursday night if for no other reason than to be able to take a break from DTD without guilt! Of course, that means we still have to make it through Thursday if we continue following SMEP religiously as we have been.

I also totally understand the "new" symptoms each month w. AF still showing up. I broke down at the beginning of this cycle and charted all my symptoms in excel by DPO so that I could compare each day of the cycle side-by-side. Turns out a lot of them lined up, something I hadn't noticed at all before. At least it will hopefully keep me from SS this month (and potential future cycles) and thinking to myself, "I've never had this symptom so early before."

Finally, looking back at my cycles since January, I get 2 consecutive 27 day cycles (w. O on CD 15) followed by a single 24 day cycle (w. O on CD 12). This month should be a 27 d cycle.
Yay glad you O'd! You'll be 1dpo tomorrow!

Going away to France for two weeks in the morning but will be keeping an eye out for updates and also will update you as to whether AF shows on Sunday! I broke down and tested last night too, was a BFN but i'm hoping it's just too early for me right now!

Definitely doing the SMEP next month if it doesn't work this month. And to be honest, I don't think it will be. I know it's a silly and negative thing to say but I just feel empty right now.

Good luck everyone!

x x x
Yay froggie!! So happy you finally got that positive OPK. I know you were probably going insane loojibg for it!

Because I just had mirena removed two months ago, I don't yet know the length of my normal cycles. Before mireba it was 28 days like clock work, with mireba I still got AF but had like 40-50 day cycles (which my dr said is common). Last month, my cycle was 35 days using the day I had mirena removed as CD 1 (although I didn't bleed) so I could easily jusg have longer cycles now.

Since I've had time yo calm down a biy, if I get a BFN when I test on Friday then I'm going to temp and use OPK's.
LADIESSSSSS!!!!!! This morning I woke up at a little before 5:30 AM because I had to pee (again) and remembered hey! It's friday! I can test today.

So I did. And I got a BIG BFP!!!!!! I mean the test line was darker than the control line and showed up immedietly. I took another to be sure. I am sooooo excited!!!!

I know it's hard to hear about pregnancy woes while you're still TTC so I'm going to switch over to the pregnancy threads howevrer I truely believe this board was GREAT luck and I can't wait to ser you two wonderful ladies on the other side!!
Lilly, have loads of fun in France! And definitely keep us up to date on how this cycle turns out.

Zumba, I'm so happy for you! Congrats on your BFP!!! :hugs: Wishing you a very happy & healthy journey over the next 9 months and can't wait to see you on the other side of the forum!!!!!!!

Perhaps July is the lucky testing month for our little group and Lilly will be making her announcement next!
LADIESSSSSS!!!!!! This morning I woke up at a little before 5:30 AM because I had to pee (again) and remembered hey! It's friday! I can test today.

So I did. And I got a BIG BFP!!!!!! I mean the test line was darker than the control line and showed up immedietly. I took another to be sure. I am sooooo excited!!!!

I know it's hard to hear about pregnancy woes while you're still TTC so I'm going to switch over to the pregnancy threads howevrer I truely believe this board was GREAT luck and I can't wait to ser you two wonderful ladies on the other side!!

OMG I'm so so excited for you!!!!!! That's so amazing!!

Hopefully we'll see you on the other side soon! X x
Thank you ladies. I think you're right Froggie, July is the lucky month for our group. Best of luck ladies-- FXed!

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