Buddy while TTC#1

Awwww, I'm so sorry you guys :-( Well let's all get our bfp's this time and have hope that they'll stick around for 9 months!!!

I don't feel positive cuz I don't have any symptoms or anything and it's just really discouraging. I did have a weird dream last night where I was pregnant. I don't remember getting my bfp or the whole 9 months I was pregnant and I didn't know what I was having but all a sudden I'm in the hospital and they are getting my bed ready or something so I was laying on the floor and the baby just starts sliding right out of me. I had to deliver him myself on the floor. It was an easy labor and I wouldn't mind it being so easy next time it happens for me. Lol
Well guys I'm back officially. My blood results came back and the doctor said they are negative. I'm ready for my rainbow baby and sticky bean!
I'm so sorry! Well fx'd that this will happen for all of us this time around!!!
Oh gosh wow you are handling this so well. I am so sorry. I can't beeline you both have been through the same stuff at the same time like that! Well, I'm on this thread until I see all 3 of you get sticky bfps!

Tina I know what you mean. My hubby tells me off for being discouraged by the whole thing, but ttc is stressful and hard work I think! Before we started I thought that having unprotected sex just once would get me pregnant straight away haha! And now it seems like I'm hoping for a miracle... Which is what it is really. I've had that dream too, quite a few times actually! Or I've also dreamt that I had a baby and forgot to look after it, and it was crying and I wasn't looking after it!

Ladies you are superstars. I hope you're being kind to yourselves right now and that you start to feel better with time- though I can't imagine what it's like. Loads of love to you xx
I used to think that I would get pregnant easy having unprotected sex cuz that's how it was with my first. Now I just feel like there is something wrong with us, or me, or dh. I know we've only been trying 3 cycles but it just feels discouraging. I will be sticking around till we all get bfps that stick!
Thanks. I'm trying. I have my moments, but I just want to feel that happiness again. I'm looking forward to that.
Hugs to you babydust! Sounds like you are managing ok, but I know it's not easy! I still feel a bit in shock tbh...but it seems like today my bleeding is down to almost nothing and the doctor told me that often women actually ovulate quite soon after a miscarriage (like earlier than you would in a normal cycle) so I'm feeling hopeful that maybe we'll get lucky again right away.

Sorry you guys are feeling so discouraged tina and cupoftea...I remember feeling so discouraged and hopeless back in June when a doctor told me I might not be able to get pregnant without fertility drugs. Honestly the thing I think was most helpful for me about doing acupuncture was just that it was an hour out of my week where I was just able to relax and I tried to focus a lot of positivity on my body and put the trust in my body that it knew what it was doing. If nothing else it brought me a sense of calm and helped ease that feeling of hopelessness. I find sometimes even going for a walk, or taking a bath and doing some good deep breathing can help. I know it's not that helpful in the moment of feeling so discouraged and hopeless to hear that but I really did find those things helped me.

Anyway, I'm definitely sticking around till everyone gets their BFP! I hope we'll all have babies by the end of next summer! :)
Oh my goodness, I am such an idiot!!! :dohh: I've been on this forum all this time, and only just noticed the "reply" button... I've been using "quick reply" which doesn't have the smilies! I always wondered how people did them! Now I'm gonna go smilie crazy! :haha::haha:

Gosh, babies by next summer, there's a thought. :baby: I can't imagine it actually happening! I've got a job interview on Monday. When I think about starting a new job knowing I'm ttc I'm not sure how I feel... But I think I should just get on with it and take it as it comes! If I put my life on hold it will all go a whoooole lot slower.

Hugs!:hugs: haha that's so cute!
I'd love to have a baby by the end of next summer!!! Lol. I just saw some u/s pics of other mommies to be and it just makes me want to be pregnant even more. *sighs* trying to be patient but it's hard
Hahaha too fun about the smilies :thumbup:

I would love to be pregnant and due in early summer. I am a teacher and that's why May was perfect for me. I was only going to miss 4 weeks of school and have the whole summer off with the baby, BUT depending on how fast we get pregnant again (fingers crossed) I will still have plenty of summer time with my baby. We just DTD so we are trying again already...we don't want to wait...we are ready to get going again. :winkwink:
I would get going asap again too!

I had read online somewhere that the blood pressure meds my dh is on could cause infertility and I didn't know whether to believe that so I asked my doctor today and she said that normally doesn't cause infertility, it's not one of the common side effects. She said since we've only been trying for 3 months it's still early(which I knew) to have any concerns so Just keep on doing what im doing, using the opks, and having sex often. She said to give it 3 more months and if we haven't fallen pregnant to come in and they'll gladly see what's going on. She said I know 3 months can seem like a long time but it's really not. It was nice to talk to her and have some reassurance. She tested my thyroid back in may and It was fine then, so she said she'd check it again in 3 more months.
I know how long it feels like...we got pregnant in 4 months and it felt like an eternity...well now it feels even longer! I can't wait to see my u/s one day with a baby and a beating heart. We didn't even get the chance for that this time around...everything happened so very fast with the MC...I am very excited for the next time though...i have to call my midwife tomorrow though because I am curious as to why my levels dropped so fast...i want to make sure that my body is producing enough progestrone and such...i am sure it was just a fluke but I literally have no answers other than i am not pregnant anymore...a doctor was the one to call me and he wasn't very compassionate and didn't really say anything except my blood work was negative...no exaggeration about the limited amount of information we were given...lol...nothing i can do though...
It does feel like an eternity and I feel like I'm out this month even tho they say you're not out till af shows!

I hope we get to all see an ultrasound and have a beating heart beat this time around!! I do dislike when doctors are not compassionate especially when it's like something you are going through. Keep us updated on what the doctor says about your progesterone levels and hopefully it was just a fluke!!
Yay for trying again! Yes the timing would be so good to get pregnant now to finish the academic year, we've still got a couple of months.

Tina there's no reason why you would be out this cycle? I think no symptoms is probably a good thing, better than imagining all sorts and then getting disappointed and feeling like a crazy person! :wacko: I totally have hope for you this month. That's nice the doc will see you after only 6 months, I thought normally you had to try for a year before they would test. It's not gonna come to that though!

Katie may I ask why the doctor said it might take a while? I'm so glad you proved him wrong so quickly. You can do it again!

Would you tell me what you think please girls? We DTD a couple of times after finishing AF, and 2/3 days later than the last time I got a positive OPK. I didn't see a very dark line, only faint- but I wasn't testing very frequently so I guess it might have gone dark between testing. The next day we DTD again, but I was grumpy we hadn't the day before pos OPK. What do you think of the chances? It's not ideal... But could happen?
It could absolutely happen! Plus remember that sperm can live up to 5 days. If you had even a slight line there's a chance and just in general theta always a chance. I honestly didn't even use the tests the cycle I got pregnant and I don't plan on using them as of right now. I think it stressed me out more.
There's no reason why I would be out but I just feel out. I have some af symptoms so that's why I feel out now. I thought it had to be a year too but she said in 3 months we can start going in and talking to them about it if it hasnt happened yet, i hope it doesn't come to that neither, and yes it could definitely happen!!! Fx'd the sperm lived long enough for one to get to your egg#
Yes babydust I know what you mean, it stressed me out more too and I don't know if it's worth it. Though it's always good to know I do actually ovulate about normal time haha! How are you doing?

Not long now Tina. I was reading last night some blogs of people who got bfps, and so many of then said they were convinced they were out, and couldn't believe when they weren't! Do you have af symptoms now?

How are you Katie?
I do have af syptoms. I feel a bit bloated and crampy. They feel like af cramps, when I was pregnant with my son the cramps were definitely different feeling. My boobs also don't hurt. My boobs hurt with my first, and i know they say every pregnancy is different but I just feel like if I were pregnant my boobs would hurt somewhat and they just don't hurt at all. I'm trying to stay optimistic and trying real hard no to go poas lol
I am doing pretty well...i have my moments of sadness, but that's to be expected...i am just ready for everything to be "normal" again and be pregnant...it's hard to believe that this happened a week ago as of tomorrow...but everything happens for a reason and my husband and I are ready to move on...how is everyone else?
Just waiting out the rest of my tww. Only couple days now and I'm expecting af soon cuz it feels like my uterus is going to fall out sometimes and that happens before af lol. I hate cramps!

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