Glad to hear his grandma is improving! And that's awesome that you won things at the egg hunt
Glad you are feeling better today Maggs! Your in-laws sound lovely

Mine aren't great but at least the (few) times they have been around Hannah they (somewhat) show interest in her
No guinea pigs for me. Actually I don't want any rodent type animal or reptile or even a dog really though I'd be more likely to give into the dog than the other two

I'm a cat person, we have two cats (got them a few years before Hannah so they had passed the manic kitten stage) and I'm happy enough to leave it with just the two of them.
No way would I have gotten an animal after Hannah though if we hadn't already had these two, at least until she got a bit older so I can completely understand where you are coming from Amanda (and I only had the one!)
We are doing our own thing for Easter (surprise surprise

). Tomorrow we're going to dye eggs and I have some sugar cookie dough to make cookies with Hannah if we have time (otherwise I'll do it on Sunday). I also want to go to the store and we need to clean--I don't want to have to do that Easter day! And Sunday will hopefully be nice and relaxing with her hunting eggs and if the weather is nice a playground run or two.
oh and for Easter gifts we got her a new sand toy (it's really cool, I can't wait to play with it

) and some cheap bits and bobs from the dollar shop in No Frills to stuff eggs with plus a bit of candy of course