Gonna give my 2.5 cents as I have researched this whole speech thing inside and out. Definitely not trying to say that Tobe is going to have the same situation as Claire, and take what you want from it. Also, not trying to tell you what to do.
Personally, I'd get him signed up for whatever programs that you have out in your area ASAP. I've learned the hard way that just waiting with the thought of it getting better was not exactly the greatest thing for us. I should have been more proactive when this all started a little over a year and a half ago.
It took us over a year of waiting just to have Claire
assessed by a Speech/Language Pathologist. We are at a year and a half wait and counting with no hope of getting a SLP assigned to her to help anytime soon. I don't care what anyone says - that is an excessive wait.
It could be anything really. It could be Simon speaking for him, could be the TV. He could have been destined to just not be speaking much by this age even if he didn't have an older brother or TV influence. We'll never know! I personally would investigate it. I choose to look at it no different if Claire had been struggling with math or with her spelling. I wouldn't leave it and hope that in time, she'd
get it. I'd hire the tutor, help her get past whatever stumbling block that's preventing her from getting it and we've move on.
So same with speech. Before the mention of Autism and we just figured she had a speech delay that's what we decided. Get her the help. We saw progress as well, which was what made getting a SLP more lucrative for us as the SLP could teach Claire in a way that we had no idea.
Anyhoo... just my 2.5 cents. Whether you decide to wait or decide to investigate its up to you. Personally I just don't think there'd be any harm in having him attend any Speech groups.

Its something to learn and that is never a bad thing!
I will say how I feel is totally biased by what's been going on with our own situation, lol.