Well, as some of you know, I was booked for my biopsy yesterday morning. I have been waiting over a year for this appointment. I almost always have very painful pap tests, and yesterday, finally I found out why. I warned the doctor, that my cervix is very hard to get at, he said, no worries he has seen tilted uteruses before. After 20mins of him trying, and me quietly tearing up, he says I cant do this biopsy. If I continue, I will be causing you some serious pain. He then asks who my family doc is, I told him, he rolled his eyes and said he cant beleive she has never sent me for some special U/S........long story short, after my bad c-section, I had healed badly, and what happend was my cervix was tilted up and basically fused itself with scar tissue to the roof of my vaginal cavity. He said he couldnt even see my cervix, there is so much scar tissue. Thus, explaining perhaps why I cant get pregnant!! He is now booking me for surgery, JUST to finally get the biopsy done. He said while he is in there, he will look around and see what he can do to fix this mess all up.
I cried the whole way home, not sure why....maybe because someone should have freaking caught this sooner??? 14 years later, I am almost 37 and driving myself crazy wondering why I cant get pregnant. Now I will have to have surgery, then heal, etc....this will take almost a year! I think I was also crying because finally, I think I have an answer as to why we havent gotten pregnant. He told me to keep my fertility clinic appt on the 14th and maybe suggest they do a check to see if there is scar tissue around my tubes as well.
Needless to say, yesterday, I was in pain all day, mentally and physically. I absolutley hate this hurry up and wait game. I am ok if they tell me I have cancer, but if I cant have another baby, I will be devastated. I waited so long to meet my knight in shining armour before even thinking about bringing another child into this world, now I have him, my life is basically perfect, all that is needed is for me to have a baby. I am tired of being told, you should just be happy you had one, so its selfish of me to want to share more love?? Hell no, I want another, then and only then will I ever feel "complete".
Thanks for listening, feels better to "write" it all down.