Cautiously Pregnant After A Loss. PMA, But Not Taking It For Granted.

I'd ask for the brand you want, there's no point her spending money on something that you really don't want. Maybe just mention to her that you've been recommended that brand :)
Just had a text from my friend saying she will give me her nappies!! I'll give her something for them even though she says doesn't want any money. Now my dilemma ia telling MIL and suggesting something else for her to get. All the big stuff is bought, work have offered to get me a changing bag and blankets. I have lots of clothes and bathing stuff and 3000 wipes! Any ideas? I know she want to feel included but my mind is blank atm (nowt new there then!!)
What about a voucher from a baby clothes shop like mothercare or mamas and papas or even boots that you can use but by bit? You will get lots of clothes bought when he is born in newborn and 0-3 but something that will get you a few nice outfits for say the first year? Most vouchers these days are gift cards and you don't have to spend them all at once. Or how about something that will come in in a few months time if you haven't already got it, like a high chair or a baby walker? These things come around surprisingly quick.
Kelly, please go to the doc or EPU or whatever your first port of call is. They are pretty rubbish here at times but when I had that scan at 7 weeks for my "cramps" which was actually a lack of symptoms they couldn't have been more lovely. Like Ginny said if its just a couple of tiny spots and nothing else, chances are everything is fine. It's a long time till the 18th and that's a long time for you to get yourself into a state, which isn't good for you or the baby. If you tell them you have had spotting they will want to check you over. It's best for you physically and mentally. Please go.
Loz and Clo, hope you two ladies are both holding up ok.
Ginny, Mindy, Pink, Pichi happy Monday.
I dreamed last night I started bleeding. It was horrible. And weird as I have been feeling quite calm about things lately.
Re breast feeding, I didn't feel any pressure from the healthcare professionals as I was the one putting all the pressure on myself - I struggled like hell that first week but I was so determined to breast feed that baby, it was something I had wanted to do all my adult life and I know I would have felt a failure if I hadn't been able to. I wouldn't have been a failure, I certainly didn't realise how hard it was going to be. I was just being damned stubborn about it. I'm certainly pleased I did it, but I know I didn't need to be so pig headed about it. However my friend only bf one of her 3 children - the last one - and then she could only do it for 3 or 4 weeks, but she felt a lot of pressure to do it and to carry on as well. I can't believe a professional would refuse to give advice on formula feeding though. That's ridiculous.
I was also formula fed, and I have always struggled with colds and bugs but I don't think it's anything to do with the formula. I also lived with adoptive parents for the first 6 months of my life, but my mum and I are about as close as a mum and daughter can be, so while all the bonding stuff they teach you about is clearly important in the early days, if that doesn't happen, due to not being able to breast feed, post natal depression, or for whatever reason, it certainly does not mean you will never form a close bond with that child. My mum is my best friend. *climbs down off soap box*
the only number i have is the brampton midwives is it usual to call them or will they think im being a pain?
Totally formula fed I was, and I don't have a single allergy, or asthma, or any other thing that people could possibly say is caused by being FF. One of my brothers has asthma, and he was BF!

Kelly around here midwives can't refer to epau, its the gp that can, however I just called the epau straight for my scan and they sorted it. Call them and explain you don't have a good trust relationship with a gp and therefore don't feel your worries would be taken seriously.

I'm off to midwife appointment in a little bit, going to decline to give them anymore urine samples because they will only pick up the sugary stuff I ate at 3 am before bed plus the glucose from the 3 slices of white toast I just ate with a tin of beans!

Pink how about you tell her you have everything you need, so she can feel free to buy whatever she likes for your baby, without having to stick to a certain thing/brand.
Pink - here are some things that I didn't need straight away but enjoyed having, might give you some ideas....

swing (actually we did use this straight away)
nursery rhyme CDs/DVDs
clothes for when they're bigger
baby sling/carrier
sleeping bag for when they're bigger
baby book
board books
Hi ladies,

Dipping my toes in if that's OK?

Found out on Wednesday that I'm pregnant again after a loss on 27th July at 9 weeks (Although baby mesaured small for the whole pregnancy)

Feeling cautiously positive. :)
Hi Cupcake! Welcome, sorry for your loss and congratulations on your bfp. We are a cautiously happy, positive bunch here, and always here to help each other through early day wobbles. Good luck and I hope you are with us for the duration!
Hi cupcake - welcome. Mrsmig said it all perfectly!

Ginny - thanks. I do have some of those things already! But I might ask for another playmat.

Loz - did you sleep better last night, not as achey today?

Kelly - I would get the number for the EPU where you had your first scan and see what they say, but if not try the mw. That is what they are there for, to help out-with normal appointments
Loz, hee hee I kicked the ball around the garden for Lola this morning, that was a kind of crab gallop!!!

Mindy, I ate quite a lot too but tried to make sure it was the right things, not easy if you are craving naughty things though. Also I was lucky in that I got a load of exercise chasing a puppy round …. Nothing wrong with putting on weight when pregnant though, most of it will be boobs, blood, placenta etc etc and not actual body fat anyway!! Breast feeding and chasing around after a newborn will help get it off afterwards im sure.

Debzie, I have an electric pump, don’t know the difference or used either before though so cant really help there. I felt the same, didn’t buy anything till after the 20 week scan apart from a few bits and bobs, if its half price though think positively and go get it chick :hugs:

Pink, mmmm sexy socks!! Oh yes didn’t think about having to get them on and off, think hubby help might be called for!! I agree, think of something that you might not need straight away but that will be a nice long term thing, maybe highchair or something like that??

Kelly, hope you are ok my dear?? I agree, ring them and see what they say.

I hate how they call bottle feeding “artificial feeding”!! Nice! Im going to try my best to BF but I want to try and express fairly soon and mingle the two. Might have to find those special bottles Loz, do you know what they are called??

Hope, aw it will be nice to visit work but good to leave and get some rest chick.

MrsMig, aw that’s so sweet saying your mum is your best friend, its nice to be close to your mum isn’t it :hugs:

Cupcake, congratulations my dear, stay positive and take one day at a time! My advice is to try your very best to enjoy it, soon you will be like me, 40 weeks and desperate for the baby to come out! :hugs:

I feel like poop today after a good day yesterday, hoping that means body is preparing for eviction!!! Lol!!! xxx
Welcome to our little group cupcake! :flower:

Keeping it short, just got back from midwife. Lil Fella is being naughty, the little devil has un engaged, and is sideways, with a slight chance of breech. I have a scan booked at 2 and if he really is sideways they will be thinking about moving him into engaged and popping my waters. So, maybe no homebirth for me :cry: But if he is sideways and my waters go on their own, he is at risk of cord compression and we know how bad that is. Gah I felt good today, now its all worrying. Gone from engaged baby and definite homebirth to possible induction and hospital birth with a chance of surgery if it doesn't go well...midwife didn't SAY C-sec, but I'll panic regardless! :dohh:
Aw Loz, good luck at your scan chick, not long to wait now and hopefully all will be well ... why do the babies have to scare us like this at the last minute .... ill be there in spirit with you and waiting to hear your hopefully good news chick :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
We are setting off in a minute. NOT looking forward to it. Will update soon as I get back. :wacko::hugs:
good luck Loz - hope bubs moves back into position quickly!
Kelly, I really hope you called and talked to someone. I think a scan will really put your mind at ease. As the other ladies said, the stressing isn't good for you or baby. :hugs:

Pink, our public health nurse is VERY opinionated and quite pushy about it. Luckily I don't have to see her much. She was happy when I said I wanted to bf. I am planning to give it a really good try and if it doesn't work I don't plan to beat myself up about it either. As long as I know I gave it my all. I plan to bf and express too. I really want Shawn to feel included as well.

That is really great about your friend giving you her cloth diapers! I think what the other ladies suggested about an item that you will need later on is a good idea.

Mrs. M, that is horrible about that dream. :hugs: I hate that there is still that damn fear deep down even after you get to a point when you are feeling happy about baby.

That is really great that you and your mother are so close. I am not overly close with either my mom or my sister. I am sad about that. I don't know why we aren't all that close. I just feel so different from them.

Welcome Cupcake :) The ladies here are wonderful. Congratulations
on your bfp!

Clobo, I am trying to eat healthy food. I am trying really hard to reach for fruit rather than junk food. Sometimes that works. :haha: Since I gave up gluten completely I also had to give up take out food. That makes a difference, I think. I am still eating unhealthy things, but at least they aren't deep fried! Haha!

I hope your LO makes his/her appearance today! I hope your uncomfortableness goes soon. :hugs:

(I hope you don't mind I borrowed your bold technique!)

Oh Lozdi! I am sorry to hear that Lil Fella is being so naughty. I really hope that he rights himself before your scan today. I really hope you don't have to get any medical intervention today. Come on little guy, engage!! I am hoping for a really good update later today :)

Hi to everyone :flower:

Well, my nose seems to have decided to work EXTRA well this morning. More than it has been. I came downstairs to let the dogs out for a pee and I could smell my fish tank! I am sitting on the couch, at least 8 feet away from it now and can still smell it! I think it is time for a water change! (even though I don't know how much that will help since it doesn't smell to a normal person! Haha!)

I decided last night to make a traditional Newfoundland cooked dinner. The whole time it was cooking it smelled SO good. It is funny because cooked dinner isn't something that I normally want. Well, when I ate it, it tasted good but, boy, did it hurt my tummy. I guess baby doesn't like cooked dinner either?? Haha!

School is starting tomorrow. :( Haha! I didn't get a job for this year. :cry: But, I do have 3 weeks of subbing to start so that is pretty good, I guess. I am subbing for my friend who is a sole charge teacher. She is the teacher and the principal and everything. She has 2 students! Well, maybe 3 if the mother of a girl from last year decides to move back home. One girl in grade 2 and one boy in grade 3. (the other girl is in grade 2) It is going to be an interesting experience. I have tomorrow down there (it is a 45 minute drive away) without students to plan and set up and then they come on Wednesday. I know them and they are great kids. I am looking forward to it but also scared all at the same time. Haha!

I hope you are all well. :flower:
Loz - keeping everything crossed he changes his mind and reengages, naughty little man. I know you'll be there now. :hugs:
Loz- I will keep everything crossed that your little trouble maker has righted himself by the time of your scan! I am pretty sure mine is still frank breech today :( he has 10 more days to decide to flip on his own, before I am in the same boat as you! My biggest fear is that my water will break before my next appt and I will have to have an emergency C-section because they won't turn the baby once the waters are gone.
Hope it all went well Loz :hugs:

Mindy, hee hee course i dont mind, just found it made it easier to see who im saying what to, i stole it from someone else!!!


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